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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by beckymein1021

  1. Hi guys, This is a hard time, heading into the holidays...I know I want to snack, eat, snack, eat, etc. (and not necessarily in that order). I've made the following goals for myself during this holiday period, hope it works: 1) Drink ALL my Water (if not more) 2) Do ONE good thing for myself every day (veggies, fruit?) 3) Exercise at LEAST 3X a week (am going to shoot for 5) 4) Journal what I eat (regardless of what goes into my mouth) every day, at least M-F Small goals, but a start. Anyone want to join me? -Becky
  2. I got my last fill in June and had good restriction. I finally felt I was in my 'sweet spot' - wasn't hungry and 5 bites of whatever I was eating usually did it for me. No PBing (unless I ate something stupid like bread) until recently (about 3 weeks ago). I found I was able to eat a lot more and didn't seem to need to chew at thoroughly. I also found my appetite returning with a flourish (I seemed to want everything). Because of that, I scheduled a fill with my doctor. 3 days later after the appt. was made (the fill wasn't until later this month) I am feeling as tight as I was after my last fill. Once again not much of an appetite and 5 bites are about all I can handle at one sitting. But I feel EXACTLY how I did after my last fill, as if the other had never happened. Has this ever happened to anyone else? What could be causing this? If it's psychosomatic, I'd love to keep doing what I'm doing (whatever it is...schedule another fill?) to avoid $1,000 fills!! Thoughts anyone?
  3. Like Aubrie, my weight loss does a stair step. Long periods of no weight loss then a substantial weight loss. It's like I posted on another thread, people notice I've lost (more) weight before it shows up on the scale. I was at my 'sweet spot' for quite a while, then I went out of town and it seemed like I loosened up and when I came back, I found I could (still) eat more than I could previously. Then I scheduled the fill and BOOM 3 days later I was so tight I could feel 4 gulps of Water tricklingggggggggggggg down slowlyyyyyyyyy. I felt like I hit my sweet spot again. Yes, $1,000 fills are a bit high, esp. since my insurance will only pay about $150 of that. I'm heading out of town again this weekend, so I'm hoping I don't start feeling loose again! BTW...I track every bite that goes into my mouth as well as the exercise (sparkpeople.com), so I'm really trying to track how trends.
  4. beckymein1021


    I'm like Aubrie, I would not lose for weeks, then have a drastic weight loss. The thing that is really weird to me as well is people notice before the scale shows a loss. People would ask me if I'd lost more weight; the scale would say the same it had been saying for weeks, then BOOM, I would drop ~ 8 lbs. Our bodies are weird things. Go figure.
  5. beckymein1021

    Who Now Could Care A Less About Food

    Speck, I know what you're talking about, I've felt the same way on and off. I do find myself looking at the appetizers or Soup menu because I'm really tired of wasting food. It seems like I had more leftovers in my fridge than I could possibly eat (even with the help of my family). Not to mention how fatiguing it is to chew chew chew, swallow, wait....wait....wait ok time for next bite. Sometimes it is just easier not to eat or to grab a handful of nuts. I get where you're coming from...
  6. Good luck to all you Smashing Pumpkins out there! I will have been banded one year on October 18. It has been a really wonderful year for me (70 lbs. to date). I have only ONE regret: that I didn't do it SOONER!! Best wishes to everyone and I know you'll have have wonderful success! P.S. I LOVE my lapband!!
  7. Becky here (again)...had a brief hiatus from this board, then came back and found your thread, Bandster. I want to join you guys in your solidarity, but now I'm worried about you (and you too Want and Mom/teacher)...it seems like there is bad juju out there right now - it must be where the moon is right now. Know I'm thinking about all you guys and wishing you the best and hope that things get sorted out so you all can concentrate on your goals going forward. Please let us all know how you guys are doing!! Hugs!
  8. Has anyone had any reconstructive/plastic surgery done in Orange County? I will have a limited amount of time off to have anything done, so finding a doctor someone recommends in the area would be very helpful! (I'm hoping for Brachioplasty, breast lift and tummy tuck). I'm also hoping to find a doctor who will do the procedure where they take the fat from the lipo removed to reinject into your breasts (thus not needing implants). If anyone could make any recommendations or has heard good things about any doctors in the area, I'd be much obliged. Thanks!
  9. beckymein1021

    Under 200!!!

    Hi Everyone, I FINALLY did it and I am SO happy to see the 190's again, I can't begin to tell you. It's been OVER 20 years since I was below 200. Shopping for clothes has never been so much fun!! Good luck to everyone!!
  10. beckymein1021

    8 months

    Good for you for bringing this one back...I like to keep up with people who were banded at the same time as me, so this is good. Good luck to everyone and Bandster, ONEderland is right around the corner and waiting for you! You can do it. Happy weekend everyone!
  11. beckymein1021

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Aubrie, good for you...you and I have been losing weight at about the same pace...glad to see you made it. I'm still struggling to get below 200, but I'm T-10 and counting! 10 pounds to Onederland and I'll get there if it kills me (well, it won't, but I'll be glad to be there!)
  12. beckymein1021

    So mad I could spit!

    Is it possible you need a new scale? The body is such a funny thing. I can weigh at my doctor's office, come home and weigh and lose OR gain 5 lbs. Try weighing once a week...drink some green tea (it's been know to 'set you free') or oatmeal. Drink more than 64 oz. of Water in a day and then weigh a day or so after that. Other than that, it's hard to say. It's very frustrating to bounce up and down which is why I will only weigh once a week now... Plus, I'm TRYING (not always succeeding) in paying MORE attention to how my clothes feel and LESS to the number on the scale. Good luck!!
  13. Hi steveamy, I think we've all felt this way at one time or another, otherwise we wouldn't be here. Having 'a last meal(s)' before the lap band surgery I imagine is also very common. I know I did before my surgery. I knew I would be limited, so I ate everything I thought I'd never get a chance to eat again. I know what you mean about the switch. The thing that I've noticed about myself is that I used to gobble my food (as if I was afraid someone would either take it away from me or I'd NEVER get a chance to eat it again). The band FORCES you to slow down and eat smaller amounts (whether you want to or not), you WILL. If you eat too fast or too much, you will feel uncomfortable and maybe even pain. I've found that with most people, the thought of the pain is enough deterrent to keep them from overeating. (It does for me). For example, I loved (yes, notice past tense) pizza. I loved everything about it, the texture, the different tastes in my mouth. Right now I avoid pizza like the plague. I'd rather not eat than try to eat it. You will adjust. I've been banded going on 8 months and there are still days I could beat my head against the wall for not chewing enough or eating too fast. It's all a learning process and we're all struggling in our own ways - know this, you aren't alone. Good luck with your surgery, you've taken a first step in the right direction. BTW..I feel obliged to say something about 'the band will fix all aspects of your life'. Those are pretty high expectations and I'd hate to see you head into this with disappointment looming ahead. The band is only a tool (which you will see people on here say over and over) and it's only as good as you LET it be (or WORK it to be). It's hard work, don't think this as a shortcut. You still have to limit your calorie intake, eat the right foods and start moving your body more. It will work, but you have to do 90% of the heavy lifting...the band doesn't work alone all by itself. That said, good luck and let us know how you're doing!
  14. beckymein1021

    8 months

    Hi Want_so_bad, I went through the same thing, basically a great weight loss at the beginning, then it slowed to a screeching halt. I did get a fill last week and that has started the ball rolling again (thank goodness!)! I really feel so much better since I've lost the 50 lbs., but still have another 60 I need (want) to lose. Hopefully I'll be going down the rabbit hole (Onderland) soon, that is my next goal! Good luck and hang in there. Let us know how it goes for you after you get a fill.
  15. beckymein1021

    In a slump

    Hi Luv2Ride, It went very well with my doctor yesterday. He was telling me how well I had done and I reminded him that 15 lbs. in 5 months is not great success in MY book. So we talked about strength training (he's really encouraging me to start doing some weights - muscle weighs more that fat and burns calories even when you're not working out, etc.). I got the feeling from him that he didn't feel the 'Curves' workout was working me hard enough. He also told me to eat NO food that is taken out of the ground (potatoes, rice, carrots <WHY carrots, I'm not so sure>) and to stay away from the refined sugar and flour. I told him I was doing short cuts and eating mostly 'soft foods' that I knew would go down easily. He told me to start eating more fish and to make sure I got all my Protein in. He said (and I know we've all heard this before) Protein first, then veggies and carbs last. He gave me a fill (just a wee one), I didn't need much, but I could feel that it was tighter. I told him I had eaten 1/2 a hamburger the night before for dinner. He said if I could get the bun down without problems, then I definitely needed a fill. So I'm on liquid for 2 days and then soft foods for 2 days, then he wants me to concentrate on the fish. He said he'd rather see me eat something solid (like FISH) than to 'drink' my dinner (like an instant breakfast). He said part of the problem is that the liquids/mushies aren't staying with me as long and I'm feeling hungry sooner. He said the Proteins will stay with me longer. So I'm going to dust off my 24-hour Fitness card and maybe get over there and start doing some circuit training. He said I should be a little sore when I start (which I haven't been at all at Curves). That's about it in a nutshell. He's real big on fish, so I'm going to go to costco and check out their salmon, they have a good variety of really good fish. How are YOU doing? Seeing the light at the end of the 'slump' tunnel? Hang in there - check in and let me know how you're doing... We WILL defeat this battle of the bulge!!
  16. Hi Becky & Frangipani, Good luck to both of you! It looks like Karey and Julie and the others who have walked this road before you have given you really good advice. Don't forget to take your before pics so you can compare them to your after pics later!! I'm praying all goes well and uneventful for you (and a safe flight back, Frangipani). Becky: I used to live in Texas, so from one 'former' Texas Becky to another, good luck and let us know how you're doing!! :thumbup:
  17. beckymein1021

    In a slump

    Thanks luv2ride! I was so discouraged this morning (I got on the scale for the first time in 2 weeks and only did it because I'm getting a fill today) and I was SO disappointed! I either hate my scale OR my body or both. My scale and I no longer have an amicable relationship. IT clearly hates me, so I'm going to continue to ignore it and hope that it will change its ways (or at least change the story it keeps telling me). This has been SUCH a struggle to get into 'Onderland' that I'm beginning to think I may never get there...but I find it so hard to believe this is far as the lap band is going to be able to take me. I really want to lose the extra 60 lbs. SO badly. Sigh. Well, wish me luck with the doctor today. I hope he tightens me ALOT (but not TOO much, I don't want band erosion or constant PBing either). WHERE o WHERE is my sweet spot????
  18. beckymein1021

    WATER ... It's sposed to be good for ya!

    Wow, thanks for your responses...I do try to spread it out during the day, but I just want to make sure I don't flush out too much of the nutrients and electrolytes my body needs. I'll monitor it and drink slower.... Thanks for your input!!
  19. beckymein1021

    WATER ... It's sposed to be good for ya!

    I have been drinking the Arrowhead Water (16.9 oz.) - anywhere from 6-8 a day (which is anywhere from 101 - 135 oz.) a day. I drink everytime I get into the car and try to drink all day at work too. Has anyone heard if it's possible to drink too much water (I DO take a Multivitamin every day as well)? I know you have to worry about flushing too much potassium out of your system, but I would think the Vitamin would help counteract that? AM I drinking too much water??
  20. beckymein1021

    You know you are a bandster when....

    ...you have sparkpeople.com nutrition tab open all day to record every morsel that goes into your mouth...
  21. beckymein1021

    You know you are a bandster when....

    ...when you piss off a friend and they say 'I hope you get something STUCK' (they were kidding).
  22. beckymein1021

    In a slump

    Love2ride, Those are great tips, thanks for taking the time to post them. I have found that I have been eating the 'easy, soft' foods and I think that has really hampered my weight loss. I'm going for a fill tomorrow - I think that will help me a lot (at least mentally if not physically)...and being on liquids for 2 days sure won't hurt either. So it will be interesting to see how close I am to Onderland! I'm also trying to limit my cheese intake (that's an easy 'quick' Protein and I need to get away from that). Nuts have been a godsend for me. I'm eating the almonds and trying to stay away from the cashews (which I LOVE). I DO need to up my protein, however, I find I'm not eating as much protein as I need to be. I know that will help too. I have to keep telling myself to eat 'naturally occurring foods' (something I learned a long time ago. Of course with the exception of potatoes and rice). Banded1007, Bandedmom and momoftwins...how are you guys doing? Are things going any better for you guys?
  23. beckymein1021

    In a slump

    Hi BandedMom, I think my issue is the same as yours. I've been fighting the band (not sure why, when I really DO want to be successful), but I've been sabotaging myself with eating easy stuff, not necessarily stuff that's good for me. I started logging my food, Water and exercise on Sparkpeople. That has really made me MORE conscious of the CALORIES I'm putting in, instead of thinking 'I have the band, ergo I will lose weight'. Yup, this is a diet. I knew that going in, but I guess it just hadn't STUCK. Also, what bandster said about 'eating' too many liquid calories struck a chord with me too, so I'm really making the attempt to eat more 'solid' food, which means I have to start making better choices. You would think that after 7 mos., this would be easier!! I guess it just takes longer to sink in for some people (ME!). My weekend was great, we went to visit our best friends in Albuquerque. We did a lot of running around and what I did eat wasn't too bad (even managed to get some fruit in). I've also found a lifesaver for me is those little packages of raw almonds from Trader Joe's - I stick 3 packs in my purse and when I get really hungry, I just munch on a couple of those. Then I don't feel 'starving' by the time I do eat. How was your weekend? I'm glad we didn't BBQ, because I LOVE BBQ'd hamburgers and that would have been SO hard to resist. Keep on keeping on!!
  24. beckymein1021

    In a slump

    Hi again BandedMom & Bandster, I went to the doctor today and according to her scales, I've lost 15 lbs. since January. Now personally, between you guys and me, I think that sux. I know some people would say it's still progress and I should be happy I lost and didn't gain. Listening to what you both have told me has really helped a lot. You have both given me some real food for thought (who came UP with that saying???) and I've been taking a closer look at my intake and my Water and my activity level. My doctor thinks I'm getting obsessed now (and she may be right), but if not tracking it equates to not losing, then I'm prepared to weigh and measure every bite that goes into my mouth. I found a great site (which I had used before) called sparkpeople.com. I've seen it mentioned on here before and their tools are really great (AND free, which made it a big win for me). I'm tracking all my meals and Snacks, exercise and my water. Bandster, you were right about the liquids and I thought about what your doctor told you about not drinking your meals. I'm going to try to get away from that, as a matter of fact, DH and I went out to Claim Jumper last night for dinner, but I once again had the bowl of soup. I don't know why I seem to have a STRONG tendency to stay away from foods that I'm afraid will get 'stuck'. After all, isn't that WHOLE idea of the band...to stay in the pouch longer so you feel full longer and don't need to eat as much/often? I'm trying REALLY hard not to take the short cuts and eat the easy food. I am going to eat an apple today and try for 1/2 a banana later. What I wanted to say in all this rambling is THANK you to both of you...Bandedmom for starting this thread and to Bandster for jumping in and giving me the support and good ideas! You both are really helping me hang in there and stay sane doing it!! P.S. Going out of town this weekend, so wish me luck. Anytime I get out of my 'comfort zone' it is a challenge... P.P.S. Bandster: I hope I'm right behind you in the journey to Onderland!!! :crying:
  25. beckymein1021

    In a slump

    Bandster, I KNOW!! So many things you've posted on here I relate to!!! Thanks for the kudos on the weight loss, but I feel I have to focus on what's ahead of me and not rest of my (haha) laurels. I think you hit upon something with the eating things more substantial during the day -- because I feel like I'm hungry all the time, but the last time I got a fill, he had to take some out because it was too tight. Last visit he wouldn't even give me a fill, so I think he's leary about getting me too tight again. I go see him 6/5, so it will be interesting to see if he gives me a fill. I'm tight in the morning, so I usually drink a cup of tea to loosen things up. I can eat more than I'm used to eating, however, later in the day. I think my biggest problem is I am still struggling with what are the best foods to eat and what will give me the best weight loss for the calories! And I must confess, I LOVE LOVE LOVE skim milk and would live on it if I could. I find myself getting lazy at night and just fixing an instant breakfast for dinner. Maybe I'm having too many dairy products...I must confess I love the cheese, milk, cottage cheese and yogurt... :tongue:

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