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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by quicy

  1. I had my surgery on Oct 3 and felt great after surgery. Recovery was easy. Just shy of two weeks after I had a sudden shortness of breath and knew that could be a symptom of two things.. Pneumonia or Pulmonary Embolism.

    I went to my Dr right away and he sent me for blood tests and chest X-rays. Not wanting to wait for the results I went to the ER that night. They gave me a shot of blood thinners and scheduled me for a CT scan first thing the next day. I came back for the test and admitted right away as confirmed Pulmonary Embolism (blood clots in lungs). I was lucky to have caught it and been diagnosed so fast as that made the prognosis less serious as they started me on blood thinners to help prevent more clots and work to dissolve the current ones. I spent a couple days in hospital then was discharged on blood thinner injections to rest at home. A couple days later I was having a day of light headedness and dizziness and that evening I fainted. I went right back to hospital and was admitted for monitoring. My levels were off and they ended up giving me two bags of blood. A week later I have been discharged and still on blood thinners and close monitoring with blood tests and by my family Dr.

    Long story short... Trust your body and if you are just out of surgery and not feeling right - get it checked immediately.

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