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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Eclectick

  1. Oops, and as for coffee with Caffeine, My NUT told me to ween myself off the caffeine it is not recommended prior to or after surgery. I love my cup of coffee in the morning with sugar free hazelnut creamer...but to be given this gift (sleeve) to help me have a healthier life....I'll give up the caffeine. oh and by the way....I also quit smoking..3 months now...the sacrifices we are willing to give up :wacko: ......for end results being better. :D

  2. Agreed, Agreed and Agreed...It's important to follow what ever plan the NUT and Surgeon has for you.

    As for mine, I had 6 months pre-op NUT visits and was given the following 7 day liquid pre-op diet sample menu which works better for me, tell me what I can have at what time verses trying to do it by myself...perhaps yours might be the same.

    8 am 1 Protein Drink

    10 am 1 cup Water or herbal tea or Vitamin Water zero

    12 pm 1 Protein Drink, 1 cup low sodium broth, 1 cup sugar free Jello

    2 pm 1 cup water, 4 oz sugar free pudding

    4 pm 1 cup water or herbal tea or Vitamin water zero or 4 oz low sodium V8 juice

    6 pm 1 cup non-fat plain greek yogurt with 1 tsp. no sugar added fruit preserves, 1 cup water, 1 cup fat free cream Soup,

    1 sugar free popsicle

    8 pm 1 cup sugar free Jello

    Be sure to drink at least 4 cups of water per day, make sure you intakes stay within the following ranges:

    70-80 grams of Protein per day

    40 grams of carbohydrate per day

    Hope that helps you :D

  3. Here's my thoughts on the subject: #1 When he fell in love with you, he wasn't supposed to fall in love with what you looked like...he was supposed to fall in love with who you were as a person. #2 If he has threatened you before, and now this because you CHOSE to live a healthier lifestyle, than shame on him for stopping you, he should WANT that for you so that you can live a longer life as his wife. He made vows to love you unconditionally, and he is choosing to break those vows over weight loss??

    I am so sorry your going through this right now being so close...but it sounds like you were doing this for him, or as a means of perhaps saving the marriage thinking what he was telling you all along was perceived a joke. Life and being healthy is no joke...so the only advise I have is ask him if he wants you to help him pack!!

  4. I am still Pre-Surgery and I asked my Doctor for something to take the edge off...since I quit smoking and trying to get everything in order for surgery...plus working...I am over stressed. She prescribed Wellbutrin and said it would be ok to take with upcoming surgery and after.

    Has anyone ever taken this stuff? Does it work for the Anxiety and frustration that comes along with Stress?

  5. How scary is that, I'm with Jacqbult..I have BCBS "Blue Choice" of Maryland, when I called they said I was covered as long as I met the requirements which I do...but I didn't go through all these test and 6 months of pre op with NUT to get a denial.

    Pretty much scheduled for the day before Thanksgiving, only test I need to do is within 30 days prior to surgery medical clearance (EKG and blood work) Meet with the Surgeon on Oct. 29th to get "A-OK" for surgery and NUT for pre-op diet instructions...other than that..the paperwork will then be submitted to Insurance and she said could take up to 15 days to get approval. I am guessing those 15 days will be the worst 15 days of my life since it will also be during my pre-op diet....Probably will have a stroke!!

  6. @GummyTummy your response hit home with me, very well written. I think that when people try to read something they perceive it in different ways because of what personal demons they are fighting which could hinder the true meaning.

    We all need to vent sometimes and sometimes when people don't respond the way we want them to..we sometimes can take it as an attack..which essentially it isn't. 2-3 weeks or even a year from now...when things are going good...re-read the post...and can guarantee we will see it differently than now.


  7. I am only taking off a week, I have a sit down office job, so it makes it easier to sustain (i hope) any discomfort. But that all depends on what kind of work you do...if you are on your feet all day...the Doctor would probably recommend long than a week....check with your Doctor, might get a better answer :P

  8. @waitingtoexhale After reading the responses to your post, I don't see where anyone was being mean. Just because they didn't tell you what you wanted to hear based on the information you gave them..doesn't mean they were trying to bring you further down. We all have trials and triumphs in our lives, it's the outcome that matters the most. I am sorry your having so many difficulties in your life right now, perhaps postponing the surgery might be an idea...get your knees better, your finances in order and take care of what ever issues needed so that you CAN focus on you...verses the hurdles your facing around you. We can tell you "oh, that's ok you messed up on your pre-op diet, just get back on track" till we are blue in the face...the ultimate choice to succeed is yours.

    Forgive me if I don't sound compassionate, I really am considering my surgery is coming up the day before Thanksgiving, I quit smoking (which is killing my anxiety level) and if I gain just ONE pound, my insurance company will make me start all over again, so you see..we all are facing demons and must battle them the best we know how...coming to this forum has helped me immensely but the over all fight is our own.

    Just ask yourself this question.....am I REALLY ready for this change, with all the other battles I am facing right now? If the answer to that is "yes" than you are stronger than you think...let go of the weakness that is causing you to react, if you don't then it wins....don't let it!!......fight...fight ...fight!!

  9. @@jenn cox Hey Jenn, I am getting nervous....and anxious...my nurse informed me the surgery might take place the day before Thanksgiving, but that's fine with me..it's not like we have a HUGE family affair anyway. I am currently waiting on a call from my primary Dr., because since I quit smoking over a month ago and my surgery is so close, my stress/frazzle/freak out level has increased substantially....I really could use something to take the edge off..I tried to control it as long as I could but it's actually starting to effect my work and home life.

    As for being ready for the surgery...I am SO ready...I dream about all the things I am going to be able to do...but in the same time..I also think about the challenges and many hurdles I will have getting there. It's not going to be an easy ride, I know this...but because I am being given a special tool (gift) if you will..I need to take care of it...at least that's my mind set at the moment. Ask me this a day, week or even a month after surgery I might have a different mind set lol, but being given a gift would still stand true.

    What about you??

  10. So, Let me get this right....I have already completed every prerequisite for my surgery, way at the beginning as a matter of fact. I go to my 6th (last) dietician appointment on Monday..then according to the nurse I have to wait a month to see the Doctor (everything has to be schedule 30 days apart) which will put me at the end of October...so that means at that time..my paperwork will be submitted to insurance company, and probably will take 14 days or better to get the approval...nurse scheduled my surgery intentively for November 10, but that wont work because of the last day I will see Doctor verses the 14 day wait period....will probably put me at the 24th of November. Good Grief...he only does them twice every other Monday.

  11. O O O Ooooo Raising hand here....North Fort Myers, Florida

    Surgery is supposed to be scheduled for November 10th, however..the insurance company may take their sweet little time and my surgery could be the week of Thanksgiving...however...that doesn't bother me in the least...cause I'm gonna lose weight and be healthy...that' my motto What's a motta with you??

    Anyone in my neck of the woods?? I think I saw Cape Coral up a ways....hello??

  12. 12 Year old twins..wow..you have your hands full. I am a twin myself..my other half is a male.

    I dream alot about how nice it will be to do many things, but being healthy is number 1 for me. I am not sure if these feelings are normal but I dream and get excited about it..but then I get depressed and beat myself up and wonder what happens if the surgery doesn't work for me......I am putting the cart before the horse (per say). Sometimes I want to cry because I am so excited but in the same time, I am crying because I am so mad at myself for getting to this place of obesity. Believe it or not, I passed my Psych Eval.....I have so many un-answered feelings but....I won't get the answers I need unless I jump...right?

    I supposed the closer it gets, the more freaked out I am getting!! :wacko:

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