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Posts posted by NJChick

  1. Hi Girls

    Here's a new member of our family ... Emma :tt2: She's a sheltie/collie mix, 1 year old (in heat oy vey) but very sweet.

    Wow, there's alot going on here, forgive me for not addressing everyone.

    Donna welcome to bandland.... enjoy the ride :lol:

    Pat !! virginia ROFL !!!!

    Sherry... I've been having terrrrrrrrible acid reflux for the past few months (well really longer) and been reading up on it. I went to bed bath and beyond ((((formerly called bed bitches and beyond LOL))))) and got this bedwedge. It took 2 nights to get used to but IT WORKS !!!!!!! for me that is. You might want to try it. Bed Bath & Beyond Product

    Last night I didn't sleep with it and I was pratically choking in my sleep most of the night. I love this thing.

    Anyway.... its nice to see you all so chatty. Nothing is new here, cept Emma. I have to puppy proof my kitchen today and get Emma's arse in a flea bath, she's biting to much. Then its off to the pet store for toys she can chew other than my DD's stuff LOL.

    Tonight its off to the carnival and fireworks :)

    Have a great day chicklets.... love yah !!!



  2. My stinking post was wiped out...wholey crap !!!!!!!!

    Donna since I only check in on the weekends I wanted to say good luck wednesday.

    Sherry glad your party is over with, its so much work. Yes OTC prilosec is small and easy to take, they are flat and thin. I never had acid reflux until last year. It went away and is now back which makes me scared to get a fill which i so need.

    Pat ...?? ... gutter ??? what ever are you talking about :ohmy:

    Looks like a sucky day out, its cloudy and looks like rain. I went food shopping already this morning, 7 AM when the doors opened lol. I hate crowds. So now I'm ready for a nap...no energy I tell yah. Oh well.

    Chicks.... see ya next weekend. Behave now ;)


  3. Good morning,

    Sherry glad the party is over, its always alot of work isn't it. Yes I can take the OTC prilosec ...they are pretty small but you can only take them for 14 days and then not for another 4 months ??? thats what the package says. I didn't have acid reflux before surgery but am now getting it. Last time was about a year ago, now its back and I'm it seems to be lasting longer.


  4. Good Morning,

    Wow, its good to see this board all chatty again.

    After today I will no longer be a virgin.... (((trying to figure that one out eh Pat))) haaaaaaaa I'm getting my very first pedicure AND manicure. Yep at the ripe old age of 43. My DD who's almost 7 has had 2 of them already ROFLMFAO !!!! Kids.

    Trish... I used to suck on goldfish crackers...pizza flavor saved my life haaaaa !!!! Just don't go to crazy now LOL

    Donna welcome :redface: this is a great group. Ohh the PITA nutritionalist haaaaa what a joke. When I went the woman nutjob told me that all I'd ever be able to eat was the size of a small teeny babyfood jar. Yeah right!!! Well I should go to her office today and bring a 6" sub and show her a thing or two. They are clueless when it comes to wls. But thats jmho.

    Jetti Happy Birthday :smile: Have you tried a steroid cream OTC on your back? that might help. Ohhh vacation, have a great trip.

    Diane glad your feeling better hon.... musta been the drink eh :smile:

    Kat did you post pictures of yourself somewhere... I gotta go nosey around.

    Pat that bike is awesome, the trunk is big enuf to fit my fat ass yowzers !!!!! Hey... river is fine... is it closer? I'd love for us chicks to have a meet up soon.

    Betty boop! how's every little thing in Tx? Have you heard from Beanie at all....gosh I wonder how she's doing, I really miss her. Cindy too.. wonder where they went to. Does any one have their addy's?

    Sherry toots, I know you've tried everything for the acid....but I guess I have to ask... are you eating to fast? I am and I have acid too. i'm taking to big bites and eating way to much. I just finished two weeks of Prilosec... it helps alot. Feel better sweetie.

    Everyone have a great day... ttyt.


  5. Good Morning,

    Diannie bannanie good to see ya girlie. I understand about not posting alot, its hard when your day is packed and your on the pc alot or in your case talking about the LB all day. I never turn the pc on when I get home, its the last thing I want to look at lol. Good luck on your surgery sweetie... you've been through so much :frown: Let us know when your home ... k.

    Hi Girlies... nothing new, sosdd. Never made it to the honda dealer yesterday, the day got so busy and before we knew it, poof it was 7 pm. They are closed today so it'll have to be next week. *evil grin*

    Had some horrible storms last night...you would think it was august here in jersey for crying out loud.

    Happy Fathers day..... any fathers here?? ROflMfAO!! is there something your not telling us lol. Okay... i gotta go make dh some Breakfast....its the least I can do right lol.

    Have a great day lovies.


  6. Hi Lovies,

    Great to see so many posting again... oldies and newbies :smile2:

    I'm sorry no personals today, there's just so much info here my head's gonna pop (((well you know it doesn't take much for me lol))).

    To bad we can't do one big meet up, that would be awesome!!!! You know. ... like at Pat's house :P

    Still struggling with wl ... actually weight gain uggggh. So in a nutshell nothing is new, sosdd. Still fighting the thought of another fill.

    Got a busy day, karate (dd), a visit to FIL...haven't seen him since his stroke 2 weeks ago...poor old thing. Then we are going to the honda dealer that I said we were going to last week LOL...gonna check out the pilot. Then if the night time storm doesn't hit us to early, we'll take a swim.

    How are all you chickies doing? I so wish I had more time to be here :thumbup:

  7. Better late then never eh... or is it fashionably late haaaaaaa !!!

    Hi Goils !!!!

    Yesterday was insane !!!! insane I tell you. :incazzato: <--- love that guy.

    OMG was it hot yesterday, after rushing in the morning to get me and dd ready, we went to karate and then a friend invited us to a lake where I sat (didn't swim ick) and roasted my nuts off. I had such a heat headache when I got home, you know the one where you feel like puking.

    I dreamed of my pool all day, then when we got home and I uncovered the pool a freaking lightening storm decided to show up... back in the house... it passed....back to the pool...swam for a bit....another heat storm showed up....back in the house LOLOL OY VEY what a day LOL.

    I want a Wii... but its not in the cards at the moment, things are just so freakin expensive and with gas prices so high its really killing us. The game sounds like so much fun though lol.:driving:

    Sherry Congratulations to your DS for graduating :) Did you go to the party last night? sounds like fun but whats going on? isn't it to hot for june. I hate just standing outdoors and sweating...not even moving but yer sweating..and lets not forget sticking to chairs... ICK lolol. WTH?

    Betty, I miss you guys too, sorry I wasn't here yesterday, I was completely insane trying to get out of the house. Whats shakin toots. Yes the pool is open and we started swimming in it memoral day weekend...how about you?

    Jetti, you look great sweetie, your doing fantastic. Congrats on the trip, I'm glad you got a better offer. These days with the cost of everything, gas uuuugh, it feels good to save something $$$. Was it hot enuf for you yesterday OMG.... well... hold on to your britches because we're in for another round of this crap today LOL.

    Kat you busy little bee. You have my head spinning with all you do. How are you feeling, my gosh you must look HOT!!! pictures? pictures? How's the family?

    Dianne, good to see ya love, whats shakin in your neck of the woods? whatcha been up to?

    Pat, I'm getting out the teeniest violin because you had to work the other day ROFLMFAO !!!! Hey Chickie, how's your grandson? been thinking of the little bugger lately and don't know why? How's Mom?

    Trish welcome to the Joisey board.. and congrats on the band :huggie: how are you feeling love?

    Where are the rest of the chicks? :sad:

    Have a great weekend (whats left) and I'll see you next weekend or maybe this week if the boss is out :tt2:

    Love & Miss you guys.


  8. Good Afternoon,

    Its a nice quiet day, I just love it when people go away on vacation..the town is just so quiet and nice. DD and I went bike riding. I actually got my fat ass on a bike and did a good 1/2 hr ride. Thats alot for me. I like my bike now that I got a new fat ass seat at Walmart :sad: I ever got DD one for her little bike. They are just to comfy. Nothing much is going on, just being lazy around the house and enjoying the relaxing time off for once.

    Pat..whats shakin toots? What the heck did the surgeon do to your boobies? How's every little thing? How's Mom?

    Betty spaghetti good to see ya chickie. Glad your loving your new PC. Mine is very old and outdated, slow as crap but for the internet, its ok. I'm not on it that much to really justify a new one. Our pool is to cold... not quite 80 degrees. I need 85 - 90 to swim (the Water that is). Enjoy.

    Well girlies... I'm outta here... gonna go tye dye some shirts with dd.

    Have a great week :)


  9. Kat ohhhhhh my sweet friend, I'm so glad your surgery is over and your on your way to a bikini :biggrin: feel better sweetie and be gentle on yourself, the pain scares the crap out of me.

    Sherry, pheeew on the accident. I'm glad you didn't sustain worse injuries my gosh. How are you feeling? One thing about accidents is usually a few weeks later something else winds up hurting. Be careful.

    Jetti congrats on the wl w/out a fill, thats like almost unheard of. You go girl !!!!

    Pat :rolleyes2:

    Well kiddies... its memorial weekend and still no fill for me. bak bak bak bak.... Every time I say I'm going to go, I come up with some sort of excuse sigh. Here I have this amazing tool and I don't want to use it properly .... some one give me a big swift kick will yah.

    Other than that, SOSDD... been awake since 5 am, cleaned the living rm, kitchen, bathroom, fish tank, hamster cage and i'm pooped !!! LOL I have to shower and then the rest of the day is mine mine mine :redface: well sort of lol.

    Love you girls... it may be slow in here but its great to pop in and know your all here. I do miss the other chicklets though.

    Have a great Memorial Day weekend and be safe.



    Hello ladies, how are you?

    Its good to be here and see you all. Every time I log into LBT there's something different LOL

    Nothing much is new, SOSDD... I took a karate class today with my DD, boy those kids get a work out. I did one pushup and 3 situps haaaaaaaaaaa I'm such a loser ROFLMFAO. What were they thinking.

    Thanks for the hugs and wishes with my pup... I sure do miss her... my heart is still empty if ya know what I mean.

    Other than that, its the same old crap going on. Works been so busy.

    Whats shakin with you guys?


  11. Hi Chickies,

    Its been an aweful week. We had to put down my darling Susie. She had cancer an her tumor was just so big she wasn't eating anymore and could barely walk. It was the first time in 20 years I saw my DH cry. My DD said "daddy, I didn't know you could cry." My house and heart feel so empty.

    I need to bite the bullet and just go for a fill...yeah I've been saying that for a year now but I've gained 10 lbs back :( WTF. My boss is out this week so hmmmm wednesday sounds like a good time to go.

    Sherry hope DS had a good birthday :) Sorry your fill is acting ******-up. Mine does too. But boy can I eat.

    Kat I'll be praying for your DD :) oh and congrats on the new ring...you go girl.

    Mandy have fun with the bike

    Diane we'll both envy the girls and their bikes. I wouldn't dare get one here. To much road rage in these parts.

    Jetti...how ya doing sweetie? how is your band?

    Betty Boop !! :)

    Well kiddies, I must go clean upstairs, the fish tank and the hamster cage. I have a 2 PM dinner date with a friend :)

    Where's the rest of the gang????? anyone hear from Cindy, Beanie, etc.???

    Pat !!! I see you !!!

    Forgot to add a picture of my beloved Susie....



  12. Hi Everyone,

    Gee sounds like so many of us could use some prayers. You ALL are in mine :(

    We're going to have to put our dog down in a few days, she is all swollen and the cancer is really taking its toll on her. I am just so tired of crying, I feel like crap.

    Work is work... they had a big layoff friday (I was off friday) so who know's if I'll have a job come monday morning *shrug*

    Nothing ele is new.... sosdd.

    Love you guys :grouphug:

  13. Hi Everyone :biggrin:

    What a beautiful day it is, sunny and WARM !!! aaaaaaaaah. We have 2 hrs of karate today and a trip to the park for a picnic.

    Diane... the book is good, so far my kitchen is decluttered and he really makes you think about what your eating..and doing to your body by eating junk. I'm trying to make slow changes. Getting a book audio is great, because you can listen to it any time you need a "pep talk" or reminder of what you should do. What I REALLY need is a fill.

    Mandy glad your okay hon.

    Kat.... MAY 20th wowee your gonna be hotter than hot huh :biggrin: good luck sweetie.

    Jzlion WELCOME to bandland and the NJ board.... I'm from northern NJ... how about you?

    Ivan how are you?

    Betty :biggrin:

    Pat :crying:

    Sherry :biggrin:

    Jess :cry_smile:

    I really miss you chickies... any one hear from Beanie Cindy ????


  14. Hi Girls,

    Sorry I'm MIA. Been so freakin busy I can't see strait. Today is yet another crazy day, I don't mind being busy but I miss having time to chat with everyone. Things are okay here, still fat, still sassy..sosdd.

    I'll be back later tonight to catch up with everyone. Boy I miss you guys. I did so much better with my WL when I posted :biggrin:

    I got this new book called Does this clutter make my butt look fat... can't wait to read it. LOL

    Well kids.... see ya later.

    Love, Eileen

  15. i've never used a lot of these ingredients and was wondering if they really were close to the foods they are representing.. like squash for spaghetti and cauliflower (sp) for potatoes. I'd like to try these recipes but they have to be close enough to fool my overly picky husband.. can any tell me if they really do resemble the other foods?

    The texture of the cauliflower is not like potatoes but done right the taste is great !!

    I personally do not like spaghetti squash :wink:

  16. Hi Girlies *WAVE*

    I'm feeling sooo much better, thank you for your well wishes. That was a rough 2 weeks. What I needed was rest and wasn't getting it. The squirts came back over the weekend and I headed out to the doctor. He yelled...said I needed rest and with in 2 days I felt back to normal .... what the heck is normal anyway?

    We did not have Easter with the family yesterday b/c we were all sick, so were they. So we're going to Celebrate this Saturday.

    Now I'm home from work with my DD who has a fever and caugh.. oy vey!

    Neeley WELCOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm also from NJ... Northern, right dab smack next to the NY boarder :)

    Dianne... I hope your tests come out good. ... Lord knows you've been through enough. Another chapter indeed *HUGS*

    Pat... ya think the screwdrivers made ya sick?? eeeerrrrrrr lolol. Ya feeling better?

    Jetti how ya doing hon? your stats look wonderful *hug*

    Betty girl, rest up. I know what you mean.. so much to do and no time to do it.

    Sherry ditto's.. we're all tired and busy lol. I was thinking OMG where is our lovely Cindy, Beanie, Patty and the rest of our sweet group :) I really miss them.

    Kat... you just amaze me. With everything you have been through you just keep going... AND branding cows to boot... you ROCK !!!!! How's Rick feeling lately? he had a rough bout to say the least and your DD and GD??

    Well girlies...back to laundry....might as well make myself useful while I'm stuck at home.

    Luv yah's :wub:



  17. Hi Ladies,

    Just a quickie post as I'm as dizzy as anything. Went home Friday with the nastiest stomach pains. So from Friday up until now, I've have the most intense ummmmmmmmm how shall I say this.... hershey squirts ... so bad I'm bleeding CAN YOU SAY FLU ??? and on top of it all, Auntie Flo is here, so now I need two corks uggggh... I'm weak, tired, dizzy, hungry..yes hungry haaaaaaaa and prob 5 lbs lighter LOL. I gotta go to work tomorrow to.... how in the world I'm gonna do it? dunno... just hopefully pucker my cheeks and wish for the best. Just what you all wanted to hear huh LOL.

    I can't believe next week is Easter.... where does the time fly?

    Well girlies, my head is pounding, its good to see you all and I wish I could stay on longer to do personals... until next weekend :rolleyes:

    God Bless !!

    Eileen :tt2:

  18. Good morning,

    Betty feel better :thumbup:

    Kat feel better :angry:

    Diane.... hope your trip was great..can't wait to hear about it.

    Pat love....whatcha up to ????

    Well the rain stopped, doesn't look like a lot of flooding will happen...not what they called for anyway, but then WTF do I know.

    Going through your changes SUCK.... I cried yesterday every 10 minutes about nothing...wth? what a difference a day can make...phewww I'm glad its over with LOL.

    You chicks have a WONDERFUL week ahead and stay safe, healthy and happy. I miss you all so much.


  19. Good Morning,

    What a lovely rain storm we are getting today... its calling for major flooding..oy vey.

    The week was busy as usual, nothing much to post about, sosdd. Went to a Casting Crowns concert last weekend...it was WONDERFUL !!!!

    Today DD has a birthday party at ...... get this ...... A Salon and Bakery ???????? WTF ???????? I've never heard of any such thing for kids... I mean what do they do... style their hair and feed them donuts at the same time.... and what sort of donuts could be in a salon..hairy donuts ewwwwwww. This aught to be good LOLOL Things just keep getting weirder and wierder.

    Kat....feel better sweetie :)

    Pat .... blowing noses, farting and coochies.... all righty then LOLOL You are a brave soul. Size 10?????? you go girl... my left leg is a size 10.

    Sherry...hope thins went okay with the cancer guy...thats so sad. I hear yah on being so tired. Yesterday I picked DD up from school around 5:30 and was so tired I went to the drive through hot dog place and got her a dog. I never do that b/c fast food is just chit....but I was so tired I wanted a break. Today I'll be roasting a chicken and making a pot pie.

    Jetti.... you getting alot of rain? we got a call from the police yesterday because they are warning people who live near the river of possible flooding. Up north they are getting hammered with snow.

    Betty....good to see you girl, I hear ya on being so busy.

    Mandy....how's Abi?????

    Well girls, I must get this big beautiful body :lol: in the shower... off to a hairy bakery LOLOL ya know...that sounds kinky.

    Anyway.... have a good day...TTYL


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