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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by cchapman6

  1. Hello, I have been on a 3 month stall. I had the gastric sleeve late July. I was wondering if anyone used herbalife wls? I'm looking for jump starting my weight loss again. I still weigh 240 post surgery and am looking to loose at least another 80.

  2. Okay so I live alone so I tend not to cook a lot. Pre surgery my freezer was stocked with pot pies and hot pockets whenever I was feeling hungry I would just eat that. Now now post op I'm having a hard time finding a quick high Protein thing I can make In a snap. I currently have bagel bites the cheese pizza I currently warm up 3 in the oven and just eat the sauce and cheese but not only is this not good for me it also isn't the best tasting either although it does get rid of my pizza craving lol. Any ideas? What do you eat. Also I was sleeved July 23rd and if you were sleeved around the same time or have questions about my journey please feel free to message me.

  3. Hello everyone so I went to the gym two days in a row for 45 min and woke up and practically lost 7 pounds in two nights so the stall passed thank goodness like many have you mentioned I thought I was the one person in the world that the surgery didn't work for, I am slowly learning it is a tool. Cardio is a must. If anyone has the same surgery date as me or want to see what I'm doing or eating or just have questions like I do please send me a private message. Also I have NOT been taking my pills daily is this why my weight loss seems to be going slower than I would have hoped? It's not like I'm purposely trying to ignore my health but the pills make me want to throw up is this normal?

  4. Please be patient...you didn't gain your weight over night, you're not going to lose it overnight. Also, please don't compare your weight loss to others' - it's not healthy. You're body is going to lose at it's own pace, just as it gained at it's own pace. Here are some things I learned in the last 9 months and some helpful hints... If you graph your weight loss, it won't be a straight line down...it will look like a stair step, meaning, you're going to plateau periodically, then lose some more. Stepping on the scale daily (or more than once a day) is bad for your soul. My husband hid the scale from me and brought it out once a week. I was happier when I did that. If you continue to follow your plan (the plan your doctor/surgeon/NUT gave you), you will lose weight. Keep working towards your Protein goals, exercise plan (again, YOUR doctor's plan). When your body "stalls", it's because it needs to. There will be periods of time where you won't lose, then all of a sudden you'll drop 3 pounds over night. Embrace your successes - maybe it's the fact that you can walk up the stairs without getting winded or you can move the car seat up or your clothes are starting to fit different. Celebrate those subtle changes. Take pictures of yourself to help you document this amazing journey you are on. I refer back to my "decision day" photo all the time. It's my "before" picture - it's the day I stood on the scale in the doctor's office and cried when I saw the number - it was one of the most unhappy days of my life, but it was the day I decided to change things. Take your measurements - you will find that you are getting smaller, but the scale isn't necessarily moving. Your body is changing and trying to figure out what's going on, but you are getting smaller. It's amazing.

    Thank you for all of this it truly means a lot as I was getting depressed. My bf hates it but I do weigh myself about 3x a day I will try to do it once a week from now on.

  5. Hello,

    I got the gasteric sleeve on July 23rd. Initially I lost 8 pounds with my preop then another 19 the first two weeks of surgery. When I started soft foods my weight loss immediately stopped. Now 4 weeks out I have lost a total of 27 pounds. I'm feeling a little discouraged because for the last 2 1/2 weeks I haven't lost anything at all. I hear of some people loosing 40 the first month. I'm 23 hw 298 sw 291 cw 270 any suggestions would help. How much cardio should I be doing. Also I am able to eat anything including rice and bread. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong

  6. Hello,

    I just had my surgery July 23rd and I am only drinking Protein and crystal light. When can I start my puréed stage. When can I start adding oatmeal and baby food. And when can I start adding real food into my diet. My booklet is not really helpful. I am 4 days post op and already having normal food cravings.

  7. Hello any help would be great as my date is set for July 23rd. I have blue shield and they denied me because they said I was missing a paper. We re faxed it in and they said they can take an additional 5 days. Has anyone heard of this? Has anyone had this happen to them? Will it take the full 5 days at that point? Some say it's quicker but I'm worried.

  8. Hello any help would be great as my date is set for July 23rd. I have blue shield and they denied me because they said I was missing a paper. We re faxed it in and they said they can take an additional 5 days. Has anyone heard of this? Has anyone had this happen to them? Will it take the full 5 days at that point? Some say it's quicker but I'm worried.

  9. Hello any help would be great as my date is set for July 23rd. I have blue shield and they denied me because they said I was missing a paper. We re faxed it in and they said they can take an additional 5 days. Has anyone heard of this? Has anyone had this happen to them? Will it take the full 5 days at that point? Some say it's quicker but I'm worried.

  10. Hello any help would be great as my date is set for July 23rd. I have blue shield and they denied me because they said I was missing a paper. We re faxed it in and they said they can take an additional 5 days. Has anyone heard of this? Has anyone had this happen to them? Will it take the full 5 days at that point? Some say it's quicker but I'm worried.

  11. Hello any help would be great as my date is set for July 23rd. I have blue shield and they denied me because they said I was missing a paper. We re faxed it in and they said they can take an additional 5 days. Has anyone heard of this? Has anyone had this happen to them? Will it take the full 5 days at that point? Some say it's quicker but I'm worried.

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