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Everything posted by cube68

  1. cube68

    No problems...'til vitamins

    I just got a sample of Bariatric Advantage multi vitamins last week. Tried one, and threw it up in less than 5 minutes. The flu was going around my family, so i wrote it off to that. Just tried one again, and this time couldn't even keep it down for a minute... I've tried Bariatric Support chewable multi, and I can tolerate it, but it's very chalky. Only thing that I can take with out issues has been chewable Flintstones with iron. How many do i need to take a day, or am I just wasting my time with them?
  2. cube68

    Weight loss

    Absolutely normal, stalls come and go. I am about three months out, and am down around 90 lbs, 10 lbs to my goal weight of 175. I miss those days where I lost a pound a day, but now it's anywhere from 1-3 lbs a week.
  3. cube68

    My wife is scared and nervous

    My wife and I were both sleeved the same day. I started out heavier, and am now lighter. They told us to expect this, as guys tend to lose quicker than girls, but everyone is different. I'm 10#'s from my goal of 175, I just don't get on the scale as often, and especially in front of her, to avoid conflict. I don't follow my Dr advice 100%, either, but it is a learning process. (I'm about 3 months out). I try to support her to remember to take her supliments, but that is another battle all together. I've found that just being supportive is best, try your best not to be competitive. Remind her of the things you two will be able to do together that you couldn't do in the past...
  4. cube68

    Man boobs?

    I've got flapjacks now, but they are gradually going away. Don't worry, when the weight starts coming off, it's such an awesome high, that a little sag here and there won't matter!!!
  5. cube68

    How long 'til you ditched your CPAP?

    I'm about 2 1/2 months post surgury, down around 70 lbs. I still use my c-pap, but I had to change the settings from 10 to 6. Probably going to lower it again. I talked to my Dr last week, and we will schedule an at home sleep study in a few months. A lot cheaper than the old hospital sleep studies of 10 years ago. Google your c-pap model to learn how to adjust settings. On mine I just had to hold down 2 buttons for 10 seconds to get in to settings. Hope it helps. Good luck with your journey! Dave
  6. cube68

    What activities are you looking forward to doing?

    I hated being called "big guy" too, but now I'm called Slim by some of the same people, not sure how I feel about that, either. Why can't I just be called "Dave"?
  7. cube68

    Pants size

    Yep, surgery was 12/3/14
  8. cube68


    I occasionally get depressed, usually when my kids are eating pizza, or when I think about a big, fat pastrami sandwich from the Carnegie Deli... But them I remind myself that I'm a whole new person, with a long, healthier life ahead of me. I'm off my diabetes meds, my blood pressure meds, and hopefully, next week when I see my Dr, will be off my cholesterol meds. I'm definately not my "old-self", I'm a whole, new self, that I actually like now!
  9. cube68

    Pants size

    I just bought a pair of 32x30 jeans, and a pair of 33x30 khakis. I'm down around 70lbs, and have a big bag of 44 and 40's to drop off at Salvation Army. I haven't worn a 32 waist in 27 years! I don't think I'll go below a 32, my hips are very boney now. Still have some loose skin and a little fat to lose in my stomach, but it's above my waist. At 196 as of this morning, shooting for 165, but tell everyone my goal is 175, even my wife says I'm too thin already. In my mind, I'm still a fat kid. Does that ever change?
  10. cube68

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I used MFP obsessively before surgery, not so much since. I'm 2 Months post surgery. I've got to get back in the habit of using it again, add me, and maybe the peer pressure will help out. Cube68 on MFP
  11. cube68

    What activities are you looking forward to doing?

    Still to hairy for tank tops... Lol
  12. cube68

    What activities are you looking forward to doing?

    My daughter signed up for Girls On The Run, a program for 3rd and 4th grade girls, they will meet twice a week after school and learn to run, guess who signed up to be her running buddy for the 5K they will run at the end of the school year, this guy! My first 5K at 47, her first one at 9... lol. Also, we have pre-registered for a color run in July. The big challenge comes in the summer of 2016, when I am going to run my first Tough Mudder! I can't wait, I love the new me!
  13. So, I had my surgery on Dec 3rd, and have lost over 40 lbs! I'm still struggling with water, and protien. Forget about soft food, not happening. The past week, I've been very constipated, with the exception of one bout of diareah a few days ago. Now I feel so backed up, that I think I'm going to vomit everytime I sip some water or gateraid. Don't know what to do... I see my surgeon and Nutritionalist next week... just want to start feeling better... also, upper back pain for a few weeks that won't go away.. any suggestions?
  14. Walking a lot at work, like 10k steps a day, more on the weekends. I was 'regular' before I went back to work on New Years eve, but have been like this since returning. Gonna try that tea tonight, and see what happens tomorrow. Thanks
  15. cube68

    Any December Sleevers

    Going on three weeks now since my sleeve, got it on Dec 3rd. Just curious, those who had in done early December, what are you planning on having for Christmas dinner?
  16. cube68

    Any December Sleevers

    @@Alfie Happy Birthday! Your new life begins today! :-)
  17. cube68

    Any December Sleevers

    Same here. Today was the first day I felt good all day. Struggling to keep up with fluids, Just no desire to drink anything, especially protein shakes, which I know are super important
  18. I agree, definitely could not have gone home the same day either. Mine was Wednesday morning, December 3rd. Came home Thursday, took some pain meds, then headed off to an elementary school Christmas concert. Took doctors advice, sat in the back, and waited for everyone else to leave before I got up.
  19. cube68

    Driving after wls

    Just got back from three party. My mother in law drive us, but I did pick up my car from the hospital on the way home. No pain meds today, but gonna take some to knock me out once the kids are settled in. Was so worth the little pain to see the looks on their faces when Santa got there!!!
  20. How long did you have to wait before being able to drive again? My wife and I are having Sleeves done on Wednesday, Dec 3rd, and have a Burn Survivor Christmas Party for my son on Sunday, Dec 7th. It is a very important party for him, as Santa comes on the back of a fire truck and gives him his first Christmas present. Three very important things for a 6 year old burn survivor. Will I be able to drive my family to the party?
  21. Prep starts in 10 minutes, I can't believe it is finally time to do this thing! Kind of freaking out inside right now... OMG
  22. cube68

    Any December Sleevers

    Started pre-surgery diet on Thursday, down almost 10 pounds. So far it hasn't been that hard, but there's still Thanksgiving to contend with. I think the smell of the turkey is gonna drive me crazy! Just going to have to seek away for a walk to get my mind off of it. 9 more days till surgery.
  23. Started my 2 week pre-op diet this morning. Being a restaurant manager for a steakhouse isn't going to make this easy... got to keep focused!
  24. I have 9 year old twin girls, and a 6 year old son. I am having wls so that I live to walk my girls down the aisle when they get married, to play with my grandchildren, and all the other milestones that I might have missed if I did not make this change! The benefits out weigh the risks! My doctor says I am adding 10 years to my life expectancy, I'll take that!
  25. My wife and I are both getting sleeves on December 3rd. My Dr sent me for weight management, due to type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, bp, cholesterol, etc... my wife's came along to support me, and after discussing surgery, she decided to take the leep, too. We are so close now, she still needs to lose a few pounds this week, due to some bad advice from her nutritionist, but we are both working hard to hit her goal. Yesterday, I had an ultrasound, which revealed polyps in my gallbladder, so that will be removed, too. Hers was removed like 15 years ago, so not worried about that, either, been there, done that, and have her support, so I'm good with that. (Mostly, lol) We won't be in the same room after surgery, apparantly recovery rooms are gender specific, but hopefully I can hang out in her room during rounds in the morning, so we can get discharged together. Then home, to support each other with various stages of recovery, diey, exercise, etc... Anyone else get surgery on the same day as their significant other? How did it work out? Thanks

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