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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by meggie02162

  1. No one can be forced into surgery. It's absolute nonsense. Maybe you had the surgery, now regret it, and are looking for some where to place the blame? At any point in the process (and ask anyone who has had the surgery, going from initial consultation, to the actual surgery date is A PROCESS) you could have said, NO. Maybe you felt forced because you have some other deeper issues involving your parents' approval, but that is an entirely different issue that would have been addressed had you been honest at the initial psych evaluation that is required in the first place. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but I cannot listen to someone make excuses as to why they are not responsible for their own life.
  2. meggie02162

    Ab workout=pain at port site?

    :help: I had my surgery about 2 months ago and just recently started an ab workout. My Doc said this was ok, but I have noticed I am having pain near my incision at the port site. I recovered rather quickly and didn't have much pain at all during the whole recovery process. It's not sore like "feel the burn" it's particularly sore right where I feel my port is. It's usually sore for a day or two, and then it's ok again. Am I doing something wrong? I can't just not do an ab workout, so is anyone else experiencing this? Please share your experience....
  3. meggie02162

    Can I take a bath?

    MY doctor told me no to baths, I was afraid even to take a shower at first! But baths he said no to because he did not want the port incision submerged in water
  4. meggie02162

    Will Someone Kick my Ass, Please?

    One word for people sick of milky protein drinks, ISOPURE!
  5. meggie02162

    Getting to know you ...

    Hi, my name is Megan and I am 24 years old. I am in recovery from drugs and alcohol and have been clean for going on 6 years. Last year I decided it was time to work on the other problems I have, in a serious way, and I decided to get the lap-band surgery. I have been in a relationship with my wonderful boyfriend (David) for 4 years and he is very helpful and supportive. I had the surgery on 10/22/07 with no complications or problems. The only problem I did have was with the insurance company (surprise surprise) trying not to hold up their end of the bargain Luckily the company I work for is also wonderful and they have made sure that the insurance company doesn't screw me I have lost 26 pounds and I go to the gym 3-4 days a week for 1 hr +. I am very happy that I had the surgery and look forward to the weight coming off and staying off!
  6. meggie02162

    post-op return to work

    I had my surgery on a Monday and was back to work Saturday, with very little pain. I have a desk job tho, so it was easy for me... Good luck!! Megan
  7. meggie02162

    Cold Hearted B....

    Yes I noticed this also!! Cold cold cold!! My boyfriend is smaller than I am and of course he's always cold and im always sweating, but since the surgery its been the other way around....also my teeth hurt, I'm wondering if this is because of all the liquids? hmmm....oh well I wouldnt trade it for the world
  8. meggie02162

    Nervous, very nervous....

    lillysmom, I understand how you feel, I was anxious too, and I never thought I could stick to a liquid diet for 2 weeks pre op (this is what my doc requires) and more liquids 2 weeks post op!!! Somehow someway I have been given the grace to stick to it, because believe you me, I was thinking of the horrible feeling I was going to have after I cheated. However I have not cheated once on the diet and it has proved to be worth it. I have lost 20.5 pounds so far and I'm a week out of surgery. (that includes the 2 weeks before on liquids also) Most of the people I have met that exercise regularly and follow the doc's orders to a T don't have problems with many if any foods once they get far enough into the solids stage. Once you have the surgery, your whole feeling on food will change, there are times my head tells me I miss eating 2-3 cups of food and feeling that overstuffed, gonna puke feeling, but the truth is, I really don't, and those feelings and urges only last a few seconds at most, it's our minds that entertain it..Good Luck, and God Bless!! Megan
  9. meggie02162

    Where are all the Michigan people at??

    I'm from Kalamazoo and was banded just this last week. If anyone needs a referrel for a wonderful doctor in SW Michigan, message me. My doctor was wonderful, I've had no complications so far and was back to work in 4 days!! Overall a great experience!!
  10. My dietician/doctor want me getting 1200 calories/60 grams of protein per day w/this liquid post op diet!! I can't get enough! I'm at 400-600 but that seems to be as much as I can tolerate. Everything I eat is supposed to be sugar free, so I cannot get enough. The strained cream soups don't help enough either, and I can't make myself eat those EVERY meal. I've tried shakes, pudding, soup, ect. Any suggestions guys? :faint:
  11. meggie02162

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    My date was 10/22/07 2 days post opt!
  12. meggie02162

    2 days after surgery

    Well it's 2 days after surgery, I'm feeling pretty good actually. Periodic pain in the port area, but nothing outrageous. Gas pains of course :angry But hey it's all in all not that bad so far. No appetite what so ever, and tommorrow I go to full liquid diet. YAY! I can't believe I finnally got this done, I've waited so long for it. Yesterday I was thinking why did I do this, but today I feel pretty good and am glad I did! :nervous
  13. meggie02162

    2 days after surgery

    Well it's 2 days after surgery, I'm feeling pretty good actually. Periodic pain in the port area, but nothing outrageous. Gas pains of course :angry But hey it's all in all not that bad so far. No appetite what so ever, and tommorrow I go to full liquid diet. YAY! I can't believe I finnally got this done, I've waited so long for it. Yesterday I was thinking why did I do this, but today I feel pretty good and am glad I did! :nervous
  14. meggie02162

    Any Younger Bansters Here?

    I'm 24 and I'm having it tommorrow, I too wish I had the resources and idea to do this a couple of years ago!! God Bless!
  15. My surgery is tommorow!!! 10/22/07! I am very nervous and excited all at the same time. Say a prayer for me..
  16. meggie02162

    The Start

    10/16/07 Well today I did my Pre Surgical Testing, Upper GI and Chest XRAY today!! I'm embarking on this journey and I am very excited. :car: Surgery Date is 10/22/07! YAY!
  17. meggie02162

    The Start

    10/16/07 Well today I did my Pre Surgical Testing, Upper GI and Chest XRAY today!! I'm embarking on this journey and I am very excited. :confused: Surgery Date is 10/22/07! YAY!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
