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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ProjectMe

  1. ProjectMe


    Zero. Coffee isn't approved by my surgeon & nutritionist.
  2. ProjectMe

    Are you hungry?

    I'm 7 weeks out, and I'm not feeling all that hungry. I eat just because it's lunch or dinner time. But I also start my day off with a large protein shake which I nurse most the morning...so that could be why.
  3. ProjectMe

    How Long Will It Take

    Depends on the practice. There are so many requirement variations amongst surgeons, then issues/different hurdles arise. From my own experience going through a major military facility, from initial orientation to date of surgery: 6 months.
  4. Thanks for taking the time to explain. It seems like there are more commonalities amongst the surgeries than differences. I had the sleeve and my program also requires 2 multivitamins, 1200 mcg calcium, no caffeine, and no carbonation, 60-70 g of protein, limiting carbs, and blood work 4xs/1st yr, twice per subsequent year. B12 is prescribed in the cases of extreme fatigue. Biotin supplements are up to us as biotin is already in the multivitamins but also, has been proven to help regrow hair but not keep it from falling out. But, I did learn more about DS through your post but am not sure if the DS forum should be inaccessible to non-DSers, as we really can all learn from each other...including what does/doesn't work.
  5. You look GREAT!!! And your makeup is on point! Keep it up!
  6. Awesome! Welcome to the light side!
  7. ProjectMe

    Low BMI

    My BMI was either 31 or 32 prior to surgery. The military process I went through takes 6-9 months from orientation class to surgery. My Dr's and nutritionists encouraged we lose 5-10% of our body weight prior to surgery. Their practice averages 30 pounds loss per patient preop. I kind of embraced the lifestyle changes and lost 60 pounds prior to surgery. I was a little concerned that I would no longer qualify. But it turns out that I qualified when I first started the process and my weight loss made no difference to my military health insurance...now I'm 7 weeks post op and at a 29 BMI.
  8. @@dsdesigna I'm sure no one meant any harm to the OP...it's just sometimes difficult to tell which forum you are posting in sometimes. I do have a question out of curiosity regarding the post op/lifestyle differences between DS and GB/VSG. How are the post op/lifestyle requirements different for the DS...besides the fact it is a malabsorbtive procedure which is in common with the GB? I've read just a little bit, but from what I've read Ive seen alcohol as something that can create a serious problem for those who have had DS. But coffee, which someone suggested, seems to create a risk for ulcers just like in other WLS...which is why I choose not to drink it anymore....
  9. ProjectMe

    Stage 1 Diet Questions

    For the first two weeks after surgery, I just followed my Dr's guidelines...drink small sips throughout the day, try to get in 32 ounces in the morning, again in the afternoon, and again in the evening (yeah, this didn't happen), 60-70 grams of protein, and if taking just small sips I could just go ahead and eat since it was all liquid anyways...but still to practice waiting 30 minutes after eating to resume drinking. The Drs were mainly concerned with fluid intake then anything else the first couple of weeks & to be honest I wasn't interested in really eating anything at that point anyways.
  10. ProjectMe

    I don't want to eat!

    I'm 7 weeks out, had surgery in December, and I found that my appetite didn't improve until I started pushing myself to eat more interesting stuff. So I started researching recipes for every stage and made myself create something interesting a few times a week. Whatever I didnt, eat I froze. This method has helped me get past that "Its not even worth it to eat that Greek yogurt again" feeling.
  11. My husband and I had this conversation just last night. He didn't have the surgery but has been steadily losing since I started the Preop stuff 7 months ago. He is 6'3 and currently weighs 210. His goal is 200 which would put him at a BMI of 25...the top of the normal range/bottom of overweight. He is thin everywhere but has that 40yr old daddy tummy that he's trying to get smaller. I personally would not want him to go lower than 200 because on his frame, 200 is thin. I think body frame, how you look, and feel should be your deciding factors on when to enter maintenance mode.
  12. ProjectMe

    Free Quest Bars

    I just tried the s'mores flavor...OMG! It is to die for!!! I'm just going to get that flavor till I become sick of it. It's that good!
  13. ProjectMe

    Free Quest Bars

    Thanks @@joatsaint Just ordered my free samples!
  14. ProjectMe

    Sleeved on 12/16/14

    I don't always make it to the gym for various reasons... One being that I'm a former collegiate athlete & because of all the years of training in gyms, I'm kind of anti. But i still get some form of exercise even if it's just 15 minutes. If I'm not at the gym, then l'll try walking my neighborhood or hike nearby. If I don't feel like walking, then I typically do a 30-60 min combo of yoga from my iPad. I also use my free weights a few times a week. I like to finish my day with 15 min relaxation yoga. I try to remain flexible about the whole working out thing because I want to enjoy it and not feel like I have to do it. Edited to add: I was sleeved on 12/16 too
  15. Not the first time I've heard this statistic. I heard it a few years ago watching the Today show, then again most recently from my nutritionist. I think there are a number of articles that describe the epic fail of the Biggest Loser...just googled them. Not quite sure why folks support the show by watching.
  16. ProjectMe


    I'm 7 weeks out and I enjoy the feeling of restriction. It tells me that I really did have surgery...cause I did wonder if the Dr. did anything for a hot minute. Immediately PostOp I could drink quite a bit so was concerned about the size of my tummy. Now, I can still drink without any problems, but when I take a bite of meat...I'm full after 3 bites. The only time I get frustrated is when I've made something delicious, and it either gets cold because I'm taking really small bites and it's taking me too long or I just want to revert to my poor eating habits from 7 months ago and scarf everything down. I can solve the warming issue by buying a cup warmer. But the wanting to eat for the sake of eating is something that I recognize as unhealthy and work on every meal...because thin people don't agonize over food.
  17. Just to add: don't forget to do squats. These can be modified so that you are just sitting down and standing back up. There's a few apps out there for push-ups, squats, yoga, etc. that I found were really helpful & free!
  18. Best skinny hot cocoa: decaf cinnamon spice tea +1/4 cup of chocolate milk=deliciousness!

  19. ProjectMe

    2.5 Months Out & FAIL

    I guess it is a matter of perspective, because I just didn't get all that from her post. I didn't see it as negative at all...just straight forward. It is true that the surgery fixes the tummy not the brain and that this surgery requires work to be successful. Just didn't see anything wrong with that message. However, your response, imo, was negative, unnecessary, and rude...again, imo. My honest feelings...no shade. Btw, sarcasm isn't cute. ProjectMe
  20. ProjectMe

    2.5 Months Out & FAIL

    I don't understand the name calling. What is wrong with someone posting about responsibility...that's how I understood @tauruslady post. How easy is it to say, "Oh well, live a little!" This type of rationalization is what got most of us in trouble in the first place. Does "Living" have to equal food & alcohol? I Respect everyone's opinions but highly appreciate people who hold one another accountable for their actions. This is a public board...you cannot filter which responses you'd rather have and censure the rest.
  21. ProjectMe

    Valentine's Challenge

    204 ProjectMe
  22. Also" are you tracking your calories/nutrition? I'm 6 weeks out and eat no more than 4 ounces for lunch and dinner. While you may feel that eating a little here and a little there isn't much, it really begins to add up calorie wise.
  23. My daily goas: 600-800 calories, 60g protein & Exercise : any duration/form

  24. I am a foodie & love to try new recipes. That hasn't changed after my surgery. The only thing that has changed are the type of recipes I cook now. I am experimenting with low fat, high protein, bariatric friendly recipes. Mostly found on the Internet, but there are some good cookbooks on Amazon . My family are picky eaters, so I do cook separately for them. But what I've noticed more and more is they are starting to see & smell what I'm cooking and they want to try it . So hopefully I can sway them to the light side over time!
  25. ProjectMe


    @@jenbaby75 Catty? When people post their private business on a public forum, particularly having to do with a moral issue, you will receive a whole spectrum of responses...advice, compassion, enablers, judgements, opinions, and hard truths. The OP and anyone taking the time to read & respond has gotta take the good with the bad because it is the internet & responses should be policed by moderators and/or the site owner. I didn't see any cattiness going on here and why would it matter... I'm sorry but I don't see how compassion fits into opening a door with a man who is not your husband...

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