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Posts posted by AggieGal08

  1. I don't know if I am just weird or not so I figured I would ask. Instead of losing consistently each week, my body does this awesome thing where I drop 7-10lbs in 3-4 days and then stall for 2 weeks. It's really frustrating. Guess in the long run losing is losing but I wish I could be one who loses 2-3lbs a week consistently. Anyone else this cyclical losing?

  2. Know this May sound silly but I can't wait to be 8 or 10 months out from surgery. I'm only 2 months out and I feel like time is dragging by, I just want to fast forward and see what my final product will be. I'm 2 month out of surgery today and down 42lbs which is great anD I am very pleased with but my motivation has really gotten stuck. How do you stay motivated? Guess I should start taking measurements or something so I can better see or measure the results.

  3. My surgeon refused to do them as well. Wasn't impressed by the results and too many complications. He did state that e does revisions all the time too. I considered the lap band but the more research I did the more I liked the sleeve. I am two months out from the sleeve and down almost 50lbs. No complications either, but I know there was always the chance!

  4. 1. You changed a clothing size?

    2. You noticed your weight loss?

    3. Others noticed your weight loss?

    4. That thing in your head clicked and you finally thought, yup, this time is different! I got this!

    For me all of those were today at a 40 lb loss. Just thought it would be interesting to see if anyone else hit those milestones sooner or later.

  5. Thanks for all the responses. I had the sleeve done in early June. I am happy to know there are others out there with the same fears. I haven't really written down all my intake this far but I started to today to keep an eye on it. Maybe this will give me insight on where I am falling short!

  6. I'm 6 weeks post op and have been in a stall for 3 of those. (Lost 18lbs post op) I know in my brain and by what I read that stalls are normal. But let's all be honest, when it happens to you, you can't help but feel extremely frustrated. It brings back so many feelings of failure with all the diets I have tried before. Obviously every other diet I have tried ended in failure and it's hard to believe this one won't as well. I'm just so frustrated.

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