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Cody's mom

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cody's mom

  1. Cody's mom

    I have a kind of funny question

    Most insurances will only cover you if your BMI is at a certain number so if your below you have to eat your way to an acceptable BMI (to them) and then it's never a forsure, and some will only pay a small portion. There is no wait time in Mexico and the quality of surgeons are exceptional, and so is the care. For someone like me, who is paying out of pocket $4,400 is a whole lot easier to swollow than $15,000 - $18,000, and I don't have to beg anyone or explain repeatedly why this is so important to me and my health. This surgery is a decission that I want to make, I don't want to be at the mercy of someone that thinks they know me better than I do. These are my reasons why I'm going to Tijuana.
  2. Cody's mom

    Surgery in mexico

    Who was your surgeon? I'm booked for October 27, but might see if I can rebook for September. How many nights in hospital and how many in hotel?
  3. Cody's mom

    Im now sleeved!

    Please keep posting updates! Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  4. Wow what an amazing person you are, and thank you for sharing this. I will read and reread this letter to get me threw what ever bad days may come!
  5. Cody's mom

    Protein Shot and Pre-mixed shakes.

    I just ordered the sample of Syntrax nectar package on: mybariatricpantry.com
  6. Cody's mom

    Protein Shot and Pre-mixed shakes.

    Thank you for all the information!
  7. Cody's mom

    My revelation

    Thank you, some of these things actually sound appealing, and please don't take that as insulting, but for someone who has never eaten a meal without the help of butter based sauces, cream cheese (it goes great in almost everything) and sugar, this is a huge milestone..
  8. Cody's mom

    Protein Shot and Pre-mixed shakes.

    Please let me know of any protien items for before and after that you find that are tolerable, I'm in the picky or sensitive taste bud category..
  9. Cody's mom

    I have a kind of funny question

    Count me in to every thing every single one of you have said. No you are not alone. One minute I'm so pumped, the next I'm second guessing the entire thing, then back to being excited, then back to thinking what the heck am I doing, then excited to wear clothes that fit, then the fear of life after the sleeve, then up down, up down.. Geish! I'm going to Mexico, alone, then have to come back to Canada and a few days later drive eight hours to work to an isolated area where there's no town or even kitchen facilities.. So yup one minute I'm yea, then the next eeekk. I'm not worried about the surgery as much as the life that follows.
  10. Cody's mom

    My revelation

    Oh thank you..
  11. Cody's mom

    My revelation

    I'm over weight for the same reason, lack of exercise and over eating, that is why I'm hoping this surgery will help me to once again control portions. I can't even exercise right now as my feet hurt, I try but pay for it in the middle of the night on my bathroom run. I would love to learn to eat properly, but even my pre op diet I'm looking at going yikes. I've tried four or five protien shakes and can't even stomach those, so how am I going to get threw this? We had a big pot luck dinner recently, and a friend brought over a quinoa salad, everyone raved endless about it, when I tried it I might as well been eating saw dust, and it was about as easy to get down as saw dust would have been (a few big gulps of water helped). So how can I start getting these things down, I know it sounds stupid, but I'm serious!!!
  12. Cody's mom

    12 week update - Full Report

    What is couch to 5k, are you training for a 5K run (or walk)? I think your doing amazing! What kind of protien shakes are you using?
  13. If I do it in September it would have to be: pre-op on the 14th, surgery on the 15th only because I have to do it around my days off work, so we wouldn't be on the same schedule. Sadly I don't get much time off work and will have to be back at the old grind on Sept 23rd. I agree having someone would make it that much easier. I'm still trying to find a protien shake I can tolerate and other things I can eat as I work in a remote location without access to cooking facilities, everything is provided.
  14. Cody's mom

    My revelation

    But is there a way to learn to like them? I have always hated everything that was good for me. Sadly. I would rather not eat something I don't like, than eat it because it's healthy, but there has to be a way to turn that around (aside from lathering it with a sauce). I would never choose fruit over chocolate or Desserts, I don't even like desserts if it has fruit in it.. So is there a way to like this stuff or even be able to tolerate it? Even eating chicken is going to be hard for me, and again, it's just a filler, no enjoyment what so ever.. Sadly that's one of the things I'm struggling over with this surgery. Does having this surgery mean that eating will no longer be enjoyable and only something required for life. I love to cook, and love to eat, is this part of my life going to be over once I get sleeved? Will a decent steak or prime rib be only a fond memory?
  15. Cody's mom

    My revelation

    Yes but what if you hate, and I mean hate lentils, quinoa and other healthy grains? I can't even eat brown bread. I guess I'm somewhat lucky in the sense that I hate lentils and quinoa so much that I'd rather starve than eat them, so if it's between eating them and nothing, I'd choose nothing, and oh I have tried. Like the other post said, I'd rather eat something that I enjoy for my small meal than something that I totally loath, and sadly I loath yogurt as well (unless it's the whipped chocolate type). Is there a magic way to start enjoying things that I should eat as opposed to those that taste good. I don't even like chicken and fish!
  16. I'm doing mine October 27, 2014 with him. I might change it to the 15 of September, will let you know.. Good luck, please keep in touch.
  17. When I told my mom I was going to get surgery she just looked at me and said "your crazy, all you have to do is diet and exercise", really, wow problem solved, and an alcoholic should just stop drinking and a smoker just stop smoking. If only it were all that easy! Lets see, in my 53 years of life all but a few have been spent dieting and exercising and obsessing over my weight (0-10 were okay).
  18. I don't know if "thank you" are strong enough words for how much I appreciate what you have wrote. As I read everyones comments on this blog, I see myself, my question, and my thoughts.. How many times in a life time can one actually gain and loose weight before your body just says, "I've had enough". Thank you for your words, your thoughts and your insight!
  19. Did you have problems with the pre-op diet? I'm looking at it thinking if I could do even the pre-op diet, I wouldn't be in the position I am in now. Also, they always quote protien as chicken or fish, I don't like either, I'm a beef girl. I'm having my surgery done in Mexico, so other than the pre and post op diet that's the only guidance I'll get I think..
  20. I live in Chestermere, Alberta, and I'm going for the sleeve in October to Mexico with Dr. Ortiz. Looking forward to a life without yoyo dieting, and not hiding from life! Has anyone found a protien shake that is actually good? I've tried about five and find them almost undrinkable.. Help!
  21. Cody's mom

    Going to TJ Oct 27 for the sleeve

    Thank you, where do I find it, is it a powder or liquid?
  22. I have my surgery on October 27, 2014 in Mexico. I am stuggling with with my love for food and the fear of not being able to stay on the diet required before and after. I have so many question and so many fears. I'm going alone, I live alone, and this will all be on me. I can only take a week off work so I'll be in a rough place, since I work eight hours from home, and don't have access to a fridge, stove or a town to even go to a doctor if things go bad. I'm also scared of loosing something I love the most (food), instead of what I hate the most (FAT)!
  23. Laura, you are the support I need as well. I have my surgery on October 27, 2014 in Mexico. I am stuggling with with my love for food and the fear of not being able to stay on the diet required before and after. I have so many question and so many fears. I'm going alone, I live alone, and this will all be on me. I can only take a week off work so I'll be in a rough place, since I work eight hours from home, and dont have access to a fridge, stove or a town to even go to a doctor if things go bad. I'm sorry to jump on the band wagon of someone else who is stuggling with so much, but it seems there are other with fears of loosing what they love the most, instead of what they hate the most FAT!
  24. I'm 5'1 and 171 and am wondering the same..

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