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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by motherof5

  1. motherof5

    August 26 Sleevers

    You are right about that b4real5. I just had my 10 yr old do it. But my 2 yr keeps trailing here food all the way in the living room every time she eats, lol.
  2. motherof5

    August 26 Sleevers

    yeah, I went out today to take care of some things and now I feel like laying down. My fisrt real walk since the hospital. Glad to be home now. but my floors are looking at me wanting my attention, lol.
  3. I totally understand you guys. I am day 9 on post op. My hubby bought frosted donuts in the morning. He got three pizzas for lunch and then had me fry chicken for dinner. He is a chicken skin person and so am I. It was hard to step away from that. For lunch and dinner I went straight upstairs because it bothers the heck out of me. I have no support system here, sigh. But I know this will not last long. I will be able to eat regular foods soon. I am not saying going back to my eating habits, but regular foods.
  4. motherof5

    August Sleevers Check In

    I came across this in the post op section and wanted to share. There is a site that will provide bariatric supplements if your insurance will accept it. You can call them or fill out the info on their website. I already did and I hope I can that needed help.the link is below. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/298409-did-you-know-your-protein-drinks-can-be-covered-by-your-insurance/page-3#entry3592011 Also, do you think we should move the August sleevers thread to the post op section?
  5. Just came across this and I gave them a call. I hope my insurance will approve.
  6. motherof5

    August Sleevers Check In

    It's me again. Yeah we really have to support one another here. I know we are going through something totally strrange right now. Karen, its done. You made a very important decision for yourself and family. We just got sleeved and it will take time. Don't be depressed about something that is good for you. Tell your hubby to hide the scale, lol.
  7. motherof5

    August 26 Sleevers

    Hey Sandy! Glad to hear all as well with you. I was sipping on watered down Powerade last night and that could explain why I was up and down all last night. I mean, I just kept waking up all night long, lol. I will have to get me some tomato soup. I tried the cream of chicken and also added some chicken breast to it and then sent it to the Nutra Bullet. Well, I know now that the cream Soups are out of the quesition for me. Had me gassy and miserable.
  8. motherof5

    August Sleevers Check In

    Hey guys. I am checking in at day 8 of post op. I finally ate something and felt good with it. I pureed chicken breast,spaghetti sauce and a small piece of feta and it tastes like chicken parm, it really does. I am not able to tolerate Ensure high Protein powder nor the Optisource Protein Drink. Both are gas central for me. I am pushing the Water and had my hubby buy me some Powerade for flavor. I have to do half juice and half water. Of course I have loose stool as well. It's is expected because I am not consume more fluids than anything else. I did so some work yesterday and afterwards I felt like crap. I will not overwork myself like that again. Today is definitely better. As far as Vitamins, I am taking 2 Flintstones Complete every morning until my first pre-op visit on the 8th. I know that my surgeon told me that Centrium chewables and Vitafusion were good. Caltrate and Citracel were good for the Calcium. In regards to the scales and weight lose. My advice is to ste p away from the scale. You are going to run yourselves nuts, I know I would. Just sit back and check out your body. Did your tummy go down? Do your legs look smaller? How about your arms? Does your bra and undies fit? These are the things that I notice all ready. I remember reading a post in another forum about a woman saying she didn't know about stalls because rarely weighed herself. Which makes sense. I would say just keep pushing it and maybe limit weigh-in to once a month. As long as you stick to your team's plan and stay on top of the Fluid, it will come off. I try to measure out no more than 1/4 cup of food. I hope this helps. Later Losers!
  9. motherof5

    August Sleevers Check In

    Those pains were terrible. It started on my second day in the hospital and they were doing their best to figure out what was going on. Today is better. I have more energy and I am going to continously sip on those darn protein drinks, lol. the water is not problem but I get full off the shakes quickly. but things are definitely looking better. Thanks
  10. Yes, I was sleeved the same day as you. I noticed the change about my left leg in the hospital. It was weird. It was always bigger than the right. I am off the pain meds too, I am only able to take about 2 0z of Protein Shakes at a time. I did tweek it to suit my taste buds. I am sipping sipping and sipping on the ater all day. I finally have energy now too, YaY! but I will probably take a little nap later anyway. I don't have a scale yet, good thing for me. I will have my my first post op appt on the 8th and will find out how much I lost then. And yes, it is normal
  11. motherof5

    August Sleevers Check In

    Hey guys. I was sleeved on August 26th and that means 6-7 days post op. The experience was a good one for me. All the staff at OSU were awesome. I did manage to lose 10 pounds from my lpre-op liver shrink diet. That was an awesome felling from the beginning I have no gas, YaY! My incisions are small and painless except tor the biggest one. I can feel that when I get out of th bed. I did have a little burning sensation the other day but that went away. I finally have some energy today. Between the surgery and being on these narcotics, I was floating all the time and tired. I am combatting nausea though. I feel like these hunger pain, could be acid. But whenI feel those pains, here comes the nausea. I hae absolutely no appetite at all right now. I am basically forcing myself to eat, lol. I have no desire to hrry up to get the pureed stage bcause of this. right now I am consumming soup, protein shakes and water. Meds: they gave me something for my stomach to protect from ulcers 2 flintstones complete per day Cpap machine nausea patches I will see my surgeon on September 8th for my follow up. Anyone else from August 26th
  12. Hello. This is an excellent site from a RNY vet. She has recipes and ideas for all stages. I hope this helps. Link is below. http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/
  13. motherof5

    August Sleevers Check In

    Karen. I always read from pre-op vets to measure and stick to that. In the beginning your tummy is still healing and you will not be able to tell if you are full. I believe it is 1/4 cup of food and stop if you feel uncomfortable. I know in my bariatric book, I am only allowed 1/4 cup in the beginning I also read that vets had indicators like burping and discomfort when they are full.
  14. motherof5

    August Sleevers Check In

    Awesome! keep up the good work!
  15. HI there. How far out are you on your journey?
  16. motherof5

    Sleep apnea and sleeve surgery

    Hello. My surgeon told me bring my CPAP machine with me on surgery day. He said that I will need it afterwards. I was told that because we will still be medicated and it will cause your apnea to be worst. The muscles in your throat will be relaxed. I would defintely confirm with your doctor.
  17. I will not miss the person in the mirror. Far too long I looked in the mirror and was not happy with what I saw. I saw nothing but fat, fat, fat and I used to express that to my hubby. You know its an issue if you make fun of yourself and your spouse has to hear this, SMH. I was pre-diabetic 4 months back, had HBP since 2004, I have arthritis in both knees and lower back and I have mild sleep apnea. All this at the age of 39. I started to eat right and got my but off the couch and moved for at 30 minutes per day. After the surgery, I will continue to push myself to get to a healthy weight and where I am comfortable, God Willing. I don't want to come back to this unhappy place or person again. With 5 children and a husband, it gets busy around here and I tend to neglect myself, my body. Not anymore, Not anymore! I CAN DO THIS, WE CAN DO THIS!
  18. motherof5

    August 26 Sleevers

    Hello Jz0917, I am going to the hospital at 8 am on the 26th. I think i am more anxious right now. When I start the prep in the hospital, i think that is when I will get nervous. I was trying to decide if I should take my backpack or my suitcase. I think the suitcase is a little too much though. I am leaning towards my pick backpack. Its silly isn't it? I also have to carry my cpap machine too. I am not sick of the liquid because I am allowed to eat one meal per day and extra non starchy veggies if need be. I usually do a protein(meat) and salad for lunch of dinner. I do not have any idea as to how much weight I lost since Aug 11th but I can definitely tell a difference. What to pack? I will take three house dresses, toothbrush, gas meds, deodorant, undies,phone(charger) and some reading material. I think that is good. Oh, and I definitely need to have THE RED ENVELEOPE. It has my wrist band and it will be my blood type indicator. I think that will be all.
  19. I totally feel you. I was so nervous when the receptionist called to schedule the pre-op appt and then called back the same day to schedule my surgery. It was totally unexpected and I had never been speechless in my life until that day. congrats!
  20. motherof5

    August Sleevers Check In

    Listen, I know all too well how it feels to lay down on that SMALL table and have your arms strapped down. With 4 c-sections under my belt, it was not easy for me. With all the lights and people, I hope I do not throw up, lol. At least they can give me something to calm my nerves before hand. I totally made a fool of myself with my last c-section,lol. I have to be at the hospital 8 am on Tuesday and plan to be there early. Our time is coming and soon we will be on the loser's bench guys. I was thinking about it last night. All the excitement and anxiety will be over soon, then what? lol. How are the August post ops doing? I have to play catch up with the posts this weekend because I have been very busy with homeschooling three children. We can do this Keisha and Doc_Law, We can do this! I think I am more concerned about how my liver shrink diet went pre-op, lol.
  21. motherof5

    Calling all August Sleevers!

    Thanks for sharing with us. I am glad that you are doing well.
  22. motherof5

    Calling all August Sleevers!

    I can definitely relate. I learned how to space my meals and to consume lots of watere to help me stay satisified. I think it is even harder when you are a grazer. Even if I am putting food away for the night, I am grazing, lol. At least when I did slip on the pre-op, it was with proteins and not junk. Today is day 7 for me and it is a lot better. I am due for surgery the day after you. Let's stay focused!
  23. motherof5

    August Sleevers Check In

    Hey Hey Hey! just checking in. I know we had a lot of August 18th sleevers and I hope that all went well. Please keep us posted. Today is August 19th and I know we have plenty of surgeries today as well. I hope for the best for you all! I am still in pre-op which is not an easy task but I am still striving. Sitting here sipping on my protein drink and water before I start homeschooling. Later sleevers!
  24. motherof5

    2 weeks postop update!

    Nice job! Not sleeved yet but will be on August 26th. Keep up the good work.
  25. motherof5

    Love my "backyard"

    Talk about beauty. I am not an outdoors kind of gal but that is nice to see.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
