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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sandymom

  1. I really haven't had negative comments, but I had one person say they were sick of dieting and wished they could just have surgery like I did. She was just being a patronizing b***h, so I turned the tables on her and gave her my surgeons name and contact info, told her all about the the preop and postop diet and how lucky I was not to have any of the complications ( which I described in detail) How now I can eat anything I want, as long as it's not bread, Pasta, rice, potatoes, and sweets. Exclaimed how great I feel now that I can't drink beer and don't wake up with hangovers anymore. (She's a big partier). Made suggestions on the best Vitamins and Protein powders to get, talked about drinking at least 2 liters of Water everyday, and how many great bariatric recipe websites there are. Described how nice it is to only have to eat an appetizer at a restaurant, so I was saving so much money. The more I encouraged her, the more excuses she made of why she couldn't do it. I put a positive spin on my whole experience, but I think I made my point about how " easy" this all is.

    I love this! I'll remember to try to point out a few of these things next time I encounter someone thinking I did this the easy way!

  2. O, this weekend I am facing a new challenge. I am having to sit with my moth-in-law at the hospital, and am fighting to not eat out of shear boredom! I think she thinks I have lost my mind because I keep leaving the room just to walk around the hallway to get some type of exercise!

  3. I have had a really bad burning feeling in my abdominal wall just to the side of my largest cut. I was really worried I had a hernia or something, so I had called the dr. office and was asked to come in. Fortunately, it is just a tear from the internal stitch. Good news it's no problem, and I have been cleared for all activity (yippee, here I come pool!) bad news, it still hurts... Lol!

  4. Because there is no alteration to your intestinal tract as in the gastric bypass, people who have sleeve surgery do not commonly have dumping. There is a very good book written by Dr. Nick Nicholson "Weight Loss Surgery, the Real Skinny" that does a great job explaining the different surgeries and what each entails. I just heard about it yesterday and downloaded it from Kindle. And yes, the author happens to have been my surgeon- coincidence!

  5. My two-week post op appointment is tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it! Why, you ask? I have no idea! I guess it just puts me one day closer to be fully recovered and able to "start" living my new life. Just for the record, that sounds ridiculous to me, too, because gosh knows this has already begun. I have gotten to where I can drink in entire Protein Drink with a cup of 1% milk in the morning. I feel like that's a good start to my Protein intake daily (32 grams)! Can't wait to be able to supplement that with food :-)

    As for before pictures, I don't really have any "good" ones, either. I started looking back at pictures, and I seem to always be behind something...lol! I do know I plan on keeping a pair of jeans and a top, so I have a constant reminder of where I started.

    Well, enough of my babbling. I hope everyone is doing great! Keep up your hard work and keep on losing!

  6. Wow...what a wide variety of opinions and experiences. I am going to go it alone, but have set up friends, and cousins who live in the area (my sisters live an hour or more away depending on traffic), as well as a couple neighbors, as back up. If I have problems or complications of any sort one of my sisters will come to tend to me or take me to her house. Will let you know how it all turns out.,. Thank you for the input.

    I wish you all the luck in the world on your new journey! Congratulations on your decision!

  7. Although your dr. says you can, doesn't mean you should! I was lucky enough to be able to go to my sister's, and I am so thankful! And by the way, she let me bring my dog! Please consider going to one of their homes of having them come to you. You will not regret it! Also, I had my surgery on a Tuesday (day surgery) and stayed until Sunday, and I sure missed her the first couple of days back home (-;

  8. I am a criminal defense attorney. I can tell you that if this guy hasn't had a load of DUI's at this point, then he is probably is not a drunk and fine on the job. He made a poor choice for sure, but I certainly hope it doesn't ruin his life or practice. Everyone makes mistakes, let him take responsibility for it and move on. I am sure he will have to answer to the licensing board and work it out with them. Best of luck, but I would not freak out about it.

    Good advice! Everyone needs a chance, and if this was out of character or bizarre behavior, I would hate to see this ruin him forever.

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