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Everything posted by ge0rgette2

  1. Well here I am.... Waiting....
  2. ge0rgette2

    Hate bypass

    Phew - hate these masks LMAO I'm sure I'm in a private room - unsure they'd put two patients together right now - we will see yes, My husbands case was very mild. Hit him like a ton of bricks, dry cough, massive headache, just achy etc... lasted about 4 days maybe 5 - quarantined for 14. My son's friends father has it bad - been in hospital 46 days and wasn't on a vent but had pneumonia twice and is in ICU right now - going to rehab next. It does exist - unsure about the death numbers, but it's a real virus
  3. ge0rgette2

    Hate bypass

    Umbilical? right ... I had a hiatal fixed/removed during the sleeve, or maybe It was removed w/ the stomach LOL I don't remember, lol I am unsure what time - waiting for the 'call' today - I had to get a rush COVID test yesterday - I was anxious about that as well but it's negative. I had a horrendous dream, id get to today and find out otherwise!! EEEK!!! My husband had the virus back in early March - was exposed, no antibodies though - my daughter, 17, had a high antibody rate and NOT ONE symptom, so weird I tell you! I'm hoping it's early morning - unsure how many surgeries they are doing tomorrow.. I know he had 2 available dates upcoming since they removed the ban on electives... I'm one of the first surgeries to go now with the hospital opening up - they made sure I was okay knowing there is a COVID floor - but I believe that they are going to be so cautious now and soooo extra clean with everything.. I just hope I don't have to wear a mask in my room, that'll stink!!! They are horrible to breath, esp with the fogginess of the reading glasses. I'm sure bypass will be fine - have had surgeries before, and two c-sections and managed lol The hernia is scaring me, as I Have to be extra careful they said about lifting this time...
  4. ge0rgette2

    Hate bypass

    yes, we will be pals I was sleeved almost 5 years ago --- did well, gained back a little, but this isn't for weight loss - the GERD hit me last year and I'm on double PPI now and it's horrendous - I have a umbilical hernia, not related, maybe they claim, but thats being repaired too - so maybe thats why I'm worried. I did great with the sleeve the first time around - pain, etc... I'm just worried this is a double whammy, the bypass and hernia fix. I am not looking forward to it - nervous and anxious ... I know it'll be fine -- just the high of getting it all done .. I just want it over with if you know what I mean. I was so prepped in March, excited, now with all this COVID and being put on hold - I just let my guard down -- worry no one can visit ... it's just a lot going on in my head... anyways, I'll be okay!! I'd love to lose another 40-50 lbs, but if this GERD goes away -- AWESOME!!! that's what I'm waiting for. Water gives me heartburn... its constant all day .. I'm glad they cleared the way here in NY for electives. I was on the emergency list, so I've waited only 2 weeks.. Today is clear liquid - horrendous!! LOL
  5. ge0rgette2

    Hate bypass

    I think it's different when you have/had a bypass the first time around ... Unsure why - but thats my opinion. Sleeve to Bypass, I would assume is the same thing - it's a bypass. I'm being revised tomorrow and I'm a nervous wreck!!! Unsure why - been anxious for a few days.. I was so ready in March, then April, and here I am and nervous!
  6. ge0rgette2

    Hate bypass

  7. ge0rgette2


    Thanks!!!! I’ve been drinking my iced coffee up til yesterday as it’s my go too. I won’t have it tomorrow or Tuesday unless it’s decaf. I have one large iced coffee per day. im sure it’s probably lack of carbs and sugar. Tonight it went away for a little as I took Tylenol. Tomorrow morning is my Covid test. im sure it’s just all diet related and those yard weeds haha I was trying to keep very busy so not too eat! Haha
  8. ge0rgette2


    On a liquid 2 week diet. Revision this coming Wednesday.  Besides being a little hungry and bored to death of liquid ... I’ve had a headache.  I believe it’s a sinus headache. Been also doing a lot of yard work for 4 days so maybe it’s allergies. Been russeling up a bunch of weeds, dust etc.  I’m afraid to take a Tylenol or even some sinus medicine.  What to do!? Tomorrow is a covid  test which I hope it’s not. 
  9. ge0rgette2


    Thats what I figured but if sinus might not work as well. Don’t want this pushed off. Eeek
  10. ge0rgette2

    Liquid and being tired

    Yes I think so too - I'm better today - just tired and being doing a lot of yard work with hardly any calories - this Jello and yogurt etc aint keeping a woman going strong!!
  11. On a liquid diet for almost Two weeks now, for surgery on the 27th from March and April postponement.  I awoke today exhausted and just not feeling great. I felt a sore throat and nasally. Bit of a headache.  I feel extremely tired.  I hope it’s nothing that just a run down today from some yard work the past few days.  I hope it’s not the “virus” after all this.  Could it be just an off day? Sinuses?  Oh my... I hope that’s the case after all this waiting. Could it be due to not eating food like I was used too. 
  12. ge0rgette2

    Revision completed

    Hope you feel better.. you got this! I’m headed for the same, revision and surgery, this coming Wednesday. I think they’re repairing my hernia. It’s umbilical. With mesh I think they said. I have a high tolerance for pain so I’m hoping I’m okay with it this time around. Two C Sections and a gastric sleeve, few other surgeries along the way too, I’ve been okay. I’m worried this time around ... between the virus and this liquid diet. I feel horrible today. I hope it’s nothing and why I feel so off today.
  13. Having a bypass, revision, on 5/27 - just spoke to my surgeon via teleconference... finally moving forward. I didn't have any hair loss with the original surgery - sleeve, back in 2015. I had thinning but was on Biotin. Is the revision, bypass, worse for thinning/losing hair?
  14. ge0rgette2

    Hate bypass

    Didn’t think they did gastric on that BMI.
  15. ge0rgette2

    Hate bypass

  16. ge0rgette2

    Hate bypass

    Hmmmm.... It says in, under your pic ,you lost 44 lbs? is that in the 4 year time? sleeve? Your BMI and weight, couldn't have been to high to have that kind of loss?
  17. For some reason, I would think you would have the opposite affect, out the other end since it's intestines. Why are revisions slower paced for weight loss, do you think? Just got off the phone w/ my surgeon - had a tele visit, hospitals opening up there, I won't be on a COVID floor, but COVID will be in the hospital somewhere.. I feel comfortable ... as I know they'll clean and take precautions, etc. plus my husband had a mild case of Covid about 7 weeks ago ..... so I've been exposed.. Just need to stay safe now and not get it to have surgery.
  18. Which Vitamins do you use for bypass (revision)!? I bought some on amazon 4m ago as I thought I was having the revision in March But COVID has other plans for me :-(  So I bought Bariatric Fusion - vitamins: chewable and Iron chewable soft chews. Omg. horrendous tasting.  What do you like?  I was thinking of doing Flinstones again like I did with my sleeve. Maybe some gummies. 
  19. Best of Luck hun!!! go go go go!! You got this! This diet does stink - I just started today - 2 weeks is crazy, but ... it is what it is !
  20. ge0rgette2


    Holy smokes I read some lol tyvm! for your help
  21. ge0rgette2


    hi - my nutritionist emailed me a new revised, pre and post bariatric plan... was unsure if it was different from my previous surgery. She has, per day - Vitamin - Bariatric Advantage with or without Iron, Celebrate Mutli with Iron - 18mg, 35, 45, and 60mg too - Bariatric Fusion - all one per day. Calcium Citrate and Vitamin D - Bariatric Advantage, Celebrate, Bariatric Fusion or ReViva Calcium Calcium is 1200-1500mg and vitamin D - 400-800IU unless deficient 2000IU Iron with Vitamin C - 250mg vitamin B12 - 350-500mg I'm going to make a list and order it so I have it when I return home from surgery. Has anyone had the above mentioned brands - I was thinking it doesn't really matter as long as the dosages are the same - etc... Like someone said, Walgreens or CVS generics are just fine. I'll compare everything before I order
  22. ge0rgette2

    Hate bypass

    Hmmmm. I’m worried. I know I need the revision but I wonder
  23. I’m in NY. they are opening slowly for electives as emergencies. My surgeon didn’t perform anything either... and he is only doing two day this month. I got lucky as I’m an emergency due to be revised and my hernia.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
