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Posts posted by Eclectick

  1. Ok..I found out I was diabetic about 3 months ago, I told the Doctor I didn't want to go on meds just yet until after the surgery...my sugar was 156...at the same time she prescribed Wellbutrin for my anxiety....as it turns out..I was having side effects with the Wellbutrin and it was not working..so today I went back and she did my EKG for medical clearance for my surgery on the 24th and I told her about the wellbutrin...so she prescribed Celexa 20, and she also wanted to check my sugar level and did...it was 166...she was so adamant about putting me on meds, said if I don't get it lowered the Doctor might not do the surgery.

    Has anyone ever taken Celexa and does it cause bad side effects, when is the best time to take it...she said take in morning..but if it causes sleepiness I can't..I have to work.

    Also the Metformin is free at Publix <----- if it's free...it's for me :P

  2. Well I haven't had my surgery yet, but your absolutely correct in saying you don't want to starve yourself....but that is what you are doing if you don't eat. Your body is geared to survive on food and Water...without that..could cause body organs to shut down...try to at least get something in your system on a daily basis including hydrating with Water.< /p>

    if your not hungry...drink something with calories in it.....but by all means...don't NOT eat. :blink:

  3. Ok, if your insurance requires 3 NUT visits, you started your process in June which means your first NUT visit was in either June or July...(lets just say July) July to Aug - 1 mo. Aug to Sept - 2 mo. Sept to Oct - 3 mo. (you had to skip a mo. due to co-worker) Oct to Nov. - 4th mo and another 30 days later you were supposed to meet with surgeon again which would make it Dec. ...it only takes ABOUT 15 days to get paperwork in and get approval from Insurance...so your surgery should be scheduled end of Dec. beginning of Jan.

    Keep pushing..someone is dropping the ball and not doing something right!!

    If not..you have record of the NUT visits, go to another surgeon and they will get you right in with all your records done already.

    Good Luck!! :blink:

  4. My insurance required 6 months with NUT really ends up being 7 with the way the schedule goes..but this is actually how it works...for my insurance anyway.

    First visit with surgeon was end of May, the NUT appt. needs to be scheduled as soon as possible which will make your first appt. then every 30 days..no less no more you will need to see the NUT 30 days in between that, they send you for any other test that needs to be done...as for me I had to have a endoscopy done, a letter from my primary doctor recommending the surgery and a phyciatrist evaluation that is required by insurance. AFTER your last NUT visit you see the surgeon to go over your 6 month history with NUT and a date can be set. It usually takes 15 days or so to get all paperwork to insurance and get approval. Then between the next 15 or so days waiting....the anesthesiologist requires a medical clearance which consist of an EKG and blood work. Still a lot of work for those 6 months..and very expensive with co-pays and deductibles..but the end, the result will be fabulous!! :D

  5. I have severe acid reflux, so the Dr. did a scope prior to surgery and sure enough I have a Hiatal Hernia, As Avafern said, it is caused by obesity and other abdomen issues..including the food you eat and how fast you eat..all kinds of stuff.

    He will be removing that during surgery on the 24th and said is should subside in a month or so.

  6. I had my last visit today pre-op...went over all that stuff...my NUT told me the 3 most important things post op is Water, Protein and walking...pretty much in that order...I am going into this dehydrated already...so from now until my surgery on the 24 Doc told me to drown myself in Water and cranberry juice to prevent any kidney issues.

    drinking water is going to be my challenge!! <-- being the most important factor post op

  7. Not sure if they test for nicotine, I also smoked for many years but I quit like 2 months ago, still using a vapor e cig..but zero nicotine fluids.

    My surgery is also on the 24th, go for blood work and EKG on 11/7

    P.S. - I got so mad about something today that I wanted one, I went out in the warehouse to ask the delivery guy for a cig, but he had already left, I guess I was saved. B)

  8. @@woo woo I agree, it's time to move on....however, I am financially not in a position right now to move out...I have surgery coming up in 24 days which requires my $2,000.00 deductable...but I'm thinking a few months after surgery when I am through the rough spots of post-op....just have to work around my car & motorcycle payments that I aquired after moving in...before I moved in...my other car was paid off, and my first motorcycle was paid off...silly me..traded both in for new...and the payments that come along with it...arggg.

    I was reluctant to do this, because he knew eventually I was going to move out..but again..silly me..allowed him to talk me into it. He got a new truck and motorcycle as well. :blink::wacko::unsure::huh:

  9. @@Introvert I am serious, although he did try to have sex with me when he had too many beers about 6 months ago, and needless to say..it wasn't very good nor was it like we used to have, but in turn, I used to drink along with him..and it was a fun thing for us...but I don't drink anymore..and I don't really care when he gets drunk..I don't mind him having a few beers every now and then..but to get drunk around him..is not fun anymore..but that was the first and ONLY time he/we have had any intimacy...since I moved back in. I have never brought up seeing someone else, he knows how I feel about him so I am thinking he knows I would never see anyone else unless I moved out.

    You would think there would be more to it, but that's it..in a nut shell...honest to god.

    I am just guessing that he has me around so he is not alone..but if he should find someone else...he can honestly say we aren't in a relationship so I owe you nothing...not really sure he would play it that way...it's very difficult for me to understand as well...I have no answers!!

    I just turned 50, and have told him plenty of times, I am tired of games...and if he doesn't want to just live life with me and be happy than we can part ways...he just turned 45 (but looks 50) still handsome in my eyes..but he doesn't seem to be looking or wanting to look for someone else.

    As I said....very weird!!

  10. Insurance Carriers are different, some do 6 months with a NUT, some do 3 Months or if you can document the last year or two of diet programs with your general practitioner they sometimes waive the pre-op NUT visits...it depends.

    As for me, I have BCBS - Blue Choice Advantage through insurance at work, and they require 6 months...unless I could prove I was on a doctor supervised diet for a year or two and failed, which I couldn't....with that being said..if you have the option of doing the 6 months...I would recommend it...it's very informative, and your monthly NUT appointments are and will be very helpful in the long run.

  11. You guys will get a kick out of this story: I met this guy about 5 years ago, we started off as friends which turned to friends with benefits, while all this was going on..he kept telling me we were just friends....well we did EVERYTHING together including 1.5 yrs later moving in with each other but it only lasted about a year when problems arose with his adult kids (that's another story) but I moved out...we didn't talk to each other for about 6 months I actually was so mad at him for the way things went down, but anyway.. from what I heard, he was miserable after I left but didn't hesitate to have sex with every female he could find, including with the 2 most hated women in my life.

    We started talking again, and became "weekend" friends with benefits AGAIN, eventually I was asked to move back in...I hesitated but since I fell so head over heals for him the first time..I couldn't let go. Little did I know, when I moved in..the sex stopped...no kissing, no hugging...nada...so I asked him...um..whats up? He said living together is one thing...he didn't want things to get complicated by having sex since we are just friends. I was like in shock..now that I had given up my apartment to come to this?..I told him, had I known you were going to do this..I wouldn't have moved in...no response from that.

    Anyway...I let it go..but we have been living together now a little over 2 years...we do EVERYTHING together, we sleep in the same bed..we go to family outings (both sides) together..he goes to the store and actually thinks of me...he buys me some of my favorite goodies I like....we actually have a friendship that is 100% similar to a marriage, everyone we know...introduces us as boyfriend & girlfriend and he doesn't correct them. .but yet to him..we are just best friends.

    He is so supportive of my surgery....and knows that I am so excited about this...being thinner and healthier that I am afraid that when I do lose weight he might start getting closer to me..would I like that? sure since I love him so much..but why wont he admit that we actually have a relationship? Was it my weight preventing him from announcing to everyone he was in a relationship with a fat girl?...is he just a commitment phobe? Or will this be my chance to actually find someone else...who knows.

    Kinda weird huh? would love to hear your thoughts on that icky situation!! :blink:

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