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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Eclectick

  1. I have 6 months pre-op, my dietician said...I don't care if you loose..but please don't gain. She never said the insurance company wouldn't approve otherwise though. I think I gained 1 or 2 lbs at the beginning..I was still learning and will continue to learn how to eat right...but the last 2 months I have lost a 1/2 lb. each month...although I am curious to know next week what it will be..I have tried..but I also quit smoking which is another pre-requisite to the surgery. I don't think I have gained..and pray that I haven't ...but in all honesty..I have been eating good.

  2. I'm going to my 6th Dietician appt. next week, Insurance only requires 6, but actually 7 months prep. After speaking to my nurse, she is trying to get me in for November 10th, otherwise it won't be until November 17th (week of Thanksgiving). I too..am nervous and excited...dreaming at night of being able to trim/paint my own toe nails, and fit into nice cloths, at 50..I need all the help I can get.

  3. I hope it happens soon for you but keep in mind...when it's time..it's time.

    When your Dr.'s office receives the Psych eval, they still have to turn it into the insurance company which could also hold up the exact date of surgery. Not trying to bum you out...but wouldn't you rather be bummed out now then excited when it turns out your surgery is tomorrow??

    Mine isn't until November 10th...and she also told me if Insurance sits on it...it may be 2 weeks after that...So the closer it gets I am sure I will be just as anxious as you.

  4. I haven't had my surgery yet, but my dietician is on me once a month every month for 6 months (1 more to go) about how I eat, what I'm eating yada yada...but I am one for a sweet tooth at night and was concerned with what I was going to do...well lemme tell ya...I am not a popsicle eater, although.. I have come to actually like them..they are sugar free and have (I believe) 50 calories each...right now I'm eating about 2 of them at night...they also have sugar free fudge sickles. Just an idea.

  5. My Dietician stated that 1 week prior to surgery, I am on a high Protein low carb phase.

    3-4 Protein shakes <-- use Almond Milk

    sugar free Pop-sicles

    sugar free Jello


    Water - Water - Water <-- my downfall

    I can have some fruit

    Doctor said I had to quit smoking ciggerettes (which I did) only using a vapor pipe (ecig) but dietician said I can't even use that. :unsure: to quit smoking makes you hungrier but I am still 2 months out from my surgery so hopefully my cravings will disipate.

  6. I have to agree with previous responses, there has to be something more than just his smoking that is causing you to react so severely at this time. (17 year later)

    I think that once a couple is with each other so long they forget to listen to what the other is trying to tell them, I too used to smoke and my male friend also smoked....when I decided to go on this Gastric Sleeve journey which was my choice..the choice to stop smoking was a requirement...so I either had to quit..or I was not elgible for the surgery...it was a choice...and since my male friend is being so supportive of my choice to get healthy and lose weight, knowing that as long as he smokes around me..it's not encouraging helping me...so he quit too...which eliminated the beer he usually drank 2 or 3 times a week. Granted he works out in the hot sun all day, and if he wants a cold beer..he is entitled..but his 4 or 5 beers turned into a 12 pack..and I just told him...I don't like the person he becomes after 6 beers and I won't tell him to stop..but I will leave and go stay with friends if he wants to drink more than what I can tolorate...so guess what...he hasn't had more than 5 beers in over 6 weeks...I didn't order him to stop, I simply told him what "I" would do if he went too far.

    With that being said, for your husband to quit smoking for his own well-being may not be a choice is prepared to make right now, a person has to want it...it's just like food, you want it..you eat it.. regardless of the consequences but it was a choice to eat it that was made by you.

    The best advise I can give you is to sit down with him, discuss what axactly is troubling you, and perhaps you are doing something that is troubling him..clear the air and then listen...listen to what he says...listen to how your heart feels about the situation because the ultimate choice is yours...do you..or will you stay with him if he continues to smoke? If you give him ultimatums he might except it for now..but will resent you later, although you are trying to watch out for his health as well..he won't see it that way..he will see it as you trying to babysit or be his mother.

    Marriage and divorce is too easy these days...people forget they made vows to each other and don't stand up for those vows...the fire that brought them together gets blown away by the slightest of winds, but all is not lost...think about how you were with each other when you first met, or when you first got married or the happiness you shared when your first child was born...try to reignite the flame, put little notes in his lunch or in the bathroom for him to see in the morning...bring back the romance that has slipped through the cracks in the years you've just taken it for granted....you can get comfortable in a relationship/marriage and that's ok, but keep the LOVE alive.

    Sorry for rambling, perhaps even a little piece of what I said might help!! Good Luck :D

  7. Cigna Pre-approval Requirements

    Unless weight loss surgery is specifically excluded from your policy, surgery is covered if the following criteria are met:

    The individual is at least 18 years of age or has reached full expected skeletal growth AND has evidence of EITHER of the following:

    • A Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or greater.
    • A Body Mass Index between 35 and 40 with at least one significant comorbidity that may include:
      • Type 2 Diabetes
      • High Cholesterol
      • Heart Disease
      • Pulmonary Hypertension
      • Obstructive sleep Apnea

    You must also show that other methods of medically supervised weight loss programs have failed.

    The medically supervised weight management program must include monthly documentation of ALL of the following:

    • weight
    • nutritional program
    • exercise program

    An evaluation from a bariatric surgeon and your primary care physician with a resulting recommendation for surgery is necessary. A mental health evaluation is required as well as a nutritional evaluation from a physician or registered dietitian.

  8. I have CareFirst BlueChoice (BCBS) our main headquarters is in Maryland, but I am in Florida so It's actually CareFirst Maryland. I had to endure the 6 months with a dietician however it's actually 7 months...I am on my 5th month this week and I was told that a month after your last visit with dietician you then see the doctor and a date is set, once that date is set THEN they submit the pertinent documents to the insurance company...keep in mind, they can STILL deny you.

    I am getting nervous, I just found out after the blood test were done that my primary doctor is now considering me diabetic, she also said my hemoglobin was high,(don't know what that means) I haven't had a chance to schedule the follow-up appointment..I currently have SEVERE acid reflux coupled with a hiatal hernia that will be removed during surgery, however with all that being said.......................I am learning to control what I eat, I am definately ready for a life change although the sleeve is only a tool, I consider it a gift...that I will learn to love and cherish for helping me become healthier.

    As crazy as it may sound, I even have dreams at night of me being skinny, able to trim my own toe nails, able to sit like an indian again, sitting in a recliner and not have to look at my swelled up feet and most importantly...be able to fit in AND look good in a nice leather jacket when I go riding on my harley.

    Nervous but Excited!!

  9. Hello Everyone,

    First of all I want to wish those luck on upcoming or previous surgeries. I am new to the sight and just looking for some re-assurance and support. i have done alot of reading, research and asking around and I believe in my heart of hearts this is the best choice I have ever made in my life. I'm a bit nervous and scared, I have been told all my life I was fat, ugly..ect. ect...so my self - esteem is already gone. Just once, I want to be told I am beautiful and most of all I WANT to feel beautiful.

    Looking for a buddy in the Florida area to lean on or walk through this together...someone to share my thought and concerns and vice versa. I am heading into my 5th visit with my dietitian and thus far I have only lost a helf of pound...I wasn't told I had to loose anything prior to surgery..but I'm guessing it would show I am trying right? I just feel like I am eating to get it out of my system, although I am not gaining...I just want to enjoy food for the last time in my life...is that wrong to say?

    Any encouragement, helpful hints..ideas are more than welcome. Keep in touch!!


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