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Everything posted by sunflowerchild

  1. sunflowerchild

    New here and nervous.

    Yup I thought I made a mistake the first 2 weeks or so. I definitely don't think I made a mistake at this point (5 months out). Once you are off the restricted diet and have more freedom and are all healed up you should be much happier. Best of luck!
  2. sunflowerchild

    Birth control

    I've been on the pill, the Nuva ring, and the shot. The shot has by far been the best. I started the shot in Jan of 2013 and haven't had my period since. Yes, that is as amazing as it sounds lol. As far as how the shot has affected me physically it's kind of hard to say since I've been on it for so long. I would say it's possible it made me gain some weight. But it's not making me harder for me to lose post op from what I can tell. I do notice that for maybe a few days out of the month I am more emotional, silly commercials and things of that nature will make me tear up. If you have any other specific questions let me know
  3. sunflowerchild

    Light headed sometimes

    This Would happen to me all the time in the first 6 weeks or so. I realized I wasn't taking in enough calories. The problem was with the 30 min before and after rule and the amount of restriction I have, I couldn't seem to physically consume both enough water and enough calories. My solution I drink regular Gatorade and water it down ( about 70% Gatorade and 30% water). That way I am always consuming calories. Just a side note, there will be plenty of people on this forum that will say this is a bad idea and that you shouldnt consume liquid calories it's too much sugar etc. I'm just letting you know this is what worked for me and my team is completely on board with this. I am 5 months post op and have lost 60% of my excess weight so doing this doesn't seem to be preventing me from losing weight. Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you
  4. sunflowerchild

    Getting sick when eating.

    Also not sure what kind of foods you're eating on soft but depending on what you are eating that could be making you feel sick. After surgery I became lactose intolerant and couldn't stomach any dairy products. A lot of the stuff I planned on eating during the soft phase contained dairy so this was a bit of a setback. From what I've read in the forums and heard from my dr developing an aversion to dairy is fairly common post op.
  5. sunflowerchild

    Getting sick when eating.

    If I were you I would go back to liquid for another week or two. Not everyone progresses at the same rate. Consult your NUT if you're concerned.
  6. sunflowerchild


    Pepperoni, baby bell cheese, nuts, yogurt, carrot sticks.
  7. Calling someone brunette is not comparable to calling someone fat. Just because someone is/was fat doesn't mean they need to hear it out loud. I think I speak for many people on the forum when I say that I didn't need someone to tell me I was fat to know it was true. The only thing I would conclude from someone saying that I am/was fat is that they are an insensitive POS and don't have any place in my life. There is a difference between being honest and being malicious. Edit to add: it's pretty mind blowing to me how some grown adults (this is not directed at anyone in particular) feel the need to say every little thing that pops into their head. Just because you think something doesn't mean you need to grace everyone else with your opinion ie " you used to be so fat I can't even recognize you"
  8. I get migraines so My dr prescribed me Carafate which coats your stomach. if I have a really bad migraine that no other meds will fix I will take the Carafate before an NSAID. I do this very rarely though, but it may be something for you to consider for the future.
  9. sunflowerchild


    Drinking all day is fine in my opinion. The term grazing is traditionally used to refer to consuming food. I know when I was that close to post op I had to drink all day long to stay hydrated.
  10. I am 5 months post op and still don't drink like I did preop. I can certainly drink more than 2 weeks out but I can't chug or take big gulps of water.
  11. sunflowerchild

    Blood Thinners

    I was only give them while in the hospital.
  12. sunflowerchild

    The scale hasn't moved...

    Everyone stalls, it is very normal, no need to worry about it . I'm 5 months out and have stalled numerous times and still have lost 60% of my excess weight. If you find yourself fixating on the number too much try weighing yourself less.
  13. sunflowerchild

    Should I?..Do I have to?

    My doctor does 1 week post op followed a visit every 3-4 months for the first year and then once or twice a year after that. I think the first year it is important to go to make sure you're on track and your blood work is okay.
  14. sunflowerchild

    New to this surgery!

    Yup I can relate. My sense of smell has been insane after surgery. I can smell stuff I never could before and smells that never phased me make me crazy nauseous. I also hated every Protein post op that I originally like pre op. Get some unflavored protein, that should help a lot. Remind yourself that the Protein shakes can just be a temporary thing and once you are on to normal foods you will never have to drink them again. This was the only thing that kept me sane lol!
  15. Not sure if this has already been said but.... When you feel like you're reading about a lot of bad keep in mind that the people who are having a difficult time are the ones who need the most support so they feel the need to post more often. People who are successful and happy don't necessarily need support from a forum.
  16. sunflowerchild

    Post Op meds

    I used the pain killer for maybe 5 days post op. I didn't use the hydrocodone because I didn't want to crush it. I used the liquid (lortab) and yes it helped.
  17. sunflowerchild

    Post Op meds

    I was given the pill form first as well and they said to crush it up to take it. The taste was so awful that I couldn't take it so dr wrote me a prescription for liquid pain killer. I was also told not to swallow pills until 1 week out. I think it'd be wise to listen to your docs advice and if you can't handle the pill crushed ask for something liquid (the liquid is also tastes bad but is tolerable)
  18. sunflowerchild

    Sweets and carbs

    What about a sugar free cookie flavored creamer for your coffee? I know now especially around the holidays they have tons of different flavors like snicker doodle or sugar cookie
  19. sunflowerchild


    I wore the hospital gown and brought a pair of sweatpants. I would suggest you Bring socks and a pillow in additional to pj pants.
  20. sunflowerchild

    Post pic of your scars?

    These are two of my scars 19 weeks out. I've been using Mederma since about two weeks post op.
  21. sunflowerchild


    Multivitamin, B12, iron, Calcium, and Vitamin D
  22. sunflowerchild

    4 Days Post Op...need some HELP!

    Definitely get some unflavored protein. I couldn't stand any flavored protein for the first couple weeks after surgery so unflavored was a life savor. If you want some flavored not chocolate /milk protein try isopure RTD or syntax nectar. I've heard a bunch of people recommend these.
  23. sunflowerchild

    Carbonated drinks?

    I tried carbonated drinks 3 or 4 months out and it was painful enough to dissuade me from trying again for a long time.
  24. sunflowerchild

    Bowel movements

    It was 5 days post op for me
  25. sunflowerchild

    Does everyone experience hairloss?

    If hair loss is so concerning to you that you feel you would die, than you should seriously reconsider getting the surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
