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Posts posted by NJChick

  1. Good Morning,

    Dianne, glad your birthday was a good one. DH asked me what I want for Christmas and usually its ohhh nothing, but this year I want the Ipod Touch.... can't wait *GIGGLE*

    Mandy, whats in Johnny's hand on the 2nd card? looks like some sort of golden dildo or something ROFLMFAO !!!!! oink.

    Now that would be some birthday gift eh. LOLOL

    Kat Elk hunting? LOLOL well just be happy you know where the man is :P peeing in the snow haaaaaaaaaaaaaa only men I tell ya, only men. My DH used to hunt but sitting in the snow freezing his arse off doesn't excite him anymore. A living room full of Walmart sounds like fun...enjoy ;) and I'm happy everyone is doing well.

    Jessica, never heard of Blue Tulip, now I gotta keep my eyes peeled for it. I get frustrated after wrapping a few gifts, I can't imagine doing it for hours, especially without the tv on in the background LOL. Looks like its gonna be a crapy cold rainy day today, whats doing by you? are you south jersey? I'm as north as north as you can get. I can spit out my window and basically hit NY LOL.

    Well.... TOM visited me yesterday and it explains why I felt so sick and dizzy lately but I feel like a cold is also on the way, oy freakin vey.

    My house is a disaster, I did no cleaning yesterday. We made stew and gingerbread Cookies and you would think an army ran through my kitchen....I'm such the slob. Where's Hazel when you need her (crap thats dating myself or what).

    Okay girlies....... I'm gonna pry my rump off this chair and start cleaning......how depressing LOLOL Maybe I'll check back in later.

  2. Good Morning Ladies,

    Geeze its quiet in here. Is everyone shopping?

    Happy Hanukkah Everyone - :kev:

    Dianne (Sunsett) HAPPY BIRTHDAY :happybday:

    Cindy congrats on the new job and office, I hope its everything you dreamed of and that you truly enjoy it. How's your DD doing?

    Betty, how are you feeling love? don't tell me your fighting that gawd awful stomach dizzy thingy thats going around.

    Jessica here we go again, another damp, icy, snowy day in joisey. I just hope it melts in the streets so its not dangerous driving. Watcha doing this weekend?

    Patty you've had some year haven't you :) we can only pray that 2008 is a better one. I'm glad your here posting when you can.

    Sherry GET THAT TREE UP ROFLMFAO !!!!! You need a tiny prelit predecorated tree girl LOLOL, just stick it on the table and poof ... done :eek: How's the WL going .... your doing so well..YEAH YOU!!

    Mandy that story about the missing woman makes me sick to my stomach...how awful, just awful that must be for that family, friends and relatives of that poor little woman. I mean she's just 100 lbs, how could she fight back if some one was grabbing her. UGGGG I hope they catch the BAST*** and do the same to him. Its times like this that I say, an eye for an eye. She is in my prayers and her family as well :Banane20:

    Pat.......oh Pat.... whatcha up to woman? are you all done with your Christmas shopping? hey what do you buy for your Mom at Christmas? I always have a hard time with mine...never know what to get elderly folks.

    Darcy....... just know we love you!!! your in my prayers and I'm so sorry your going thru a rough time, but know any time you want an ear to listen..we are here.

    Kat...how are you feeling and how is darlink Rick? oh and that lovely little grandbaby?

    Today is Breakfast w/santa, then karate, then to Moms to help out with her bills because gosh forbid any of the other tarts in my family help...noooooo. Then its food shopping and hopefully time to sit by the tree and gaze in its beauty.

    Whats going on with you chickies.

    BEANIE WHERE ARE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *WAVE* To all the chickies I missed LOVE YOU !!!! :kiss2:

  3. Happy Sunday,

    Its a beautiful snowy morning and Im so glad I don't have to go traveling in it LOL DH and DD are outside playing while I sit in here and ache like crazy. My lower back does not like the wet weather, it makes it so its very hard to move. So I've given up worrying about the cleaning for today.

    How are all you chickies ?


  4. Good Morning,

    Pat I'm glad your waiting and not letting that doc make the calls during surgery... you Smarty Pants you.

    Nothing much is going on in Eileenieland, SOSDD...today is Karate *DROOL* and tonight I'm going to a Jewelry party (Lia Sophia)...my friend from HS is giving the party. I haven't seen her since her DH's funeral (an old man hit him [car] and he was killed instantly :girl_hug: She sounds in good spirits though.

    Udder dan dat........ sosdd.... the house is all decorated, I'm done shopping for the most part 98%.

    Anyone hear from Dianne (NC) and Beanie ??? I miss those girls.


    Have a great Saturday.


  5. Sing to the tune: Winter Wonderland

    Lacy things -- the wife is missin',

    Didn't ask -- her permission,

    I'm wearin' her clothes,

    Her silk pantyhose,

    Walkin' 'round in women's underwear.

    In the store -- there's a teddy,

    Little straps -- like spaghetti,

    It holds me so tight,

    Like handcuffs at night,

    Walkin' 'round in women's underwear.

    In the office there's a guy named Melvin,

    He pretends that I am Murphy Brown.

    He'll say, "Are you ready?" I'll say,"Whoa, Man!"

    "Let's wait until our wives are out of town!"

    Later on, if you wanna,

    We can dress -- like Madonna,

    Put on some eyeshade,

    And join the parade,

    Walkin' 'round in women's underwear!

    :omg: :guess :guess :guess :guess :guess :guess :guess :guess :omg:

  6. Hi Kids,

    I didn't go shopping today, instead I did a whole poop load of cleaning and I still have a whole poop load more to go...gosh we are slobs. We put our Christmas lights up outside yesterday, it was to warm not to. Slowly, I'll do inside and tomorrow the tree goes up. I made some Turkey salad with cranberries, apples and raisins mmmmm mmmmm. Gee I wonder why my pants are tight OY VEY.

    Pat.... are you having surgery on the 3rd? is it a done deal?

    Haaaaaa on Dh and the corvette... my favorite car is a 1959 corvette, red and white...dang that thing is purdy and I'm not a car person per sey....nothing impresses me lol (cept a buffet lol).

    Betty, Kat, Sherry, Mandy, glad you all had a good day and got some good bargins :hug:

    Well its back to the movie (Santa Clause III).

    Have a wonderful night everyone ;)


  7. Hi Girlies,

    Diane, don't worry about the fills, you'll be fine. What I do is just close my eyes and poof, its over. But I still get the willies going even though I know it doesn't hurt...its me nature lol.

    Cindy WHOOOT is right, congratulations on getting the job, and at home yet...you rock! Hey a mixer is a nice gift...practicle like me :P

    Kat I'm glad your not cooking, you just rest up kiddo :)

    Jessica I remember not being able to have mushies until my 3rd week and it drove me insane. At the end of my 2nd week I remember sucking on Gold Fish crackers just for freakin flavor...yes its a rough time but its worth it not to get hurt. Good luck at your visit.

    Patty, good to see ya love. I don't blame you for not wanting your boys to go to Az. Especially Lewis..... just follow your gut feelings ... thats all anyone can do. Yes, I hope 2008 is a better year for you :)

    Well I'm not sure if I'll be here tomorrow but I wanted to wish you all a very Blessed & HAPPY THANKSGIVING and enjoy the time with your friends and family.

    Catch ya later.... taters ;)


  8. Hey Girlies,

    I had to get my arse in here to check on our Kat... I'm so glad your home and resting more comfy (well the best you can). There really is power in prayer :scared: feel better sweetie and take it easy. Tell Rick thank you for letting us know how you were doing. Gina, thank you for posting about Kat :hug:

    Cindy, I'm really glad all that mess is over, geeze what a long process. Now back to life huh. GOOD LUCK with your interview/chat with the honcho cheese :fish: I'm sure they will love to have you as one of their very own. So what is DD asking for....for christmas?

    Diane, I'm not so sure I could hang upside down, how in the heck would I get up LOLOL and with all that blood rushing to my head *DIZZY* lolol. I would like to try it but wouldn't want to invest the $$$ into something I might not like. To bad theres no place to try it a few times. Makes you youthfull huh ...hmmmmmmmmmmmm lolol. How are you doing ???

    Sherry toots.... *WAVE*

    Whats on everyones Christmas list ?? what are you asking your partner/spouce/other for ? I want an Ipod... yeah... thats it.

    Okay I gotta run.... boss is coming out of a meeting *ROLLINGEYES*

  9. Did I meantion he isn't skinny? 5'11" 215lbs. Because he plays soccer, he thinks he's physically fit. I'm getting over him slowly, but surely.... thx...

    That-a-girl !!!!

    Why do a lot of fat / chunky guys think they are all that? I see a lot of fat guys who lift weights and think their mantits are muscle???? Which brings me to my next question.... why do we have so many tv shows with a fat guy and a skinny beautiful wife?? king of queens, the world according to jim, the flintstones, the honeymooners, and that other show on channel 2...can't think of its name but they guy is not only fat but fugly? Are there any shows with large and lovely ladies and a really hot hot guy ??? noooooooooooooooooooooo *shrug*

    Okay rant over LOL ROFLMfFFFFAO :) heheheheheee.


  10. Shoot, I was in the middle of posting and I hit the submit reply key duh !!!

    My DD got her first stripe on her Karate belt yesterday.... CAN YOU SAY PROUD MAMA !!!!! she was glowing.

    Welll lets see, nothing much is going on today. Loads and loads of laundry and cleaning. I refuse to cook today LOL, with thanksgiving in 4 days there will be to much food in the house anyway (yeah thats a good excuse lol).

    I made a Harvest tree for my house, its small, about 2 feet or so, but its warms the house....love that feeling.

    Other than that, SOSDD. Happy Sunday everyone :)




  11. Aww I'm so sorry he did that to you. He's a Shallow Hal for sure, what a jerk. What ever you do, don't let that ass destroy your efforts and your selfesteem.

    You will get over it (fat issue), as soon as you meet a guy who loves you for YOU, fat, thin, what ever...and you will meet him. Don't give up and remember, you too can be picky :)

  12. Good Morning,

    Kat !!!! oh Kat !!! how ya feeling girlie, did everything go okay?

    Jetti, drink what ever shake you like, its really all an individual thing, but I believe I read once that the body can't absorb (digest) more than 30 gms of Protein in one shot, so if you have a drink thats 35 gms, have some for Breakfast and some for a snack.< /p>

    Nothing much is new over here in Joisey. Does anyone know where Beanie is? boy I miss that girl. I hope she's doing okay.

    Sherry glad the unfill went okay.... your doc sounds like a quack lol. I'm getting the nerve up to make an appt to go get one early in december... its just the embarrassment of gaining weight ya know, but I know I need one badly.

    Well today I get to see that HOT karate instructor and then its home for some cleaning. My spine is really bad with this damp/cold weather. I can barely stand w/out looking like a 90 year old...and to bend...forgedaboutit. I'm sure with more weight loss I would feel a little better so its an incentive for lack of a better word.

    I can't believe its almost Thanksgiving. Everyone getting ready for the big day?

    Well girlies, you all have a wonderful day.

  13. Hello Y'all!

    Well, I worked in the new job and it certainly is challenging. I am at the same place, just a different position. I still have tons of stuff to learn, but I really do like it. I am just too busy to think right now, and the last thing I want to do is be on a computer after all the stuff I am learning on one! lol

    Wholey crap Batman, I thought I wrote this post....had to do a double-take.

    Hang in there Betty !!! ;)


  14. If you love pumpkin, you'll love this.... at least I do.

    This recipe was give to me by one of my best friends who has lost 85+ lbs by following a Mediterranean diet. She is not banded. She is truly amazing and has learned to cook so healthy and wonderful. Thanks LINNY !!!!!

    You can adjust this recipe any way you like and it still turns out wonderful.

    2 tablespoons vegetable oil

    1/2 cup chopped onion

    1 cup chopped red bell peppers

    1 clove garlic

    1 pound ground chicken breast or turkey

    2 (14.5 ounce) cans canned peeled and diced tomatoes

    1 (15 ounce) can LIBBY'S® Pumpkin Pie yes, the pie stuff :P

    1 (15 ounce) can canned Tomato sauce

    1 (15.25 ounce) can canned kidney Beans, drained

    1 (4 ounce) can ORTEGA® Diced Green Chiles

    1/2 cup whole kernel corn

    1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder

    1 teaspoon ground cumin

    1 teaspoon salt

    1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

    HEAT vegetable oil in large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onion, bell pepper and garlic; cook, stirring frequently, for 5 to 7 minutes or until tender. Add chicken or turkey; cook until browned. Drain.

    ADD tomatoes with juice, pumpkin, tomato sauce, Beans, chiles, corn, chili powder, cumin, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low. Cover; cook, stirring occasionally, for 30 minutes.


    You can put in what ever you want, any veggies, beans etc.

    I also put in to bulk it up, zucchini, squash, green beans, peas, carrots (canned).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
