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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by truberry

  1. My face has erupted with a million tiny pimples. I was wondering if anyone else experienced this and what they did. I have oily skin and it's a real bummer. It's probably bc I'm still not drinking enough Water. I'm up right now trying to finish this bottle before bed. The dermatologist prescribed a cream that my insurance refuses to pay for. I might have to bite the bullet and pay for it myself. My face looks horrible. :(

  2. Thanks for responding. I remembered why I love this forum. I'm probably going to end up having a lift when this experience is finally over. I'm hoping I won't need implants. I'm coming from an H so I expect to still have at least a D equivalent. Fingers crossed. Can't even imagine life with only a handful. I'm always inspired by veteran experiences and welcome any insight. Thanks again. Still praying to the booby gods all the same.

  3. I'm glad you've sought help for whatever is going on. If they suspect kidney stones, a CT scan is usually done, a urinalysis, and a CBC. <br><br> Gallbladder might be the other option and they should do an abdominal ultrasound and an LFTs (liver function tests) to diagnose that. <br><br> People with kidney stones are usually in extreme, horrifying pain that does not subside. Gallbladder pain mimics symptoms of a heart attack some times and causes extreme pain that feels colicky (spasm / cramp like), and a feeling that you can't breathe. Typically the pain can be in the chest, right side, and radiating to the back. <br><br> Hope they figure it out and you're feeling better really soon. Good luck!

    I had my gall bladder removed years ago. The pain is bad at times. Not so bad sometimes.

  4. <p>Has anyone had a vertical sleeve and the sleeve was cut so narrow that it looks like 2 seperate stomachs with a tube in between? This is the case with someone I know. When reading a little about it, it was said that a 2nd surgery would probably need to be done using a baloon to stretch out the vertical sleeve portion that looks like a tube. I also read that a conversion to the gastric bypass may need to be done if the first scenario fails. Is this something that can occur often? Or is this a case of malpractice? Please help!!!!!!! Any advice would be appreciated.</p>

    Is there a visual representation of this somewhere? I'm curious.

  5. <p>truberry -- what do you think are the differences between when you throw up and when you don't? </p> <p> </p> <p>Different foods? </p> <p> </p> <p>Different chewing behaviors? </p> <p> </p> <p>Environmental factors? </p> <p> </p> <p>Times of day you eat? </p> <p> </p> <p>???</p>

    Well the very first time I remember it was with eggs. Which I thought was weird bc the first time I had eggs it went fine. I tried them again and it still didn't work out so I've given up on eggs. It might just be some things don't agree with me or it might be I'm eating too fast. Or it might be the reintroduction of foods. I'm not entirely certain, I just know I can't survive on mashed potatoes, nor do I want to. I like mashed potatoes, but they're quite boring after a while. I try to chew everything to mush at all times. Sometimes I just think it doesn't matter and my sleeve is temperamental. It absolutely does not like cold food that's meant to be hot for instance.

  6. <p>Sounds familiar...</p> <p>I had to change my pace of eating - even with the smaller bites...</p> <p> </p> <p>bite-chew- chew alot more- swallow- WAIT</p> <p> </p> <p>that is what I think about when I eat now</p>

    Thank you. I mean typically I don't think I eat too fast but maybe I'm still eating too fast for my sleeve. Especially when I've allowed myself to become ravenous. I will take that under adwisement.

  7. I myself and my husband don't really see the big different but others surely do, there's a grumpy guy not sure which country he's from but he never talked to me before until today that he offer to help me moving the empty boxes.

    Now I think; Wow, I must have been THAT fat before!

    This brings up an interesting issue for which I have been trying to prepare. I would not interpret pleasant attention from the guy who wouldn't give you the time of day before as a reflection on you. He was never justified in treating you poorly -- fat or thin. So, here's what I have been working through: We all know that there are people who are going to treat us differently (i.e. better) as we lose weight. I take that stuff very personally. I was a beautiful, brilliant, professional woman long before I decided to get sleeved. None of that has changed. There is just less of me. Nothing will PISS ME OFF more than people that I respected treating me better. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to put the weight back on to prove how beautiful, brilliant and professional I was at a heavier weight. But, I know people WILL disappoint me (even people who claim to be friends) and I will never want to speak to them again.

    Is anyone else dealing with this or thinking about it?

    I've thought about this myself Marie, bc I work in corporate America and all the girls around my age are so focused on weight. But the truth is everyone is fake in corporate America, ok most people. It's work, as long as you get recognition for your contributions, seriously who cares? We live in a society where being fat is often seen as a crime and we can't let those myopic opinions affect our happiness. We do this thing for ourselves and it's meant to enhance our lives, so if people are nicer, friendlier, etc. just think of it as another enhancement and move on. We are all beautiful and brilliant in our own right, some people just tend to ignore that if we don't look like they do.

  8. <p>Hi all July sleevers,</p> <p> </p> <p>Today while leaving work, a lady said he Jordan your about to loose those pants, need new uniforms. Of course I said yes been working on it since January, will be getting new uniforms soon. Then she said, I can really see it in your face. I acknowledged I could tell in my face some. Then she said, "I like it before, when you loose weight in your face it makes you look older" I was floored. Apparently her mother never mentioned, "if you have nothing nice to say, then shut the hell up". So I'm feeling punched in the gut and want to hear from folks like me. I sure enjoy reading your post. Oh all I could say was yeah fat people make pretty corpses, and walked off.</p>

    Loved your response. Some people just have no filter. I'm sure you look great. I was told I look younger. It's all perspective. Who cares what she thinks anyway? She sounds miserable.

  9. Today I'm starting my 6th week post-op and I'm still throwing up constantly. Ever since I started mechanical soft foods it's been a touch and go situation. I sautéed some chicken tenders today for lunch and they were very tasty, at least, what I was able to get down before it felt stuck. I stood up walked around in circles trying to ease the pain but ultimately ending up in the bathroom purging. Sometimes a half hour will pass before I have the urge, but mostly it happens right away.

    Remembering all those times I wished I had it in me. I won't see my doctor until Monday. Hopefully he has suggestions, but the last three weeks have been pretty annoying. It's impossible to stick to a regular eating schedule bc I'm barely eating a full meal most times. Sometimes I just don't want to eat, just to avoid the toilet. We're becoming uncomfortably close. Of course then I become ravenous and must get something in before I implode and the process starts all over again. Also, it really feels like my stomach is producing more acid than it needs. It's practically in my throat at times. I had my gall bladder removed years ago so, that really shouldn't be happening.

  10. <p>Is ice cream one of the foods you can have a little of? For me, it's like when an alcoholic says they can have one drink. One spoon of ice cream would make me lose my self control, therefore it wouldn't be worth it. Only you can know if you can handle it. </p> <p> </p> <p>Also, my nutritionist encourages me to try "new foods" at home first. Not everything is as easy to digest!</p>

    I'm not sure my tummy can handle it. I had Greek yogurt this morning cafe mocha flavor. It was incredibly sweet. I've been told there's sugar free vanilla. I'll try that maybe. I guess I'll just try it and see what happens. If I can't handle it I'll know immediately.

  11. Hi Denise. Thank you. Totally awesome. I'd love to share war stories and meet up. How are you doing so far? Starting moist and mushy tomorrow. So excited! Lol. What kind of foods were you able to eat during that phase? What's changed in your life so far? Oh and where downtown do you work? I'm close by the Freedom Tower.

    I'm Trudy btw.

    Hi Trudy,

    I'm doing pretty good. I started the gym this week so I feel like I'm getting back to a normal schedule. I was out for three weeks so this is my second week back at work, surgery was June 30th.

    I came home (day #2) on soft and pureed food. I eat eggs, tuna fish, chicken salad, egg salad, pureed baked chicken, fish, turkey meatballs, turkey slices and yogurt. What's changed is the way my clothes fit and the amount of food I'm able/unable to eat. It's amazing to me how much I can eat.

    How are you feeling? Are you tolerating the soft/pureed food well?

    I work on Broadway, 2 blocks from City Hall. We work in the same area. I'm looking forward to sharing stories and possibly meeting up. Have a wonderful day and even better weekend.

    Denise. Hello. I have a cousin located in the Bronx who might be interested in starting the process. Do you mind sharing your doctor's information so that she can get in touch with them? Thank you in advance. How are you doing otherwise? I may be coming to the city one day next week. Right on Wall Street too. I'll let you know once I get confirmation and perhaps we can get together for a tête-à-tête. Speak to you soon.

  12. Hi Denise. Thank you. Totally awesome. I'd love to share war stories and meet up. How are you doing so far? Starting moist and mushy tomorrow. So excited! Lol. What kind of foods were you able to eat during that phase? What's changed in your life so far? Oh and where downtown do you work? I'm close by the Freedom Tower.

    I'm Trudy btw.

    Hi Trudy,

    I'm doing pretty good. I started the gym this week so I feel like I'm getting back to a normal schedule. I was out for three weeks so this is my second week back at work, surgery was June 30th.

    I came home (day #2) on soft and pureed food. I eat eggs, tuna fish, chicken salad, egg salad, pureed baked chicken, fish, turkey meatballs, turkey slices and yogurt. What's changed is the way my clothes fit and the amount of food I'm able/unable to eat. It's amazing to me how much I can eat.

    How are you feeling? Are you tolerating the soft/pureed food well?

    I work on Broadway, 2 blocks from City Hall. We work in the same area. I'm looking forward to sharing stories and possibly meeting up. Have a wonderful day and even better weekend.

    Denise,Kudos to starting the gym. I'm looking forward to that myself. I'll even have company so I'm very grateful for that. I have a friend who is a personal trainer too. I hope to enlist his assistance at some point but I'm holding off for a bit. It's really strange how everyone's doctor has such different plans of action post op. It makes me want to be a little adventurous with food but honestly my stomach is still pretty sore and let's me know it from time to time. I haven't got the hang of soft/puréed yet but I'm working on it. I absolutely cannot wait to be on a more solid, less regimented diet. We do work relatively close to one another so hopefully we can meet up after work once I return in September. Is there anything you find terribly challenging? Did you tell your coworkers? Friends? Family? Are you waiting to tell some people?Ps I had a great weekend. Thank you. Hopefully yours was good too.

  13. Wablue. I'm Trudy btw. I haven't really been that focused on my Protein intake goal. My docs said I should be more concerned about it 5 weeks out and while I'm not looking forward I hairloss. It's all I can do to get in "food" and liquids daily. I have no idea what I like as far as Protein goes. I liked muscle milk but I'm not even sure that's any good. I have brown rice Protein Powder from my last diet attempt which isn't that bad it's just super gritty. If u want to share ur shakes I will totally try them. I registered with insurenutrition.com but haven't heard from them. A fellow patient mentioned that the shakes they sent had 30g of protein in them or something. I'd love to try those so I'm patiently waiting to hear from the site. Went to a party last night managed to find some edible food and drink lots of Water so I know I can handle it. I knew beforehand that I'd be able to eat something there so I wasn't totally worried. But it's good to know that I can manage myself around large quantities of food and constant exclamations of "oh my God this is sooooo good!". I heard that a lot last night. Lol. But honestly other than one thing I really wanted to try I wasn't that interested in the food.

    I've been experiencing a little pain around my largest and most discrete incision. I'm hoping that goes away soon. There's no redness. I must have irritated it somehow.

    Hope you had a lovely weekend.

  14. Anyone else having a problem with eggs?? Had surgery July 15th. 1st time I tried a scrambled egg, didn't keep it down. Second time, it was painful. Keeping it simple, but everything else seems okay.

    We tried a soft scrambled egg about 4 weeks, no problem. Try again in a couple week. I love yogurt for Breakfast.

    The Greek yogurt went down very nicely. The brand I'm using comes in vanilla flavor and it's pretty darn good. 4oz = 10 gm Protein which is awesome.

  15. <p>Anyone else having a problem with eggs? ? Had surgery July 15th. 1st time I tried a scrambled egg, didn't keep it down. Second time, it was painful. Keeping it simple, but everything else seems okay.</p>

    I tried scrambled with cheese today. I didn't keep it all down either. I think I'll skip it for a while. Or maybe it was the type of cheese. I tried to cut the portion in half but that didn't help either.

  16. Your boss is wonderful! I was at my desk at work looking like Garfield the cat because I was so sleepy! lol Yes, grocery shopping is boring now..I need ideas as well so I will try that pastina. Thanks! I had to travel last week for work and took Protein drinks with me and ate grilled chicken and broccoli from Carrabbas. I was able to eat off that one meal about 3-4 times. But try Pinterest for ideas. Yes, tv, Instagram, everything is hard to look at with all the foods but im determine to be successfully. Next summer imma in my heels getting it girl! All over the place!! When I come across recipes I will let you know because I am getting bored with the things im eating...not sure if you use MyFitnessPal, but you can track everything you eat and it will tell you how much protein, calories,etc you have ate for the day.

    It really helped that my boss had bariatric surgery in the past so she totally gets it. I sleep a lot these days. I try to do something and I get tired. I'm looking for recipes for food now before I run to the grocery store. I found one for pastina that looks good. Very basic, egg, cheese, pastina, butter. I'm thinking breakfast tomorrow. My doc doesn't want me to hit the gym yet and I don't mind. I have a treadmill at home that I can use in the meantime. Considering purchasing a nutribullet. I'm heading to Cape Cod next week and It would probably help to have my groceries on hand. I won't be able to swim but I'm definitely spending time in the sun. The food cravings aren't that bad especially when what I am allowed to eat doesn't always go down so easily. The thing that sucks is tv. So much food on tv. I'm definitely looking forward to next summer. I plan to have a tun of fun. I hope my energy levels increase a bit so I can still enjoy this one. I'll definitely look into toninos. The protein intake worries me a bit.

    My boss is absolutely wonderful. No denying that. I will definitely look into Pinterest. Love it. Great.. I can't wait to party myself. I'm on my fitness pal. Used it to help today. Soft foods started off a little rough. I've expelled some intake twice but I will get the hang of it soon. Just gotta learn my capacity. What type of protein drinks do you like?

  17. Anyone in NY/NJ working their way through the process right now? I was sleeved on July 17th and I'm off work until September. I'd love to meet someone in a similar situation and share war stories possibly meet up. I work downtown Manhattan and live in Jersey City just so you get an idea of location. Anyone in close proximity looking for the same please respond. Thank you in advance.

    Hi Everyone.

    My name is Earlean and I was sleeved on 7/2/14. I live and work in Jersey City. I'm a teacher so I'm off for the whole summer. I would love to meet up with a fellow sleever. I prefer to be contacted at mse103six@gmail.com because I don't check this site tht often. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Hi Earlean. I'll be sure to keep you posted on any group activities if they come up. You could always download the app for your phone or tablet. That makes it easier to get in touch. Or we could all come up with an app that would work for all of us. I have used several different apps for group chat. Google Hangouts is great. Let me know if you are interested.

  18. Thanks Wablue. Congrats to you! That sounds like a wonderful idea. So far the sleeve is great. The usual ups and downs. My job pays in full plus benes while I'm off so there's no point not taking advantage. I start mushy and moist tomorrow and I've never been so excited. What are some of the things you plan to eat during that phase? I'm very much looking forward to a new me. Officially I'm down 14lbs. Unofficially 18. But I'll have to wait three weeks for my next doc visit for any more info bc my scale refuses to move and I'm pretty sure it's wrong bc the docs readings were different. How are you doing so far?

    That is awesome you get to take that much time! I definitely needed a month because I was exhausted at work!!! Its weird, all doctors are different because I am already eating full foods. I was eating scrambled eggs and cottage cheese my second week. I can eat tuna, chicken,ground turkey,salads,etc now. I try to keep it simple though. Once you start eating full foods and need ideas, you have to try Tonninos Tuna fillets (if you like tuna). 2 oz contain 32 grams of Protein which is half your Protein for the day. You can order online if its not available in NY. I am down total 28 pounds total and I am very excited. My doctor gave me clearance to start working out/lifting weights two weeks ago so the gym is really helping. Gotta stay on top of these arms and thighs! This is one of the best decisions I have made for myself and I realize for me most of the work is training your brain to relax because I still think about certain foods but I don't have that struggle to go purchase/eat them anymore. Just think, next year around this time that weight will be gone girl!! :)

    It really helped that my boss had bariatric surgery in the past so she totally gets it. I sleep a lot these days. I try to do something and I get tired. I'm looking for recipes for food now before I run to the grocery store. I found one for pastina that looks good. Very basic, egg, cheese, pastina, butter. I'm thinking Breakfast tomorrow. My doc doesn't want me to hit the gym yet and I don't mind. I have a treadmill at home that I can use in the meantime. Considering purchasing a nutribullet. I'm heading to Cape Cod next week and It would probably help to have my groceries on hand. I won't be able to swim but I'm definitely spending time in the sun. The food cravings aren't that bad especially when what I am allowed to eat doesn't always go down so easily. The thing that sucks is tv. So much food on tv. I'm definitely looking forward to next summer. I plan to have a tun of fun. I hope my energy levels increase a bit so I can still enjoy this one. I'll definitely look into toninos. The protein intake worries me a bit.

  19. Had surgery 10 days ago. Went to my post surgery today. Everything is ok. Suggestions for or how (what) to make for purée foods? I'm craving something hot like mashed potatoes! I know I can not eat that! Lol

    Why not? I'm starting purée tomorrow and it's on my list of acceptable foods. I'm definitely going to have some within the next few days. I'm totally interested in any food ideas also. There's a post here that mentions refried Beans a lot. I'm afraid of the dairy products but come to think of it the proti Soup is milk based.

    Good luck on purée. I'm sure u can have mashed potatoes. What the NP restricted was mashed cauliflower or most other veggies and fruits besides creamed spinach and watermelon. Looking forward to those too.

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