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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by angb1982

  1. My surgery was Oct 3 2014. I am 5'7" and I weighed 338.3 lbs when I started my pre surgery diet. As of today I am 205, less than a year out. I had the band and I do not exercise (bad I know). Everybody is different but this is my story so you know that it's not slow for everyone.

    I do not regret my band to bypass revision one bit!! Even with my complication and paying for it out of pocket.

  2. I was banded in 2008 and by 2011 my body pretty much said "screw you I hate this thing" and I had to be completely u filled. I gained back all the weight I lost (about 80lbs over 2 years).

    I decided to go to gastric bypass and because I wanted it done right away I went to Mexico and paid for it. I was in the hospital for 3 days came home a couple days later and was back to work (desk job) feeling pretty good.

    I did have some complications from my surgery that was related to the long long travel home and being in birth control which put me at higher risk for a clot and I ended up with a pulmonary embolism. So that wasn't much fun but it was a trifecta of things that ended with me having one.

    I had my bypass Oct 3, 2014 and now just over 7 months later I have lost 100lbs and I feel fantastic. Despite my complications from it my only regret - not doing it sooner.

    All the best in your decision. I do not miss that band one bit. Bypass life is much better.

  3. I had my band removed and my bypass done on the same day and I'm glad I did. My band was empty for a couple of years after I started having major problems with it and it STILL gave me grief. Having it out felt like a whole new person. There's no guarantee leaving it in and empty will not cause you issues later on. Personally I would want it out and I would hazard a guess that there are more revisions with the band removed then not so... Best of luck to you!

  4. Thank you for the information!

    I worry about PE and DVT as well. Did your doctor put you on blood thinners after surgery? I've read that some do and some don't. How long was your flight? Mine should be about 5 hours.

    They did not put me on blood thinners to the best of my knowledge but I also didn't have a full list so maybe ask your Dr ahead of time. I would recommend picking up a pair of compression stockings for your journey home and if you can, get an aisle seat so you can get up and stretch and walk around a bit every hour or so. When you are seated you can do foot exercises that keeps the circulation moving to help prevent DVT. Tilt your toes up to your knees then point them back down and then rotate your foot in a circle.

    My total flying time was just under 6hrs (2 flights) but then after arriving at airport I had a 5 hour drive home. I didn't have stockings and I didn't get up and move as much as I should.

    I've learned a lot of this after the fact.

    All the best!

  5. Hi there!!

    I had my surgery in Mexico (Tijuana) by Dr Garcia on Oct 3 and it was amazing!!! I have nothing but rave reviews for the florence Health Systems Hospital and their staff. Brief timeline:

    Oct 2, arrived in Tijuana (flew to San Diego and was picked up at airport) and stayed night in hotel

    Oct 3, went to hospital and had surgery this day

    Oct 4-5, in hospital

    Oct 6, released from hospital to hotel

    Oct 7, in hotel

    Oct 8, flew home

    It was such an easy process. I've done great since... 16lbs lost presurgery and 36 since.

    I had a complication upon returning home of pulmonary embolism (blood clot in lungs) that kicked my ass. PE is a chance you take with any surgery and I had an extremely long travel journey home which didn't help matters but I don't regret it one bit. If you have any other questions feel free to give me a shout.

  6. So I am 5 weeks post op and I am struggling to eat enough in a day - looking for some tips.

    Supposed to eat 3 meals and 2 Snacks a day. I can barely eat 3 meals let alone snacks. I know I am not eating enough or getting enough Protein and I cannot stomach the taste of any Protein shakes since surgery. And unfortunately getting the juice type Protein Shakes where i live in Canada isn't possible.

    How do you get in enough food?

    I am hardly ever hungry and just spend my day struggling to get in fluids.


  7. I had my surgery on Oct 3 and felt great after surgery. Recovery was easy. Just shy of two weeks after I had a sudden shortness of breath and knew that could be a symptom of two things.. Pneumonia or Pulmonary Embolism.

    I went to my Dr right away and he sent me for blood tests and chest X-rays. Not wanting to wait for the results I went to the ER that night. They gave me a shot of blood thinners and scheduled me for a CT scan first thing the next day. I came back for the test and admitted right away as confirmed Pulmonary Embolism (blood clots in lungs). I was lucky to have caught it and been diagnosed so fast as that made the prognosis less serious as they started me on blood thinners to help prevent more clots and work to dissolve the current ones. I spent a couple days in hospital then was discharged on blood thinner injections to rest at home. A couple days later I was having a day of light headedness and dizziness and that evening I fainted. I went right back to hospital and was admitted for monitoring. My levels were off and they ended up giving me two bags of blood. A week later I have been discharged and still on blood thinners and close monitoring with blood tests and by my family Dr.

    Long story short... Trust your body and if you are just out of surgery and not feeling right - get it checked immediately.

  8. GENEPRO Protein is COMPLETELY odorless and tasteless. It has been a lifesaver for me because I couldn't tolerate how sweet the usual shakes are nor could I stand the whey taste/smell. I would gag trying to drink them. You can get this Protein from the company website or from Amazon.com; just google it. I mix it in everything including hot coffee, yogurt, V8 and it disappears, oh and it's 30 grams per scoop. Both my surgeon's office and the NUT approved it. Good luck!


    Thanks Carol!! You may be my lifesaver!!

  9. I use Isopure RTD - clear, flavored, 40 gms per 20 oz bottle. I divide half into my camelbak sipper. I feel the rest with Water and ice and a touch of stevia. I sip on it over 3- 4 hours. I make and drink 3 of these doing the course of the day.

    Here is the variety pack: http://www.luckyvitamin.com/p-232400-natures-best-isopure-zero-carb-rtd-variety-pack-12-bottles?ProductSku=114485&utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=fpl&utm_term=NaturesBestIsopureZeroCarbRTDVarietyPack12Bottles&utm_content=114485&utm_campaign=googlebase&site=google_base&scid=scplp2953342&gclid=CNb20YLmqcECFUE0aQodLjUAdA

    My favorite is apple melon.

    Oh interesting!

    Do you find that they don't have that Protein shake taste?

    So a bottle would last you one day?

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