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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ElectricBoogaloo

  1. You have to prioritize getting your meals in, if you want to be successful. Set a reminder and just do it!! One more week? You owe it to yourself to follow the plan. The potential alternative: you haven't done enough to shrink your liver, they go in and can't do the procedure...with all you had to go through to get to this point, not following the plan isn't worth it!

  2. 39 minutes ago, CrankyMagpie said:

    I'm not sure if one post on four topics is more annoying, or if four posts would be more annoying. Sorry if I guessed wrong. I'm not checking this site quite as often, now, and when I do come in, I mostly only ever look at this thread, to see how my October surgery friends are doing.

    Carbs: I wouldn't say it's exactly the whole truth that we "can't have bread or rice," as a blanket statement. Like, no, not right now -- at least not unless your team said toast was OK, as some do. But long term, yeah, most of us will probably reintroduce whole grain bread and brown rice in small amounts. Some people might choose not to, but that's a personal choice, not a rule we all have to follow. Some plans (Kaiser, for instance) have people eating mashed potatoes now, so the "no carbs" thing is just one school of thought that some of the veterans on this site (and probably some nutritionists who are really into keto) push, but it is by no means a universal bariatric surgery rule.

    Liquid: This wouldn't have worked for me right after surgery, but as soon as I was able to take normal-size drinks (as opposed to those super careful small sips immediately after surgery), I went back to using my favorite mugs with hot beverages that I really enjoy (decaf hot teas, Decaf coffee). One is 20 ounces, and the other is 24 ounces, so I only have to drink three mugfuls per day to get to 64 oz. I find it a lot easier to get to my goal because it feels manageable ("three mugfuls" combined with "I like this beverage") than if I'm using smaller cups or forcing down plain Water (which hurts, sometimes). Pre-op, I did the same thing with Water bottles, sometimes with Mio or something in them, sometimes with cold herbal teas, sometimes plain. That's probably what I'll do next summer, when hot beverages are less appealing. 😁 I kind of expect my sleeve to be more consistently OK with water by then, too.

    Goals: Did your teams give you weight loss goals? Mine didn't, for which I'm grateful, though I know the average for the sleeve is 60% excess weight lost. (Take your weight on surgery day. Find your ideal weight--I use one of the higher numbers, since I've always been heavy and will have more bone structure to support that than someone who spent most of their life thin. Subtract your ideal weight from your surgery weight. That is your excess weight. Multiply that by .6 to get 60%, and subtract that number from your surgery day weight. That is how much you can reasonably expect to lose and keep off, long-term--but it's just an average: some people do better, and some do worse.) So I've got that number in a spreadsheet, a year out from my surgery, and I'm tracking my progress once a week to see if I'm on track for that, with a little chart that shows how I'm losing extra fast right now, even with stalls. (To be clear: not everyone gets there in 12 months, and I don't fully expect to, since I'm battling arthritis, which limits my activity a bit. Many people lose for the first 18 months or so--faster in the beginning, slower toward the 18 month mark. Weight loss tends to be about done, at that point, unless you are really working hard, either athletically or with an extra restrictive diet.)

    Motivation: I see people lamenting stalls. I wonder if the weight loss chart would help you? Because I had a week and a half stall, and I could still see clearly that my weight loss line was below a straight one year line to the average goal weight for where I started. Also, for your mental health, please stop weighing yourself daily if you are the kind of person who will be upset by a stall. Also, if you haven't already, take measurements. How many inches around is your calf at its largest point? Your thigh? Your hips? Your waist? Your neck? Your upper arm? Write all that down. When you hit a stall, pull out the measuring tape. Seeing those differences will help you see that you're still making progress. ❤️

    Your presence is missed. Take care of yourself, sleevetwin (on a different date)😊!

  3. 7 hours ago, FlyAwayFree said:

    Ok so I sort of feel lucky but also weird. I am 2 weeks postop as of tomorrow. Since the beginning of my 2 week liquid diet I have lost 36 pounds. I just got through a 5 day stall where I didn't lose a single pound. My weight loss is rapid, really really rapid, for which I am grateful. I had my postop appt on Friday and my surgeon said that since I am able to get in all my Protein and liquid, and that I have a good metabolism and dense muscle mass, he thinks its fine. However, I am worried about when this little honeymoon ends. During the 5 day stall I found myself down and depressed and worried if I was doing something wrong. I know I am doing just right and my body is just settling into the huge fast weight loss I just had, but I still have those little voices and feelings that I am not really gonna lose weight, that this wont really work for me, that I am not good enough to be so lucky. Anyway, I have been a bit emotional the last couple days, and down. I have something else very difficult and sad I am going through currently and of course can't eat my pain, so I expect it. Just, I wish I could relax and enjoy this, without second guessing myself, without feeling like I don't deserve it.

    Now, I am not particularly the whiny type usually, but I figured I would reach out here since you guys are going through the same kinds of things. Can anyone else identify with these feelings or should I be worried that this may not be transient, that I need professional help now and quickly.

    Thanks guys, this stuff is harder than it seemed like it would be in some ways, and easier than it seemed like it would be in others. I appreciate you guys sharing and being awesome!

    @FlyAwayFree when I was at my pre-op psych eval, the psychologist asked me on a scale from 1 to 10 how certain I was that I would get to goal. I said 8. He looked at me and was a little surprised. When further prompted, I told him I had been on many diets since I gained 65 pounds during pregnancy, even had the lapband placed (lost, then gained when the Fluid had to be removed), never seemed to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and once I approached it would maintain that weight for about an hour before my weight increased again.

    I am pragmatic and even though I see so much success here, I wasn't sold because I can lose weight like a champ...maintaining it is a-whole-nother story...but now I am convinced. I have NEVER lost 20# in the first month (have your EVER lost 50# in a month?!), never been satisfied with such little food, never not (forgive the double negative) craved chocolate, pizza, chips or ice cream....UNTIL NOW! This time really is different. I am really taking advantage of this tool that has been given to me (I had better since I electively had a procedure to remove 70-80% of my stomach), internalizing the new healthy habits and while I am just a month out, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...and it is not a train! Here's to 15 years of weight to lose (my baby is no longer a baby)!!!

    In addition to the support you can get here, therapy is a good thing! Take advantage of any resources at your disposal! You can do this!

  4. 15 minutes ago, Spellbound said:

    I had the same experience being sickened and I switched to flint stones last week (6 weeks out) but I’m nervous that it’s not enough nutrients. @S@ssen@ch What types of gummies do you take?

    At first Flinstones were approved, but per my surgeon it has fallen out of favor because there wasn't enough thiamine. FWIW, when they were recommending Flintstones, they had patients take two a day.

  5. 3 hours ago, Eliz_123 said:

    Thank you so much so

    I know someone who did the sleeve and shes still losing weight at 2lbs per day !!! And I did the rny which from what I know is supposed to make you drop more weight. I wonder if it's reallythat too, my body either healing itself or trying to fight back (I believe this one more because it's always been resilient). Anyways thank you again and I will do some more research but let it go for now and try to relax xo

    Although it may be difficult, try not to compare yourself to others. Your body will lose weight in a way that is specific to you! Also, try to keep your weight loss in perspective...have you ever lost 15 pounds in TWO WEEKS(!!!) on any weight loss plan that you have tried? If yes, then your body is following its normal course. If not, then this process is already different for YOU.


  6. 22 hours ago, Courtney86 said:

    Hi everyone, I wasn’t having this problem the first couple of days I started taking the complete chewable Multivitamin by Celebrate, but I have just taken my first one today and I couldn’t keep it down. I tried to eat it along with unsweetened applesauce and usually I just get really nauseous, but up it came, apple sauce included. I had surgery on 10/8, so is this something that gets better with time? Has anyone else experienced and found relieve while getting the correct Vitamin in? I’m supposed to take it twice a day but I would skip the night one honestly because that is when I would feel the most nauseous, I used to be okay taking it in the morning. Suggestions are welcomed. I did consult my Surgeons’ PA when she called to check on me yesterday, I was told not to do the flit stone Vitamins, but to try a different adult complete Vitamin.< br /> 🤢🤮😔

    I am having a difficult time with opurity MV. While they don't nauseate me, they taste gross and are difficult to chew and swallow. Of course I have a three months supply😒. What I have been doing for the last couple of days is suck on it for a few minutes, use my teeth to kind of crush it (not chew), trying to keep all it contained, then swallow all of it...if that makes sense. 😊 I am awaiting my fusion MV sample order.

  7. 19 hours ago, April Dawn said:

    I have 3 capsules that I have to take. I have been told to empty the contents into something like yogurt. I have tried yogurt, applesauce, and today V8. I am really struggling to get these down. Gagging with each swallow. I'm 5 days post op and just want to swallow these meds. The largest is the Bariatric Advantage Vitamins with Iron. When did you all start swallowing pills that are larger than MnMs? Any advise on how to get the powder down?

    Check with your team, experiences shared here may not align with your team's wishes. For example at my first week follow-up, my surgeon said I no longer have to sprinkle omeprazole on a spoonful of yogurt, but could swallow whole and I didn't have to cut tablets in half, while @Lynnlovesthebeach is okayed at 6 weeks.

    Do you mix them into the entire container of yogurt, applesauce? If yes, don't do that!! 😊😁 For the omeprazole, I dipped a spoon in the yogurt, carefully poured it all on the yogurt on the spoon and swallowed the entire dose at once. The nurses mixed the meds in the Jello and it was difficult to get it all in because it was disgusting. Yuck.

  8. 1 hour ago, greener pastures said:

    What are some of your plans for thanksgiving or holiday meals? Any thoughts ideas on eating with family or meal preparations and recipes beforehand?

    I plan to eat turkey (dark meat) with gravy, the cooked veggies (collard greens), and maybe a bite of sweet potatoes. I am on soft foods.

  9. 3 hours ago, Freiabr said:

    Got my surgery done on 10/30, had some complications but was discharged yesterday 11/02.

    Do you guys put some antibacterial ointment on the drain incision? Also, do you take off the bandage before showering and put it a new one after?

    I didn't have a drain. I had glue and within a week two fell off, then by week two they were all off. When I had my lapband placed, they used steri-strips, which I like better (incisions seemed better aligned and scars looked better/invisible).

  10. 9 hours ago, CrankyMagpie said:

    I used to live above 60 degrees latitude. Here are some of my tips, gathered from folks when I moved there and from research and from my own experience:

    • yes, a light box - Verilux makes nice ones, and the ones that are primarily blue (different brand) are bad for your eyes, so avoid them
    • take a walk at lunch time, even if it looks overcast or it's cold - being in that natural light will do wonders for your mood
    • you already are on top of this, I'm sure, but get exercise and enough Vitamins, especially Vitamin D
    • find a winter sport you like - the folks who did this were the happiest among us
    • grow plants in your house and at work, or if you really don't want to do that, get some nature photos and put them up in your workspace
    • if you have the vacation time and can afford it, travel somewhere warm for a week
    • I don't personally think this is a good idea, but other Great Northerners would use tanning beds and swore it made their winter more bearable

    I would like to co-sign and add to CM's list:

    • If you work in an office, full spectrum, happy lights can be installed overhead (it is slightly blue tinged).
    • I want to second getting outside during the day, especially if you go to work in the dark and leave in the dark (a Minnesota special!)
    • Make sure you are not just going to work and coming home. Continue activities (DATING!!!) and make good use of weekends.
    • I try to vacation in February, which is about the time I am so ready for winter to be over that I could scream. Minnesota has 7 months of winter, 4 months of summer, and two transition periods called spring and fall! 😊

    Take care of yourself!

  11. 29 minutes ago, Chrissy C said:

    I'll go to the grocery store and look for the Swanson. When I look it up online it showed me this powderScreenshot_20181101-160233_Chrome.jpeg

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Ahh...powder form. I was thinking Bone Broth Soup. I actually used the bone broth as the base for the cream Soups I was allowed to eat. 8oz bone broth (unsalted) with half of the small can of low-fat cream of chicken soup (didn't eat the chicken chunks, because I wasn't allowed to). To me sipping the bone broth by itself was kind of gross, especially the smell.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
