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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    lramirez29 got a reaction from swimbikerun in Sleeve leak   
    I'm 42 and had the sleeve July 2014 with no complications what soever. I'm so happy for having it done. My starting wt was 243 and now am 180. I still have some to lose but have gotten off diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure meds.
    However, I kept on my 23 year old daughter to do whatever it takes to hurry and get the surgery done because she wouldn't regret it. Well she had surgery October 21st 2015 and was in hospital for 2 days then sent home like normal. So we thought. She went back to hospital then released. Then was in a lot of pain, went back to ER and Dr. Admitted her and her bariatric Dr. Said he wasn't releasing her until she was better.
    She was in so much pain and had a hard time getting up to walk. The nurses and intern Dr. Kept pushing her to get up and kept telling her she needs to push through it. My daughter kept telling them she had pain, her heart rate was elevated in the 140's and she had a pinching pain in her lungs when she would breath in. Also constant pain in her left shoulder.
    Well come to find out she had a small leak.
    The moved he to the DOU dept. (Direct observation unit) which is a step down from ICU.
    higher up near esophogus area. They had to go in again and do surgery, they we're unable to repair so inserted a tube.
    After this a week passed and she still had a leak.
    My daughter is to this day still in hospital and it's been a Lil over 4 weeks. They finally put in a stent this past Wednesday and she's been in pain since.
    So it doesn't matter who you are or how old u are and how well u take care of yourself pre-op. It all is a serious risk u take having this surgery. Not to mention, I have a grand-daughter who has not seen her mommy in over 4 weeks. The hospital doesn't allow children in unless they are over 13 years old. That's sad so she's been with me the whole time. Grammy to the rescue. I also have an 11 year old so this not just affect ts my daughter in the hospital but it,allowffects the whole family.
  2. Like
    lramirez29 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Embrace the Stall   
    I love this quote, we need to b kind to ourselves and our bodies and continue to eat, snack, take our vitamilns, drink, and exercise rt as well as eat and keep our lives balanced in order for our bodies to be healthy and put out the results we want. I know we r human and try to substitute and tweak with our alignment but we need to not b so hard on ourselves. I'm getting back on track slowly but surely and am not beating myself up anymore. I'm realizing, as previously mentioned, "I am only human".
  3. Like
    lramirez29 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Embrace the Stall   
    I love this quote, we need to b kind to ourselves and our bodies and continue to eat, snack, take our vitamilns, drink, and exercise rt as well as eat and keep our lives balanced in order for our bodies to be healthy and put out the results we want. I know we r human and try to substitute and tweak with our alignment but we need to not b so hard on ourselves. I'm getting back on track slowly but surely and am not beating myself up anymore. I'm realizing, as previously mentioned, "I am only human".
  4. Like
    lramirez29 got a reaction from lupelane in California? Anyone...ツ   
    I'm in ventura ca, anyone close by?
  5. Like
    lramirez29 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Embrace the Stall   
    I love this quote, we need to b kind to ourselves and our bodies and continue to eat, snack, take our vitamilns, drink, and exercise rt as well as eat and keep our lives balanced in order for our bodies to be healthy and put out the results we want. I know we r human and try to substitute and tweak with our alignment but we need to not b so hard on ourselves. I'm getting back on track slowly but surely and am not beating myself up anymore. I'm realizing, as previously mentioned, "I am only human".
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    lramirez29 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Embrace the Stall   
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    lramirez29 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Embrace the Stall   
    I agree. I think learning to let go has been the biggest struggle and one of the main lessons of my first 50 years.
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    lramirez29 reacted to *Lexie* in Embrace the Stall   
    Great post! I have discovered that I have a cycle of losing really well for around 2 weeks and then 2 weeks or so of no weight loss. I have had to remind myself a few times to take a deep breath and just keep doing what I'm doing and not go crazy and try something radical to get the weight loss going again. It all evens out.
    And I'd rather have a stall than a gain any day. :-)
  9. Like
    lramirez29 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Embrace the Stall   
    It seems that at least 50% of the posts on BariatriPal are bemoaning a stall. Daily, and sometimes hourly, I am reading about how someone ONLY lost x number of pounds and now the scale hasn't moved in ___ [fill in the blank] days/months, etc. Oh no, they write, I am a failure/unique/my surgery didn't work/life is not fair, ... Why am I in a stall?
    I know I am exaggerating but I think you get the idea.
    Guess what? STALLS are a NORMAL part of the PROCESS of losing weight. If you want to lose weight, you will stall. Not just once, but over and over. And, guess what? A stall is where your body actually does the hard work of becoming smaller. It takes a lot of work and energy to dismantle a structure that has been holding up, in some cases, hundreds of pounds.
    For those who think they have to DO something to somehow "break a stall" (in my opinion, you do not break a stall, you just ride them out), here is my response:
    What can you do to "break" a stall?
    Relax and stay off the scale if it bothers you so much. Weigh no more than once a week, or even less often. Weighing only at your doctor's appointments early in the process is a good strategy if your mood and self-worth are dictated by the numbers on the scale.
    In addition to using the numbers on the scale to measure your progress, take your measurements. Inches lost are also a great way to see physical progress when the scale isn't moving. Most people see the biggest physical changes in their body when the scale seems stuck.
    As long as you are getting in all your protein and water and following your NUT and surgeon's instructions, you are doing what you are supposed to do.
    If you aren't getting in all your protein and water, then increasing your protein and water is something you can do (and should be doing anyway whether or not you are in a stall).
    If you aren't exercising, then you can exercise (and should be whether or not you are in a stall). You can start slowly by walking or even moving more around the house. Exercising will help you feel better, tone your skin and build fat-burning muscle.
    If you are unsure or unclear about what you are supposed to be, or should not be eating, then make an appointment with your NUT (which you should be doing whether or not you are in a stall).
    About the only good result I see that comes from complaining about a stall is when you take an honest look at what you are doing and realign with the program recommended by your NUT and surgeon. Have you started eating more outside of your plan? Are you restricting calories? Are you eating enough carbs and protein for your exercise? Are you taking your Vitamins? Are you eating often enough? Are you eating slowly with protein first? Sometimes, all you need to DO is go back to basics.
    7) JOURNAL
    One of the biggest things I have noticed from the various posts is how anxious and out-of-control some people feel when they notice a stall. Journaling can help you gain some perspective and deal with some of the emotional turmoil.
    -- Write about how you are feeling about the stall and your weight loss, and surgery in general.
    -- Write about why you had the surgery in the first place.
    -- Write about what life was like before surgery.
    -- Write about what you hope and dream about accomplishing in the future.
    -- Write about your fears.
    -- Write about your NSVs.
    -- Make a gratitude list.
    -- Make a bucket list.
    -- Write a letter to your old self; write a letter to your new self.
    Just write.
    8) SEEK HELP
    Stalls are when too many people seem to revert to old, counterproductive dieting behaviors (restricting calories, over exercising, bingeing, etc.). If this is you, then another thing you can DO is to talk to a counselor or therapist or consider joining a bariatric support group or a twelve-step group like Overeater's Anonymous.
    The discomfort of being in a stall can also drive people to develop new, unhealthy coping habits or even transfer addictions. This is where you want to marshall all the resources you have available to you and use them.
    The last, and most important thing you can DO is:
    Stalls are a normal and natural part of the process.
    Our bodies are complex systems and not simple machines.
    Stalls go hand-in-hand with weight loss.
    If you had Weight Loss Surgery, then you probably want to lose a significant amount of weight. So, get ready to embrace the many stalls you will experience as your body is transformed. It will be worth it.
  10. Like
    lramirez29 reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in How to get back on track? 16mo. Post op   
    Sounds like you are on track by taking the first step and asking for help.
    I am not as far along as you in my journey but wanted to let you know I am rooting for you.
    Going back to basics sounds like a great place to start. You have received some great advice above.
    I also would encourage you to consider talking with a therapist or counselor, attending support group meetings through your bariatric program and/or other group like OA. Stress is a major issue for me, and all of these resources can help you learn to deal with stress in healthy ways.
    Stopping and taking stock of how far you have come is always helpful for me, too.
    Embrace the Stall!
  11. Like
    lramirez29 reacted to zahlis in How to get back on track? 16mo. Post op   
    Good Morning,
    I'm on here looking for support.. I started the WLS process 2 years ago and decided to give "dieting another try" I'm 30 pounds up after that non successful attempt. I made a decision to go for the surgery again. I've been approved after approximately 4 months but due to a commitment in Feb. I won't be having surgery until the end of March 2016. I'm filled with such a mix of emotions.. I need a buddy that can relate to some of my issues. I'm having a hard time making changes before surgery. I'm talking to a therapist and reading Shrink Yourself trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with me. I'm scared about lifestyle changes. We go camping all summer and seem to plan all our trips around food! This coming summer will be so different and I'm afraid of it. I want to chance so bad but my entire life is on big food frenzy. All that said I'm rambling.. If anyone reading this understands and can relate to this I'd love to have someone to go through this with. Thanks for reading..
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    lramirez29 reacted to fredawyatt in How to get back on track? 16mo. Post op   
    I to am looking for someone to help me my starting weight was 245 now I am at 185 my one year anniversary is January 7 2016 I seems like I am at a stalled for last couple months and seems like I can eat more than I should I'm scared I don't want to gain back my weight !!! I find myself having bad choices when I get stressed I still turn to food I try not to but I do and I still have 30 lbs to go any suggestions i ride a stationary bike and try to eat more Protein than carbs ???? I need help
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    lramirez29 reacted to coccomo in How to get back on track? 16mo. Post op   
    Just try to get back to the basics. Protein 1st lots of Water and just walking. Don't beat yourself up. You can do this
  14. Like
    lramirez29 got a reaction from swimbikerun in My leak   
    Hi honey, I'm so happy u r doing so much better. You know I'm always here for u, the baby, and support. Love u mom
  15. Like
    lramirez29 got a reaction from swimbikerun in My leak   
    Hi honey, I'm so happy u r doing so much better. You know I'm always here for u, the baby, and support. Love u mom
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    lramirez29 reacted to TheNiceVoice in First Name Kesha - Last Name Nervous   
    Awwww Thanks! I gotta be honest . . .the second I hopped back onto the board and saw that I got responses, I calmed down immediately. Thank you so much for those assuring words!
    My husband is the BEST caretaker in the world. He got me thru cancer twice. He quit his job so that he could tend to me full time. It's been a rough road . . .but I know I wouldn't have been able to pull through if it were not for me.
    Surgery is Monday at 10:35. Arrival at 8:30.
    What a cool support group. Thank you!
  17. Like
    lramirez29 reacted to Jolly Jester in My leak   
    Wow, just Wow. I'm so glad you are feeling much better, and I'm so sorry that you had all the complications that you did. I know that you feel weak right now, but I am inspired by your strength and perseverence. Do not let your spirit be daunted. You have been through so much, and I am hopeful you are in the clear. Keep your eyes on the future and at the more healthy you, you have earned it.
    Someone recently told me that surgery was "the easy way". That is not true for anyone, and more so for you. But you will get better, just hang in there. We all have our own paths to take. Over time your body and your mind will get stronger. We will try to keep encouraging you. Press on.
    Hopeful for you
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    lramirez29 got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Losing Hope Sleeve Leak 8 mos post op   
    Update: she's under celina92
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    lramirez29 got a reaction from swimbikerun in Sleeve leak   
    My daughter is home, she still has the stent implaced for another 3 or so weeks. She is always complaining g of being in so much pain and is always nausiated. She also has a drain in her stomach that hopefully will b removed this week. On Clear liquids still.
    It is so terrible, she is severely depressed, I'm am unable to work and my granddaughters 2nd b day is tomorrow and my daughter is out of it physically and mentally...
  20. Like
    lramirez29 got a reaction from Bufflehead in Sleeve leak   
    Swimbikerun we could use all the prayers we can get. Her doctor is on it and has been there for her. Yes I would say a very decent doctor.
    If things go good my daughter will going home this week.
  21. Like
    lramirez29 got a reaction from Bufflehead in Sleeve leak   
    Swimbikerun we could use all the prayers we can get. Her doctor is on it and has been there for her. Yes I would say a very decent doctor.
    If things go good my daughter will going home this week.
  22. Like
    lramirez29 got a reaction from swimbikerun in Sleeve leak   
    I'm 42 and had the sleeve July 2014 with no complications what soever. I'm so happy for having it done. My starting wt was 243 and now am 180. I still have some to lose but have gotten off diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure meds.
    However, I kept on my 23 year old daughter to do whatever it takes to hurry and get the surgery done because she wouldn't regret it. Well she had surgery October 21st 2015 and was in hospital for 2 days then sent home like normal. So we thought. She went back to hospital then released. Then was in a lot of pain, went back to ER and Dr. Admitted her and her bariatric Dr. Said he wasn't releasing her until she was better.
    She was in so much pain and had a hard time getting up to walk. The nurses and intern Dr. Kept pushing her to get up and kept telling her she needs to push through it. My daughter kept telling them she had pain, her heart rate was elevated in the 140's and she had a pinching pain in her lungs when she would breath in. Also constant pain in her left shoulder.
    Well come to find out she had a small leak.
    The moved he to the DOU dept. (Direct observation unit) which is a step down from ICU.
    higher up near esophogus area. They had to go in again and do surgery, they we're unable to repair so inserted a tube.
    After this a week passed and she still had a leak.
    My daughter is to this day still in hospital and it's been a Lil over 4 weeks. They finally put in a stent this past Wednesday and she's been in pain since.
    So it doesn't matter who you are or how old u are and how well u take care of yourself pre-op. It all is a serious risk u take having this surgery. Not to mention, I have a grand-daughter who has not seen her mommy in over 4 weeks. The hospital doesn't allow children in unless they are over 13 years old. That's sad so she's been with me the whole time. Grammy to the rescue. I also have an 11 year old so this not just affect ts my daughter in the hospital but it,allowffects the whole family.

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