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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NJChick

  1. NJChick

    Not a happy camper on the liquid diet!

    My doc doesn't require a fast. Actually the nutritionalist that I went to said I should go out for dinner as much as possible before the surgery ROFL !!! Talk about mind twisting, you'd think they'd want to promote good eating from word go.
  2. NJChick

    Co-worker Coldness

    What a twist huh ROFLMFAO !!! Good luck babysitting
  3. NJChick

    Advertisements on LBT [ADULT CONTENT]

    Must be loud.... no? Don't chip any teeth now
  4. NJChick

    Hello Hello Hello

    I'm glad your doing well. It seems that the band is really changing peoples lives. I just wish they came out with this 20 years ago, it would have been nice not to waste so much of our precious time being miserable, yah know. Well come visit us on the Jersey board, I'm trying like heck to get folks to chat there, like every day things and not just about the band. I think its so important that people get to know each other in different ways. I just love people LOL. Hugs !!!!
  5. NJChick

    I Did It !!!!!

    WTG !!!! Good Job
  6. NJChick

    Advertisements on LBT [ADULT CONTENT]

    You mean ribbed for her pleasure? ROFL
  7. NJChick


    Here's the Groovy Ghoulies
  8. NJChick


    Here's Sigmond & the Sea Monster (the co star was that kid with the red hair from Family Affair.... remember Mr. French LOL).
  9. NJChick


    Thats to cool Jenna, I remember watching that show. Its funny because Saturday mornings were the best when it came to watching cartoons. I remember with each September there were new shows, some were take-offs of regular shows, like the Brady Bunch, The Jackson 5 Now there's nothing Saturday mornings (well not like it used to be thats for sure). Does anyone remember the Groovy Ghoulies (sp?).... I'll try to find a picture... Ohh and Sigmond & The Sea Monster (the Kroft shows), the evil brothers Burp and Slurp LOL
  10. NJChick

    Game: 5 Letters

    ZYXWV Zippy Yellow Xrays Whistle Vigioursly DYMMM
  11. NJChick


    Chewing gum makes you produce more spit, which makes you swallow more, plus sugar free gums have manitol / sorbitol in it which is a sugar alcohol and that alone can cause alot of gas. I was wondering about chewing gum while banded.. guess I don't have to ask LOL. Nes, I'm glad you passed the gum, I can't imagine what that would have felt like if you didn't ICK !!!! Thanks for posting about your experience.
  12. NJChick

    Hello Hello Hello

    You mean to tell me NO ONE has visited you on this thread.... for shame people, for shame LOL (((jk))) Hi Trish how are you ?
  13. NJChick

    Co-worker Coldness

    You know, the other day I had a meeting (at work) with a few people and one of them was this guy who would walk right by my desk (my office now) and not even acknowledge me. This was going on for over 7 years. Well while waiting in the conference room by myself for all these people to show for the meeting, who walks in but this asswipe. He sits down and now its just the two of us. At first I didn't want to look at him but its all that I could do. I staired him down into his chair. He was like oh hi, how are you, I'm sorry I dont know your name. YEAH RIGH!!! So I looked at him with this serious look (which is NOT like me) and I said to him "you mean to tell me after 7 years you still don't know who I am, come on." He didn't know what to say, he stumbled on his words like you wouldn't believe. He was like ohhh I'm sorry, its not you its me, I have a hard time with names. So I said well it would have been nice if you even stopped to acknowledge me, especially when your coming to MY office. He babbled and tried to weezle his way out, but he knew I wasn't buying it. Can't wait to see how he reacts next time I see him. Some times you just have to call their dumb ass bluffs, ya know.
  14. NJChick


    Sarah, you were born the same year as my nephew. I remember him loving Rainbow Bright, Smurfs, Care Bears, Hello Kitty. I think thats when Atari came out... which I loved !!
  15. NJChick

    I don't get it!!!

    People at the last support group I went to were talking about this. Make sure you not only chew the living daylights out of your food but you might want to put a teaspoon of fat free gravy on the ckn just to make it moist. Start off by maybe chopping it up in your plate really well. One guy suggested just weting your mouth with Water ... not drinking water now, just wet your mouth so you have enuf moisture in your mouth so you can easily get the chicken down. Hope this helps.
  16. NJChick

    Has anyone ever tried ZETACAP?

    Don't waste your time and money on those things. If you need to feel full eat foods enriched with Fiber. Also remember Protein keeps you fuller longer. Most importantly is to learn good eating habbits that will last your life time, quick fixes are just that. HUGS !!!
  17. NJChick


    And there was my avocado green Easy Bake oven
  18. NJChick

    So Excited......

    WTG Margo !!! :D :D :D
  19. NJChick

    So right! Scared?!!

    Hi C Congratulations on all your committment, I really admire you. I can understand your sense of failing, I feel the same way. I posted the other day about wanting the band so badly but at the same time I feel like I"m going to fail or I'm going to get rejected w/my insurance. I guess b/c we work so hard at things, more so than others that when failure comes, we kind of expect it. I don't know what to tell you except to try to keep your thoughts positive. We do deserve good things, we really do. Your stats look GREAT !!! WTG
  20. NJChick

    Nut Exam

    Well I go for my nut exam today. I studied real hard yesterday, I even got cheat sheets and notes written on the palm of my hand so wish me luck lol. Ivan, I'll be thinking of you
  21. NJChick

    Nut Exam

    Part TWO of the nut exam is today at 3 pm. I'm reaaaaaaaaaly getting tired of running all over North Jersey with gas prices being the way they are ... (not really, I just like complaining )
  22. NJChick

    Support Group

    What should people expect going to their first support group meeting?
  23. NJChick

    Support Group

    Let me translate that for you..... SHE IS NUTS !!!! I wanted to take Ira home with me but I didn't think his wife or my hubby would appreciate that Your to kind Ira, really. And he's just as friendly and warm with big blue sparkling eyes. I kinda had fun at the Support Group meeting last night, even with everyone complaining about the chick who wouldn't SHUT UP!!! My offer still stands, I'll rough her up in the parking lot before the next meeting LOL SNORT ~~ I know that one guy would appreciate that. (jk)
  24. NJChick


    Your a DOLL Parvathi, thanks
  25. NJChick


    I had a dream last night that I was at the surgeons office having my consultation. He put me on the scale and said NOPE, you don't qualify, you are 11 lbs under the accepted weight. Boy did I cry (in my dream) I remember saying to the doctor, can't you just write that I'm ###lbs or if you want I'll come back next week. I can gain 11 lbs in one week, I really can. Please don't shut me out, please please please I need your help and I have no where else to go. I've done all this work for nothing Can you imagine gaining 11 lbs in 1 week LOLOL !!! but in my dream I was convinced that I could do it. Now tell me I aint' sick dreaming about this sort of stuff LOL.

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