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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JamieLogical

  1. JamieLogical

    Pre Op Diet - Day 3

    I'd kill to be able to eat bars and soups during my pre-op diet! I only get three protein shakes, jello, popsicles, and on green salad with sugar-free dressing per day. At this point, I'm never really hungry. I just dread my protein shakes. Ugh! I really wish I could just avoid eating altogether, but of course that would be terrible for me. I need my protein at the very least if I'm going to expect my body to endure and recover from major surgery.
  2. JamieLogical

    Liquid diet

    Every surgeon is different. I unfortunately have had to be on a primarily liquid diet for two weeks. Mine consists of 3 Protein Shakes a day and then one green salad with calorie-free dressing, plus sugar-free Jello and/or popsicles for Snacks. I'm 8 days in with 7 days left. It is NOT fun. There are several reasons for pre-op diets. First and foremost, they are meant to help shrink you liver, making it easier for your surgeon to move it out of the way to access your stomach. Secondly, they kick-start your weight loss. I've lost over 8 pounds in the last week on my pre-op diet and many doctors want you to lose 5-10% of your total body weight prior to surgery. Finally, they help demonstrate your commitment and ability to stick to a strict eating regimen they way you will need to after surgery.
  3. You look fantastic! I'm having my surgery with Dr. Ariel Ortiz this coming Monday and posts like yours really help reinforce that I've totally made the right decision! I hope I look half as as good as you a year from now!
  4. JamieLogical

    Life AFTER Surgery

    Ariel Ortiz and Elias Ortiz are two very different doctors. Ariel Ortiz has a more established reputation, but is more expensive. I chose Ariel Ortiz and Obesity Control Center for their outstanding international reputation and the fact that you have access to an entire support team for questions and information, including a patient coordinator, nutritionist, cardiologist, radiologist, and of course the surgeons themselves. I also read the entire 80+ page thread on these forums from Ariel Ortiz' patients and after reading about all of their experiences, I knew he was the best choice for me.
  5. JamieLogical

    Before Photos 8/24/14 - 239.2 pounds

    Before photos taken one week pre-op, one week into my pre-op diet. Weight: 239.2.
  6. JamieLogical

    Back Jeans

  7. JamieLogical

    Side Jeans

  8. JamieLogical

    Front Jeans

  9. JamieLogical

    Life AFTER Surgery

    Welcome! I'm having my surgery at OCC as well. My date is Sept. 1. I know how you feel. The surgery itself doesn't scare me at all, it's how my life will be forever changed afterward. I'm not so concerned about being "thin" and having to adjust to that. I guess I don't really truly believe I WILL be "thin" yet. I know I will be thinnER. I just know I will never again be able to eat an entire pizza, or pig out on all-you-can-eat shrimp at Red Lobster, or eat an entire enchilada platter at my favorite Mexican restaurant. That's the part I'm having trouble giving up. I know that sort of thing it why I got to this point in the first place, but I've derived so much pleasure and comfort out of eating like that in the past and it's tough knowing I will never do it again. Also, 6 days into my pre-op diet, I'm scared I won't survive then next 9 days, but that's a whole other story...
  10. JamieLogical

    September Sleevers!

    I'm having my surgery with Dr. Ortiz at OCC on Sept.1.
  11. JamieLogical

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    September 1, same as Swee_dee.
  12. This sounds pretty bad. I wonder how something like that even happens? If it's a matter of a mistake while cutting away the excess stomach, wouldn't the surgeon know right away? It doesn't sound like something they would discover later.
  13. JamieLogical

    September Sleevers!

    I haven't been hungry past the first day or two. I'd honestly prefer not to eat at all. I have to force down my three shakes a day and one salad. I'm supposed to be allowed sugar-free Jello and popsicles as Snacks, but I honestly haven't wanted a snack since the very first day. That's not to say it's easy at all. It sucks SOOOOO badly. I feel like crap all the time and have NO energy. My stomach always seems unhappy with me, but not "hungry," just acid and gas, which is probably the reason i never want to eat anything.
  14. JamieLogical

    Loose Skin/Breasts/Butt

    It's different for everyone. My advice would be to stay hydrated, moisturize twice a day, and make sure to incorporate strength training into your workouts. You can also try supplements. I have read that Vitamin C and Beef Gelatin are both good for helping to tighten skin. I'm not sleeved yet, but I already bought a bottle of Beef Gelatin capsules to start taking post-op (I already take vitamin C).
  15. If it is just the skin on your stomach that you are concerned with, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is all you would need. Most tummy tucks also include muscle repair, but you would ask your potential surgeon about that. I'm sorry I can't help you with surgeons in your area. I had my tummy tuck done in Mexico.
  16. Glad you are doing okay. Has the pain from last night improved? That's crazy about the scarring from your band. Hopefully it won't hinder the success of your sleeve. Why did you end up having the band removed initially?
  17. JamieLogical

    6 week Post-Op

    Congratz on your success so far! I hope you are feeling well and adjusting to your new life.
  18. JamieLogical

    Dr. Ariel Ortiz at the OCC

    I scanned and emailed the copy of the cashier's check for my remaining balance yesterday and then I received all my final confirmation emails with my itinerary and whatnot. This is really happening!
  19. JamieLogical

    Rockin Refuel

    I just looked it up and it looks like the chocolate version that has 30 grams of protein also has 12 carbs with 6 grams of sugar.
  20. I don';t think Carnation has enough Protein. I'm not sure what your guidelines are, but my nutritionist told me a minimum of 20 grams of protein per shake. There are lots of different brands out there, so you may like the taste of some more than others. I personally have five different brands on-hand and a bunch of sugar-free syrups to mix with unflavored Protein powder and I am still super sick of the shakes after five days.
  21. JamieLogical

    Sleeved 6/27/14

    35 pounds in 8 weeks sounds fantastic to me! I don't think you have anything to fret about. You are losing weight and feeling great! What more could you ask for?
  22. I'm on my pre-op diet right now too and it definitely SUCKS. I'm allowed three protein shakes per day (with specific nutritional requirements), one green salad with calorie free dressing, and sugar-free jello and popsicles for snacks. I'm on my 5th day and I've stuck to it, but it has not been fun. It's especially hard because I was told to keep up my exercise routine and I have NO energy. I'm never actually hungry now. I even dread my protein shakes and salad, but I force them down. I just hate feeling so run down and slightly sick to my stomach all of the time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
