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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by QuasiTova

  1. My wife brought home a packet for me from Dr. Adam Smith Ft. Worth. But that is all I know about him. I am in the first stages of checking out this option. Need advice.

    Dr Adam Smith is AWESOME!!!

    He is my doctor.. read my post above for a few reasons I chose him.

    Of course, there are many other reasons as well... if you do a search on the board for him, you will find MANY people who sing his praises :)

  2. When I hit 47, I started to feel really creaky. Some days I'd have to roll out of bed because I was so stiff. Then I got plantar fasciitis. Finally, my blood pressure went over the magic number and I'm now on blood pressure medicine.

    I am hoping that a lot of this will go away if I lose weight, but I've been over 200 lb. before and not had these problems. At first, I figured it was just a function of getting older. But now I'm wondering if it's a mixture. Maybe as I get older, my body is less able to handle the excess weight?

    I worry that I'll get a band and lose the weight and then not have some of these issue resolve after all.

    What have other people who are actually banded found? How much of your healthy problems were entirely due to weight and how many are due to age?

    I am 43... and was experiencing a lot of the same issues you have, except the blood pressure (mine is low). The plantar fasciitis was getting so bad that I could barely walk.... and even that was SUPER painful. I was also getting charlie horses almost every night in my calves... waking me in excruciating pain.

    Since being banded, I have not had even one charlie horse (YAY!), and the plantar fasciitis must be gone too because I can walk for HOURS without pain, even getting out of bed in the morning is painless (physically, anyway).

    This is when I noticed the difference:

    One day my daughter and I were out shopping at a strip center, and she asked if we could go to another store at the opposite end of the parking lot, and I said okay... and just started walking in that direction without even thinking about it, until she asked me why we had left the car at the other end (in the past, I would always drive to each store, and park as close as I could because walking was painful).

    It was that day that I realized the band truly was making a difference in my health.

    Now, I do not spend 20 minutes driving around the parking lot waiting for a closer parking space... I just park and walk... I actually try to park as far away as I can (unless it is raining)... lol

  3. QuasiTova, That is hilarious! I love your animated clip art, too!!

    Thanks :lol:

    The wonderful thing about using these responses is that we can switch up the items we have lost simply by using our math skills. there are many ways to add up to our total :lol:

    My 49 lbs lost so far can be described as:

    1. a mid-size microwave, a human head, and a Chihuahua

    2. a human leg, a human head, and a guinea pig

    3. two automobile tires, an average newborn, and a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts

    and many many more combinations...

    So, even if we do not lose any weight in a week, we can change our items lost, and the "diet police" will still be impressed.

    If nothing else, we are improving our math skills... lol

    Sorry, but as a homeschooling mom, I tend to think this way :laugh:

  4. I'm feeling a bit depressed. At least 5-7 people (friends and family) asked me for a progress report this week. I felt ashamed to say that there hasn't been any change in the past few weeks.

    Someone posted a thread that IMO has the perfect comeback answers for the "diet police".


    My new answer to these people who want to ask about my progress is:

    So far I have lost a mid-size microwave, a human head, and a Chihuahua.

    This should make them stop and think... I already cannot wait to see the confused looks on their faces... lol

  5. So far I have lost a mid-size microwave, a human head, and a Chihuahua.

    I think I will use this answer the next time I am confronted by the "diet police" (i.e. friends and family who ask that dreaded "how much have you lost so far" question).

    This should make them stop and think... I already cannot wait to see the confused looks on their faces... lol

  6. I try not to look at the big picture... because it is too overwhelming.

    I just set my goal at TWO pounds a week, and it doesn't seem too difficult to attain.

    And, in reality, those little two pound losses each week add up to OVER 100 lbs in a year.

    You will get there before you know it :lol:

    When people ask me how much I have lost, I tell them that my goal is two pounds a week... and so far I have dropped 4 pants sizes.

    Steer them away from the big numbers they are wanting to hear.

    This is not an overnight miracle cure... it is just a tool. I think a lot of non-band people assume that the weight just falls off when you get the band... and they expect HUGE results overnight.

  7. I went to several seminars and met several doctors before deciding on the one I chose. I also talked to patients of each doctor before deciding.

    I really liked his personality for one... he was honest about complications that he had with previous patients... but most of all, I liked the fact that he has the lapband HIMSELF, as well as several of his office staff.

    To me, this made it more likely that they would be understanding of what was going on at each stage of the process... from emotional aspects to physical ones.

  8. Go get an unfill ASAP. I too thought I could ride that feeling out, and a month after the fill I ended up in the ER due to esophageal bleeding caused by the reflux.

    This isn't supposed to hurt. The "I was losing weight just fine" level is what you're looking for.

    That is what I thought too. This should not hurt. I do not want to feel like this all the time just to lose weight.

    I want to be able to enjoy life and still eat normal foods (just less).

    I have literally been in bed all weekend because I just feel yucky... there is no way I will ride this out for a month. I will be calling my doctor tomorrow.

    I just really do not want to go to the ER unless if it a life or death situation. I prefer to have my doctor make the decisions that he thinks are best instead of someone in the ER who might have little or no experience with lapbands.

    I really trust my doctor. He has had the lapband himself, and I truly feel like he has my best interest in mind.

  9. Quasitova: I am not much into the fruit flavored stuff or even milk. I drink mostly Water. Do they make any supplements that are flavorless that can go in Water? I know that is probably a dream but that would be the ultimate for me.

    I am the same way. I prefer water to anything else.

    So far, I have not found one that is flavorless that doesn't add some weird texture to the water.

    The closest I can find is the nectar lemonade... and CytoSport, which is more like gatorade.

    I tried adding the "supposed" flavorless Protein powders to food (mashed potatoes, oatmeal, etc) but the texture was HORRIBLE to me. I could still tell it was there.

    So, I just try to eat 10-20 grams of Protein each meal (which is easy to do)... and then supplement with a Protein Drink.

    If your goal is only 60 grams per day, you should be able to reach that with just food.< /p>

  10. Upon waking this morning, I felt like the "golf ball" had subsided some. At least the monster inside of me was quiet...

    So I had my daughter make me some warm tea.

    Apparently, the monster was only "asleep".

    Let the gurgling begin...

    After only two small sips, I was gurgling, and burping just like before. I think I angered him once again.

    I REALLY need to make "friends" with this creature who now lives inside me.

    I will update later today... right now, I am going to try to go back to sleep.

    I am still thinking that maybe I have a touch of the flu... perhaps combined with being a little tight.

  11. Do you have thick or thin hair? My hair is thick and I was wondering if it is too thick for that cut. It will probably be a few months before I cut it, but I was just wondering.

    My hair is very fine... and straight. It is not really thick or thin. the beauticians always tell me that I have a lot of hair, but it is just very fine.

    I think this was meant to be "my perfect cut" because I literally do not do ANYTHING to it... and it automatically curls under where it should and looks freshly brushed all of the time.

    If I let it get even an inch too long though, it doesn't curl under the way it should.

    I would ask your beautician if they think this cut would work for your hair. They are the professionals, and should know.

  12. I have heard of people taking their child size utensils out with them--

    I confess... I am one of those people...

    I tend to eat very fast, and take big bites... so, before I got banded, I bought some teeny tiny spoons to eat with... they are actually souvenir spoons from the places I want to visit once I get "skinny" ;)

    So, every time I put that little spoon in my mouth, I think about how much fun I am going to have in Alaska, Australia, Jamaica, etc.

    I do not take them to restauarants (but I have only been to one since being banded)... but I do use them at work, and at home.

  13. Why don't you call your doctor and have him decide what is best. I'm very fortunate because my doctor will always call back, or his partner will, 24/7. Maybe you do need a slight unfil. Be careful because it sounds like you're in trouble with your band now. I had one fill similar to this, and funny, because it was my third fill. I had to get a small unfill and three weeks later got 1/2 of what they took out, and now I'm back up to where it was when it was too tight.

    I hope you get some relief soon.


    Thanks Sue.. I did try to call, but the office was closed. I didn't think to leave a message. I think I will...just to be safe.

    What do you mean by "Be careful because it sounds like you're in trouble with your band now."?

  14. chicken is EVIL in my world!

    I have been trying to eat more turkey, lamb and fish.

    I found that I can tolerate chicken better if it is ground.

    Whole Foods makes fresh sausage in their meat market daily out of all types of meat... lamb, pork, turkey, chicken, etc.

    They have hundreds of flavors, and I find that they are easier to eat because they are finely ground. I just do not eat the casing.

    I have not had as good of luck with "packaged" sausages, but the fresh ones seem to work good for me ;)

  15. I have a picture of a hairstyle that I want after I lose some more weight, the girl has really dark hair like you and me. I wouldn't mind sharing it with you. I'll post and you can see for yourself. I posted it on a different thread last night. I'm just not quite ready to cut mine yet. Sorry if it's a little fuzzy, I took it with my camera phone out of a magazine.

    I have that haircut!

    And, I love it... I don't even have to brush it if I am in a hurry in the mornings... just run my fingers through it and it always looks neat.

    I am lazy and hate to brush my hair... when I went to get a cut, I told the beautician to give me something that I do not have to brush! And, she did. And, I love it ;)

  16. I try to "eat" at least 10-20 grams of Protein each meal... and then drink one or two Protein drinks to reach my goal of 100 grams per day.

    Personally, I do not like the "milky" type Protein shakes... I have always been more of a gatorade type girl. I tried a lot of protein drinks before I had my surgery so I would know what I liked and didn't like.

    You can buy samples of protein drinks at Vitalady.com - Protein supplements, Vitamins & Minerals, and Safe Snacks!. I think she has a few hundred different types. I paid $1.50 for each sample (which was one serving... 34.5g of protein). The "Nectar" lemonade flavor is really good ;)

    She also sells this really cool battery operated mixing/drinking cup. I bought one... just to try... then went back and bought FOUR more!

    I absolutely L-O-V-E "CytoSport" Protein drinks (the tangerine tastes just like Sunny-D). This brand also has the highest amount of potassium that I have found. 40g of protein per bottle, zero carbs, 160 calories (I think). You can buy them at the VitaminShoppe, GNC, etc.

    The "ProteinSLAMs" are also pretty good. I like the peach flavored one. Sometimes they seem a bit too syrupy though and I have to dilute them.

    I also make popsicles out of these protein drinks for when I am feeling "snacky". I have discovered that diluting them with a little with Water before pouring them into the popsicle molds prevents them from melting too fast.

  17. You can buy samples of Protein drinks at Vitalady.com - Protein supplements, Vitamins & Minerals, and Safe Snacks!. I think she has a few hundred different types. I paid $1.50 for each sample (which was one serving... 34.5g of protein). The "Nectar" lemonade flavor is really good ;)

    She also sells this really cool battery operated mixing/drinking cup. I bought one... just to try... then went back and bought FOUR more!

  18. Then maybe you are just too tight. In my experience, after a good fill, I feel really tight and uncomforable for a few days. I just rationalized that my stomach was probably swelling due to the irritation of the increased restriction. After a fill, it wasn't uncommon for me to loose 4 to 5 pounds in that first week. I just put up with the discomfort knowing that it would be better in a few more days.

    If it was jsut the tight feeling, I think I would be okay, but this golf ball thing in my throat, and all of the gas... I am afraid to burp because I do not know what might come up.

    Hopefully, this will pass before Monday, and I will not feel the need to call the doctor.

    Maybe I need to take some of that liquid Hydrocodone the doctor gave me to kind of calm down a little.

  19. I'm exactly the opposite--I 'm tight to COLD liquids, but warmth helps open me up. If cold works for you, try eating a sugar-free popsicle using a 1/4 teaspoon. Take a tiny bite every 2-3 minutes (I know, it melts!). That's really the size "sip" you need to take, and the slow timeframe helps keep you from irritating your pouch any more than it already is.

    I did manage to get a popsicle down... and it actually felt a somewhat soothing. It was not sugar-free, I do not like sugar-free because they create more phlegm for me, and I do not need that right now. I didn't figure the sugar would hurt me since I am not getting ANY calories in right now anyway.

    Like you, I am a patient of Dr Smith's... what does he recommend if we feel like this when the office is not open? I never thought to ask, because I have had no problems so far.

    Has anyone experienced the "gassy" feeling I am feeling associated with a fill, or could I possibly be getting the flu or something?

  20. I felt restriction after my third fill, too. You might be too full, especially since you are spitting up saliva. The pressure or "golf ball" feeling happens when I eat the wrong things or eat too quickly. Pasta for instance, doesn't sit well with me. When I'm anxious or menstruating or sick, I also can't tolerate food too much. It could just be the panic setting in, making it even more difficult for you to eat. I say just relax. Try warm tea or coffee in the am. That usually streches me out. You're obviously going to loose weight and, when you do, you can tolerate more food until you get filled again. I hate to say it, but I think your band is finally working. It isn't always pleasant, but it works. Also, take REALLY small sips for the time being. It isn't unusual for it to take me an hour or more to drink a couple of cups of milk after a "big" fill.

    I think you are right about the panic setting in, the more I think about it, the tighter I seem to feel. I did manage to get down a popsicle earlier, and a small bit of eggdrop Soup. But, I am still gurgling REALLY bad, even when I just swallow my own spit.

    Do you mean that the band will get looser if I lose weight? (according to the scale, I have already lost 5 lbs since Wednesday, but I do not feel any looser)

    My goal is to lose 2 lbs a WEEK, not 2 lbs a DAY ;)

    If this is what a "working" band feels like, I am not sure I want to live with this. I was losing weight just fine without this golf ball feeling.

    I am so hungry... before this fill, I never felt hungry... because I was able to eat... smaller portions yes, but at least I could eat something.

    I guess I have no choice but to wait it out for a few more days, but I am still going to call my doctor Monday morning.

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