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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by imadethelist

  1. Whoa! You are my hero! You look amazing! Congrats on all of your successes- you've clearly won this battle [emoji16]- How much weight did you lose? Teach me your tricks? I am 9 months out and only have lost 55 lbs since my high weight- I've been stuck for 5 months- following everything to a T- exercise, Protein, Fluid, vitamins- I am just completely resigned to not going any further I guess- but I'm still 185 and need to be closer to 130 since I'm only 5'4"- Did you ever get stuck like this? How long did it take to lose your weight?

    Thanks so much. And you'll get there. Don't lose faith.

    I lost 130 total. 40 of that on my own before surgery. It was very gradual for me about 2 pounds a week on average post op. A few of my early rules were. (I don't think they are original by any means)

    1. Protein first!!!! If I was going to eat even a snack it had to be pure lean protein first to make sure I got my protein in. That always filled me up so I was eating very little carbs by design with little effort.

    2. No eating out for a few months helped. It is so much easier to be in control in my own kitchen.

    3. Get my Water in!!! No alcohol or pop. I'm permanently off pop by choice. But admit now that I'm maintaining I on occasion have a drink.

    4. No deprivation. I wanted this to be a lifestyle change so I didn't treat it like a diet. It's "just how I eat now". For example I love cheese. So I eat it regularly, it's my favorite protein snack. I just don't eat a brick, I pick really strong flavored cheese so 1-2 oz is such a treat.

    5. Get creative with your favorites. What food can you not live without...find a way to make it lower carb, fat etc. example. I was a Pasta junkie. Now zoodles are my friend and I enjoy them with my same Pasta Sauce. Turkey balls instead of beef meatballs.

    6. I made working out a part of everyday life!!!

    Like I said nothing original. Just stayed committed to myself and the plan until it stuck!!!! It's easier today but still takes making good daily choices.

    I had some stalls of course. Just trust your new body, stay the course and you will succeed!!!

    PS 185 is a great weight. So no beating yourself up. But if you want to loss more try going back to the basics on diet and changing up your work outs and young the water. Your body just might be in shock from the loss you've already had.

    I'm happy to help with any other questions and in the mean time I'll be out here cheering you on!!!!!

  2. I guess it's a NSV I kinda forgot my surgiversary. I'm 3 years post op and maintaining all of my 130 lb loss. (I do bounce up and down 4-5 lbs). Still tracking everything I eat, it keeps me in check. Walking 8 miles a day 6x a week. Completed a LBL earlier this year and getting ready for final skin removal on legs soon.

    Just hope those starting this journey know if I can do it ANYONE can. I stuck to my Dr's diet very strictly making all the changes lifestyle changes. I don't deprive myself now, but splurges are now occasional instead of daily. And I love that my sleeve still really restricts me. It's hard to feel guilty about 1 small piece of pizza and I'm so grateful that I'm totally satisfied after that one piece.

    Hopeful everyone is enjoying much success and while I don't post often, I'm always happy to help anyone in need. Feel free to reach out. I'm cheering you all on!!!!



  3. On 3/22/2017 at 7:37 PM, jands75 said:

    Hi ladies! I'm scheduled for a fluer de lis and arms. This will be done in two parts, the horizontal tuck first (in April) and the vertical Tummy Tuck with arms six months later. I'm so nervous I'm thinking about canceling my plastics. My biggest issue is the time I will not be able to exercise. After losing 110 pounds, I'm now able to run 4-5 miles per day and lift weights. I eat a ton of Protein, but also indulge in a little chocolate because I burn so many calories running. If I have the tummy tucks, I know I won't be able to run for a few months and am afraid of gaining a huge amount of weight. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've seen YouTube videos of tuck patients, and they say they are totally down for two weeks. Then they start walking a little bit. But by two months out, they are still not able to do high impact exercises or weight training and they are barely standing straight. Is this true? I want my excess skin removed, but I don't want to slide back into my old habits of not exercising and being a couch potato (I'm a stay at home mom). Last question, what type of binder and compression garments should I purchase? My ps showed me a knee length zipper type girdle that goes all the way up to the breasts.

    I say go for it!!! I had a 360 LBL in January. Prior to PS, I lost 130 lbs, was stable weight for over a year prior to plastics and was walking 8-10 miles a day. I had the same concerns. I wasn't able to exercise for a good 6 weeks post surgery. And when I did get back to it, it was gradual and much slower. But by 8 weeks post op, I was back to 6 miles a day, slightly slower pace. That changed pretty quickly. I was back to regular pace and distance by 12 weeks. I know that sounds long, but it was like a blink. Most importantly, I didn't gain ANY weight! I actually lost weight post-op, you'll find you just don't eat much when recovering, or at least I didn't. In the end I could not be happier with my LBL. I never believed my body could look like it does. Not one minute of regret.

    Good luck with your decision

  4. Please let me know if you get this reply it seems like when I reply to people they never respond to me I feel invisible 🤤 maybe not using it right anyway I wanted to respond to you I am two weeks out 16 days postop and the scale hasn't moved at all I feel like I'm doing everything right the only thing yes today was my first walk I could barely walk block but it's 100° you had stated in your post that in the beginning it was kind of slow going I'm feeling frustrated

    Definitely got your reply. Congrats on making the very courageous decision to change your life. We all know how hard that decision is but trust me you will be so glad you did.

    Sorry you're experiencing that early stall. I did too and it is frustrating but happens to so many. It's temporary so keep the faith!!! Sounds like your doing the right things. I know I had trouble getting in my Water in the beginning as I'm a chugger and that wasn't happening right after surgery. It gets easier.

    Yes I started walking sooooo slowly. My first walk post op I couldn't even make it around my cup de sac let alone a block. Try to remember you're probably taking in less than 1000 calories a day right now so having little energy is to be expected. Hang in there!!!! You've just had a huge surgery, bigger than those little laparoscopic scars indicate. So try to stay focused on healing right now, following your Dr's diet plan for you, and getting your water in. If you wear a tracker to track your steps, set small goals, just a little further than last week is a win.

    Hang in there. And reach out again if I can be of further help. You've got a long exciting road in front of you. Take pictures so you can see your progress and enjoy the journey!!!!

    I love my new life but I still say the losing was more fun than the keeping it off. [emoji23][emoji23] it's a marathon not a sprint and my best advice is take this time to create new habits. Making this diet a lifestyle. I no longer feel like I'm on a diet, this is just how I eat now.

    Best wishes. And know we're out here cheering you on.

  5. Are you eating hearty foods with little to no sauce or broth? Are you drinking Water with your meals? You're not supposed to drink before or after your meals. Are you taking 20 minutes to eat each meal? Are you following the 2-3-2 rule? Are you drinking liquid calories or snacking between meals?

    Im on point with most but good reminders on slowing down my eating and not drinking anything before or after I could probably do better at those. Thanks for the reminders.

  6. How long since the LBL? I thought you were bloated with those for like 6 months.

    4 months since LBL. I sure hope that's it although I don't feel swollen anymore. I'll be so grateful if that's all it is, just don't want to give myself an excuse if I don't deserve one, that's how I gained all my weight in the first place.

    Thanks so much for responding makes me feel a little better [emoji8]

  7. So I'm not off the rails by any means, but struggling to get even a few lbs off.

    I'm 2 yrs & 8 months post VSG. And 4 months post LBL. Up until my LBL I'd consistently maintained a 130 lbs weight loss. Maintaining that loss was not without effort. My diet in check, track everything I eat, exercise 6 days a week. Immediately after LBL I feel like a switch got flipped. My weight bounced around a bit with the expected weight loss with my skin removal (which was minor as it truly was just skin being removed) and then the expected gain with swelling and of course lack of activity while I recovered. Nothing that concerned me. But now I'm up 7 lbs and I can't seem to shake it.

    I've locked down my eating, increased my Water intake, I've been back to previous amount of cardio for over two months, I'm keeping a tight control on sugar and carbs which is much harder these days, getting in all my Protein and still the scale isn't moving. It's like my body is intent on holding onto the extra weight. What gives!!!! I feel like if my calorie intake goes above 1,000 a day, I gain weight which is crazy. I was able to maintain eating 1200-1400 a day before.

    I know it's just 7 lbs, but 7 becomes 10. And fear of returning to old habits and regaining weight is always top of mind with me.

    I'm sure I'm not alone. Hoping this is just part of the recovery.

  8. I can relate. Try to keep in mind you changed, they didn't. So if that is what you used to do with them they don't know to do anything different. You might have to start doing the inviting so you're inviting them to other activities. You may also find that some friendships, no fault of anyone, will change.

    Surround yourself with people that support your new lifestyle it makes it so much easier to maintain it.

    Best wishes!!!

  9. VSG was a piece of cake compared to LBL. To be expected, a few laparoscopic holes vs literally getting cut in half. But with that said LBL wasn't that bad. I didn't have one minute of regret. First few weeks I didn't move much then started getting around the house more and more and I was back to the gym by week 6. Hardest part was being laid up for so long. Best of luck with your journey

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