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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NJChick

  1. NJChick

    November chat...again....

    Hiya Ladies, Nothing much happening today, gonna see FIL in the nursing home/rehab. They diagnosed him with Alzheimers ((which I could have told them that years ago...schmucks.... long story anyway)). He'll be coming home soon and I don't know how my wheel chair bound MIL is going to handle him... so we shall see. Dianne, how was your trip to SC? are you still there? Pat believe it or not, I hate only a handful of popcorn... the raisinetts tasted MUCH better haaaaaaaaa Cute kitty Mandy. Chrispy how are you feeling? Veggie I agree with Pat.... that picture would make a great avitar. You can see your pretty face Cindy love or shall I say bunny girl...... :eek: hope your not doing to much work today. Well I gotta go clean my bed room TTYL. HUGS
  2. NJChick

    is tuna a Mush food?

    I ate it as a mushy and gosh did it taste goooooooood!!! Just go slow and take very small amounts in, chew chew chew until it melts in your mouth. Slow is the key to not hurting yourself and chew well.
  3. I agree with Leatha, just go slow and you'll know if your taking in to much at a given time. Listen to your body's signals.
  4. NJChick

    November chat...again....

    Well Hidey Ho Everyone, I just read up on y'all and I'm glad everyone is doing well or on their way to feeling better What a long freakin week at work, the boss had nothing to do so it made my life miserable LOLOL. PITA!!!!! He's such a PITA, its his way or no way and basically you can call him a spoiled brat.... drives me nuts. Anywhooooo Its SATURDAY !!!! Whooooot. I have a apple/cinnamon glad oil/candle burning and it makes the entire first floor smell lovely. They only last about 2 hours and the flame goes off by itself when its done... nice for knuckle heads like me. Cindy I took DD to see Santa 3 and we laughed, martin short and tim allen were wonderful together, it was a great movie. I ate an entire box of raisinetts and 1/2 box of goobers... dinner wouldn't go down so I justified the candy in my mind LOLL..... who's the goofy goober??? My back/hip is feeling alot better, I can actually sit for more than 15 minutes (geee... thats not good either LOL) and I can tie my shoes. Boy did hurting my back set me back (no pun intended but funnnnny haaaaa). Today is cleaning and making baked ziti at DD's request. My house is not dirty but boy we have ALOT of clutter and it drives me bonkers. oh well. Whats up with you all ???? Veggie..... good luck hon on the liquid diet, I know its hard but it is gonna be so worth it. Try keeping busy to make the day go by faster. :Banane20:
  5. Valley is in Ridgewood NJ Pascack Valley is in Westwood NJ I would assume you would go to the surgeon's office for a fill (thats where I go in Hackensack) or they might have you go to the hospital.. not sure, you'd have to call the surgeon.
  6. NJChick

    November chat...again....

    Hi Kids.... yep you got it, can't talk. Just wanted to say Yello and I'll talk tomorrow morning..... I really gotta play the lottery more
  7. NJChick

    November chat...again....

    Hi Chicklets, sorry I can't play. Boy am I gonna have alot of reading to do come saturday morning. Lov yah's !!!!
  8. NJChick

    November chat...again....

    Hi ladies, I'm sorry I can't read up or chat today. Your all in my thoughts. Luv yahs.
  9. NJChick

    The Picture Thread

    Awww Pat, glad its all done now.... *hug*
  10. NJChick

    November chat...again....

    Well, Girl Potato and Boy Potato had eyes for each other, and finally they got married, and had a little sweet potato, which they called 'Yam.' Of course, they wanted the best for Yam. When it was time, they told her about the facts of life. They warned her about going out and getting half-baked, so she wouldn't get accidentally mashed, and get a bad name for herself like 'Hot Potato,' and end up with a bunch of Tater Tots. Yam said not to worry, no Spud would get her into the sack and make a rotten potato out of her! But on the other hand she wouldn't stay home and become a Couch Potato either. She would get plenty of exercise so as not to be skinny like her Shoestring cousins. When she went off to Europe, Mr. and Mrs. Potato told Yam to watch out for the hard-boiled guys from Ireland. And the greasy guys from France called the French Fries. And when she went out west, to watch out for the Indians so she wouldn't get scalloped. Yam said she would stay on the straight and narrow andwouldn't associatewith those high class Yukon Golds, or the ones from the other side of the tracks who advertise their tr ade on all the trucks that say, 'Frito Lay.' Mr. and Mrs. Potato sent Yam to Idaho P.U. (that's Potato University) so that when she graduated she'd really be in the Chips. But in spite of all they did for her, one-day Yam came home and announcedshe was going to marry Tom Brokaw. Tom Brokaw! Mr. and Mrs. Potato were very upset. They told Yam she couldn't possibly marry Tom Brokaw because he's just....... Are you ready for this? Are you sure? * * * * * * * OK! Here it is! * * * * * * * * * * * A COMMON TATER
  11. NJChick

    November chat...again....

    Hiya Goils, Sherry... catchcha on the rebound Betty, keep washing those hands too. The way you catch colds is airbound but also from people coughing in their hands and touching stuff..ick. A bottle of that instant hand sanitizer is a good thing to have at your desk too. Keep well. Back is better, but the hip is aweful..it'll just take time. Mary I'm glad the kids had fun... did you take digital pictures? that would be funny if you actually got him looking out the window. Got a turkey in the oven already and I need to do laundry, some more tidying up AGAIN because you know once DH got home after work yesterday things around here expode..draws open, crap gets thrown all over the place LOLOL !!!!! Oy vey. Have a groovy day everyone
  12. NJChick

    The Picture Thread

    okay what'd I miss??? Pat why did you cover everything and what stupid people to turn the lights on w/plastic around it....duh.
  13. NJChick

    Soup Concoctions?

    My favorite belly satisfying soup after surgery was Campbell Selects Butternut Squash, it had teeeeeeeny pieces and I mean teeny, like rice teeny pieces of potato. I lived on that stuff and I still eat it a year later. .
  14. NJChick

    Unfill NOT working out this time

    Here here, chips and chocolate are the devil. I have to agree, more Protein, less carbs and the carbs you do eat, make them good carbs. My DH just started atkins almost two weeks ago...his hunger is nil and his WL is 9 lbs in 12 days. He's only got 6 or so more pounds to lose before reaching goal but his appetite is definitly better. (((men sheeeeesh))). Hang in there Alex.
  15. NJChick

    November chat...again....

    Oh Pat I hate that when you are coughing so hard, its a scary thing for a bandster. Oh and the coughing and farting ROFLMFAO!!! bet your house keeper thought you were coughing to hide the fart sounds haaaaa !! poor baby. Feel better huh. This summer was insane, but heck, you never know when we'll meet up. Cindy have a great day zooooooom !!!!! Well back to cleaning... gotta rest inbetween..the leg/hip still hurts like a bugger.
  16. NJChick

    Rush Limbaugh has crossed the line

    People always mock what they don't understand.
  17. NJChick

    November chat...again....

    Good Morning, Mary, good to see you too chicklet. Have fun trying to see the Prez. Patty my stars lady, I agree with Mary, go to that manager and demand your money back into your account. Banks can be such asswipes. When my father passed away, my mom went to the bank to get money out to bury him. The bank froze her account !!!!! she was screaming and yelling at the biotch of a teller and the manager that they should pay for his burial then... how stupid and insensitive of them. My point is.... you need your money to live and they need to give it back to you. Nothing much happening today, cleaning, running to a few stores, laundry and soft foods lol. How about you all ? .
  18. NJChick

    What Foods Cant You Eat?

    I'm one year out and there isn't any food I can't eat.... I don't know if thats good or bad LOLOL !!!! .
  19. NJChick

    Hair loss

    Yes it is comon when you lose that much weight that fast. Fast WL shocks the body and thats when you start to shed. I started losing my hair at 5 months out and it started growing back at 9 months. I lost a TON of hair... I was in tears. There's no meds that will help regrow it, its just time that your body needs to adjust....so hang in there. It will grow back so don't worry... but it is devistating to say the least.
  20. NJChick

    How Much Time Do You Take To Eat ?

    30 - 45 minutes usually for lunch, but thats when I'm eating my heaviest of Protein (tuna & salad) my friends are usually tapping their fingers by then LOL. It varies from meal to meal depending on what I eat.
  21. NJChick

    Another band question

    Nope.... not me.
  22. Size 18 my legs easily crossed. But my legs were first to lose the weight....belly is still hanging on to all that fat lol.
  23. NJChick

    November chat...again....

    Well howdeeeeeeeeee ! I pop in here yesterday and the dang place was closed... WTF??? LBT must realize when my boss is away...this fat cat wants to play Mandy cute costume !! we got so much candy it isn't funny ....burp~ Beanie congrats on being almost at the twoosies... come on chicklet, you can do it. Pat, I'm like you.... its hard to catch up with everyone so I'm gonna start a clean slate w/y'all. I miss you all so much. Things have been hairy lately and I feel like hiding LOL. I went for a fill today.... first one in 6 big fat freakin months. I don't know if you all remember me saying my doc was getting a new intern/doc there to do the fills back in May... well he did. And I didn't want to be a guinea pig so i waited this long to get a fill. Girls, this guy was wonderful, I didn't feel the needle and he got it on the first shot.... ohhhhhhhhhh and get this crap.... he actually has a personality and was friendly...like normal friendly haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!! me likey !!! Went to the gyno for my results of the ultrasound I had 3 weeks ago...you remember the technician that *F* up my back. Well the gyno results are normal...nuthin but air there !!!! I did tell the office mangager about the technician just incase she is hurting others. DH's father isn't doing well.... he's in the hospital with pneumonia and a broken wrist...??? don't ask. Anyway...........get this crap.... the SOCIAL WORKER tells my DH that SHE doesn't think my FIL will make it but only a few months......... GEE I DIDN'T KNOW SOCIAL WORKERS WERE GOD!!! or even allowed to say such a thing to a patient. I mean the doctors didn't even tell us that... Pat this one's for you...... "WTF" ??????? Didn't I tell you it was hairy around here LOL !!! I've been eating so much candy I'm starting to like my own farts.....its like baking brownies in my house anymore. I'm not gaining weight but I'm not losing either *shrug* I can't part with my stash either.... halloween didn't help. The only saving grace is I can't eat today b/c of the fill haaaaaaa. I can't wait to get home tonight and get in my PJ's and relax. Watcha all doing this weekend? anything FUN!!! IRA !!!! hows your wife? did she have surgery??? I was thinking of you today at Doc B's office. HUGS
  24. NJChick

    new to lapbandtalk, newly banded

    Welcome and Congratulations !!! where were you banded?
  25. I had my surgery at Hackensack and Dr. Ballantyne is the head of surgery there. He was WONDERFUL!!!!!! I'm very please with it all.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
