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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by beckymein1021

  1. Julie, congrats! You will have to keep us updated, because like all inquiring minds, we NEED to know!! Good luck with your journey and keep the details coming. I, like others are also hoping to have this done in the hopefully not TOO distant future, so all stories are of GREAT interest to me!! Take case and we'll look forward to your updates!!
  2. beckymein1021

    Tummy Tuck with Lipo Journey

    Cheryl, good luck, I'm sure you'll do fine. I'm really happy for you, I'm hoping to do what you are doing in about 9 months! How much have you lost? Are you at goal? I'm sure all the people who have gone through PS will be here to support you! Keep us posted how you're doing and how it went! BTW...how did you choose your surgeon? Did you have more than on 1 consult with different doctors?
  3. For me, the three things would be: 1) Looking forward to seeing what my woohaa looks like (haven't seen it from above in I don't know how long)... 2) Being a role model for my daughter (who also has over 100# to lose) so she will know SHE can do it too and get her life STARTED 3) Being able to get rid of my 'front butt' (as DH calls it) so when clothes fit me snugly, you don't see my panus hanging down without all the fat in it. Simple things mean a lot!
  4. beckymein1021

    How do you chew, chew, chew?

    Hi Bea, I guess to add my $.02 worth, you will find out RIGHT fast (and I'm STILL learning)...I agree with the others. The key is to not let yourself get TOO hungry (or drink a big glass of Water before you eat) to make sure you don't take too big of bites or too fast. I was banded in October and am still learning through 'trial and error'. You will get there and KUDOS to you for practicing and preparing for your banding. That will put you even more in line with your goals and will help you be more successful. Good luck and keep us posted how it's going for you!!:wink2:
  5. beckymein1021

    Im feeling blue

    Amanda, I remembering feeling that way too and then got depressed that doing something so good for myself was making me depressed!! Then I finally figured it out - 2 things: 1) I was in 'mourning' (for my old eating lifestyle, as bad as it was for me, I knew I'd never be able to do it again and I DID enjoy eating a lot of food) 2) My tranquilizer was gone (food) and I was having to deal with all those emotions/moods/feelings, etc. without making myself feel better with food. As many people have already noted (and I think you've found as well), it will pass and then you will be SO glad you did it. Get through Bandster Hell and you'll find you are reminded why you did this in the first place. For a better, healthier YOU!! Good luck and hang in there!
  6. beckymein1021

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Apples2, you are cracking me up this morning!! I have done the same thing so many times, when your fingers want to type something other than what your mind is thinking!! You are having a GREAT weight loss and you don't even have your band yet! You are going to do fabulously! Keep it up (or down?) :biggrin:
  7. beckymein1021

    I'm in ONEderland, Baby!

    Good for you Susan! I can hardly wait myself until I'm in ONEderland! Keep up the great work, that is a wonderful milestone!!:biggrin:
  8. beckymein1021

    Do you have less sagging skin with slow weight loss?

    Jeni, I had to laugh when I saw you were a PS addict (I find I'm becoming one too)! My family is probably getting sick of all the 'weight loss' or PS shows I'm taping, but I find it really helps keep me focused and motivated. I know I'm going to need some tightening up when I get down to goal...
  9. beckymein1021

    I got THE CALL!

    Good for you Cat! Keep up your enthusiasm, it will help you over the rough spots. Good luck and keep us posted!! :mad2:
  10. Water is my new best friend too. I've always heard that the more you drink the more you will lose. I saw a chart somewhere that told me I should be drinking (for my weight) 124 oz. a day. So I shoot for 2 16.9 oz. bottles in the morning on the way to work. If I go out to lunch (getting in the car to drive), I take 2 more bottles in the car with me to finish before I come back to work (try to drink MOST of them before eating). Then I drink 2 more on the way home. Then I TRY to drink one more in the evening before I go to bed. On the weekends, it's harder to get as much water in as I'm running around and not sitting at a desk.
  11. beckymein1021

    Kareyquilts TT, BL, Lipo & BA

    I read your post about the pain medication, then lilo's post. I hope you are doing ok - my prayers and thoughts are with you. Let us know how you're doing when you get a chance. :grouphug:
  12. beckymein1021

    Are Things Changing for YOU Too?

    Hi Coo, I can totally understand where you're coming from (and I'm past the PMS point now <at least I HOPE so - knock on wood>), but I still really get it about being done with 'users'. Those people who only call when they need something from you; otherwise you never hear from them. I'm like you, I don't think my marriage will break up over this, it's pretty solid and we've been together a long time (through thick and thin) - sorry, couldn't resist!! :grouphug: I'm trying (but not ALWAYS succeeding) in enjoying the journey on the way DOWN, but you're right, those emotional, hormonal factors always seem to come into play. I'm sure like everything else in life we're having our peaks and valleys...and you're right...better times are right ahead. Plus it doesn't help that this is a crappy time of year weather wise anyway. Hang in there and thanks for responding!! :eek:
  13. It's interesting how we happily and with great anticipation track each pound lost, each inch gone, clothes getting looser and generally feeling better overall. Something I've noticed (besides the obvious) is that I find I'm getting 'leaner and meaner'. I don't know if it's my improved self esteem, but I find I'm less tolerant of the BS I used to put up with before. (Could this also be an 'age' thing??) I'm speaking up more for myself, my ideas, my opinions, etc. as if I wasn't really 'worthy' of being listened to before. Because of this (or in ADDITION to this) I find some friends becoming more distant. As if the new and improved me is not what they had in mind when it came to being my friend. Don't get me wrong, I haven't been downright ugly or abusive to anyone, just more standing up for myself type stuff. Has anyone else experienced this with 'fair weather friends' or as long as you were fat, jolly and happy they were 'ok' with you, but NOW...well it's a different story. I'm interested in hearing what others have to say about this. I have found (interestingly enough) that my TRUE friends, although they notice the weight loss and Celebrate it with me, it's never been about my weight with them. They just see me as me and don't care if I weigh 350 or 150. As long as I'm happy, that's all they care about. But the others...it saddens me... Thoughts anyone??:drool:
  14. beckymein1021

    Banded......Can't sleep!!!

    I too have been having trouble sleeping...or wake up each hour during the night until an hour before I have to get up, THEN I fall into a DEEP sleep. I also used to take naps (loved them esp. on a rainy Sunday afternoon), but now when I have a toe-up, nothing happens. So I end up getting up and doing something else instead. I think the band is helping me leave my lazy, slothfulness behind (hopefully??) :drool:
  15. beckymein1021

    Weight Loss Totals

    41 pounds lost. Am working for 199 by May 1!! :drool:
  16. beckymein1021

    tenacious tens-what are your intolerable foods so far

    I just got filled a couple of weeks ago (my 3rd one) and it was too tight. I was on liquids for the 2 days afterwards, then on the 3rd day I couldn't even get Water down. So an hours drive from work back up to the doctor to get a slight unfill. I think I'm at my 'sweet spot' now (after his unfill), but I do find myself being lazy and eating things I know I won't have a problem with. My main foods are skim milk (with or without Instant Breakfast), cottage cheese (but that can hurt now even if I chew chew chew, cheese stix (for some reason, those go right down). I'm having problems with eggs now, chicken, lettuce, ANYTHING with flour in it (it just SITS there). Before I could eat maybe ONE piece of pizza as a special treat. Now it's so painful and the sliming has me off pizza (maybe for the rest of my life). Impulsive grabbing something to put in my mouth, not chewing enough and NOT eating slowly are still my worst enemies...
  17. beckymein1021

    Kareyquilts TT, BL, Lipo & BA

    Karey, you look fantastic. What a great, positive attitude you have, you are such an inspiration to everyone. After reading your (and others) stories, I think I will be jumping on the band wagon when my time comes. Wasn't sure about the ladies...esp. living in CA where others outside the state think everyone here is 'fake', didn't know if I wanted to join that club. But I feel (as you do) that I've deserved to look the best I can when my journey is done. Best of luck and keep up your great spirits!! -Becky
  18. beckymein1021

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I just got a fill and I want to hit my mini goal of being under 200 by May 4!! -Becky
  19. beckymein1021

    Menopause HELP Please!

    Dianne, thanks for telling me that. I DO take thyroid medicine, so it's good to know that. Thanks for letting me know! -Becky
  20. beckymein1021

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Good luck Lynn, you'll do great! Good advice...drink lots of Water (sip, sip, sip) and walk as much as you can (it will feel better in the long run). Enjoy the journey!! -Becky
  21. beckymein1021

    Kareyquilts TT, BL, Lipo & BA

    Karey, good luck!! I'm hoping things are going fine for you. You are in all our thoughts and prayers and pretty soon that beautiful, smooth flat stomach is going to match that beautiful, smooth pretty face of yours! Way to go and good luck!! -Becky
  22. Asparagus does it for me. Every time. Too stringy or something. Bread (like a hamburger bun) gets stuck too.
  23. Nina, you look GREAT!! What a difference!! You doctor did a great job and I'm sure every day is getting a little easier! What an exciting journey!! -Becky
  24. beckymein1021

    Kareyquilts TT, BL, Lipo & BA

    Karey, I've been following your thread (along with others) and I'm so excited and happy for you - this is going to be a phenomenal experience for you! I'm praying you will mend quickly and be in a EXPENSIVE bikini in no time at all! Please keep us posted how you are doing...white light, prayers, good vibes, everything good coming at you!! -Becky:thumbup:
  25. beckymein1021

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    B: Instant Breakfast w/non-fat milk S: cup of tea L: Tyson Chicken Breast Salad Kit (w/o the crackers) --> from Target!! S: cup of oatmeal D: 2 slices swiss cheese, 4 slices thin deli meat (ham & turkey) Trying to get back on the wagon (after falling off this weekend)... -Becky :rolleyes2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
