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Posts posted by Brandy~

  1. FYI.. I think I am still recovering from the concert ugg...

    Glo- you're crazy .. I suck a the 5 day test so props to you. By the end of day one I am hiding in the closet with a bag of chips rofl. You can do it though.

    Lu- I have my DH rollin over the wine we mailed. He keeps asking me if theres anything he needs to know or do while I am doin hard time.

    Kc- that sucks. My CC was stolen online and someone bought a bunch of UGG boots. Mind you I love them so when DH got the bill he asked how many feet I had. I said 2 .... He said take the other 14 pairs back then haha.

    I called them and they reversed the charge and cancelled the account.

  2. PJTP- Jeez you girls talk alot! 15 pages behind since i was having LBT loading issues. Seems better now. I think I will just start over from here rofl.

    I haven't been able to eat bread since banding period. I craved a blt so bad today... Made a lettuce wrap with mayo, slice of tomatoe and 2 strips of bacon. I am in heaven.. yep I ate bacon when it was a non running day shame on me :thumbup:

    CC.... were both avengers and you're whoopin my ass on the scales lady. Throw some love my way.

  3. I had an issue with my son as well for kindergarten. I can tell you though that first of all the kids know if you don't like the teacher and if you make comments about her in front of him he instantly will react with negative behavior to her. You have to be a united front with the teacher or your child can work the 2 of you against each other.

    If I was in your situation what I would do is I would have a conference without buddy there. I would have the principal present. I would write down all of my negatives and POSITIVES that you have seen in her and your son since school started. I would ask her to use a different system with him and or other kids when it comes to the reports.

    Once you, the teacher, and the principal have come to a uniform agreement then you need to have a quick meeting with the teacher and Buddy. Both of you inform him of his responsibilities and what the teacher is going to do to make sure he learns and is a success. Once he sees the united front and that he isn't gonna slip at school or home it helps him get on track.

    This can be done with love and a little discipline. I understand he is 5 but this is when good and bad study habits begin.

    Good luck

  4. Good I thought I was just trying to push it too fast. I honestly plan on redoing weeks I am not setting myself up for failure. If it takes me 18 weeks instead of 9 I am ok with that. I just want to be able to do it and build up to something I can do on a regular basis.

    The every other day will work better for me because I am already feeling like 2 days off would be way too long to get remotivated.

  5. Hey there! When I did this before I stuck with the 3x per week and it was hard to get moving again after a 2 day off at the end of the week.

    Has anyone just done this by doing every other day? Some weeks thats 3x per week others it's 4x but always wth a day of rest? This week if I ran today I wouldn't run again till Monday and that would make it alot harder to get up and at it if you know what I mean?

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