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Posts posted by Brandy~

  1. I learned right away that having them sized is MUCH cheaper than losing them...

    I learned the hard way after looking down and seeing my 5k platinum ring gone.... Found it an hour later laying on the front porch when I was leaving for my run it must have slipped off.

  2. Ah...luvs you, too SNT.

    Being curious, tipsy, tired and pissed, I've looked up a few threads here and I still think Headhunter got a really fucking raw deal. He got ganged up on by someone "mean" (I can say that without being banned, because clearly it's acceptable....see reference in Please Help -http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/please-help-98595/index4.html )

    She's "nasty, rude and arrogant" (I can say that without being banned, because clearly it's acceptable....see page 3 of Please Help - http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/please-help-98595/index4.html )

    Her opinions are "total BS" (I can say that without being banned, because clearly it's acceptable...see page 1 of http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f84/banding-out-usa-98764/#post1280255 )

    IMO she stalks people who ARE far superior in intellect, I think that "somebody needs to kick that jackass in the balls. What a whiney biatch." (Clearly acceptable....blah blah...see Page 2 of http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f80/ghetto-99129/index2.html )

    Can someone please explain to me ...oh, wait. I forgot. Asking for explanations is futile.

    Calling someone names, then running and telling the mods you're feelings were hurt. I feel so...so...dehumanized. Who's the whiney biatch? (Oh, and in all the threads I've read, you make one consistent error - loose vs. lose. Learn the difference. You're on a weight loss forum.)

    Grow a pair (not pear, btw).

    And with that, good night.

    So elegantly put. I missed this the first time around lol :tt1:

  3. What are you all smokin' in here?? ROTFL....


    Nothing that night. But if you really want some we could scrounge something up.

    im such the black sheep.... no invite for me either... :smile:

    You and me both ;( I just blame everything on rhonda

    well i did re-read the first 4 pages and my cheeks hurt from laughing...

    bumping for the other knuckle heads to re-read as well.

    I am scared to re-read... I might have to have a drink LOL

    Hmm well I can't do that I have a meeting in 30 minutes :thumbup: and the 1 I had at lunch is probably enough for now :tt1:

  4. You guys are such an insperation. I thought I was doing great because I was able to get through 2 run sequences of the 8 run sequence of the 1st wk. Now I feel really lame. But like I told my husband it is a step up from my sedentary lifestyle that I had before. I am suppose to see my doctor on 9/29 and I want to have made some progress in the weight department before I have to go back and see him. Thank you guys for putting your encouraging words and progress out there.

    redo the weeks as many times as you want. no one cares but you... Christine who doesn't come on here much anymore once said.... You only cheat yourself. Think of it that way. I have lost 91 lbs I am close to goal and even I reran week 1 for 2 weeks and guess what!? Week 2 I decided to do 10 runs before I move on. I want to succeed and to do that I have to do what I am comfortable with. Not worry what others are doing or what someone else will think.

    mcrowder~ Just keep at it! You will be surprised at how quickly you progress. You will look back in 3 months and you won't believe how far you can run!

    Yep what she said. I couldn't walk a block now I run it.

    :tt1: hello everyone well i had my lapband surgery on tues sept 15 had to b at hospital by 5:30am surgery was at 7:30 i had to have adhesions removed plus i got the band i am really sore today husband is fussing as usual cause i wont get up and walk he doesnt want me to sit and rest as he thinks walking constantly is what i am supposed to walk and drink Water he knew i was supposed to drink but it only considered water as a liquid and only thought i was supposed to drink 30cc and hr and iF I drank anything else i was doing it all wrong and was gonna make my self sickk i had to read about the whole book the dr gave me so he would know and still dont think he believed me after all that i just cant walk from the time i get up until i go to bed i just cant as he wont let me rest just in my reclinner if i want to rest i have to go to bed he doesnt like me to b on the phone or on the computer he wants me to b sweeping the floor or mopping or getting onto the floor and making sure nothing is out of place he doesnt like papers or mail lying around and he really doesnt like for my friends to come and c me when they call and want to come over i am supposed to tell them we were just leaving he really doesnt like our grandsons to come over too much but when they do all magazines papers books the cofee table cleaned off he wants it to look as if no one lives here:frown:

    Please take a breath and use puncuation.

  5. Dead? Who said dead? Jesus is ALIVE in Heaven.

    Really!? hmm Ok so there is no way I believe there is some dude alive running around in heaven.

    It was just a very good novel written by many people.

  6. I have something similar but not quite the extreme. I am a foodie and LOVE to cook.. I will cook excessive amounts of food only to have 2 bites most of the time. I get about 500-1000 calories a day in food. I have been working to up that even though I get very bored while eating.

    Like Lu as well I talk fast/ answer my own questions/easily distracted.

    I recently began dishing my plate first and picking at it while I am getting the kids and DH's plates served. I then make it a point to sit down at the dinner table. In our house family eats together period. I don't move until everyone is done. I have upp'd my calories that way.

    I don't have hunger pang since my last fill almost a year ago. I don't even think it's possible for me to feel it. I only eat by the clock.

    If you're on adderol you're probably aware that it is an appetite suppressant as well? Exercise for most also suppresses as you mentioned. If I were you I would see the doc about your meds and explain the issue and be honest with him.

    Maybe he can lower the dose based upon the weight lost, see a counselor who specializes in eating disorders and weightloss surgery, Move the time you exercise.

  7. PJTP: Tonight, in the middle of the night, I unhooked one of my patients (much older gentleman...in his mid-70's) so he could go to the bathroom. When he was getting out of bed, he cut loose with a huge fart. He looked very sharply @ me and asked "Did you just sh*t your pants?". I said no, and then he responded with "Oh well, I guess it was me, then".

    Hillarious. Made my day.

    nice plain - welcome to my world!

    I don't like your world KC... It's sleepless. Go to frickin bed women!!

    PJTP again. Somebody please tell me that Patrick Swayze's death is a cruel hoax!

    Ah well, I'll have to watch Roadhouse and Red Dawn again in his honor.

    I really wished it had been :mad2: Too many lately... MJ (Care less) but farah and patrick they will be missed.

    Well, I just made a bold move. I had had some money put into a Global Allocations account in 2005 when I first started working, and though it's not a TON, it's a nice little amount that's been growing steadily.

    Our bank had lumped it into our joint account (hubby has investments in his name only that I don't have access to), so I just called them and asked them to pull that amount out and put it into an account in my name only.

    It's money that he recently asked me to tap into to help pay for some of his medical bills so that he didn't have to sell any of his stocks. I look at it as money that will be squandered away if he doesn't find a job. One day, that money may be my lifeline.

    Very smart Beth I am all about the CYA. Even though I could never imagine anything happening with DH and I we both have seperate accounts and a joint account. We each put money into our individual accounts weekly.. we pay into it just as if it was a bill. If something were to happen to him I would be able to access what I need easily.

  8. We are wanting to take our 3 kids to Disney World either Summer 2010 or Thanksgiving/Christmas 2010. I have heard of people booking all inclusive trips and paying them out before you even get to DW. Have any of you done this? Can you suggest any places to book with? Any suggestions to make the trip fun but not cost us their college funds would be great. TIA!

    I was planning a vacation once and over heard a girl doing that same thing.. So I would just call a local travel agent and ask them about it.

  9. I love everbody's positive attitudes and drives. I believe that all of you will reach your goal and stay there for the rest of your lives because nobody wants to go back to to the unhappiness.

    My surgeon said that I will only loose like 50% and be at 200 lbs. he said that is fine because that will reduce the risk of heart failure..etc etc. I refuse to go through this and still be so overweight!. He said that its impossible to loose 100% of your extra body fat...but I have seen plenty of people on this site alone who have done that. I know I can do it..there is no reason not to.

    Good luck with your goals..i know you can do it!!!

    You should never listen to the crap they feed you about the % you can lose... I hate when they do that. I think most people can and do lose most or ALL of their weight.

    I will be 100% honest.. Until the last month I didn't even attempt to work out I only changed my eating. Now I am running... However, in the time I was banded and didn't try to work out I lost 77% of my excess weight. I am 20lbs from my goal right now and 27lbs from a medically healthy weight. I am having to work for the last bit of the weight and I am sooooo ok with that. I am loving being able to run and it makes me want to do MORE! I will never be fat again.

  10. Good luck slim!

    PJTP Kinda suprised myself today. It's only 4pm right now and I wore a pedometer today to see how many steps I take after reading the 10,000 step challenge thing online. I have taken 8200 steps and I haven't even really tried to get in extra steps. I did do a 10 minute walk earlier at work to get my muscles loosened from my run yesterday.

  11. Ok, tomorrow's my appointment with the surgeon and the bariatic coordinator. What questions do I need to remember to ask?

    Write down anything and everything you can think of. It's very likely they will answer the questions before you even get to that point but better safe than sorry.

    Make sure you that you discuss after care with them and their fill processes. Find out if they use numbing gels for fills. How soon after surgery can you have a fill. Do they have a liquid diet. What is their post op diet. Is there a doctor available for emergency unfills. Will the nurses take questions over the phone if you think of more ... etc

  12. I would stick with the band and NO I wouldnt do the cambridge diet. 500 calories a day is not healthy at all.

    Most become low carb eaters without trying with the band as most do not tolerate breads and such well. My diet is tons and tons of meats,eggs, fish, dairy etc.

    I would just stick with the band and make sure you follow the docs orders on the eating. You will lose weight and keep it off.

  13. Hi Liz.

    If I was you I would write down every question you can think of even if you feel it has been answered. You can tell the surgeon you have done your research but that the answers weren't from medical staff so you would like to get his input on them.

    It's never good to assume that were right on here. If at all possible ask your surgeon.

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