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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by mduffield

  1. Hi Buddies!

    I'm sorry to hear that some of you are struggling. Can you believe we are 20mo out!??

    My weight leveled out around 150lbs ( 10lbs under surgeons goal.) I was able to get under that but had to work out for hours and hardly eat. Not ideal lifestyle.

    Now I'm 20wks prego with my 2nd baby and doing pretty good! I def have a bigger appetite and struggled majorly during the first 16wks with severe nausea. I've put on about 10lbs but my OB is happy and says I'm well within normal range and my labs are good. It's a serious mind trip to be gaining again ( even prego!) and I'll be excited to have this baby and get my body back.

    Eating healthy and exercise is the best thing we can do for our bodies! Start there and limit those portions. Remember lifestyle pays off; not extreme dieting.

    Best of luck to you

  2. Hi all. I had my surgery on the 9th of Jan. It went super and I felt great. Now however I am home from Mexico and am having a hard time. Mostly with weakness and dizzy spells. I almost blacked out in the grocery store today. Kinda scared me. I've tried salt, coffee and also homemade chicken Soup. Not helping. Anyone else have or is having these symptoms?

    Hi! We are all a year out ( 2015 group!) you're sounding dehydrated to me. Sip sip sip!! Try an electrolyte drink? You need to contact your surgeons office and make them aware. They will know how to guide you the best, this early out.

  3. Moment of truth --- I ate like total crap over the holidays! Way to many sweets and my workouts weren't as often as they should have been. Gained 3lbs! ???? ( probably would have been more if I didn't go to the gym.)

    BUT -- one week of eating by the rules and several miles of running and those pesky lbs are gone. This is the victory of the sleeve! You can reign yourself right in and get back into good habits.

    I've been in maintain mode for about three months and working on building more muscle. It's so great, BUT still important to stand on that scale and keep myself in check. I can eat 1,800+ calories (easily) any given day ( and workout days, I'm so hungry!) but with good food choices and my lovely restriction, it keeps me right where I want to be.

    How are you all? Check in please! I love to hear all your success! And if your struggling then you REALLY need to check in ;)

  4. Hi everyone! I'm local Seattle area!

    I'm almost one year post Vsg. ( Jan 9,2015.) Just wanted to reach out and let you all know I'd love to answer any questions you may have about the process, etc! It's been an amazing year of change!

    I'm healthy, well under surgeons goal weight and just loving life! There's still work to do in the skin dept but I couldn't be happier with my results! It's a journey and total life overhaul ... There's tough moments but the successes totally outweigh them. Just keep yourself committed to the process. Cheers to you all!

    Hi, thanks for posting! May I ask what your pre-surgery weight was and how much you have lost?

    I was 240 pre surgery

    220 day of surgery

    My surgeons goal was 160

    Currently 147

    I'm 5'7"

    93 lbs total loss.

  5. Hi everyone! I'm local Seattle area!

    I'm almost one year post Vsg. ( Jan 9,2015.) Just wanted to reach out and let you all know I'd love to answer any questions you may have about the process, etc! It's been an amazing year of change!

    I'm healthy, well under surgeons goal weight and just loving life! There's still work to do in the skin dept but I couldn't be happier with my results! It's a journey and total life overhaul ... There's tough moments but the successes totally outweigh them. Just keep yourself committed to the process. Cheers to you all!

  6. I'm trying I signed up with my trainer today and bough some meal prep containers and completely threw out every single piece of junk food in my house. plus I gave my debit card to my husband and said if I'm not with you then I don't need it cause a drive thru is very tempting. i need to just get motivated. If I could lose this weight I gained and breath a little I would be ok. So I guess the new year it what I need to get back in track.

    Great to hear!! You got this. One day at a time...

  7. I'm having some major issues. I was doing sooo great then in November my son was sick most of it and I had to take off work and not go to the gym and I got super depressed and still in a way am. I'm incredibly upset I'm not anywhere near goal and of course ppl still are calling me really fat which is not helping at all. I have basically given up. I don't care anymore.

    If you posted hoping we'd support a "giving up attitude." WRONG PLACE!

    Don't you dare let other people define you or allow their comments to change YOUR path in life.

    Did they have surgery? Starve for months, have a large amount of weight loss on their own?

    YOU have come far! YOU have successfully lost many pounds. Who cares, if you're not at goal? We all have our own journey. In fact the slower it comes off, the easier it STAYS OFF & your skin recovers.

    Is that enough Pep talk? We are all cheering for you! Give yourself the best Christmas present ever - accept and LOVE your journey and BODY. Surgery, people, Drs... They can't make that choice or fix that. YOU HAVE TO.

    Ok, I'm done now... ???? You're beautiful, pick that lovely self off the floor and keep fighting. Xx

  8. Yes @ zzzombrie I too feel my face and body has aged. My husband thinks I have body dismorphia or image issues since the weightloss lol

    Weight loss can't change the negative view we've all had of ourselves for YEARS. It's a constant battle to keep perspective. I've always been the "bigger girl" so it's very strange to be the same size or smaller than everyone else. I still see myself bigger than I am. I see every wrinkle and area of loose skin. I am SO down on myself! Hubby gets on my case, which I need! Lol

  9. Skin is my priority as well! I'm happy at my current weight. I'm working out 3-4x a week for 40min. My only problem areas are my upper thighs and abdomen. My arms are already tightening Up and I think they will be fine.

    Hubby just booked us a tropical vaca in March! I'm so excited but have three months to work hard! First vaca since surgery ????

  10. @@Aprilhoffman78 - I would definitely have a conversation with your surgeon. Sometimes it's as simple, as a nutrition issue. In my case, I'm working hard to build my muscle back ( enough Protein + reasonable workouts.) I hit goal months back and continue to lose very slowly. 5more lbs is my "dream" but I'm also realizing its thin for me, unless I can get some tone again.

    You maybe just need to eat more. Also, have you had a full blood panel recently? I just got diagnosed with thyroid issues ( AFTER losing 90lbs.) Sometimes we have health factors, we can't control and they effect outcome.

  11. Hi everyone! I had Vsg surgery last January, in Mexico. Fabulous experience and doing really well! I hit my goal by July/aug and an sitting about 10lbs under now. This journey will literally consume your life for a year ( as it needs to!) I just feel now I'm able to put my focus elsewhere and just "live" always have my goals in the back of my mind though. ( hydration, calorie intake, exercise!)

    I went from a size 18 to a 4. I can run miles, I feel great! This journey is worth every hard day it took to get here. :) I live locally in the Seattle area!

  12. We had a d&c 1.5 weeks after this post. We had 2 ultrasounds and were diagnosed with a blighted ovum or false pregnancy. The heartbreak was tremendous and it's thrown my body out of whack. I've struggled with getting back on track with my eating and weight loss too. Praying we get to try again for a healthy pregnancy soon!!

    My heart broke reading this post. I'm so incredibly sorry you had to experience this. I can imagine it's been a roller coaster of emotions. Prayers for you and your family.

  13. I'm so excited for all of us! What supplements are YAll on? I don't see my dr til november 9, but I'm just on regular gel pnv and some extra folic acid per my ob orders. I'm still losing weight. She said when she sees me she will get me to a mfm and nutritionist. She said to just try and graze healthy food. That I shouldn't worry about the weight loss cause it is to be expected and the baby will take what it needs from me.

    I'm still losing as well. A pound or so a week but I'm under goal so I wanna see that stopping here shortly. I feel like I eat all day... But I'm making healthy choices and keeping portions small. I don't feel any give in restriction yet.

    I'm on a chewable prenatal, D and a low dose Iron supplement. I'm struggling with very low blood pressure and low blood sugars as well. Hence my eating often.

    I'm not nearly as nauseated as I was with my daughter, so that's a blessed relief! So far I'm still able to run my 5k a couple times a week and walk/toning exercise on off days.

    I'm nearly 8wks and will be telling people soon! Can't wait!

  14. Can't believe I'm 6 weeks pregnant after having my sleeve surgery almost 2 months ago. Saw my OB today scard to talk to my surgeon, they said wait until a year to conceive. Happy to know I'm not the only one. Just turned 40. Feeling terrified and stupid. Do people have ok pregnancies after getting pregnant so early? Will this mess up our sleeve surgery? Scared and confused!

    Congrats! As long as your ob is aware of the surgery, they should be able to direct you. You'll need labs done often and make sure your getting proper nutrition for baby. You can still be successful as long as you follow orders appropriately.

    At ten months out I still have tight restriction. A meal for me is 200 calories. I eat six small meals a day and measure my Water to make sure it's enough.

    Your gonna do fine! Your body is capable of amazing things.

    Be sure to exercise as well! ;)

  15. First of all - CONGRATS! Babies are the greatest gift.

    Second - Take a breath. Its gonna be ok! You become more fertile as you lose weight and may women have faced early post op pregnancies. Get to a OBGYN as soon as possible. your surgery will make it a high risk pregnancy. go and read the pregnancy forum on here, you will feel less alone. :-)

    At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what people think. Its not their body or journey.

    Happy Anniversary too! My Hubby and I just celebrated our 6th. :-)

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