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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Done

  1. Unless you have money to throw away.

    First I want to say that I am extremely thankful for this forum. I found this site a couple months prior to surgery and I learned so much and went into surgery with my eyes open. My surgeon even commented that it appeared I had done my homework.

    But when I first found this site I went gung ho. Found the pre-op shopping list and got pretty much everything on it.

    Here's a list of the things I have that I would not have gotten if I had it to do over again because I didn't need them:

    • Two ice packs.
    • Two different kinds of gas-x (the nurse told me gas-x does not help eliminate the gas that you get following surgery that is caused by the surgeon blowing air into you).
    • I could have lived without the heating pad.
    • Two boxes of ex-lax.
    • 12 lbs of Protein powder in 3 flavors (quit laughing)!

    What I have used:

    • Liquid Tylenol
    • Maybe a pound or so of the Protein powder
    • SF & FF pudding
    • Special K Protein Water (lots of this)
    • I have used the heating pad, but have not found it nearly as wonderful as others have indicated.
    • Magic Bullet blender/mixer (love it)

    I am not saying that you and I would have the same lists, but I will say that after the first day I felt well enough to go shopping and I wish I had left things like the ex-lax, the second box of gas-x, the ice packs at Walmart and waited until after surgery to see if those things were really needed. I also wish that I did not have more then 10 lbs of Protein Powder in 3 giant containers taking up space on my kitchen counter!!!

    That's my tip for the day.

    Hi there,

    I found that because I had a great deal of gas pain, the heating pad worked extremely well relieving that pain, as I used it on the front as well.

    I found the gas-x didn't work for me.

    Re: the protein powder, I have three different types - a sweeter soy vanilla, an unflavored brand, and the beneprotein powder (the expensive one). I use the beneprotein in Soups as it is tasteless, and the sweet one in yogurts. I'm still on liquids so I need that extra boost of protein.

    I needed some stool softeners as it took about a week for my bowels to start working again.

    Also a little pillow was very helpful as I held it against my tummy/port area to help with the pain while walking (and protecting it when I was in bed with my three and five year olds jumping around! :-) )

    Peppermint tea was a GODSEND to me!

    It's interesting to see what everybody else uses. I think it depends on how that person recovers from the surgery, their pain levels, etc.

    Good thread!

  2. I didn't read through all of the posts, and I'm new at this band thing, b ut just off the top of my head I thought have you eaten these foods before? Have you tried introducing only one food at a time?

    I am currently reading the book by Muhammed Ali's daughter, and the surgeon (who brought the band into the states for the clinical trials) said that things like bread can go into a big sticky ball in the pouch, blocking the exit. Maybe that could be the problem? Not necessarily the food you ate at the time, but something you ate earlier that was still in your pouch?

    Just a thought..hope this helps. :wink:

  3. I MUST flucuate Water, ill tell u what.. i ve been getting myself back on track and i stepped on the scale today and it said 170!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!

    On monday i was 153 .. what the hell..

    now i really AM crying. .

    Maybe hide your scale for a while? Get back on track and don't weigh yourself for two weeks. Measure yourself and go by those measurements rather than the Water weight. You can do this! You have already done so well, this is just a tiny bump in the road. :wink:

  4. ive been doing great, had a couple set backs but i always pulled myself up and got going again. Well today i have been eating literally non-stop. I have NO idea what has gotten into me. I keep saying this is the last thing then i go back for more!!! i feel huge and bloated. i have no idea but i am WIDE open today. Eating stuff never thought i could. Ughhhhhhh im so upset with myself. I wanna cry.....

    Oh honey, I know how you feel. Hang in there! You can do this. It's called life, we all have good and bad days. Tomorrow is a better day :-)

  5. Well, to be honest, ....................


    I woke up with "ROBERTA, YOUR SURGERY IS OVER" and a nurse sticking a suppository up my you-know-what!!! (hey! exit only!!).

    I don't recover well from anesthetic. I've been under the knife about seven times and I guess this is just the way my body handles the medication.

    I was very much out of it. I didn't have a "fun" stoned feeling, you know, "wow man, I feel goooooooodddd zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" (god it's been YEARS since I felt like that! HA HAAA). First thing I felt was the pain around my sternum from where the port was placed. Soon after my chest started hurting...intense pressure and pain under my ribcage......it hurt to breathe .. they sat me up which helped a bit, but it didn't go away so they gave me some percocet (spelling??). It was quite painful until after the meds

    kicked in. The chest pain was really something. The port incision felt very raw.

    The narcotics made me breathe really shallow so I was in and out of consciousness and remember telling myself to not forget to breathe.

    I would say it took a good four hours post-op for me to be able to stand up on my own. The chest pains were reduced by about 50% by sitting and standing up.

    Then of course that night I got all hyper, just like my anesthesiologist warned me (something about the mixture of the anesthetic and another med they give to patients before they go under causes hyperactivity). Felt great, no pain.


  6. Over 7 years out. Still love my band despite a prolonged unfill period that lasted off and on almost two years and ended up in some regain.

    Losing again and well aware of the value of my tool and SO grateful that it's there!

    The Lapband changed my life and really taught me a lot about myself. It's not perfect and I knew that going in, but I would run to the hospital again to have it done.

    Back when Carnie Wilson was going through her RNY I was on a generic WLS board where no one had ever heard of the Lapband. As a result I became friends with a LOT of people who've had the RNY, DS and now the sleeve. Past five years you really can't tell us apart. Honestly.

    When I was 30 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer--the rare kind that isn't a result of HPV. I was very grateful to be able to adjust my band as needed for the multiple surgeries I had to have, the medications, etc. It was nice to know that I didn't have to worry about malabsorption and any issues with that. I was very appreciative I had control like that.

    I had a rough beginning with my band emotionally and behaviorally. But I found my way. In a strange way the band taught me patience and the value of small goals.

    I still love my band :eek:.

    PS I marked 7-9 years on the poll but it didn't register for some reason.

    Thank you so very much for sharing your story. :) I look to stories like yours for inspiration when times are tough.

  7. Roberta, I find it amazing to see how willing you are to leap into threads for other people and attack, and yet turn around and ask for sympathy and support when YOU are feeling down. Have you asked your doctor for help in these extreme mood swings?

    Wow, that was mean.

  8. I have hashimotos thyroiditis (autoimmune disease where the antibodies kill the thyroid) and I'm losing weight with my band. Appreciate the band as there are millions of other obese people without the privilege of using it.

    ETA: somebody flamed me so I'm toning it down a bit.

  9. I began my weight loss journey 11 months ago (Feb 07). These pictures were take of me on June 1 after I had already lost 18 pounds on my own. They were taken at the beginning of a 21-week Optifast diet at Emory Hospital that I enrolled in on my own. I lost 50 pounds on the Optifast plan before I was banded on 12/6/07. I have lost an additional 26 pounds since surgery

    AMAZING! You have done so well! You must feel absolutely wonderful.

  10. Thirteen pounds in about one week and your going crazy? Hey let me get on that bandwagon with you.

    How about seven weeks post surgery, weight loss 18 pounds, scale won't budge now? 2 fills, no restriction.

    Third fill coming but I don't have much confidence in that one either. I think it's going to take number 4 or 5 before I get anywhere. What's that like another month or six weeks?

    Talk about crabby. It is 5:10 pm and I've had 260 caloreis so far. One Isopure CLEAR and one large glass V-8 low sodium. This is to be sure I don;t gain any back!

    I'm sure I will pretty much inhale dinner... oh wow, I hope I don't get too full on those giant lean cuisine meals! HA!

    My willpower is shot and I never had much to begin with OR I wouldn't be FAT!

    Ok, that felt good. Thanks!

    Oh gosh I feel so bad for you!!!! I hope it starts to work for you soon. BIG HUGS.

  11. I don't think there are too many out there who can't relate to this. However, that being said, I'm sure you were informed that the time between surgery and your first fill is for HEALING, not losing weight. I had my surgery in the beginning of August and did not start losing weight until my 4th fill the very end of October! I know it is frustrating but you have to give it time. Take a deep breath and just remember you are at the starting line the race just hasn't begun yet. It will be worth it, I promise!

    I know that, I read it was a time for healing, but then I read of people losing drastic amounts of weight in the first month, mainly due to malnutrition due to starvation (which is what my surgeon recommends, broth for one month), or who knows, something else. I know it's only been less than two weeks, but the feelings are still there, since I haven't seen the scale move in a week. The first few days were miraculous, I would wake up and the scale would be down 2, 3 lbs. Now, nothing. I know it wasn't realistic because I couldn't live on broth alone after the first week.

    I'm reading Mohammed Ali's daughter's book on the band, I'm actually finding it very helpful right now.

    I have battled depression for years, so these feelings are nothing new to me. I'm just glad I have this board to vent to! :rolleyes::) You are all great.

  12. I am getting 8 glasses in a day, it is a huge struggle but I am doing it. I don't use salt so I don't think that is a problem. I am not eating prepared foods that much I make nearly everything I put into my mouth so I am certain what is in it.

    You are probably right, I just know how it furstrates me right now, I almost cried yesterday at the gym when I got on the scale and still no movement.

    I am trying to focus on how good I feel.....but it is so hard....I want the next 16 pounds to move out....I want to be in ONDERLAND so badly.:rofl::)

    I just read recently that the whole "8 glasses a day" recommendation is actually incorrect. I think the article stated something like consuming that amount of Water a day including that which comes from food, tea, etc. etc.

  13. I've read that quite a few of you have really struggled with loosing weight with the lap band. Many of you have not been able to get the the "sweet spot" even after the bands are completely filled. :cry I'm not banded yet, but am worried that I will have the same poor experiences. Any suggestions to help me prepare for success?

    Subscribe to the before/after pics thread. There are people constantly putting their pics up there to motivate others.


  14. I have my first pre-op appointment this Thursday, which will be about two weeks since my surgery date. My original appointment was last week but I had no sitter for my two daughters.

    I don't even get my first fill on that date!!!! I have to wait longer!


    I HATE reading how others have lost weight because I am so frickin pissed that I am not there yet. I feel like I am being tortured right now. I am on liquids and my god it is just KILLING ME. I mean, really, how much longer can I live on Soup & broth?

    I DON'T know how much broth/soup to eat, sometimes I can eat a cup, sometimes more, how do I know if it is staying in the pouch or just draining out? I worry CONSTANTLY that I am stretching my pouch somewhat. I wish I could physically SEE inside of myself whenever I eat to see how the food moves through my pouch and band.

    The mfr says to eat three meals a day, no Snacks. My nutritionist states 3-6 meals per day. My surgeon says three teacups, and also requires one month of clear fluids that would end up being roughly 900 calories FOR A MONTH - yes, consuming less than 100 calories PER DAY. (I lasted a week, then went on to thin soup, so I am up to about 800-1200 cals per day). Other people are eating real food after a week. WHAT GIVES? WHO DO YOU TRUST? How can one person be forced to starve just because her surgeon says so, while others are able to eat pretty much whatever they want a week post-op????

    I am SO bitchy and crabby right now. Unbelievable. I mean I haven't been this crabby in MONTHS! (and no, it isn't my TOTM, I had my baby machine yanked out after baby #2)

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