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Everything posted by SlimTarnishedDiva

  1. SlimTarnishedDiva

    I don't understand (goal weight rant)

    I am not saying that people who've reached their goal weight is unhappy at all. I am just saying that you chose your goal weight for you, and that is great. Others like myself who've chose a high goal weight did it for them. And pushing how you felt once you achieved it on someone so they will change theirs isn't right, just like folks who use fat jokes to make someone loss weight. You seriously have to do you, and let them do them. Theres an old saying that says, what's good for the goose, isn't good for the gander. No one should be made to feel ashamed or that they don't measure up because they want to be a plus size person at the end of their journey. It's not right... There is no need to offense to what phyllisc said...
  2. SlimTarnishedDiva

    JK Rowling and Dumbledore's sexuality

    How has the media thrown it at you in a "blatant" way?
  3. SlimTarnishedDiva

    I don't understand (goal weight rant)

    WOW! Is there a thin(no pun intended) line between perception and imagination? When I look in the mirror I see a fat chick, the same fat chick that everyone else see. Thing is, I actually do like and love the woman I am stirring at...I just would like to see a little less of her. I think it is quite mean to tell someone who have set a high goal weight that they are afraid of failure, or that they are imagining that a skinny woman is stirring back at them in the mirror. I never was a SMALL woman, and I don't want to be SMALL now.. Not because I don't believe I can make it to what the charts say... I personally want to be a size 16/18 shoot even a 20, because it works for me. What's wrong with a woman being plus sized? Does me wanting to stay an ample sized woman after weight loss unrealistic, no it doesn't especially since I am not going on societies perception of me.
  4. SlimTarnishedDiva

    I don't understand (goal weight rant)

    But it is for me. That's where I want to stop. I don't want to be a small woman. I look good now as a fat chick, I'll look great as a plus size chick.. What's for you is for you. And what I like for me will be for me...
  5. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    I do have a life. We aren't going to agree on abortion. However, when you get a chance look into all of the unwanted KIDS that are living that nobody wants. Then get back to me. A lot of your statistics come from pro-life propaganda, I got mines from just googling it... No matter how much spin you put on it...Siding with a woman's right to choose what she does with her body, and her uterus will be with me forever. Repeating the same things to someone who isn't listening, and never will is getting me nowhere. As long as there are people who believe what a woman does with her body is hers and hers ALONE.
  6. SlimTarnishedDiva

    I don't understand (goal weight rant)

    Well I am a lot shorter than the both of you, and my goal weight is between 230-215( Not only did I look good at that size, I was healthy). I didn't start this journey to become slim/thin.. I started this journey to be a smaller, healthier Full Figured Chick. I love me with a lot of curves and thickness, I just need it on a smaller scale. There is nothing wrong with being a Plus Size woman if you can do it on a healthy level. I was that for a long time, until my re-injury and I became very sedentary. Self image for me is how you see yourself, how you love and like about you and what reflects back at you from the mirror. I can't do this for no one but me, if I was doing this for other people's approval then I am starting out WRONG.
  7. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    CDC US Abortion by Gestational Age Chart 2002
  8. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) was a United States Supreme Court case that resulted in a landmark decision about abortion. According to the Roe decision, most laws against abortion in the United States violated a constitutional right to privacy under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The decision overturned all state and federal laws outlawing or restricting abortion that were inconsistent with its holdings. Roe is one of the most controversial and politically significant cases in U.S. Supreme Court history. Its lesser-known companion case, Doe v. Bolton, was decided at the same time. The central holding of Roe v. Wade was that abortions are permissible for any reason a woman chooses, up until the "point at which the fetus becomes ‘viable,’ that is, potentially able to live outside the mother's uterus, albeit with artificial aid. Viability is usually placed at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks." The Court also held that abortion after viability must be available when needed to protect a woman's health, which the Court defined broadly in the companion case of Doe v. Bolton. The Roe v. Wade decision prompted national debate that continues to this day. Debated subjects include whether and to what extent abortion should be illegal, who should decide whether or not abortion is illegal, what methods the Supreme Court should use in constitutional adjudication, and what the role should be of religious and moral views in the political sphere. Roe v. Wade reshaped national politics, dividing much of the nation into pro-Roe (mostly pro-choice) and anti-Roe (mostly pro-life) camps, and inspiring grassroots activism on both sides. Roe critics say the ruling is illegitimate because it strays from the text and history of the Constitution, and imposes abortion policy on the states and Congress contrary to American principles of federalism and democracy. Another criticism of Roe (though not one made by the dissenters in the case) is that the majority opinion failed to recognize the personhood of fetal human life, either beginning at conception or later. Supporters describe Roe as vital to preservation of women's equality, personal freedom, and privacy. The court issued its decision on January 22, 1973, with a 7 to 2 majority voting to strike down Texas abortion laws. Burger and Douglas' concurring opinion and White's dissenting opinion were issued separately, in the companion case of Doe v. Bolton. The Roe Court deemed abortion a fundamental right under the United States Constitution, thereby subjecting all laws attempting to restrict it to the standard of strict scrutiny. Although abortion is still considered a fundamental right, subsequent cases, notably Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, Stenberg v. Carhart, and Gonzales v. Carhart have affected the legal standard. The opinion of the Roe Court, written by Justice Harry Blackmun, declined to adopt the district court's Ninth Amendment rationale, and instead asserted that the "right of privacy, whether it be founded in the Fourteenth Amendment's concept of personal liberty and restrictions upon state action, as we feel it is, or, as the District Court determined, in the Ninth Amendment's reservation of rights to the people, is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy." Douglas, in his concurring opinion from the companion case Doe v. Bolton, stated more emphatically that, "The Ninth Amendment obviously does not create federally enforceable rights." Thus, the Roe majority rested its opinion squarely on the Constitution's due process clause. According to the Roe Court, "the restrictive criminal abortion laws in effect in a majority of States today are of relatively recent vintage." Abortion before Roe had been subject to criminal statutes since at least the nineteenth century. Section VI of Blackmun's opinion was devoted to an analysis of historical attitudes, including those of the Persian Empire, Greek times, the Roman era, the Hippocratic oath, the common law, English statutory law, American law, the American Medical Association, the American Public Health Association, and the American Bar Association.
  9. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    See there are places all over the U.S. that stop at different weeks. ABORTIONS UP TO 18 WEEKS ABORTION ACCESS AFTER THE 2ND TRIMESTER, AND WHY 2ND TRIMESTER ABORTION UP TO 16 WEEKS
  10. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    Never will I feel backed into a corner by any pro-life zealot. Well, I am glad your Doctor friend can diagnose through a computer.:car::rolleyes
  11. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    You are calling me a liar, now huh? Feeling backed into a corner with facts, so you go personal. All you need to know is my friend wanted her baby. She was dying, they said we have to take it.
  12. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    My apologies..I thought you were wise enough to link the 2 together...IT'S IN THE BIBLE..SO BIGOTED BIBLE THUMPERS BELIEVED IT AND LIVED IT!! In whose mind, yours or the women actually has said zygote/embryo/fetus/ abnormality in it's uterus. Personally, for me..it's not something I would naturally need, when I choose to get pregnant it will be under my own power.... but it's still not my right to tell another women that because of my beliefs she can't have an abortion. In whose mind, yours or the women actually has said zygote/embryo/fetus/ abnormality in it's uterus. Comparing a mother who wants an abortion to Hitler is ugly. Comparing abortion to slavery is ugly. Forcing a woman to carry an unwanted zygote/embryo/fetus is wrong :car:That is an out right LIE!! :boredPushing propaganda, and spin is wrong, but I am glad that I know better...and so do others! They weren't just given to anyone who wanted it. Abortions are given up until the 4th month, if that...beyond that it HAS to be medically necessary.
  13. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    One, the doctor made the decision, not her she fought tooth and nail. She wanted her baby she was only 5mths pregnant. She developed a blood clot in her lung, and was dying. I shouldn't have to justify my statement to you, especially since you want us to believe some of the stuff you want to pass off as real. I am done with this thread for now, I need to cool down.
  14. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    :omg::car::think This is an astounding statement to me. Slaves who were big, and strong were made to breed with each other to create strong kids who could start working the fields at younger ages. Sometimes, they were made to breed so they could have kids to entertain the slave master's kids. Often times, slave masters RAPED the women they enslaved. So as long as the baby lives it excuses the inhumane treatment of these women. Don't you think that it is inhumane to force a woman to bear an unwanted fetus. The Government's job is to stay out of a woman's personal business. As far as rights are concerned, whats developing inside her, and what she does with it, is her business, and HERS ALONE. AGAIN NOT YOURS. :omg::thinkAgain, I think your visit to the UGR didn't teach you anything. Evoking the right to enslave someone, treat them less than a human being, and the thought of murdering them to prove your stance on abortion, is absurd, and alarming!!
  15. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    Thanks BJean, I am very passionate about protecting womens rights, civil rights etc... :faint:There isn't a shortage of babies who are unwanted due to varies reasons. There is a shortage for healthy cute NEWBORN babies. People go abroad to adopt for many reasons: no house inspections, shorter waiting periods, they get the gender they want, no open adoptions.. I can go on. With most states adoption laws being what they are, if a newborn baby is placed with a wanting family, they have to wait until the state has relinquished Parental rights to the baby. This process can take up to several years. Giving the biological parents enough time to wither take parenting classes, go to rehab, and or realize they want to raise their child. Sometimes they will try to find a family member to place the baby with. By going to China, Guatemala, Russia, and other places you do not run the risk of having an open adoption with a grandparent, or other family member. By the time your baby is brought to you, or you pick it up you have paid enough money that the baby is yours free and clear. :help::car:Slavery is slavery no matter the race of the slave. I don't have to look at it any other way, then the way I and many perceive it to be. During slavery(history shows) that they used the Bible during debates, and private meetings to justify the need to OWN another HUMAN. The Bible doesn't condone a lot of the mistreatment folks use it for, but many use it to push their agenda, and it's been that way for hundreds of years. Pick up the "Slave Chronicles" will you, it will teach you more about slavery, then a day at the Underground Railroad Museum. Being involved with a "Crisis Pregnancies" isn't exactly being involved with abortion on a personal level, ie.. sister, cousin, best friend, partner, wife, or YOURSELF. I think you knew what walked a mile in their shoes meant. Offering to to adopt someone's baby who doesn't want to carry it, is a bit ballsy on your part...how would the pregnant woman know that you weren't tricking her into keeping the baby, then bail. You said the right words.. IF SHE IS CARRYING THE BABY TO TERM, THEN YES IT'S A BABY TO HER but, IF SHE DOESN'T WANT THE ZYGOTE/EMBRYO/FETUS, THEN IT'S JUST A FOREIGN OBJECT INSIDE OF HER BODY IT IS RIGHT FOR THE PERSON WHO IS SEEKING ONE!! Yes, the baby is HER BODY, without her it will not GROW, Get nourishment, OXYGEN...Basically it can't survive outside of the womb before a certain incubation period of time... Again, you are comparing apples to WATERMELONS!! A woman who is pregnant and have no emotional connection to the abnormality that she feels is growing inside her body, is different than a MAN who WANTED A PURE WHITE RACE...WITH NO JEWS, GAYS, OR any other NON-WHITE PERSON!! Please for the rest of the DEBATES with me, DON'T BRING UP ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DEAL WITH RACE, HOLOCAUST, OR RACISM... evoking Hitler to TRY and prove your theory/side is just as horrible as you using slavery. It's not the same in any way. Again, NO SHOCK AND HORROR FOR ME. No, it's not shocking to me, and again the shock factor you are looking for fall short on many, especially since partial-birth abortions WERE ONLY GIVEN TO WOMEN WHO MEDICALLY NEEDED THEM TO SAVE THEIR LIFE, IN THE FIRST PLACE!! So, many fail to realize this... To get a little personal... I've seen a lot. I've been present at births, and had a friend who NEEDED A PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION, to save her life ... I've personally had 14 surgeries, which one as a 9 year old child they drilled a 14in screw in my knee while I was awake watching flesh fly everywhere. Again putting words in my mouth. I do believe that women who aren't allowed to take BC because of strict religious beliefs suffer a great deal. Another way to look at child abuse, maybe pro-lifers who had babies they didn't want, are taking it out on the kid... Only in the world of a pro-lifer. If one woman wishes to keep her baby, then that is fine. However, you cannot deny another womans rights based on ONE person... She is very rare, but if she is just a Foster mother she is getting money from the state to take care of this baby. I didn't put anyone down like an animal, I've been very civil. I said no one seeking a newborn baby to adopt wants a drug addicted, non-healthy, baby filled with birth defects. Yes, but it cannot live, nor breath on it's on without needing the mother.
  16. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    Yes, it does..who is going to take care of these unwanted kids these mothers will be forced to bear if abortions were made illegal!?! Slavery taught me that sometimes very bad things happen to good people. That lazy people will break the backs of others to get rich, that later in life there will be people who use what these poor people went to, to justify their own causes. The Constitution gives us rights to do what we please with our own bodies, the Government, and radical Christians are trying to legislate that away! Now, who took who words out of context there! Actually, I laid out how I SAW most of the Fundamental Pro-lifers as a whole. I think it's in Dueteromeny(ms) where it say you have a right to own slaves, and not owning them was an abomination against God. Have you walked a mile in their shoes? Do you know what state of mind majority of them are in? I can tell you for a fact that they are given more than abortion as an option. Please don't read and repeat to me what a pro-lifer's booklet says. I went with a few friends over the years, some were of choice, some were medically necessary. I know what happens, what information is given, and also what counseling is offered to both the women of choice, and the women who needs this medically, I can tell you that it's all the same. I have held hands, I have cried, and I have seen deals made at the last minute. I would also like to say if our government offered prevention classes, instead of abstinence classes a lot of cases wouldn't have happened with a little BIRTH CONTROL! Abortions are very high in read states with abstinence classes. I am very sorry for your friend, but she has had too much of a tremendous and tragic event occur to her, for her to give a non-bias, and unemotional opinion on whether or not abortions should or shouldn't be legal. No one here is saying abortion is right in any way, shape, form, or fashion..what we are saying is it is not yours, nor the Governments right to tell a woman what she should do with her body. Do you know most women who have abortions, don't have an emotional attachment with the zygote/embryo/fetus that is growing within them. I have had women in my life who've had miscarriages it isn't pleasant at all(trust me it hits very close to home) but they still will never deny another woman her right to have an abortion. Neither would I!! Again let's keep this real as possible... Most who defend a womans right to choose know what an abortion is for(who said it was pretty), you posting what is done in "SOME ABORTIONS" in detail isn't a shock and horror experience for me at all. What is a shock and horror for me is when I read about women killing their LIVING, BREATHING, KIDS(IE..ANDREA YATES, SUSANNE SMITH, the lady who just killed her 5 month old baby) BTW, you didn't respond about the rape victim being forced to carry her rapist child to term in order to give some woman a chance at mother hood. I don't think you will. See, I don't think you get it. What happens to these kids who are born to people who don't want them, no means to take care of them, or even yet an addicted parent. Who is going to take care of them. Trust me nobody wants a heroine addicted baby. Until we can answer the who, and the how we can't begin to take away someone's right to have an abortion. There are a lot of babies who are growing up in foster care that have birth defects, addicted to drugs, and or alcohol, that nobody wants. They want healthy cute babies. For there to be a end, there has to be a means to it. You can't just say "MAKE ABORTIONS ILLEGAL" without finding a solution to the problem, before it happens. You have to teach prevention, not just abstinence. RU40 needs to be readily available, I think Catholic hospitals just started offering them to rape victims, ONLY?!? With all that said you still can't legislate what a woman does with her body. Look at it this way. How would you like if they want to legislate what you ate, what you read, what you bought for your household? What about who you married, if you can smoke? What if they wanted to put birth control in the water in inner city neighborhoods so poor people couldn't have kids? Abortion is a personal issue, it's between the person who is having it, her Doctor, and her God. Not you, not me, not the Governments. I have no doubt of a baby's developments in the womb, and how an abortion is performed, but if the woman who is carrying it can't because of emotional, physical, or financial reason...who are we to say SHE HAS TO!!
  17. SlimTarnishedDiva

    I don't understand (goal weight rant)

    My goal weight when I started this whole journey was 110lbs from what I weighed in June. Since I have to go through so much to get approved for WLS surgery; I changed my eating habits and started physical therapy for a childhood injury... I've lost 33lbs...down to 292 from 325. I've always been a heavy girl, even in high school when I was very active and had much more control over my injury, I weighed 215. So, that's where I set my goal. A place where I can be healthy, and still Chunky...I like having a little extra... I can't worry about what someone's lost or haven't lost when I have my own weight loss challenges to contend to... I can be happy for them, congratulate them, and share a story or two. But, to judge them, or hate on their success would be awfully wrong on my behalf. What they eat don't make me.... You have to do you, regardless of what others think.
  18. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    I try not to get personal when it comes to debating a womens right to choose what to do with her body, but in this case I have to. As a black woman I am kind of offended, and uncomfortable that you would compare the harsh, inhumane treatment of people who were stolen, then made to breed to fund, and build a country. These people weren't asked to be born so they can live such an unjust life. Women who decide to end a pregnancy for any reason are making sure said zygote will not have to suffer after it is born. If the Government truly believed that zygotes/embryos/fetus' were "LIVING" beings in the womb(and they TRULY wanted to END ABORTION as we know it) there would legitimate government organizations that help women seek an alternatives to abortion, and not the religious zealots standing outside abortion clinics, or planned parent hood. You want a simple end to a hard decision, without offering a solution. Let's keep this very simple.. abortion isn't and easy way out, but it's not murder, nor is it a crime according to Federal Law. You and others would like for it to be considered that, but it just isn't so. Why deny a woman her Constitutional Rights to ease your personal feelings and vendetta. Also, slavery was condoned because the Bible said it was ok and just to own slaves....The same Bible is used today to justify injustices towards the LGBT community, which is wrong on so many levels...So according to how Christian Radicals pick and choose whats wrong, and what is right...."The Bible" there is no mention in it against abortion. Also, you can't use the whole "THOU SHALL NOT KILL" theory, because the same folks who are against Abortion, believe in the Death Penalty!! But, I guess you will repeat the old adage an "EYE FOR AN EYE" theory, but hey no one is perfect. Here's an idea...let's kill the man who rapes a woman, then force said woman to have the rapist baby so she can give another woman who can't have kids a chance to be a mother.... If this happens, then someone will be right at least a few times a day...like a broken clock, huh?
  19. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    Gadget, for the moment can you stop evoking slaves and slavery into your postings...it is making me rather uncomfortable.To your earlier comment that you don't believe that if abortions were illegal, women would still have them. Of course they would, remember when abortions were illegal before...many abortions were performed in folks kitchens. Or should we all become The Duggar family?!?
  20. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Can you provide a direct to this article on the time magazine website. It seems rather funny that this is the first time one is hearing about this, and I watch Fox, CNN, and MSNBC...I am sure one of these news channels, especially FOX would've ran away with this!!
  21. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Funny how this pic and some quotes came from a "Liberal" media bashing website... Obama: No Hand on Heart for National Anthem | NewsBusters.org
  22. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    Not saluting for the Anthem makes him after the highest office in the country for personal gain...then what was The Bushes excuse , because he SALUTES EVERYTHING:rolleyes:... JMHO..
  23. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    I simply mean, I want to hear what he is GOING to do for this country. Not what him/her being so Patriotic means he will do.. I am a don't tell me, but show me kind of person. This current President have TOLD us how much Patriotism he has:omg:... I'd rather see it, and be the judge of it myself.
  24. SlimTarnishedDiva


    Yes, I have 5. 1st tattoo is of a strawberry and my name on my left ankle. 2nd tattoo is my name on my left arm. 3rd tattoo is of 2 strawberries on my chest 4th tattoo is of the nickname "Diva" that my friends and my ex gave me. 5th tattoo is of a purple dolphin diving in Water underneath my neck. I am also waiting to reach my weight loss goal to get my 6th one.. :whoo:
  25. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Obama forgets to salute flag...........

    :faint:I am a left leaning liberal, but he isn't my Presidential choice--I do know that this is America and there are a few religions that ask their followers not to salute the flag, or recite the Pledge. Maybe he is a Jehovah's Witness...I don't know...My candidates Patriotism isn't one of my top concerns. Wearing a flag, or properly holding ones hand over heart during the anthem does not necessarily make them a Patriotic person, maybe a grandstander or poser, like shrubby in his pick up truck and cowboy hat.

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