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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. i told everybody i was having the lap band procedure. my reason was purely a selfish one. i felt that if i told everybody i'd be embarrassed not to follow the rules and stick to the diet. i dont have too good a track record with the whole dieting thing. and my weight got really out of hand, becoming diabetic was the last straw. i wish i had gotten banded before it reached that point. but whether you choose to tell people or not no matter what your reasons are, just satisfy yourself and do what works for you.

  2. no anesthetic, no flouro and no pain. i've had two fills. my doc makes me push out my stomach like i'm having a bowel movement, then feels for the port with her finger and sticks me. fast and painless.

  3. i suffer from depression and anxiety. i can not speak for anyone else but for me anxiety feels just like what you describe. i would feel like i couldnt get enough air in my lungs and like i was smothering and going to pass out or die. i was prescribed 0.5mg clonopin twice daily and i am a new person. those feelings have gone completely away. please see a psychiatrist before you remove the band. because i don't think the band has anything to do with it.

  4. your surgeon must have an emergency number for you to call. or call his regular number and tell whoever you talk to your situation. if there is just a machine leave a message about whats happening they probably screen the calls for true emergency situations. i think (and hope) from what you wrote that you got approved after they reviewed your situation and you received that letter before the review. in any event if you cant get in touch with anyone i would definately show up ready for surgery. tell them when you get there and before they operate on you they will make sure with the insurance company that all systems are go. i am really sorry you are going through this. what a royal pain in the butt right before surgery.

  5. the only thing i can think of is if your band is tight that you often get stuck is that you are too tight. if you are too tight you wind up eating softer foods so that they will go down, but the problem is they go down passed the band easily. you are not filling up your pouch and getting that full feeling with just a few ounces of food, because most of what you eat is passing through. so you eat more.

  6. yes, i feel satisfied after a small amount. more so now then before i was banded. before i ate until i was stuffed, because i never felt full and satisfied until i was stuffed. now i get that full and satisfied feeling but not that horrible uncomfortable stuffed feeling. i love being banded.

  7. carla,

    losing weight will help you a lot with the depression. this is a rough time for you. but know that you will get past it. and you have so much to look forward to. being a teacher is one of the most rewarding careers. my daughter is a teacher and she comes home every day with a beaming smile. she loves her students and i know she is making a hugh difference in their lives because she cares so much about each one of them. you will get restriction, you will lose weight and you will enjoy one of the most rewarding careers there is. your new life is just beginning. enjoy your journey to success and come to the forum often, everyone here is fantastic and you will never be alone. we are all here and we all care about each other.

  8. i don't mind you asking at all. i take 50mg paxil cr once a day in the morning. and i take 0.5 mg clonopin with it once a day. i did take the clonopin twice a day in the past like you, but i weened myself off to once daily and it works just as well. as for the weight loss, i owe it all to the band. i just hope it continues to go well.

  9. i take paxil and clonopin. my daughter does also. long history of depression in my family. yes, depression meds do make you put on weight. but i never ever ever again want to feel like i did before i started my medications. i used to feel like my life was meaningless and every day was just a boring repeat of the day before. now i am happy with myself which makes me a much kinder person. its like anything else with the meds you have to take the good with the bad.

  10. you werent tighter yesterday, you didnt chew it enough and got stuck. then after you brought it up you were irritated and thought that was a full feeling. that has happened to me. when i chew carefully or eat soft foods that go down easily i can eat a lot. my surgeon told me to stay away from soft stuff because it goes right through the band, and then you can eat too much.

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