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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by beckymein1021

  1. beckymein1021

    In a slump

    Bandster, WOW, what you said really made sense to me. I've fallen in to the soft foods 'easy' trap! I've been eating soft foods because they are easier to get down and that might be where I've been running into problems. I wrote down everything I ate yesterday and today when I got on the scale, I was up a pound. This is SO frustrating. I'd be happy with 1 lb. a week at this rate!! I'm getting VERY close to getting VERY discouraged/disappointed! This is what I ate yesterday - if anyone has any feedback, I'd be very interested in hearing it. 3.5L (~120 oz.) of Water 1 Cup of Tea 2 Instant breakfasts (one morning and one afternoon) 1/2 cup of yogurt, granola & strawberries 1 cup chicken vegetable soup for lunch 1 oz. cheddar cheese 1 cup skim milk 1 shrimp enchilada I didn't exercise because I'm doing Curves 3x a week (and today is my day to go again). Any ideas anyone? Thanks in advance for your help!!
  2. beckymein1021

    In a slump

    Hi BandedMom, I too am struggling. It seems like I lost the first 40 lbs. relatively easy, but really fought the last 10 off. Now I'm fighting getting into 'Onderland' and it almost seems like an elusive goal to me. I had to take a hard look at my behaviors the past few months, and while I felt like I was HARDLY eating anything, when I sat down and wrote down what I'd been eating, little bits of this and that had been creeping in. I've found, for ME that the sweet things really do me in. They are SO easy to get down (ice cream, etc.) and are really hard for me to stay away from. I knew getting into this that it wasn't a 'magic bullet' and that people who had problems with sweets would struggle more to lose it with the band, but I never thought I wouldn't have to do 80% of the lifting...however, having said that, it's frustrating and challenging! I have noticed that a lot of people on here do seem to have a GREAT success rate, but could it be that the ones struggling just aren't posting? I know no one wants to be bashed, but it is a major lifestyle change and there are bound to be hiccups in the road. The only wisdom I can share (and ALSO need to start practicing myself) is: 1) Water WATER WATER (drink LOTS of it every day) 2) Get your body moving minimum 3x a week (more if you can) 3) Eat 'naturally occuring' foods (Protein, veggies & fruits) Good luck and keep posting!!
  3. beckymein1021

    I must have jumped down a rabbit hole....

    That is great nhanson! What did you do to push yourself over that mark? I've been struggling with that one myself the last 3 months...
  4. beckymein1021

    7 month check-in

    Hi Everyone, It's been awhile since I was on here. I was banded on 10/18 and have lost ~ 50 lbs. I keep losing and gaining the same 5-7 lbs. over and over. I just joined Curves last month (then went on a cruise the first week in May), so I'm trying to get back into 'exercise' mode again. It's been a struggle the last 3 months...I lost the first 40 lbs. relatively fast, but it's slowed down now. I know I'm not making smart food choices (after my last fill and partial unfill, I've been sticking to 'easy' foods), which unfortunately are the refined or soft foods. Ice cream for some reason lately has been a major temptation (I never felt that way about ice cream before, but right now it's right up there with brownies). I guess this is the part where the willpower kicks in, because the band doesn't help with that. If anyone has any good tips out there for helping someone get off dead center, I'm all ears (or eyes?? ) Thanks!
  5. beckymein1021

    Support from friends....

    My boss was thinking about getting the lap band after I did and he saw my success. Then he decided to just 'eat what I was eating'. I don't know what he did at home, but I'm still losing and I think he may have gained...? It is a precious tool and I am so thankful I have it.
  6. beckymein1021


    Jacqui, I know what you mean about doing it the right way. I've had someone with me both times I've gone to make sure I'm doing it the right way and MAN I can really tell I'm working my body. I think the stretching afterwards is really helping with the soreness, too. I'm hoping to work up to the bike/walks on the days I don't do Curves, but right now it's baby steps for me. Have to walk before I can run (literally).
  7. Well Julie, I'm down here in OC thinking good wishes and sending you white light for a quick, uncomplicated surgery and recovery. I'm really excited to see how you do and what you think. I know I'll want to go this route when I get lower, but I know I need to do a lot of research first. How did you end up picking the doctor you are going with?
  8. Getting excited for you, Julie! Are you still trying to lose weight up to the day of your surgery? How long will you be out from work?
  9. beckymein1021

    Will I be the one for whom the band doesn't work?

    When I'm in my sweet spot, 3-5 bites is all I can eat before I'm full. But then MY problem is, I'm hungry again ~ 2 hours later...
  10. beckymein1021


    Ang, what didn't you like about Curves? I just joined and am hoping this will kick start me, as I've been losing/gaining the same 3 pounds the past 2.5 months. I haven't exercised prior to this, so I'm hoping this will get me going... Was it the people, the place or the program? Just curious since I'm just starting there...
  11. beckymein1021

    Menopause HELP Please!

    I HATE Menopause!! I thought puberty was bad, this takes the cake. I haven't had a TOM since October (on my birthday, actually) and now I'm getting cramps and feeling bloated and cranky and then NOTHING. For those of you who have more experience than I do, do you still get the monthly symptoms and then nothing happens or do you NOT get the symptoms and nothing happens or do you get the symptoms and something happens? I'm sick to death of the mood swings, the power surges, the night sweats, etc. I'm not taking any HRT because I'm scared to death to. The only thing I take is a compounded progesterone, which is a cream. I'm open to any and all suggestions (and yes, I do have an appt. to see my doctor next week). Is Premarin really that bad and does it help??? Thanks!! -Becky
  12. beckymein1021

    All you people do is complain...

    Laurend, I know EXACTLY what you are saying about the pizza...worst pain (SO not worth it) than I've had since I don't know when. Now I'm afraid of anything with dough or a crust or bun (as well I should be since I'm FAT, OBNOXOUS, ILL-TEMPERED, ILLITERATE, IGNORANT and just plain disgusting to be around). While I'm on my rant, let me just say, you guys are the best. This thread has provided me with so many laughs... I love to read it in the morning just to get me in a good mood to start my day. The witty responses are the best...keep 'em coming!! And I guess, in parting I feel obliged to say (as my mother says to me): "she's more to be pitied than censored". (But is SO much more fun to censor someone!!) Have a GREAT banded day, everyone!!
  13. beckymein1021

    WOW - 5 months out already???

    I can't believe it's been 5 months already! I feel like I should be much farther along, but then, I think, hang on, you're not 25 anymore and as long as the scale keeps going down, you should be satisfied. At least this is the longest I've lost this much weight and kept it off this long. I've lost 41 pounds and would LOVE to hit my 1/2 point by May 1!! Here's to us October bandsters!!
  14. beckymein1021

    Dr. Huacuz for Tummy Tuck?

    Snowbird, why do you say that? I assume you're talking about Dr. Huacruz? Did you have a bad experience with him? I've been googling him, but haven't found anything negative associated with him...
  15. beckymein1021

    Is it only me? Help!

    I wanted a fill before we left for Rome and even went to the doctor to get one, but he wouldn't give me one. He said I'd lost enough weight the past month that I didn't need one (but like you, I went back and forth on the appointment), then I figured, I'll just go talk to him and see what he thinks. I walked out VERY surprised that he didn't give me a fill, but in retrospect, I was glad he didn't. Not so I could overeat, but just to not have problems. I am hungry in between my meals, too. I was hoping I wouldn't be, but I still find I need to snack on nuts, string cheese, cup of tea (isn't very filling, I must say) or cottage cheese. It feels like I can't eat enough at my 'meals' to last me 5-6 hours until my next meal. I just do the best I can and try to make the best choices I can. Good luck on your flight and I hope you have a wonderful trip. Let us know how it all worked out when you get back!!
  16. beckymein1021

    All you people do is complain...

    I'm still laughing at all the varied responses, but I have to admit, this one made me laugh the hardest: You're fat. Stop whining. It's annoying. Don't be fat AND annoying. Is that anything like: I may be fat, but you're ugly and stupid. And I can lose weight...
  17. beckymein1021

    cold hands, feet, hunger

    Hi Gordon, I see you're a family doc...it might interest you to know that since I got my new BFF (best friend forever), the band, I've been able to decrease my blood pressure meds and also my anti-depressant meds. It's WONDERFUL to see the blood pressure coming down and taking less meds!! And BTW...for what it's worth, I'm freezing today. I know if I got up and just did a quick jog around the office I'd warm up right fast...! Or as Jachut would say: shut my gob and move my ass!! :biggrin2:
  18. beckymein1021

    The amount of food after lap-band

    How many bites do you find you can take (of course, eating the Protein, veggies, etc.) with no drinking. I'm curious about this, because I found after my last fill, I can make it about 5 (MAYBE 6 or 7) bites, then I'm full. The problem is, 2.5 hours later, I'm hungry again. Ideas anyone?? Thanks!
  19. beckymein1021

    Is it only me? Help!

    Janet: I couldn't have said it better myself! I don't consider myself on a 'diet'. I am making different (lifestyle changing) choices and like you, I have a wee 'splurge' now and then. But then I compensate for it in different ways (I'm a big believer in water, so I try to make sure I get in my 124 oz. every day). I went to Laughlin last weekend with DH to meet our best friends. We ate at the buffet 4 times. Did I partake? Damn skippy I did. Did the buffet make $$ on me? Damn skippy they did. Once I reached the point that I knew I'd had enough, I quit. Came back from the weekend down 1/2 lb. It CAN be done without starving yourself...just make conscious, good food choices. Shortgal: You might be relieved to know that I also went out of the country and was a wee bit worried about having issues while I was so far from my doctor. I found I was SO conscious of every little thing I put in my mouth and chewed everything SO well, I was even better over in Rome than I find myself at home. I didn't experience the tightness after the flight. I did however, find with my meals at very different times (dinner at 8:30 PM), that snacking on almonds really saved me. Good luck on your trip and have fun and enjoy!! The band takes some getting used to, but it's the best friend I've ever had!!
  20. beckymein1021

    cold hands, feet, hunger

    HA! I hardly ever wore a sweatshirt before and now it's an actual PLEASURE to put on one! Oh the lovely changes we all get to experience! This is a fun journey!!
  21. Tink, So glad you're feeling better - it's really scary when you feel something is 'wrong' with your band. I'm glad the Prilosec is helping. My husband is also on that and it seems to really work wonders. Glad you pushed to find out what was going on. Good lesson there for all of us.
  22. beckymein1021

    cold hands, feet, hunger

    Hi Karen, That's EXACTLY how I felt all the time before being banded. I was always the 'hot' one in the office; always wanting to turn down the thermostat and freeze everyone out because I was sweating up a storm. It's funny now, I'm the COLD one in the office (just like a dog, with a cold, wet nose). It's a real change for me. When my metabolism slows down (which it did after I couldn't gobble down all that food), I would find myself SO cold, sometimes I'd take a hot bath when I got home. I'm looking forward to our A/C bills being MUCH lower this summer! I have never regretted getting the band. Oh wait, I DO have one regret. I regret not having done it sooner (so much precious time wasted)...
  23. I have a friend who had a bad cut on his hand (granted, this is FAR from PS), but he used tea tree oil topically and I was amazed and how well, fast and smooth it healed. Has this been recommended to anyone by their Plastic Surgeon or has anyone used tea tree oil? I was just wondering if there were any anecdotal accounts out there of people who had used it successfully. Thanks!
  24. beckymein1021

    How do you chew, chew, chew?

    Sometimes if I'm really hungry, I'll drink a big glass of water before I eat. I've heard that a lot of times we mistake hunger for thirst and sometimes just rehydrating can take care of what we think are 'hunger' pains. I don't drink for at least an hour after I've eaten per my doctor's instructions. He had no problem with me drinking BEFORE I ate because it does just go right through the band.
  25. beckymein1021

    cold hands, feet, hunger

    ejmdiva, I felt the same way after I first got banded. I was cold all the time (which was a real switch for me after being hot all the time). Hang in there with the liquids...bandster HELL is just that. As soon as you get to mushies, you'll be fine. Soft food will never taste so good! Good luck!

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