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Sharon B A

Duodenal Switch Patients
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Posts posted by Sharon B A

  1. 33 minutes ago, GradyCat said:

    That's a timely question. I had them for two years before WLS, Levothyroxine, 75 mcg. I just had my first set of labs drawn yesterday since having the sleeve 7 months ago and my Thyroid levels were the best I've ever seen them, half as much as usual. They're still in range, so I doubt my doctor will take me off the medication, but I'll see her next week and find out then. I remember when I started them she said I'd be on them for life.

    Congratulations on the results, that gives me some hope that mine will improve as ive also been told I'd be on them for the rest of my life.

    Ive been on Levothyroxine Synthroid 200 mcg for about a year, previously my levels were up and down, it was a nightmare trying to figure out the correct dosage that i should be on. In the past year ive started to feel myself again, i just don't want them to adjust it and also my hormone medication as ive had an hysterectomy without being sure its the right thing to do..

    I hope this WLS has or will help both so that i don't need to take them anymore, i just want them to do blood tests first and not assume i don't need them..

  2. 1 minute ago, notmyname said:

    I've been on synthroid for years. My TSH has gotten a lot better, but I'm still on my meds - just at a lower dose. I do have my TSH checked every few months to monitor it.

    Ok thanks, I'm also on Synthroid. Did your doc reduce the dosage right after surgery or after doing blood tests?

    Thank you!

  3. Was anyone on Thyroid and/or Hormonal medication before their WLS? My doc said that he'll be either taking me off or reducing both my meds... that freaks me out as it took so long for my body to get used to those medications.

    My question is, if you were on them before, were you taken off them afterwards and if so, did you have any side effects?

  4. 16 minutes ago, kbee88 said:

    I had my surgery on 7/23 too. They also found that I had a hernia so they fixed that as well. Everyday has had a new challenge but it’s all been doable. I’m definitely lacking energy due to the low calorie intake but today is better. I’ve been trying to stay as hydrated as possible but it’s definitely hard. I’m not hungry but every commercial I see or video on FB makes me crave food. But that’s completely my mind. I just keep telling myself that’s what got me into this situation in the first place, so I’ve been looking up healthy version of the items instead. Like all of you I’m definitely ready to move to the purée stage, mainly for something other than Protein Shakes.

    My surgery was also on 7/23 so tomorrow i move to Full liquids, i.e i can finally make my own Soups without the lumps, looking forward to something flavourful other than broth, Protein Drinks and Water. Not sure if I'm allowed yoghurts, will need to call docs office.

    Good news, i was holding off weighing and was surprised that i lost 10lbs since surgery. I'm happy with that.

    Hows everyone else who had surgery last week doing?

  5. 1 hour ago, 12345shs16 said:


    Stayed 4 nights in the hospital (minor complications with my bladder). I got home and saw I gained 2 pounds since starting my pre-op diet last week! I had the RNY. I know there are some people the surgery doesn’t work, and I’m freaking out a tad! If it matters I started at at 305 and am now close to 308! I’m following the diet to the letter! I had a hernia repair too, as well as the removal of my nissen.


    Hi, i had my surgery last Tuesday, when i got home on Wednesday evening i had gained 5lbs. I have now lost it but i did freak out for a second.

    My doc said it is completely normal to gain weight caused by the IV fluids and also all the air that they pump into you during surgery.

    Good luck on your journey!!

  6. 7 minutes ago, Laura8098 said:

    Oh no!! Are you crushing your pills? If not, that should help. I cheated one day and had regular ice cream and had really bad diarrhea shortly after. I guess that’s the “dumping” I read about prior to getting the surgery. I believe that’s what dehydrated me so be careful with that.

    Do you have energy? I have none. I’ll be ready to start taking a Multivitamin again, in addition to eating something somewhat normal. 😊 How about leg cramps? I’ve been having some but I’m sure it’s the lack of Vitamins.

    I'm not crushing my pills but cutting them in small pieces, my docs office actually gave us pill cutters. I don't know how it happened, i guess cos i was talking to my hubby and not concentrating on what i was doing! So far today I'm just really sore...

    I must admit I'm scared to cheat lol cos I'm more fearful of being in pain than anything else, if I'm in pain then I'm a nightmare to be around 😆

    As per my docs advice I've been taking Multivitamins and my B12 since the day i got discharged. I won't say that ive got alot of energy but I force myself to move.

    I was getting the leg cramps and started to worry about blood clots due to me not moving as much so got my hubby to move the treadmill into our bedroom so I've been walking twice a day for 45mins a time while watching tv. Today my task is to clean out my pantry while hubby is at work and get rid of most of the crap thats in there before he gets home 😁😁

    Try to keep busy, it might take your mind off this damn liquid phase! 😫

  7. 14 hours ago, Laura8098 said:

    Hello! I had the sleeve procedure on 07/23/19, along with a hiatal hernia removed. That’s 5 days ago, so I know I shouldn’t be expecting much from myself. I’m curious though if anyone else experienced these things? My stomach feels like I’m hungry, but I try to eat, and don’t eat much. It feels like my stomach is always in “growl” mode. My incisions are still sore. I’m nervous I’m going to pop them when I cough or sneeze. How long do they feel this way? How long does it feel like things are moving around in my stomach when I go from a lying down position to standing up? I was in the ER today due to dehydration so I need to work on staying hydrated

    Anyone else craving salt? I’m sure it’s because I’m still on a liquid diet, which I’m over already. I’m ready for avocado, boiled eggs, tuna, etc.

    I’m a worry wart so any advise anyone can give would be great.

    Hiya, i had surgery on the same day as you and I'm going through exactly the same experience!

    I won't say that i feel hungry tho, i just want to eat, i think its more out of habit than anything else.

    I was taking my meds yesterday and i think it went down the wrong way, i had a coughing fit for about 5 minutes and was in so much pain, i spent most of the night in the restroom with diarrhea...😫

    I'm so over this liquid phase too, i do crave a nice boiled egg with avocados.

    We can do this!!!

  8. Just now, FluffyChix said:

    Bullying is the incorrect word. I'm totally aggravated by the sheer number of posts crying about or lamenting the changes from this surgery and their present food situation. We all have had this amazing opportunity to change our life. And yet we're talking about nonsense. My motivation in answering is not to invalidate the posters. It's to abruptly break where their brain is going. It's a wake up shout. And psychologists often say you need to have an abrupt noise or action to break a chain/cycle of downward motion.

    There are ways of saying things or giving advice, without using profanities and belittling the person who is going through this.

    If a brand new person read your response on this and another post this morning, do you think they would feel comfortable posting their fears and experiences on here. You are doing more harm than good.

    Me reading your responses today has now made me think that this person isn't on here to help us newbies, for me, your 'advice' has now had the opposite effect.

    This is supposed to be a no judgment zone where you're allowed to state your fears and mistakes and not be ridiculed or scolded for it...

    This is not meant to be a back and forth, tit for tat thing, its just my advice to you, calm down, if you don'tlike a post or the personis being 'whiny' in your opinion, swipe and move on, dont make them feel like crap for posting their experiences...

  9. 14 minutes ago, FluffyChix said:

    Look. I think you need to get real and embrace this sh*t!

    It's a stage. We ALL go through it and it's one of the miracle wonders of the honeymoon period.

    So here's your job:

    Some how, SOME WAY, get your Protein need met everyday. I frankly don't care how you do it. Drink 2 Protein Drinks. Done. Drink a Protein Drink and have some meat. I don't care. Just MEET YOUR Protein GOAL. The End. Anything else is unnecessary.

    Now, do NOT allow the snacking bs to re-enter your life. Quit it. Or I swear you will sabotage your surgery. It has a way of sneaking in when you least want it. Do not allow your food innervation to help rationalize your poor choices. Of COURSE snacky slidery food is easy to eat. It's what we want. It's what appeals. The food companies have spent billions addicting us!!! And making the food extra appealing. So you MUST break up with it. Seriously.

    (I hate posts like this...)

    Why are you so rude today? Normally I'm interested in your comments but for some reason today, your advice seems nothing but patronizing and damn right bullying. If you don't like the posts, move on but no need to make the person who wrote it feel invalidated. . Jeez! 🙄🙄🙄

  10. 3 minutes ago, FluffyChix said:

    I had an Iron pouch. But it still took weeks/months for me to heal to the point that spicy food was comfy again. Go slow. Cool your jets and fears. Embrace this time where you're on liquids and later have no interest in food. It is when you will LOSE THE MOST WEIGHT YOU WILL EVER BE ABLE TO LOSE IN YOUR LIFE. Isn't this surgery and everything you've been through leading up to it worth it to you?

    Jeeze break up with the food ties that bind right now. *le sigh* (I seem to have woken on the wrong side of the newbie bed this morning.)

    OMG really 😆😆

  11. Hiya, so has anyone been on anti depressants before your surgery? I have but my Surgeon said i shouldn't take it now that I'm post OP, that also goes for my hormones pills.

    I know from my previous experience when I wasnt taking the antidepressants and my hormonal medication, i went down hill.

    Are you still taking them or has your Surgeon stopped them?

    Any advice please! Thank you!

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