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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ProjectMe

  1. I like to keep my skin seriously moisturized. I've upped my skincare regime since having surgery. In the morning, for my face & neck: I wash with Neutragena face wash/makeup remover then use 2 squirts of Neutragena oil free daily moisturizer Spf 30 with 1 drop of Loreal's age perfect glow serum. For my body: palmers cocoa butter Before bed: for face & neck: wash face /Neutragena face wash & makeup remover, every other day I use an anti age eye cream and another anti age cream for my face. I can't recall the name of it but i got it from Walgreens and it was a little expensive. I think it is ROC and is for those sensitive to retain A. Then I layer on 3 drops of Loreal's age perfect serum and follow up with Neutragena's ageless essentials night cream. On the alternate days I do not use the ROC products. Instead I just use the serum and the night cream. For my body: depends on how dry. Usually, I will use good old fashioned Vaseline for my hands, elbows and feet. Other times, I may use palmers cocoa butter again or just hop in the bed without any lotion.
  2. ProjectMe

    2015 Crossfit Open

    Okay, great! There's a cross fit gym near my house. I wonder if they will be participating...plus I'm going to have to get in a little better shape before I throw myself into it !
  3. ProjectMe

    2015 Crossfit Open

    Havent heard of it. Is it national?
  4. ProjectMe


    @@Countrygrrl You mentioned a couple of things I want to specifically touch upon. 1) Thoughts and actions are two different things... I disagree with this statement. I believe our thoughts are just as important as our actions and can even be worst. Kind of like this one time when I bought some of those McDonalds apples. They looked great on the outside, but when I took a bite...found out it was rotten in the inside. Actions begin with just a thought. How we think influences our actions...and over time our thoughts can lead us down some pretty dark and unforgivable paths. 2) Decent relationships and weight loss surgeries have a high rate of affairs. My response to this is: Only if you let it.
  5. ProjectMe


    I'm old school. I would not have coffee with my high school friend who has mentioned marriage to me in the past. If I had any kind of romantic feelings towards this man or him towards me....again it's a no to coffee. I would not open that door period. If he were just a friend, I'd have no problem inviting him to my home to be with my family or inviting my husband to join us at coffee. If I were in an unhappy situation/relationship, I would resolve that relationship first before having coffee with someone from my past. If something in my life made me feel dirty, such as, by not telling my husband, then that's the Lord telling me, "I'm not right." And "I need to get right."
  6. ProjectMe

    Comfort Items

    My husband
  7. Split pea soup xtra thick! Just follw the directions on the split pea bag and purée. Loved it so much I froze a months worth!
  8. ProjectMe

    TV Shows - What are you watching ?

    Now y'all got me watching Orange is the new black! I like it!
  9. ProjectMe

    Valentine's Challenge

    ProjectMe 206
  10. ProjectMe

    Anyone have regrets?

    PreOp, i thought I would have all types of problems after reading some of the posts on this site: (regrets, passing out, nausea, spasms, leaks, strictures, food addiction issues, etc..). To the point that I was scared to chew ice cubes after surgery! PostOp I've had none of those issues. So please don't think everyone struggles. We are all so different (body, mind, & spirit), that our WLS surgery journeys are very different as well.
  11. ProjectMe

    Anyone have regrets?

    It sounds like you are either dehydrated AND/OR are not reaching at least 60g of protein. It is not easy to do. What helps me is by flavoring my water (plain water is just nasty to me) and making sure I start my day off with a large protein shake. Protein shakes do double duty as fluids and protein. Also, drink tea and eat sugar free Popsicles. It's important to track with my fitness pal, so that you are definitely aware of how much protein you are getting. If you make a conscience effort at these suggestions, you'll start to feel more like yourself soon. Also, it might not hurt to contact your surgeon or head to emergency to get some fluids.
  12. ProjectMe

    Anyone have regrets?

    Out of 14 previous surgeries, and surviving thyroid cancer...my sleeve surgery was the easiest to recover from. Part of the reason was because of my history, but also because I worked really hard to prepare myself the 6 months leading up to surgery. I lost 60 pounds prior through making the lifestyle changes I knew I'd have to make after the sleeve. I am 5 weeks post op and am down 80 pounds. I went from 4 meds to 1. I am getting back to feeling like an athlete and am quite proud to be running past folks half my age on the trails. My husband has become healthier during this process too! The only thing I regret is that it took me so long to come to the conviction that I need to let go of food and fight for my health. I ate enough of my favorite foods to last a lifetime and simply don't care about it anymore.
  13. Ran par of my hike today...starting to feel like an athlete again!

    1. ProudGrammy


      @pink dahlia awww thanx -oh you probably meant ProjectMe LOL

      PM you are awesome too LOLOLOLOL kathy smirk

    2. ProudGrammy


      @pink dahlia awww thanx -oh you probably meant ProjectMe LOL

      PM you are awesome too LOLOLOLOL kathy smirk

    3. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Ummmm, why, yes, I was replying to Project Me about her running, but hey, proudgrammy you're awesome too ! We're ALL awesome ! ( Even when we're not running !)

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  14. ProjectMe

    Ectasy And Cocain Lol

    You are so right! I didn't even look at the OP date!
  15. ProjectMe

    Ectasy And Cocain Lol

    Really? You are asking a board about illegal substances. I Really try hard not to judge folks but since this is involving stuff that is against the law...The fact that you have taken the time to ask tells me that you or your brother would probably consider taking these substances....which makes you both complete idiots.
  16. ProjectMe

    Salads and dressings?

    My nutritionist recommends that I use the fork method when eating salad and he doesn't care about the type of salad dressing because you consume so little with this method. You've probably seen folks doing this in restaraunts, but all you do is dip your fork in the little container of dressing, them spear the salad. You get the right amount of salad dressing on every bite. This method works great and I don't miss "blessing" my salad with dressing and I can eat what're dressing I like.
  17. ProjectMe

    What did I just eat...

    I wouldn't worry about it. Chocolate melts very quickly.
  18. I began the process of getting WLS surgery back in June. I would share all the information I was learning with my husband. He totally embraced our new lifestyle and began working out with me and making better food choices. He has lost over 40 pounds and I am at 80 pounds down. More important that the weight loss, was the fact that we began spending more time together. Through our many walks, we had conversations like we were getting to know each other again. It is so nice to be able to feel like a couple again and not just like "mom" & "dad". I'd have to say that our level of intimacy has increased greatly through this process. And not just physically but mentally and emotionally. My husband is definitely my best friend and this WLS experience truly solidified our bond.
  19. ProjectMe

    Sleeve surgery

    You've lost 22 lbs ! That's great! Not sure why you think you aren't losing like your supposed to. I had surgery on 12/16 and have lost 20 lbs. (ignore my stats, I lost 60 prior to surgery). Try not to compare your journey with someone else's. And sometimes Dr's expectations are overly aggressive.
  20. ProjectMe

    2 days post op!

    I'm 4 weeks out & it definitely gets better! Regarding the thirst thing...sip, sip, sip! All day long I'm sipping water or a protein shake. So while I don't use the restroom all that often, I also don't feel like I'm dying of thirst.
  21. ProjectMe

    The things people eat!

    And this is another reason NOT to tell folks about my weight loss surgery. If I had a moment of weakness (or 2 or 3)...judgement is sure to follow. We didn't get to where we are by having a stellar healthy relationship with food. Why is it that once a person gets WLS everything is supposed to be solved immediately? Transformation takes time and people need to be given opportunities to change...however long it takes. Looking at others' eating is human but we have to keep in mind that they have their own journey & it has nothing to do with our personal journeys.
  22. . I attended orientation in June, then finished all the rest of the requirements by September. I could have gotten the surgery earlier but wanted it over Xmas break so I wouldn't have to use my vacation time.
  23. @@evann_rn Dr. Thomas is the one who performs the sleeve surgery @ SAMMC. He is Awesome!!! Also don't forget to join Fort Sam's Bariatric facebook page! I think the organizer of the site has to approve you.
  24. The first day just sucked but I walked off/on even though I didn't really want to. By the second day I was up walking a lot and ready to go home. You are going to be sore as you've just had major abdominal surgery. It takes time for that to go away. Each person's experience is different. Some people are laid back & take it a moment at a time. Some people have a lot of anxiety which makes the pain that much worse. But none of it matters because you have your own experience and need to find a way to make it positive & believe with each passing day that things will get better...
  25. ProjectMe

    My Gastric Sleeve Decision

    Just want to hello from a fellow thyroid cancer survivor

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
