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Kay Smith

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Kay Smith

  1. Hi I have not been on here for some time. I went on to have ulcers removed in surgery as they would not heal. The last surgery I had was in June 2016 to have what was left of my stomach removed as they don't know why I was getting ulcers that wouldn't heal. The totally removed my stomach plus yet another ulcer which had gone through my stomach and adhered to my pancreas. I revived and was ok for a while but then developed sickness and pain again. Nothing has been found (but this has happened several times before only to eventually find ulcers) The hospital I had original surgery at don't want to know my GP is cutting me down on morphine but I am really struggling I take any sickness all the time and still I am sick a lot, I can only eat a very small amount and even then bring it back often, but the pain is horrendous. I don't know what to do anymore doctors think it's in my head but the pain is driving me mad upper left side above the waist doing through to my back. Any thoughts ? I really need help I don't know where to turn this has now been going on since 2014 and is getting much worse again. I can't cope with this pain much longer and with my pain relief being cut too I don't know what to do. It was suggested I tried a different surgeon but as yet I have not heard back from him. Please please someone help I really can't cope much longer in so much pain constantly. I feel something is not right u don't get pain like this for no reason. Thanks in advance for any help Kay x

  2. Hi Guy's, just wanted to let you all know the latest. My husband rang the hospital where I had my original surgery last Monday (21/07/14) and after conversation with specialist nurse she went and spoke with a consultant and rang my husband back. He was told to take my to the hospital where they would assess me. He grove me the 50 mile trip to the hospital by the time I got there I was in agony. I was admitted onto a ward had bloods done and was sent for a CT scan. This time the scan showed a swelling but they did not know for sure what it6 was so I was keep in while they organised more test. Last Wednesday (23/07/14) a consultant did an endoscopy and they have found right on the join between my new stomach (pouch) and small intestine on the inside I have a large GJ anastomotic ulcer. I stayed in hospital until Saturday 26th then came home with tablets to help to heal the ulcer but they have said they will need to keep a close eye on me. Fingers crossed that is it now and hopefully I will start to recover and get my life back to some normality. I want to say a big thank you to all of you for your kindness and advise many thanks Kay.

  3. Hi thank you for the advise my husband has already said he is going to ring the hospital where I had surgery on Monday morning and tell them that they have to do something and that I cannot go on like this there must be something wrong and they just have to find out what it is. I will keep in touch, I have spent the last six months fighting for them to help me and thought I had got through two weeks ago when they went back in again and found there was a problem but only one week later I seem to be back to square one so obviously that was not all that is going on ! Many thanks for your advise and help Kay.

  4. I had complete bypass in Jan 14. Spleen was torn during surgery but sent home after 3 days later. After a week called GO as felt unwell he sent me to local hospital not where surgery was as that was 50 miles away our nearest bariatric surgery hospital. Had CT scan showed bad infection and blood clot around spleen had 7weeks antibiotics. I have had constant pain for 6months dispute pain killers. Surgeon just kept saying I don't know what pain is but I am sure it will settle in time ! 12 days ago they went back in with camera to investigate as was still struggling to keep anything down. They found a Peterson's defect which apparently is a hernia which turns inwardly and not outwardly they think part of my bowel might have been slipping in and out of this, they fixed this and also did a repair on my hiatus hernia which I think was damaged due to me being so sick. They cod not say if this was causing the pain but time would tell I was told to stay on Fluid only diet for two weeks S they were concerned a out me being g sick again. Eight days after this surgery I started feeling unwell so I contacted GO he advised me to go to hospital for bloods as he told me I had depots after original surgery. Had bloods but although shaking with cold and infection being suspected nothing showed and I was sent home. That was Tuesday afternoon by Tuesday evening I started getting pain again which just got worse and worse by 11.45pm I felt like I was going to pass out with the pain and my husband called emergency ambulance back in hospital I was pumped with morphine and had a CT scan again I was kept until Thursday afternoon with nothing showing on tests and went home. This was my 5th visit to hospital since my original surgery at e d of Jan this year.very weak properly due to fact not taking in any solid food again. Last night all out of the blue I started being sick although only bile as stomach empty ! Worryinly I just could not stop reaching for ages each time I was sick. After each bout the pain was awful it lasted for hours. I am now at a loss what to do I should how been off work for 4-6 weeks and I have now been off for almost 25 weeks. I just Don't know what to do anymore has anyone got any suggestions ?????? I had the bypass as I am diabetic and it had gone out of control that has been the only good part of all this in that it had reversed it. Worryingly my blood sugar has been raised which again makes me this there may be an infection. Can anyone suggest anything as cause or even anything I can try to try to get some energy back ??????? PLEASE HELP thank you Kay.

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