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Everything posted by ge0rgette2

  1. Looking for a phone app that is good to remind you to drink, take your meds all different times of the day -- would like a free one that works well. I just got revised three days ago --- having issues with massive headaches but need to be on track with my meds
  2. ge0rgette2

    Revision completed

    I think everyone wants validation and want help with this journey. I am unsure - I know I've spoken to him in the past but I really was joking!! I can't be so serious this whole time -- it's a lot to learn all over again being revised than sleeved... It really wasn't a choice I wanted but I had too, I'm too young to suffer for another 30-40 years and would rather do it now, but ... with that said, and like I said above, I think everyone wants some help with this and some maybe, just maybe, are a bit touchy LOL Maybe he needs to be validated
  3. What does this actually mean? I know with the sleeve, snacks were “slider foods”.  With the revision I’ve read dumping a lot.  Is that bowel changes or vomitting?  I would think diarrhea as you dont have a stomach like you did prior to the sleeve and the sleeve.  I will have to research more.  I would have to be out to dinner when the time comes and then have to run to the bathroom or be on vacation etc lol 
  4. ge0rgette2

    Revision completed

    Always an expert. It was a little pizza snarky comment. I have been sleeved for 5 years I know the drill and now revised.
  5. ge0rgette2

    Revision completed

    It was a damm JOKE. Sarcasm! Don’t claim to be an expert. This isn’t the first time you’ve come across in a snarky know it all way. I’ve seen it. Don’t act like you’ll never have/think of pizza or ice cream or a damm cookie. It’s life. You’re not an expert or you wouldn’t be here with us. This isn’t my first rodeo ... I was joking with someone who had a recipe I never heard of. I also meant that I can’t have ricotta. Why is that bad to prep myself before hand to a newer way of life moving forward from a sleeve.
  6. ge0rgette2


    Thanks again!!! I've done all that from one time to another!!! I'm sure it'll be months before I can figure out what's best for me again! I always, never realized, that they do leave a little bit of the stomach, etc when they do a bypass. Whats a gastric bypass in regards to RNY .... I just know revision. My old friend, had sleeve about 2 years or so after me, she used to vomit all the time after a meal ... She learned new habits but she claimed the surgeon said her stomach was flipping .... we had a falling out, long story - but she in the process of us not speaking, which we've made up since, due to our boys getting married this year, figured it was best to put things aside for them and grandchildren being at each others weddings, as best men and their kids, etc... parties... Anyways - so she had a bypass I was told, she won't say she did - she denies it but her son told my son and FDIL. Why is it a secret is beyond me.. but she drinks like a fish on vacation, we see her on vacation every year and occasions - she does eat normally, so her bypass must have worked
  7. ge0rgette2


  8. ge0rgette2


    Okay - I've felt that then with the sleeve.... I just didn't know if it was like a rush to the restroom... that's all ya need on vacation LOL oh boy! Isn't RNY a gastric bypass? is there more than one bypass LOL omg, I'm so dead lately, I can't even think straight!! Must be the quarantine!! So the dumping with a bypass - with sugar/fat/etc, backs up in order to dump - wouldn't that be like indigestion with nausea and vomitting - I've had that with the sleeve .... omg - lots of symptoms!! OMG! Yes, I do put water out of my sight before any food - at least an hour before and after, I just can't do water or anything liquid most times - especially in the beginning of the sleeve... This is going to be like a process all over again.
  9. ge0rgette2

    Revision completed

    Ricotta bake is a mixture of ricotta cheese, parmesan cheese, egg, and spices. Topped with marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese and baked to perfection. Ok like pizza hahahaha. I can’t have that yet.
  10. ge0rgette2

    Revision completed

    They told me to crush and do applesauce or liquid. I feel great. But this headache. I’ve tried so many things for 2 days. I can’t get rid of it.
  11. ge0rgette2

    Revision completed

    What’s ricotta bake. I’m on full liquid right now. It’s day 4. Was revised on Wednesday.
  12. ge0rgette2

    Revision completed

  13. ge0rgette2

    Revision completed

    I came home 3-4 lbs heavier hahaha gotta love it
  14. ge0rgette2

    Revision completed

    What kind of diet are you doing ? Still all liquid or soft too!? I have had an issue with water my entire sleeve process. I hope this isn’t that bad. What foods do you find issues with? Does it pass right thru you? That’s what I’m worried about ... eating and then running to the toilet etc. how does one take pills now. Does that get better. I cannot do liquid meds. Makes me gag and I’m on lexapro liquid. Two nights not can’t do it. Had to cut my pills in 1/4 and do it that way for now. I really need to set up vitamin regime too.
  15. ge0rgette2


    Headache still. Sent my husband to find a sublingual migraine medicine to see if that works Instead. I have to get my meds and vitamins in order today. It’s not the belly pain eyc it’s this headache. Up and down all night long with it. Every 2 hours at least
  16. Revision done and I’m home in bed. Day 2 here we go. I have such a headache and liquid Tylenol is making me nauseated 🤢 it’s so gross It’s the only thing they gave me to take besides nausea meds, and Prilosec. I do have oxys and may take that at night time, tonight. Unsure what to do about this headache. I might attempt Gatorade maybe it’s also caffeine withdrawal. help!!!!
  17. ge0rgette2


    Man this headache. No relief. Water. Gatorade. Pedialite. Ice pops. Cold rag on my forehead. My husband also drives me insane. He cooked something and the smell is making me more nauseated. I wish I was still in the hospital. Smh. He’s so selfish but when he’s sick forget about it. Like the biggest baby. Hahahah
  18. ge0rgette2


    Oh boy
  19. i'm being revised tomorrow and I'm a nervous wreck!!! Unsure why - been anxious for a few days.. I was so ready in March, then April, and here I am and nervous!
  20. What’s a binder? They gave me Toradol last night.
  21. Hernia!!!! Horrendous! Eeek! i think this is the worst. Worst than csections. Day 2 almost - better since they gave me something stronger than Tylenol. I was able to get in more liquids. Doing all the functions they want so I believe home today. I wish they had a gastric pillow like last time ... might be a big help this time around. Maybe Amazon lol
  22. ge0rgette2

    Hate bypass

  23. Still here, sleeping a lot. They need me to drink and urinate but so tired to do either. Headache to kill a horse. omg hope this gets better. so nauseated..... I dont remember the sleeve this way. They want me to eat applesauce now, wish me luck! Haha
  24. Thanks. the umbilical area is horrendous pain. Nothing considered. I’m awake and very sore right now.had to drink and use the restroom.

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