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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by beckymein1021

  1. beckymein1021

    Weight Loss Totals

    I was banded on 10/18 and have lost 32 pounds. -Becky
  2. beckymein1021

    can't throw up

    Greeneyez: Good luck with your banding! You will love being a fellow bandster! It's a totally new world (and there are some perils now and then) but it sounds like you are preparing yourself for a positive experience! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress! -Becky
  3. beckymein1021

    Any LapBanders from San Diego, CA

    bebers, I'm up here in Mission Viejo, if you want company to go with you to Cardiff for your fill, I'll go with you!! -Becky
  4. beckymein1021

    update of my possibly too tight fill....

    If I couldn't eat, but wasn't hungry, I think I'd welcome that. It seems like staying on liquids until things 'loosen up' is a good idea. Can't say as I've never been there. I have pretty good restriction now and am due to go for another 'fill' next week. I'm starting to get worried I might be getting an 'overfill' if I seem to have good restriction now... -Becky
  5. beckymein1021

    can't throw up

    I have to concur with Paulax and the others...just got over a flu bug and my poor son and mother thought I was dying I had the dry heaves so bad. Nothing would come up through the band. THEN last night (stupid, stupid Becky, will I EVER learn??) I ate my pork chop too fast, too big, too dry and yes, big stick!! I'm happy to say after learning up close and personal what sliming is, I tried the pineapple juice trick. HALLELUIAH! It worked and I was so happy. Today I'm taking it slow, slow, slow. But I too was worried about harming my band or making it slip I was heaving SO hard. I see my doc next week, so I'll ask him about it. -Becky
  6. Ok, I guess I'm not alone in this, it seems like there are a bunch of us struggling through the holidays. My deal is, ok, I eat, pouch gets full, I start the burping and feeling like indigestion, which is my pouch saying 'enough is ENOUGH!' But I don't WANT to stop eating because it tastes good, is something I don't get to eat all the time and so then I feel like I'm really at war between my head and my body!! Anyone else out there experiencing this as well? THIS is the hard part, I think!! -Becky :help: P.S. Getting stuff stuck over and over isn't helping because THEN I feel I haven't really 'enjoyed' my food and feel like I need another opportunity to do that. I think my head must be really messed up...
  7. beckymein1021

    Pouch Says "NO MORE", Head says "EAT MORE"

    Fanny, I LOVE that, who can keep the lolly in their mouth the longest! Ok, I think you and I should have a competition to see how many times we can chew the same food. And I agree with you about the mushies. By the time I'm finally through chewing, it's more liquid than anything else. mss: I really like your idea of mindful eating. I think that is a great strategy for me. I also play a game with myself lately playing with my food, taking tiny, tiny bites and challenging myself to eat less and slower than anyone else. If there is no one else, I just try to make it lasttttttttttt!! Good tips, thanks! -Becky :hungry:
  8. beckymein1021

    Pouch Says "NO MORE", Head says "EAT MORE"

    Try to keep the food in your mouth as long as you can to savour the taste. Fanny, Great advice and that's what I've been trying to do. Here's the thing about keeping it in my mouth longer - does it kind of gross you out when you have all this mushy food in your mouth and you're still chewing, chewing, chewing to make sure no big lumps go down? Sometimes when I am eating (the way I SHOULD be eating), I think 'this is really gross'... BUT then I have to remind myself that nothing tastes as good as thin feels. I'm even beginning to become friends with the stomach grumbles. I wonder if that means I'm starting to love myself a little more...? :love: -Becky
  9. beckymein1021

    failing miserably at this right now!

    Mscas3, Don't stay away because you think you're failing! That's the time you need the support of others here on this forum. We are all in the same boat and we all have our successes and failures at different times. That's what makes this forum so helpful - you can choose the thread that relates to what you are going through. We all struggle; it's part of the process of learning how from adjust life-long bad eating habits. Thank God for this forum, it has really helped me in so many ways!! Stay close and stay in touch, that way we can continue to help each other!! -Becky
  10. beckymein1021

    Obama won Iowa...woot

    I love it! I have one every morning for breakfast. It's filling and very satisfying (even with skim milk). Sometimes I even have it for dinner if I'm not very hungry (and lazy). Not crazy about the way the way the Slim Fasts taste, so I basically use a glass of skim milk or a Carnation Instant Breakfast to get some Protein in. Bravo to you for taking the plunge! You'll do great!! Good luck! :clap2: -Becky
  11. beckymein1021

    Banded Oct 30th First Fill Today

    Welcome to the October bandsters! What a GREAT weight loss and you just had your first fill! You are doing great! :rockon: Keep it up! -Becky
  12. beckymein1021

    That Old Feeling and Bah Humbug

    Coo: Give yourself credit, you are almost 1/2 way there! Look how far you've come! Good for you!! -Becky:waytogo:
  13. beckymein1021

    That Old Feeling and Bah Humbug

    Bandster 1007 - how did your fill go...are you noticing a difference? You've been on my mind and I'm wondering how you are doing and if you have hit your 'sweet spot' yet. I was really afraid I was gaining over the holidays (so I refused to get on the scale). After a really horrible day at work yesterday, I decided to face everything unpleasant and get it over with. So I made myself get on the scale this morning! To my surprise I lost another 1.5 pounds (and I was certain I had gained). So be not dismayed fellow bandsters, the news may not be as bad as you think it will be!! -Becky
  14. beckymein1021

    failing miserably at this right now!

    I think we all feel the same way and it's during hard times like this (when we don't make the choices we felt we should have made) that we have to look at the successes we HAVE had. For example, I am FREEZING at work today, I have 2 sweaters and my coat on. I consider that my body working to take me down another size. Being cold + No weight loss = lost inches. The weight WILL follow the inches. It's just your body catching up to the quick weight loss you've had prior. It's a stop and go process. Hang in there, we will ALL get there!! IndioGirl: thanks for the words of encouragement and the kick in the tush, I know I needed it!! -Becky
  15. beckymein1021

    Monthly weight loss report & goal for next month

    dlyrical: if you go to www.tickermaker.com you can create your own ticker there (you will need to supply a 'pin' (or password) to be able to login to update your weight loss. Then go to http://www.lapbandtalk.com/usercp.php (CP User on the toolbar at the top) and copy and paste your toolbar in the 'Edit Signature' part. Then to update your toolbar, all you have to do is click on it and it will take you to the website to sign in (with pin again) and you update your weight or whatever and click 'next'. It saves your changes and updates all your toolbars. Hope that helps. -Becky
  16. beckymein1021

    Monthly weight loss report & goal for next month

    Ok, I'm hoping that by putting down my goals here (amongst others) that I will be held accountable!! Banded: Oct. 17 Total Weight Lost: 28.5 (yes, I DO count .5 lbs) Goals: 1) Drink 120 oz. Water EVERY day 2) Start adding Protein powder to food 3) STOP eating fast and getting food stuck 4) CHEW CHEW CHEW (I think someone else also said that) 5) Start walking/biking/MOVING at least 3x a week 6) STOP beating myself up when I feel I've eaten something 'bad' -- there is no 'bad', this is a lifetime commitment... Glad this thread was started! We can do this!! I'm very excited about the New Year and being a big loser myself!! -Becky :ranger:
  17. beckymein1021

    Where is everyone from?

    Mission Viejo, CA
  18. Ooops, my bad. Here's the link: juice Plus+, Juice Plus Official Homepage -Becky
  19. Another thing that's worked for me is JuicePlus. I don't sell it, but have bought it and am taking it now, it seems to help with those icky hard poohs. Here is the link, if anyone is interested. As I said, I don't sell it (bought it from a friend who does sell it). Good luck!! -Becky :ranger:
  20. beckymein1021

    Pouch Says "NO MORE", Head says "EAT MORE"

    J: Thanks for the support, it helps just knowing I'm not alone in this! Lovekatz: I am finding the same thing. This morning, my pills were getting stuck. I wish I could be like the people who welcome and Celebrate the feeling, but I can't help feeling panicked and pressured to make the pain go away. I'm also afraid of stretching/hurting my pouch and damaging myself. So far I haven't PB'd (well once when I ate a brownie and it just came right back up), so I'm just trying to 'work through this'. JPayton: I know, like you, I would hope I would learn. Today now I'm almost afraid to eat because it seems like everything I had yesterday gave me a problem. I really have to slow down, take SMALL bites and chew like there's no tomorrow. Knowing you all out there know how I feel and may even be experiencing it too makes me feel better. We WILL get through this! I just thought getting my 2nd fill, I'd find that 'magic spot' and wouldn't feel hungry anymore...
  21. beckymein1021

    Holy Cr@p that hurt

    Sue, that sounds like a great idea, I will try that with the timer. Thanks! -Becky
  22. beckymein1021

    Holy Cr@p that hurt

    After getting my 2nd fill on the 21st, I thought it would be a real problem at Christmas. Sailed through that with no problem. MY problem is I keep forgetting I have the band and pop something in my mouth and then take another bite too soon. Holy CR@P that DOES hurt!! I like to think I'm learning, but I'm getting to the point where I don't want to eat anything because it feels like everything is getting stuck. Back on liquids for awhile for me until it sinks into this stupid head that things ARE going down slower and to take it easy. Old habits die hard... -Becky :embarassed:
  23. beckymein1021

    Time for some fun...

    I've lost an average 2 year old. Here's to losing more!! -Becky :ranger:
  24. I've also not been able to pooh like I did 'pre-Band'. I found if I drink a hot cup of green tea (or maybe even the green tea cold drinks would work), it works for me. I don't really care for the taste, but I make myself drink it for the antioxidants and for the freedom. Good Luck to everyone! -Becky :ranger:
  25. beckymein1021

    Is it just deliberate starvation???

    Soozan, responded to your reply in the other topic 'why am I fat', but had to add something here - you mentioned you read salads are a big problem for some people. Here is what I've discovered: If you chew, chew, chew and chew some more until there are no 'chunks' in your food larger than a pea, chances are, you won't have a problem. When I have a problem with things getting stuck, it's usually one of three reasons: 1) I'm eating too fast (gobbling my food like I used to do) 2) I'm not chewing it enough (along with eating too fast) 3) I'm eating MORE than I should (even after the warning signs have told me to stop, that I've had enough). If you listen to your body and change the behaviors that get you into trouble, you'll be fine. You WILL get enough nutrients that your body needs. Make the right choices and eat less. It's a winning combination. Ciao! -Becky :ranger:

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