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Cody's mom

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cody's mom

  1. Cody's mom

    Scared and excited

    Enjoy your blissful snooze, you will be awake before you know it. I had mine done last month and it was easy!
  2. Tijuana was awesome, would highly recommend it! (and I flew in from Canada)
  3. I had surgery on Sept 14, 2014. Sept 16 I was shopping on the streets of Tijuana, a trip to costco and had lunch and dinner with the rest of the ladies that had surgery on that day, Sept 17th, more shopping, a trip to the beach with the other ladies that had surgery on Sept 14. Sept 18 went to San Diego and walked around Old Town San Diego, then caught my flight out on Sept 19 back home (I went alone). Sept 20 I did four loads of laundry, cleaned my house, vacummed, cleaned out the dishwasher, and washed all the pots and pans by hand then ran out to check on my horses. Sept 21, ran out to work a horse (ground work, I didn't ride), cleaned my truck and started loading it up to go back to work (I have to drive eight hours to get to work, then spend 16 days working in a remote location). Sept 22 I finished loading my truck, drove the eight hours to work (shopped my way there as there's two Costco's on the way), arrived at work around 7:00 pm, unloaded my truck, had a bite to eat then went to bed. I've been at work ever since, I'm not tired, I'm not sick, I'm just fine (I'm also 53 years old, so not a spring chicken). This is not a surgery that you need to lay in bed for endless days, but everyone is different. There were five of us that had surgery on the same day, only one was in pain afterwards, and that ended the following day for her, the rest of us were all up and walking within hours of our surgery. I also drove myself to the airport and drove back home, no problem. I did all the things I normally do, except lift heavy things. I live alone, so I did have to do some things I shouldn't have, but I've had absolutely no problems. Life doesn't have to stop, enjoy your time off, but know you can do a lot of things, your not an invalid, so have fun you took a lot of time off, appreciate it. Your body will tell you what you can and can't do. If you have ANY questions, let me know, but remember everyone is different.
  4. Cody's mom

    Sleeved on Monday I was shocked

    I didn't have any pain at all, and was up walking within a few hours, and shopping in two days, everyone is different. I was sleeved on Sept 14, 2014 and I still only get maybe 10-20 oz of Water in (I'm drinking ice tea), it's hard to drink when your not thirsty and you can only sip. It's a full time job trying to get it in, but keep at it, it's been just as difficult to get the Protein in for me.
  5. Cody's mom

    Time to Start Living

    I was a self pay to Tijuana. I had my surgery on the 14th, was released from the hospital on the 16 to the hotel (Marriott) and out shopping that same day. I spent two more days in the hotel then went home. I was out walking to see my horses the day I returned home back to Canada, and have been just fine. My biggest struggle right now is getting in the necessary Protein and Water into my body, but health wise, there was NEVER any pain, I was up and walking three hours after surgery. I don;t know if I've lost weight yet as you get pumped full of gas for the surgery, then pumped full of liquids during the three days. I decided I'd weigh myself the 14th of October and go from there. All I can say is I'm excited to move on and take part in life instead of it watching it pass me by. I wish you luck and happiness, this is a good thing, and next year like now you'll be looking at life in a whole different way, thinking how lucky you are to have made such a great decission!
  6. Cody's mom

    Time to Start Living

    @@happymama2014 It's never to late to be what you could have been! (I can't remeber who that quote is from). Ask yourself this: if you had cancer and were taking every agressive measure to be cured, would your family and friends support you? This is kinda the same thing, you are choosing available measures to live, not just to survive. Do this for yourself. Only you can be the judge if it works for you or not, it's a tool for success, it's not a guarentee. You owe it to yourself and your son to be happy and active. (and to live). Good luck, I was sleeved on Sept 14, 2014.
  7. @@Jcotti I think you'll see your story isn't so far from almost all of us on here. Please don't think to yourself you should have been able to do this on your own, there are some things in life that are so important that you need to take what ever measures available to help yourself. This is one of them. There is a woman on here that was on the biggest loser, she lost her 110 pounds in front of the world, but only by the help of others. After she lost all that weight her life changed, she enjoyed life again, and although she had the greatest of tools to keep it off, she lost her way, and decided that surgery was going to be the only way she could continue to be the best she could be (after she regained a substancial amount back). Life is too short to feel guilty about anything unnecessarily, you deserve to live life to the fullest, take what ever measures that will take you there. Although not a religious person, I do believe if God didn't want us to use the skills of great surgeons, he wouldn't have given them the talent and insight to do what they do. Do what ever you need to do to enjoy life and your family. Oh and this surgery doesn't mean you can't be social and enjoy family gatherings and entertaining, it just gives you a tool to control your eating. It's not a death sentence. I was sleeved two weeks ago today, and make no mistake, it's not easy what they ask you to do afterwards, the 64 oz of Water and the 100 grams of Protein, but I can tell you one thing, I would never be able to do it without surgery, it's work, it's not an easy way out. You will be able to eat the things you love and enjoy, just not the quantity you were use to (I'm looking forward to Christmas dinner and all the fixings)..
  8. @@HalloweenBaby24 Has your stomach gone down, if so was there a magic trick?
  9. So it was a month after surgery before you could go to scrambled eggs, what did you eat prior to the eggs?
  10. How on earth are you getting that much Water in. I'm lucky if I get 16 oz in, and 10 grams of Protein.. Sorry I wish I could help, I have never experienced pain at all, but definately have a distended stomach and can't understand why it won't go down (larger than it was prior to surgery) I was sleeved on Sept 14th.
  11. You have a decission to make, what is more important: your life with food, or your life to live? If you'd rather eat and let life pass you by, then by all means continue what you're doing, if you want to enjoy life and live again, do what is going to get you to where you want to be. Sounds pretty easy to me. Personally I wanted to live life, and enjoy it, not hide and be ashamed. Just my opinion (I was sleeved on Sept 14, 2014).
  12. Cody's mom

    Frequently Asked Questions

    I think lapsleeve is short for Laproscopic sleeve, just something a different doctor calls it.
  13. Yea, go get em! Have fun shopping as well. They do have a Costco that is only a $6 ride from the hotel (Bailey's Irsh Cream was only $18 Canadian for a liter, I bought three bottles).
  14. Cody's mom

    Time off

    I took one week off, and it was easy, not tired, not sore, no problems.. Listen to your body, I could have gone back after four days and been fine. I guess it all depends on you!
  15. I had Dr. E. Ortiz and he was great. No problems, if I was to do it again, I'd go to Tijuana even if I had the choice to stay in Canada to have it done!
  16. Cody's mom


    @@Nicole Kinnison-Hayes, You are so lucky you lost the cravings, I had surgery on the 14th of September, and never lost any cravings sadly, what I wouldn't give for a pizza right now (or chinese food). I also went back to work immediately, (no rest for the wicked)! I drove nine hours yesterday (back to work), so didn't really eat anything for that entire time, and only got in a few sips of Water. My biggest fear is not getting my Protein in, I'm trying to do pre-mixed shakes, and hate them all, and can't really stomach the horrible taste of the powder ones, and I've tried many! So basically right now, I'm not eating or drinking much, and am very worried this will effect my weightloss.
  17. Another thing for those going to Mexico, you'll need tip money.. Bring $1's for the baggage handlers and resturant people, and $5's and $10's for drivers. Also, grab money for bardering on the streets. It's better to have American cash!
  18. I felt absolutely no pain, none! Sure I did feel like I had just woke up the morning after doing 1000 sit-ups, but there was no pain. I was up walking nearly as soon as I returned to my room, and continued walking till I was released the following day. I'm seven days post op, and have not at any point felt any pain!
  19. If we only knew how many botched surgeries were done in what we'd think would be safe surroundings (CANADA or USA). I would do my surgery in Tijuana before I'd do it here in Canada, they have more experience, and it's their reputations on the line, here in Canada, they have nothing to loose, and no reason to care. In Tijuana, they have everything to loose! I will say this and only this against the hospital in Tijuana, the pillow sucked. If you like a nice pillow, go buy one and just leave it there. The rooms at the Marriott are fabulous, you will need or want for nothing.
  20. It's a little funny to think I'm only seven days out, and I'm back to doing everything I normally would except lifting heavy stuff. I was completely mobile within two days of surgery, felt no pain, sure you feel like you did hundreds of sit ups, but pain, absolutely not. I'm still struggling to find things to eat and drink enough, but hopefully that will come. Two days after surgery we went shopping, to the beach, and could walk up and down the streets. I go back to work tomorrow, I have to drive eight hours to get there and the only part that concerns me is the 87 kms which is deep horrible washboards, but I think I might go grab a spanx. I've been out to see my horse, cleaned my house, did loads, and loads of laundry, washed my car, now am packing to go back to work.. This surgery is easy, easy, the hardest part is getting your water and protein in. I did lodge a complaint about the nurse, the one who was neglectful, but he was the only one I felt was neglectful, everyone else was there to help. Dr. Ortiz was fantastic, and you have nothing to worry about. Should your nerves start to get the best of you, once settled in the hospital, ask for a sedative.
  21. Cody's mom

    Frequently Asked Questions

    I'm six days post op and am starving. I have horrible growlies, and just want a burger or pizza. I've tried to satisfied it by eating Soup or pudding and it's not helping. Any suggestions?
  22. Okay here is my story, please bare with me as the key board is Spanish and not all the same keys. Dr. Ortiz is a great surgeon, you will not be disappointed, the facility he uses is a little old and run down, but okay. The nurse I had on shift when I was waiting was totally useless. I was told I was to be next at 1:30 and when I went out to enquire what was going on, he just looked at me with a complete stunned look and no attempt to help.. There was a lovely girl there from another company that went to try and find out what happened, and all she could offer was that another pt was sent in. I was at this point in total shambles, tried to have a shower to calm down, slipped in the shower and almost slammed my IV pole threw the plexi glass door and it was loud, yet he didn't come in to check or offer a sedative or even change my empty IV bag. And when you've been npo for almost 20 hours, you are dehydrated and need those fluids. The other nurse were all okay, but certainly not the kind and compassionate staff I would have expected. There were a few that were nicer, but nothing exceptional and considering I was there alone, I would have thought they would have been a little compassionate. There is no nurse call in the rooms so if you need anything you have to get up. They say to walk, walk, walk but there is no where to walk except back and forth in front of the desk (ten feet by ten feet) and in the way of everything going on. You can go down to the 2nd floor and do laps around the waiting chairs, but there is no AC, so a bit hot, we were experiencing a heat wave. The Marriot is wonderful, there you have kind and compassionate people, everyone! The rooms are nice, the workers fantastic, everyone from the doorman to the desk clerks to the waiters and waitresses. How am I feeling today? Good, still a little stiff, but up walking, cleaning and caring for my wounds heading to Costco. What I would recommend, is have a list, soon as they put that IV in your arm and your settled, ask for a sedative it will help with the waiting because you might be last and not going in till 5 or 6 is a nasty waiting game. Bring books as most of the TV channels in both the hospital and hotel are in Spanish, and this is definitely a lesson in patience can waiting. I}m here to answer any questions, so ask away.. For those of you booked, you will all do just fine, yoú,re in good hands, I am going to speak to ALM regarding the nurse that was on shift when I had my misfortunate night, his care was horrible, at the very least had he checked my IV to see it was dry, he would have seen I was having a wee breakdown and could have sedated me. Also buy a pillow or two to bring and that you can leave behind, the ones at the hospital are horrible. For those that enjoy relaxing and watching TV, you might wish to enroll in the trial version of Netflix for the hospital, again there are only a few English speaking channels. Had the tomato soup here at the Marriott last night added a little broth to make it thinner and it was a gift from GOD, it was so good, that and an ice tea and I was truly in heaven (it also cost about $9.50 US), but they are more than happy to pack everything up for you to take to your room when you've had enough. They do not have fridges or microwaves in the rooms, but someone said you can ask for a fridge, it would have been nice to have. Make sure to have lots of $1.00 and $5.00 for the door staff, baggage handlers, and $10.00 for the drivers. Its very social at the Marriott you;ll have people to hang with, visit with, and go walking with, so if your going along do not fear, you}re never alone, and those bring a guest, they'll always have someone to go eat or visit with while you}re in surgery. Using the hotel computer and it}s a little challenging.. Good luck all, remember there{s a Costco here, only a $6.00 cab ride, they have most things you{ll need at a good price (the heartburn meds are only $20 for 120 pills), one thing they do not have here is gas strips, I didn}t need them, but many people did, bring them from home. Im leaving for San Diego this morning to stay for a night there and to tour around.
  23. Okay, I'm a live and well and surprisingly in absolutely no pain. There were moments of being uncomfortable, but that's to be expected. Dr Oritz is a fabulous surgeon but the care received at the hospital was below my expectations in areas I'll explain a little later. Just packing to get ready to go. Back to the hotel. Will offer a complete recount when I cam use an actual computer as I'm a one finger typer on these devices.
  24. My phone won't work, I already tried to call someone!
  25. My IV bag dried out long ago, and not one nurse has come to check since it was put in. I'm really emotional and angry right now, neither is a good combination going into surgery.

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