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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by MrsSugarbabe

  1. @@solea78 - I have osteoarthritis in both my knees also, and also have bone-on-bone in my left knee. After losing the initial 60 lbs., any knee pain I was having was alleviated. There are certain exercises that my knees don't tolerate, but have found I can do at least 30 mins. on the elliptical machine at the gym without any knee discomfort during or after exercising. There isn't any gym or Y close to home with a pool that would be convenient so doing Water exercises are not an option for me. I do walk on my lunch break most days during the week.

    I concur completely with @@Bufflehead recommendations; they are sensible and on target.

    I still have plenty of restriction with my sleeve, but have discovered which foods are slider foods for me and shouldn't be a regular part of my food plan.

    We have a great tool to use to help control the quantity of food we eat as long as we continue to do the work of planning, logging, and exercising regularly (preaching to myself here :rolleyes: ).

    The best to us all on this journey!

  2. Yes, you can get back on track :) Get you some powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chocolate splendor Protein powder and make you a chocolate shake when you feel the need for some chocolate. If you'll check the Unjury website, they have recipes for all sorts of Snacks and dishes using their Protein Powder.

    It's best to do all that you can not to let old habits creep back into your lifestyle. Once they creep back in, it can be very hard to shake them. You CAN do this!!

  3. I will probably always identify as a WLS "patient" if for no other reason than when I go to restaurants to eat. Although I feel more like a "normal" person when making food choices, exercising, etc., because my sleeve holds so little, when dining out I always ask about ordering from the kid's menu, and if that's not an option, hubby and I frequently split restaurant meals, or I'll order what I want and take the leftovers home for another 1-2 meals. I know there are plenty of "normal"/non-WLS folks out there who do that also, but that was not part of my pre-WLS habits so these days it's a regular reminder. I don't go into detail with the servers about why I would like to order from the kid's menu (assuming there's something on it I would enjoy), I just tell them I don't eat much. Most of the time they are quite accommodating.

  4. I came off metformin pre-surgery and never restarted. A1c stays around 5.4-5.7 now. Controlled with diet and exercise. No trouble healing post-surgery.

    The only thing I do contend with every so often is hypoglycemia so I do still check my BS at various times, although not necessarily daily. Usually before going to the gym and after a strenuous workout. Also, I'll test if I'm feeling weird like I do when my sugar is getting on the low side.

    I am more vigilant than ever about keeping something with me (i.e. juice) should I experience low BS away from home or work

  5. Not for one second have I regretted having sleeve surgery; despite having to be admitted to the hospital 6 days post-op for plural effusion due to infection.

    I spent 2 weeks as inpatient then moved to inpatient rehab for 6 days to rebuild my strength. There's always that very small percentage who MAY encounter challenges post-op so I wouldn't want anyone to let those concerns or my experience deter you from moving forward. My surgery went great!! I developed an abdominal infection that caused the plural effusion. Needless to say, I went through the liquids-pureed-mushies food phases as an inpatient so, by the time I went home I was able to begin transitioning to solid food, as tolerated, according to my surgeon's plan.

    No regrets whatsoever!!!

  6. None of the following is meant to sound mean or critical (please don't read it that way - just being honest and trying to hit points you may not have considered or might be in denial about).

    It's great that you're exercising because it's going to make you feel better overall, but weight gain/loss is 90% food and diet related.

    My doc said that all people will lose even eating absolute crap for the first year, but they will regain if they don't take the time to throw out all they know about food/eating and relearn how to properly eat healthy and figure out correct (small) portion sizing.

    Your problem seems to be that you're eating things you shouldn't (simple carbs/sugar) and possibly eating too many calories, and that is causing you to regain (simple carbs and sugar are usually high calorie, low nutrition slider foods that make it really easy to overeat).

    Are you tracking every bite and sip of food/drink? You probably should be measuring and tracking all of it, especially since you're regaining. You likely are overeating and eating foods low in nutrition as well. It would give you a much better idea of whether the failure is your sleeve or more likely - a disconnect with what and how much you you actually eat. I imagine even consulting another surgeon, they'd like to see how many calories you're consuming and what those calories are made up from to make a truly honest opinion about whether another surgery is a good step for you or not.

    Simple carbs and sugar are known to cause you to crave them all the more once you start eating them regularly, so that would explain the feelings of hunger. (you're not really hungry if you are eating good protein/complex carbs and getting enough calories - it's cravings or head hunger)

    I would think the answer is counseling with a therapist familiar with food addictions, and a serious mental reset regarding your relationship with food, not more surgery.

    I'd suggest you go back to the beginning of a sleeve diet - do a week of Protein liquids, then mushies, then onto solids. Get your Water and Protein and eat good veggies and healthy complex carbs in moderation. You need to research healthy meals and throw out the crap foods and seriously dedicate yourself to resetting your whole food relationship.

    That's what we are supposed to do during the honeymoon phase of the sleeve (roughly the first year). If you didn't get your diet stuff down cold, then you won't do well over the long term. It's a sad fact, but most surgeons aren't really driving that point home. The weight loss effects won't last if you regularly eat crap foods. The surgeries allow you a measure of control for you to get back to basics without the gnawing hunger and drastically reduce the portion sizes in the beginning... so you can lose weight and relearn how to eat properly.

    Maybe once you've got that stuff down well, you can add back in some sugar treats for very special occasions, but they should never, ever be something you eat regularly again. But maybe, if you can't control yourself, it might come down to eliminating them completely if you want to stay healthy.

    I know it's sucky that you aren't doing so well right now, but you can get stuff figured out if you're willing to do the hard work. It might be worth it rather than going to another surgery and hoping that it does all the work; because it won't. You have to do it, the surgery(ies) are just a tool, but they won't work if you don't commit to using them properly.

    Good luck!!

    Excellent advice, @@FrankiesGirl!! And exactly what I needed to hear, too. Thank you!

  7. Are you using the #powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken Soup Protein powder? If so, I always put the powder in after I get the Water hot and have checked for the proper temperature because if it's hotter than 140 deg., the whey Protein will clump. Clumping doesn't change the taste, but it does look funky and feels even funkier on the tongue.

    I haven't tried any other powders so I can't speak to what they would do when heated.

    I love #Unjury!

  8. I regularly use powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein Powders which were recommended to me by a friend. After reading most of the reviews of each of the products I was interested in, and learning about the difference between whey Protein isolate and whey protein concentrate, I decided to give Unjury try and have been using them since about 6 months prior to my surgery. Fortunately, my taste for the Unjury shakes did not change after surgery, but I know it does for some. In fact, my NUT recommended not to get too stocked up on any particular Protein powder before surgery just in case my tastes for such did change.

    I have been quite impressed with the flavor and quality of the vanilla, chocolate Splendor, and the chicken flavored mixes. Both taste great and mix up easily. I've been using the chocolate Splendor mixed with milk for my Breakfast and the chicken flavor mixed with some chicken bouillon for my lunch. You just have to watch the Water temperature when preparing the Chicken flavor otherwise the whey will clump. It doesn’t change the taste, just the texture which can be weird. Both are quite filling and satisfying. I have tried the strawberry Sorbet mixed with lemonade also, and liked the taste okay, but rarely use it; need to work on the amounts mixed together to fine tune the beverage to better suit my taste for strawberry Lemonade. I've also tried the Unflavored powder mixed with milk when I ran out of the chocolate. The milk still tasted like milk, and it was okay, but I did not like it as well as I do the Chocolate Splendor or vanilla mixed with milk.

    Most of my protein beverages are just shaken up; I do not use a blender or make them frozen for simplicity and time sake, and the fact that I use them more at work than at home.

    Some of my favorite flavor combinations are:

    1. Vanilla Protein Powder, SF Sunrise Orange drink (it’s like an orange Dreamsicle)
    2. ½ serving Vanilla PP, ½ serving Chocolate Splendor PP ,4 oz. brewed coffee, chilled, 4 oz. skim milk
    3. Chocolate Splendor PP, 8 oz. skim milk, 1 or 2 servings PB2
    4. ½ serving Vanilla PP, ½ serving Chocolate Splendor, 8 oz. skim milk
    5. Chicken PP with less than a serving of chicken bouillon mixed with 8-10 oz. Water at 140 degs. A great option when you’re tired of all the sweet stuff.

    If you are looking for a high quality, great tasting, satisfying protein powder that is better than anything you will find in the stores, then this is the product you want to purchase. You can't go wrong, especially since you can return the product if you aren't pleased with it.

  9. Great unusual NSV!! I've been known to slip on a top or jacket without returning to the dressing room again. What's the harm as long as we don't walk out of the store with the item on :) LOL!!!

    I still look at a lot of 2XL tops even though I can comfortably wear XL and some Large depending on style. I still have to fit my hips and prefer a certain length to help cover my belly. I'm 60 years old and seriously doubt that I will ever have any plastic surgery done.

    Congratulations on your success!!

    Congratulations to all of us for the great progress we've made already!!

  10. My nephew recently returned from deployment (Airforce Reserves) and it's very sad and scary that he's in more danger everyday he goes to work as a police officer! This has to stop!

    @KristinLe - Thank you for your nephew's service!! My husband and I appreciate his and his family's sacrifice.

  11. @LJDavenport: I didn't have much of an appetite for a few months after surgery, but did have cravings - mostly for some salad and highly seasoned food of any variety. I made sure that my food choices fit the parameters of my plan and were high Protein, otherwise, I couldn't meet my daily Protein goal. 1/2 to 3/4 cup is still about all I can eat at a meal so I make sure I enjoy what I'm eating. It's still hard to get in a lot of veggies and a little bit of fruit each day. I still supplement my protein intake with a daily Protein shake or two.

    @PRINCESS2218 - I've attached some information that my surgeon's office gave me when I began preparing for surgery. I hope it will help you with some ideas, and others who may not have received similar information from their surgeon's office.

    Best to all who are learning this new way of life -- feeding our new tummies :)


  12. I regularly use unjury Protein Powders which were recommended to me by a friend. After reading most of the reviews of each of the products I was interested in, and learning about the difference between whey Protein isolate and whey protein concentrate, I decided to give Unjury try and have been using them since about 6 months prior to my surgery. Fortunately, my taste for the Unjury shakes did not change after surgery, but I know it does for some. In fact, my NUT recommended not to get too stocked up on any particular Protein powder before surgery just in case my tastes for such did change.

    I have been quite impressed with the flavor and quality of the vanilla, chocolate Splendor, and the chicken flavored mixes. Both taste great and mix up easily. I've been using the chocolate Splendor mixed with milk for my Breakfast and the chicken flavor mixed with some chicken bouillon for my lunch. You just have to watch the Water temperature when preparing the Chicken flavor otherwise the whey will clump. It doesn’t change the taste, just the texture which can be weird. Both are quite filling and satisfying. I have tried the strawberry Sorbet mixed with lemonade also, and liked the taste okay, but rarely use it; need to work on the amounts mixed together to fine tune the beverage to better suit my taste for strawberry Lemonade. I've also tried the Unflavored powder mixed with milk when I ran out of the chocolate. The milk still tasted like milk, and it was okay, but I did not like it as well as I do the Chocolate Splendor or vanilla mixed with milk.

    Most of my protein beverages are just shaken up; I do not use a blender or make them frozen for simplicity and time sake, and the fact that I use them more at work than at home.

    Some of my favorite flavor combinations are:

    1. Vanilla Protein Powder, SF Sunrise Orange drink (it’s like an orange Dreamsicle)
    2. ½ serving Vanilla PP, ½ serving Chocolate Splendor PP ,4 oz. brewed coffee, chilled, 4 oz. skim milk
    3. Chocolate Splendor PP, 8 oz. skim milk, 1 or 2 servings PB2
    4. ½ serving Vanilla PP, ½ serving Chocolate Splendor, 8 oz. skim milk
    5. Chicken PP with less than a serving of chicken bouillon mixed with 8-10 oz. Water at 140 degs. A great option when you’re tired of all the sweet stuff.

    If you are looking for a high quality, great tasting, satisfying protein powder that is better than anything you will find in the stores, then this is the product you want to purchase. You can't go wrong, especially since you can return the product if you aren't pleased with it.

  13. No regrets whatsoever. Even while I was readmitted to the hospital after being home 6 days. Had an infection which caused my body to created a reactive Fluid which collected around my left lung (plural effusion). Spent 2 weeks on med-surg unit and then a week in physical rehab (3 weeks total in hospital). I was the minute exception who had a post-surgical complication. Still no regrets :)

  14. @@SiSSi829 -- Congratulations on your weight loss!!! Sounds like you're doing great!!

    I agree with @BingeEaterToSleever and some of the others whose advice and comments are quite reasonable.

    I won't comment on the bacon bit other than to concur with a couple of the others who have already commented. ;)

    Finding liquid Protein that tastes good to you and that you can enjoy experimenting with takes time. Don't be afraid to experiment and to try some samples. @@powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury and @SyntraxNectar are my two favorite Liquid Protein powders. When I drink 3-4 @@UNJURY shakes a day my craves for carbs (any carb) decreases drastically. Considering that I'm almost 18 months out from surgery I do eat more real food than I drink shakes, however, in order to get the amount of Protein required each day (100 grams), I do still supplement with a shake or two or a Quest Protein Bar. My new tummy gives me great restriction so I cannot eat enough regular food every day to reach that amount of protein.

    I use Unjury Protein Powders which were recommended to me by a friend. After reading most of the reviews of each of the products I was interested in, I decided to give it a try. I have been quite impressed with the flavor and quality of the chocolate Splendor and the chicken flavored mixes. Both taste great and mix up easily. I've been using the chocolate Splendor mixed with milk for my Breakfast and the chicken flavor mixed with some chicken bouillon for my lunch. You just have to watch the Water temperature when preparing the Chicken flavor otherwise the whey will clump. It doesn’t change the taste, just the texture which can be weird. Both are quite filling and satisfying. I have tried the strawberry Sorbet mixed with lemonade also, and liked the taste, but need to work on the amounts mixed together to fine tune the beverage to better suit my taste for strawberry Lemonade. I've also tried the unflavored powder mixed with milk when I ran out of the chocolate. The milk still tasted like milk, and it was okay, but I did not like it as well as I do the Chocolate Splendor mixed with milk.

    Most of my protein beverages are just shaken up; I do not use a blender or make them frozen for simplicity and time sake.

    Some of my favorite flavor combinations are:

    1. vanilla Protein Powder, SF Sunrise Orange drink (it’s like an orange Dreamsicle)
    2. ½ serving vanilla PP, ½ serving Chocolate Splendor PP ,4 oz. brewed coffee, chilled, 4 oz. skim milk
    3. Chocolate Splendor PP, 8 oz. skim milk, 1 or 2 servings PB2
    4. ½ serving Vanilla PP, ½ serving Chocolate Splendor, 8 oz. skim milk
    5. Chicken PP with less than a serving of chicken bouillon mixed with 8-10 oz. Water at 140 degs.

    If you are looking for a high quality, great tasting, satisfying Protein Powder that is better than anything you will find in the stores, then this is the product you want to purchase. You can't go wrong, especially since they'll refund your money if you aren't pleased with the product.

    Keep working your plan as best you can. Like many people have reminded me in the past, and I continue to remind myself......sip, sip, sip, protein, protein, protein, walk, walk, walk :)

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