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Posts posted by Brandy~

  1. Interesting thread.

    I,m simply amazed at how some people can be when they sit down behind a keyboard and for what?

    Congratulations several of you have taken it to a much lower level than I believed possible.

    I,m very unhappy with the comments some of you are making about my wife Susan.

    I have One question?

    If your so unhappy about the way the site is ran why do you keep returning?

    BTW. Maxdog4717 = Lee Helander, I,m not hiding behind a screen name.

    Guess I should have my DH register? ROFLMAO... He is about 170 sopping wet........ does that matter?B

  2. Interesting thread.

    I,m simply amazed at how some people can be when they sit down behind a keyboard and for what?

    Congratulations several of you have taken it to a much lower level than I believed possible.

    I,m very unhappy with the comments some of you are making about my wife Susan.

    I have One question?

    If your so unhappy about the way the site is ran why do you keep returning?

    BTW. Maxdog4717 = Lee Helander, I,m not hiding behind a screen name.

    We return in hopes for change.. do you leave a country because they have a bad leaders? Naa or I would of left the US..

  3. Because I know I'll miss it tomorrow because I will be in school, I'll say my congrats today! Omg, you look so fab I thought you had your band longer! WOW! :thumbup:

    I thought it was a sleeve... Nevermind they are the same.

    well i do have my big girl victim panties on - so i can take the hits; not wait for the big bad wolf to PM me.

    Arent' all fat chicks panties big girls? Nvm you're some skinny chick with jillian arms eh!?

    Yer hawt and I <3 you too bad I am not gay.

    Yeah, I was gonna say... :thumbdown:
    I have pretty much stayed out of the “drama” and let Alex deal with things the past few days. No you haven't you have created it 10 fold. Check my posts on here. I am dormant until you run to my Facebook page and bash one of my friends.

    However, I did want to comment on a couple of things. First being, I love this site and I love Alex’s sleeve site as well. I am passionate about weight loss, helping others in their efforts to lose weight, and gaining the support I need as I also continue in my weight loss journey. Alex has done a great job building his weight loss forums and I, as well as hundreds and hundreds of other people get the support they need as a result of his vision. I am sure he makes enough to maintain the site along with some coinage in his pocket. I am not worried about that it's a business move.

    A couple had indicated because I no longer have the band, I do not belong on this site anymore. True, I am now sleeved. However, I am still a person who has had three years of personal experience with the band. I am still a person who has experienced weight loss surgery. We dont run to gastric bypass forums for assistance nor would I google a sleeve forum for help with my LAP-BAND®®. I think that if you don't have a band if you're not a 'bandster' per se you should move on to modding ONLY the sleeves. You cannot tell me what I am doing wrong in 5 years because you will only know from reading posts from people that have dealt with it that long... you wont know. I have a 13 year old I will say it again I am expert on pregnancy... Naaa not so much.

    And, I am still a person who is battling against the disease of obesity. That is a common struggle all of us share. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be here. Saying I don’t belong here because I am sleeved is like saying, “you have reached goal, are no longer obese and therefore you don’t belong on this site anymore.” It just doesn’t fly.

    I never paid attention to your weight.. I didn't really care since the forefront of what I saw was mostly about your personal life with your husband and step kids. So are you saying you need the sleeve for goal?

    The bottom line is, as I said, I am passionate about weight loss and supporting others in their efforts. That is what this and Alex’s forums are about. That is the common goal we all share. Whether we are just starting, revisions, or at goal, we all still share that common battle of obesity, and we all deserve to be here and help each other out in any manner that we can.

    Some of you started voicing your “opinions” that I should step down as administrator on this site.

    You should

    However, I sleep well knowing that overall, I feel like I do a very good job for Alex. He has done a great deal for me, and I am happy and honored that he allows me to be a part of his forums and do what I do for him.

    You complained multiple times about how you 'couldn't sleep on FB' and you also ran in here crying about not being chose as a mod for sleeve when wasa was chosen..

    And, while there have been seven or eight people who were very adamant that I resign, I have learned there are far, far more people who appreciate what I do. To all of those who have sent me emails, pm’s, facebook messages, etc., thank you. Thank you so much for showing me your support and that you do care and do feel I am doing a good job on these forums. The numbers who have contacted me in a show of support far, far outnumber those few here that do not appreciate what I do. I am okay with that. Not everyone in life is going to like you. We just have to do the best we can every day. I know I am doing that. And, I will continue to do that.

    You're right and just because you're a mod we arent' REQUIRED too. We can all have our own personalities.. You can't toss thousands onto a forum and say get along now can you?

    I think it is time for all of this to end. We have over 72,000 members on this site. Only a few of those seem to be unhappy. And, unfortunately, no matter how hard I try, Alex tries, or anyone tries whether it be on the internet, at work, or anywhere else in our lives, you simply cannot please everyone. You either accept things, or you move on. Life is too short to carry over such anger and hatred. And to allow something to continue to eat at you, and to continue to fester is unhealthy.

    The MAIN posters are the ones upset that doesn't ring a bell... Along with MOST of the ones that were friends with you on FB that saw your fiasco ? Wasn't 72k nope cuz they don't use FB you're lucky for that probably or Alex would be slammed with complaints.

    Have a great evening everyone.

    Sleep well

  4. Hello and welcome to LBT!!

    I fortunately was able to give up smoking 1.5 years before my surgery so I didn't have to deal with it all at once. I imagine its totally overwhelming.

    I had alot of self determindation the first week then ran out and went on the Patches. I actually weeened off of them slower than they said to and I was successful. I haven't cheated 1 time with a cig since 2/7/2007

    Good luck!

  5. I started the HH/avitar thing. Ask Pool Girl. I did it for the reason's you've read. I did it because I read Susan's snarky post about being followers (and going blink blink I didn't mean it bad won't fly) Don't paint us with your own brush.

    As many of us have said over and over (I guess we should give up because it doesn't seem to be sinking in)

    this WHOLE THING has been handled unfairly and improperly. I READ the post Glouc made that Susan pulled. There was nothing wrong with it. Where on earth is THAT type of thing an acceptable action for a mod?

    There are ads up the wazoo on this site. If the problem is volunteer mods, PAY some, for God's sake.

    While I personally would like to see Susan go, I feel the problem is much deeper than just her. There's a culture of favoritism and "dark ops" that is just, as I've said, puerile. In reaction (sardonic reaction) to that, I instituted the "Support HH" lines under the avis.

    And having "Daddy" step in at this late date is too much.

    This place is unbelievable.

    And for the record: I DO think HH probably should've been banned although not for 2 months, or "forever", but so should his sparring partner. To ban him and not her was at best ill advised. In her limited way she gave back as good as she got (or tried to) and often instigated/initiated the bouts. That wasn't favoritism? Maybe if she'd been smacked too things would've gone down a little more easily.

    Can I kiss you? OMFG seriously I think tonights the only time anyone has spoken up. Maybe we will all get banned who knows but seriously if this many are pissed theres probs.

    I have 5 oz of wine... I need to go have more right susan? I mean you did say on FB that because of the forum tonight you had to go drink and you would be right back... That was right before we were deleting friends at the same TIME hahahahaha about 1.5 hours ago.


    dogs got DH's poptarts~ rho, you get first round.!.

    You had that bet earlier. I knew the dogs were getting the poptarts.. That's bad eh.

    Susan MAY just be the tip of the iceburg -- and the most obvious -- but I think she has outwardly and blatantly done the most damage. I still say she needs to go.

    She is she isn't the all thats for sure.. need harrassment rules in place... more mods that give INSIGHTFUL info more mods that welcome people and introduce them and more mods that are PRESENT ... Oh wait..

    SO sorry they should have a LAP-BAND®.. Now and in the future.

    Oh and susan I think you asked a question:

    would like to know what "sensitive state" I am in? I have a great job, I love my co-workers, I have great friends, I have great kids, my husband and I are doing awesome, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I seldom drink, I'm not pregnant; so what is this sensitive state I am in?


    Like all of us being overweight. I think you can note I ALWAYS POST things that are upbeat and try to make others that way. I don't wanna be a mod but those are the posts you should make.

    I think I told you yesterday the glass should always be 1/2 full. You insisted on posting 2 negative comments since then.

    We all have our own issues and are trying to deal with and get on with our lives. I am glad were not friends on FB.... I only wish I could /ignore you on LBT and still enjoy my friends.

  6. Anyone want to sift through the posts and see which ones would be considered sexual harrassment on the job? My DH has never liked those comments... It's creepy and unnerving. If my skin crawls I will only report to alex... I suppose since the mods only/delete if it implicates them I have to let the site owner know.

    I agree with Beth. I think that since the people that are friends with HH would of continued their communication in other forums it would of died down... however it didn't because susan dragged it to FB. She didn't let it die and others won't either.

    I dont' know him..

    But I am still waiting to know...........

    SUSAN u really want me to answer your question to you posted previously?

  7. Uh, Lulu, I am pretty sure I offered an apology for my post on Facebook. I even received a pm from Rhonda stating she hated having bad blood between us. She also admitted to handling herself poorly and was embarrassed. A message was also sent for my husband apologizing for the comment about who did I blow to get this job. Based upon my saying I made a mistake, and her saying she did, I thought all of this was done and over.

    I mean, seriously, everyone is human, everyone makes mistakes. This is supposed to be a support forum. This one thread is poisoning LBT and I am really, really saddened by that. I agree with Alex, it is time to move on and get back to the real business of this message board, which is to support people in their weight loss goals.

    The best part you removed all your posts and your FB post and then you said oh but I apologized. The most hilalrious part is my 17 year old daughte mentioned something to me about you and I have never taken this off the computer ROFL.


    I'd like to remind you that I did send you a message on FB after what happened here. I was angry that you posted a comment to my comment on FB about LBT. I was also angry about your posting/deleting issues here with Glou. But I gave you a second chance, told you that we're all human and we make mistakes. I also know that Glou gave you a second chance after the blow up.

    Today, you un-friended me (and several others) on FB. I know this has absolutely nothing to do with LBT and I'm sorry to take up the space...but...I will. Today, I posted a message on my FB page and changed the sentence under my avi on here. That seems to be when I got un-friended. I had made no comments on FB regarding you at all today UNTIL you got snarky.

    It is entirely my decision and right to be friends with HH or to "follow" him if I so choose. I don't agree with the lifetime banning but that is my opinion. I have the right to have one. I've said many times how much I like this site and get great info. But this site has a negative tone now. Many of us don't even bother to post on other threads because of the negative responses. THAT is something the mods should be working on and watching for.

    You chose to take info from FB and use it here. Not cool. They are two separate things. If you did not indeed come back here and contact Alex about the FB issues, I'd like to know who did. This has made even FB a negative place today. You asked for an explanation and this is my take on things.

    And, an aside: If you all (mods) have pissed off RestlessMonkey, that's a pretty sad state of affairs. She's a classy lady and has been nothing but beneficial to LBT. Actually, the other folks you've pissed off today also fit that catagory...classy dames with strong opinions but who bend over backwards to offer their support to each other. This is truly sad.:biggrin:

    Thats hillarious haha.. You know how many people keep mentioning her snarkyness even on FB even tho they shouldn't... I can't control them but Snarky HILLARIOUS.

    Right. I have a daughter on FB, and sometimes my postings get a little out of hand. I was embarrassed at how I acted, since I usually hold myself to higher standards. You mentioned your husband read it and was hurt, and I would not have wanted my DH brought into this.

    And I thought it was over.

    Until HH was banned w/a nasty pm that included me.

    How do you not get by saying what you did to HH about "followers" wouldn't be insulting to his friends?

    So tired of hh my mod issues have nothing to do with him/her it's their morals ... /delete /lie

  8. Uh, Lulu, I am pretty sure I offered an apology for my post on Facebook. I even received a pm from Rhonda stating she hated having bad blood between us. She also admitted to handling herself poorly and was embarrassed. A message was also sent for my husband apologizing for the comment about who did I blow to get this job. Based upon my saying I made a mistake, and her saying she did, I thought all of this was done and over.

    I mean, seriously, everyone is human, everyone makes mistakes. This is supposed to be a support forum. This one thread is poisoning LBT and I am really, really saddened by that. I agree with Alex, it is time to move on and get back to the real business of this message board, which is to support people in their weight loss goals.

    Excuse me here for speaking for someone I consider a super good friend. You're speaking BS!! Yea she sent you that... BTW she was trying to make good. All the while you fail to mention you were posting some shit post about her on lbt without mentioning she did that... then guess what? That's when you went on your deleting spree.

    YOU have no idea how close some of us are and knwo within seconds that something is happening.

    Don't call people out.

    I am still waiting to know if it's fair game to answer the question you asked me.

  9. I would like to know what "sensitive state" I am in? I have a great job, I love my co-workers, I have great friends, I have great kids, my husband and I are doing awesome, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I seldom drink, I'm not pregnant; so what is this sensitive state I am in?

    I still haven't gotten an answer on this one as to if it's fair game to respond I would assume it is since it's followed by a question mark?

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