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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Aribay1

  1. Aribay1

    Diet Cheating!

    Yup just being a cry baby. Like you said I wasn't prepared for the truth.
  2. Aribay1

    Diet Cheating!

    It's not that I have an answer to why I'm right but maybe I made it seem like this has been going on for days or a week but it happened 2 days and I'm not sitting at home only eating bad things it was two things and no matter how I say I don't think it's a eating problem it's a metal break down I had. And I just don't like being judged on one post. No one's asked how I've been doing besides that Noone knows that I work out and I meet all my Water and Protein and calorie requirements. And maybe I'm being sensitive but that's how I am I've been over weight my entire life I have thin skin and all these comments to me seem like hate and attacks so I'm trying to let everyone know yes I cheated yes I know it's bad yes I read everyone's comments and yes I fixed the issue and yes I did everything I'm suppose to I'm mentaly prepared for the rest of the week and removed all the negativity that caused me to. I thought people would understand the struggle and encourge me by saying stop your hurting yourself and it'll get easier but instead I feel like I've been insulted and made seem like I'm one of those people who thought this would be an easy fix. NOTHING ABOUT THIS HAS BEEN EASY and I thought my bariatric community would understand and boy was I wrong. I didn't want to deal with this alone because not everyone knows I had the surgery. But thanks.
  3. Aribay1

    Diet Cheating!

    Don't get me wrong I drank and ate everything I'm suppose to but I added things that shouldn't have been. I carry my own bottle of water which sucks because my bag is so heavy haha. But yeah! Time to worry about myself and reach my ONEderland goal
  4. Aribay1

    THC in my system?

    I'm sure you get put under for this procedure so I think you'd have to tell the anostisiologist if anything so they know how much to give you and such things like that
  5. Aribay1

    Diet Cheating!

    Yeah that's what it is I'm cheating on I wanted to try it but I put it out of sight (out of mind). So no more nature box it'll still be there when I can have it. I mainly wrote this because I did loose another 5lbs so I'm like I need to really get this shit together so yeah I'm good. And I never cheated on pre op diet I just thought about it. 2 days worth of damage is done. And I'm back on track. food good. I made sure my Water bottle is filled and I brought crystal light if I get sick of it. My Protein shakes are good to go and my meal prep is set. I want to loose what I have left before I hit ONEderland by new years so I'm trying I'm even at the gym now. I can't lift but there's other stuff I'm comfy doing. Thanks I enjoyed your comment
  6. Aribay1

    Diet Cheating!

    Yeah I struggled to get it to so I know the struggle. I'm not perfect I fell off for 2 days and I'm getting my life together. Thanks for the time.
  7. Aribay1

    Diet Cheating!

    Thanks everyone for the tough love I meal preped this morning for 7 days and I go back to work tomorrow so I'll be away from the kitchen. If I see myself fall off I'll read all these comments because a lot of them honestly made me cry and upset but in a good way? But I'll seek help once I know the problem is beyond the 2 days I chose to do what I wasn't suppose to. And to those bashing me based on one snippit of my struggle that's fine. Like someone said I know what I was doing is wrong I just needed the reassurance from a bunch of people I don't know to tell me I'm fucking up. Your all right no more excuses. If Noone else has had a day or two where they fucked up then I'm sorry I insulted you all.
  8. Aribay1

    Had My Surgery Oct 30th 2014

    I was sleeved the same day too! How do you feel now? I'm ready to go back to work and ready for soft food stage!
  9. Aribay1

    Diet Cheating!

    I hear everything everyone is saying trust me. What I mean. By normal is I didn't meal prep the last 2 days so Popeyes was in between classes. Like I said the chips ARE NOT high in carbs or fat or sugar my concern with them is that it's not puree. And by normal I mean I've been out of work for 2 weeks and I'm going insane I want my NORMAL social life back. I went out today and I wasn't able to get in my water so I was just confused with how me and my sleeve will be once I return to all social activities
  10. Aribay1

    Diet Cheating!

    See i don't think it's addiction (I know it sounds like denial) but everything else I'm good like my b.f eats junk and not once do I lick or want a bite I just turn my check. I think I'm just really need a crunch ya know? When I do cheat it's one or two it's not like I lay in bed eating a whole bag. But I will stop because your right my inside are probably wacky and that's scary.
  11. Aribay1

    When to weigh in?

    I'm two weeks out and I just got my own scale I'll either weight myself once a week or every other maybe even only once a month. I just want to get a schedule set ya know?
  12. I don't think it's head hunger I think I'm actually hungry. I drank plenty and eaten my required food. I have a tiny headache and I've been drinking alot more then usualy not feeling full. Also I've been craving a KFC bowl. Should I? It's mashed potatoes gravy cheese and chicken.. I'm still in the puree stage.. All help is appreciated.
  13. Aribay1


    Yeah I was going to become vegan and was told it'd be impossible to get all my protein and proper nutrition post op.
  14. Aribay1

    Yummy Nature Box!

    I pay $20 for 5 3 oz. Bags of nature box. I feel like it's a great deal.
  15. Aribay1


    I'm between being a vegetarian right now because my NUT is strongly against me being one so early in my journey. So I've been having the weirdest cravings. I haven't had beef for a couple months now and all I was is a big fat juice beefy burger. So it's more like in my head.
  16. Aribay1

    Yummy Nature Box!

    I heard of graze too I always see the commercials now. It doesn't catch my eye though.
  17. Aribay1

    Yummy Nature Box!

    It's a program where you pay money and they send you 5 different Snacks once a month. It's usually never the same unless you requests and it's super healthy low in fat and sugar and yummy like today I got lemon drop Cookies, plantain chips, cashew clusters, lemon chips with flax seeds and whole wheat raspberry fig Nuttons and they are all heaven. Google the website I thinks it's worth it.
  18. So I was sleeved October 30 so I'm pretty new. And I don't so much regret this surgery but I think I regret it because I can't eat the foods I love I can't eat what my boyfriend is eating I can't go out to eat yet. And I'm just feeling down. I'm experiencing GERD which sucks. I hate having to be on a schedule Protein 2 hours before and after meals I can't drink Water like I want to (big gulps) I feel like right now it's all about the I can't rather then the I will do. Also I'm pretty bummed because I just want to do zumba and lift weights but I have to wait for a month and it's way too cold out to walk outside and I'd I'm home forget about it. Also I don't return to work till the 14 so I've been pretty sad because I get bored and that gives me enough time to discuss with myself how I just want a large pizza extra cheese. So yeah. This was more of a rant and I'd love input maybe to help me feel better.
  19. Aribay1

    Feeling regret...

    In class yesterday my teacher suprised us with a movie and she brought popcorn for us! My absolute weakness!!!! The smell was driving me crazy!!! I cried inside but I survived. Slowly it's getting easy but not fast enough.
  20. Aribay1

    Feeling regret...

    I know i didn't think it'd be this hard. When I was on the preop diet I almost cried because I wanted popcorn and I'm like what the hell I'm really about to cry about food which made me realize I really had a food addiction
  21. Aribay1

    Feeling regret...

    I don't eat fast food like McDonald's burger King taco bell. Things like that I don't eat but chain restaurants and take out I loveee but I've gotten over it. I'm almost done puree food so I'm happy about that. I did do zumba at home because my concern was I'd pop a stitch or something so I did it slow but I could do it just fine. I'm better now but I feel like I can eat more then I should. And I am bad I have a bite of things I shouldn't like the chicken from my b.f chicken cheese steak and like now I had one flaming hot cheeto so I'm not a saint I'm human but I try not to cave in all the way.
  22. Aribay1


    Yeah I time my food out to the T.
  23. Aribay1


    I'm at two weeks. 3 meals 3 shakes I'm going by the guide the hospital gave me. 2TBS of 3 meals 4tbs if I can handle it 6oz water 4xs a day 4-6oz protein 3 times a day
  24. Aribay1


    No diary but I food prep in advance. I might just make my own KFC bowl. I guess it's just the hunger talking.
  25. Aribay1


    I mean I've eaten my 3 meals my 3 protein shakes all my water and I still feel hungry. I was at school all day so I wasn't active today to burn off my calories.

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