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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ProjectMe

  1. ProjectMe

    Hypothyroid Meds

    I don't have a thyroid due to cancer so I'm definitely hypo. When I was at 286, I was on 200 mcg of synthroid. At 240 I was placed on 175mcg. Just last week at 208, I was placed on 150mcg. What I do is call my endocrinologist, leave a message with the nurse, stating my current weight and whether or not I need an adjustment. The Dr. Calls me to say go to the labs and get the bloodwork done, then based on the results decides whether to change my meds. It is not always immediate based on the weight loss alone. The Dr said it takes awhile for the body to adjust so they wait until lab results to determine if it's time to lower the dose.
  2. ProjectMe

    I'm freezing!

    My body temps are all screwy due to not having a thyroid. So when I read many posts on here where folks were cold all the time, I ran out to Walmart and bought a heated throw blanket. Best investment I ever made!!!
  3. I am by no means a veteran and am very interested in others' responses. Just wanted to say that I enjoy the blog world according to eggface because she uses regular fat/real ingredients in her recipes. She wrote that portion sizes are so small so why not. But, she also does not eat rice, pasta, white flour, etc. So I am curious as to vets responding because I really don't like "diet" foods but also don't want to reintroduce stuff that is bad for me.
  4. @@Sharon1964 Just wanted to say thank you for sharing. Felt like I was reading about myself.
  5. Hiked 2 hours with kids today & not sore! Love my sleeve!

  6. ProjectMe

    This made me sad

    Thank you for sharing this. What truly resonated with me were his words: " gastric Bypass didn't teach me how to eat. You have to work." Rest in peace.
  7. ProjectMe

    Slimies after drinking?

    Well you've got to get fluids in one way or another. How about some sugar free Popsicles? Maybe some lukewarm tea? Sugar free jello? Just until you feel a little better...then resume the small sips of protein shakes after an hour or two. I've seen on the boards that it is not uncommon to have difficulty with plain water. I personally add flavorings to my water because plain water tastes weird to me.
  8. You will feel tons better if you call your surgeon regarding your symptoms. I couldn't imagine waiting 2 weeks to see the Dr. and dealing with spasms with sounds. Call
  9. Your surgeon should have given you instructions regarding symptoms to watch out for. A fever is one of them. Have you given them a call? Also, the neck pain could be trapped gas and walking should help. But irregardless, you will feel better after calling your surgeon. Feel better
  10. I lost 60 pounds prior to surgery. My surgery weight was 225. I didn't second guess my decision because while I knew I could lose the weight...I also knew that I would be the 95% who gained it all back and then some. My nutritionist and surgeon said that those of us who have ever had a BMI over 35 need surgery to keep the weight off. They specifically said that WLS studies show 50% are able to keep the weight off for life. The odds are obviously much better with WLS so it was a no brainer for me.
  11. ProjectMe

    Stopping BP meds?

    I was losing weight prior to surgery. At one of my appointments my blood pressure was lower than normal. At the time I think I was 30 pounds down and working out 4-5xs a week. So my Dr. took me off the meds to be on the safe side, and told me to keep up the exercise/weight loss. That was 3-4 months ago and my blood pressure has stayed in the normal range without meds since then. I'm now 4 weeks post op
  12. For some reason I thought the operating bed weighs you....thought I saw that on a medical show...
  13. ProjectMe

    2 months post op - less than 15lbs lost

    Depends. I went into a stall a weeks 2 & 3 after surgery. My weight does a yo yo thing where day to day I may be +\- 2 pounds. Which is why I do not weight daily and I do not compare my journey with someone else.
  14. ProjectMe

    2 months post op - less than 15lbs lost

    i know we focus a lot on Protein, but how many calories are you getting in a day. If you don't track how do you know what to fix regarding intake? You mentioned the cheesecake, which is like 400-800 calories depending on size & type. We have a tendency to overeat when we don't track. The sleeve is just one leg of the stool. The other legs are exercise and intake. I think if you are more responsible and consistent with what you are eating you'll start seeing better results...
  15. ProjectMe

    Post op pain

    Yep, had the same situation. So I unhooked myself. After using the restroom, thought to myself, "I'll just walk around a bit since I'm up already." Did a few laps around the floor, then realized I don't need any more pain meds...I just need to get up and move. I totally felt better off the drugs and out of bed. So while it was irritating that my nurse couldn't get to me...she actually helped me progress pretty quickly...
  16. ProjectMe


    After drinking all these protein shakes, pre op & post op, I'd much rather eat than drink anything else. Just tired of liquids in general, so can't see any motivation to engage in juicing to be honest. At some point I'd like to resemble my fellow humans by actually eating. Ok, my lil rant is over LOL!
  17. My family is anti me getting another surgery (have had 14) and are anti me getting another degree (have 3). I don't blame them, they are worried for me and want me to be "there" mentally, emotionally & physically. I truly respect & understand where they are coming from so will do my best to tone and tighten through working out.
  18. ProjectMe


    I was also told not at all by nutritionist and surgeon. They said something about how caffeine is real hard on the stomach lining, increases hunger, and is a diuretic.
  19. ProjectMe

    Baggy or fitted?

    I am in the same predicament. I had no choice but to donate almost all of my clothes because they looked ridiculous on my smaller frame. So I bought a few staple items for work: 2 pants, 4 shirts, couple of button up sweaters, some tanks to alternate. I purchased these items during after Xmas sales so I didn't spend a lot of money. I'm trying not to but anything else till spring.
  20. ProjectMe

    pre-opper with a question

    Yes, it is a problem. Many surgeons prescribe colace (stool softener) to help, but it doesn't work that great for me. What works is getting lots of fluids in, walking, and milk of magnesia. Some people swear by smooth move tea, but it is a stimulant and causes my stomach to cramp.
  21. ProjectMe

    Im 2 1/2 days post op....

    Please notify your surgeon, as it is possible to develop pneumonia after surgery. They typically give you one of those mechanisms that you have to breathe in 5-6 times an hour (can't remember what it's called), better to be safe than sorry...so call.
  22. ProjectMe

    Surgery was a breeze but......

    Hope you feel better!
  23. I purchase unjury. Syntrax,, Bariatric Advantage, Quest, Lenny & Larry Complete Cookie, Laptop Lunches (Bento Box), & lots of small containers with measurements along the sides Would also love a selection of bariatric and/or High protein/low carb/paleo cookbooks
  24. I would be interested if you offered a variety...not just stuff from a sponsor.
  25. ProjectMe

    I failed myself yet again...

    It isn't up to your Surgeon. The anesthesiologists are the ones who administer the anxiety medicine or ask the nurse to give the anxiety meds/cocktail prior to surgery. In all of my 14 surgeries I've never seen my surgeon override, ask, or even interrupt my anesthesiologist. My anesthesiologists come by, say hello, ask how I'm doing, then hit up my IV...in that order.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
