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Everything posted by SlimTarnishedDiva

  1. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    I am very sorry to say, but I don't believe that all of those things have happen to you. They are contradictory, and the fact that you live in a small town, makes me think that the police or a few family members could've easily found all these alleged pedophiles and rapist. You said it, I DIDN'T Oh, by the way I know what ignorant means. And it isn't a term or word I throw around to make me sound smart. I use it when the person doesn't know the facts, nor are they interested in learning the truth. Denying yourself knowledge to grow beyond learned behaviors and expectations is very ignorant. I would also like to say that I think you protest to much... If you weren't racist, then you wouldn't have to come up with stories and explanations to prove that you're not one.
  2. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    You have a lot more to learn, and you will once you open yourself up to think and live beyond your small town. Just saying that you have friends who are a certain race, but still using the racial slurs and terms doesn't equal out the balance of ignorance, especially when you say "black men" scare you best on a few past events. If someone let's you put them down in that matter it is up to you to grow on this matter.
  3. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Asian racial slur You've contradicted yourself. Plus justifying the use of racial slurs by saying "other people use them" or that "I have black friends" is kinda racist in itself. Plus, it comes off as a follower mentality. It is never acceptable socially to use racial slurs or phrases as any kind of terms of endearment. The use of these things are Ignorant, by the people who use them, and the people who let someone call them that. This younger generation is lacking respect, values, and sometimes dignity. Racism isn't in the past, and I will never let what happened happen again. It wasn't 1967 when that patient called me and a few nurses that...it was 1997. The folks you are talking to when using that word might not care, but I bet you their grandparents would, and I won't believe you if you say their grandparents find it acceptable. Maybe it's the way kids are being raised, hold on..I am only 11 years older than you. So maybe it's..well never mind it will only get lost in translation, and that each one, teach one, reach one thing has went over my head. Damn, BET!!
  4. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    That is my feeling also. She is a kid, and she is being reared to think and believe these things. Now fast forward 10 or 15 years later when she hears it in songs, by her classmates or friends of other races, and then her parents on top of that.. it will now be solidified in her mind that it is OK for her to use it.:help:
  5. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Thanks you Lauren. That upsets me, because she wasn't corrected, and probably being raised that it is ok to call someone that--she will use it and teach her children to use it. Kids are sponges and more likely than not absorb everything they see their parents do or say. ** I used the word their in my earlier post, when I should have used there** I made a mistake.
  6. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    I don't know where to start, but I will say this.. from an earlier post of yours I can say that you are somewhat racist..I don't know if it falls over to Black people, or if it's just Asian but your comments about them was surely a hurtful racial slur. I don't think it is acceptable for anyone to be disrespected because of their race, who they love etc.. It makes the person who uses words to demean others more than less intelligent, in my opinion. Before all of the hypocrisy of Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson they stood for something, and should be respected for that at least. However, I can see how many of their recent actions ie.. The Duke Case, as well as many others can lesson their achievements. There aren't a lot of Black people who agree with them, some people find them an embarrassment. It's not "some" people who get their "feelings" hurt over the use of this word, nor a FREEDOM OF SPEECH ISSUE, it is the meaning behind what it was used for, to demean, and make blacks second class citizens. This fact is lost amongst the younger generations(the rappers, teens, adults etc) who use it today whether it has an "er" or an "a" on the end. Whether one is using it to take power over it, or in a "friendly" situation, or even for it's original use the word shows considerable disrespect to the people who heard it instead of their name, or used along with dogs and Water hoses, or in any other way to dehumanize them. Yes, it is true that most African slaves were slaves in Africa (usually they were prisoners taken in battle). However, before Europeans started buying the slaves, it was not a business--tribal fights were used to gain land, women, and sometimes food. It was because the Europeans started buying the members of the losing tribe--that African tribes started intentionally raiding other tribes for NO OTHER PURPOSE than to sell them to the Europeans. The slave trade was in such high demand that the first set of slaves went to Cuba starting in the 1600's, because at this time the United States wasn't a "settled" entity. Europeans saw the slaves as a high commodity and knew from this that their was money and free labor in the slave trade. Free labor that Europeans used to establish and build the United States. I have worked helping others in hospitals for a long time while putting myself through college. While I was transcribing orders a lady called the nurses station asking for her nurse...I told her that I would send her nurse in as soon as she was available. She then said "all of you "N's" are the same I want a white nurse like I had last night." This was the first and only time I've been called that word, and it has stuck with me for ten years. So, maybe I am a little sensitive, but regardless of my REASONS I never want to hear that word in any way. I date outside of my race, I also have friends of different races..never has the topic of them using it EVER came up!!
  7. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    I've never got the African American thing. I was born in America, that makes me BLACK. I have never used the "N" word, and don't allow anyone to use it around me, I don't care what race you are. I can say the c word around folks and it won't offend All, and if they are a little slow they probably won't know what the heck I am talking about.
  8. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    I don't use the word, and don't want to be called the word by ANYONE! The "C" word is universal it is rather offensive also, but there are a few people who don't know what it means.
  9. SlimTarnishedDiva

    OMG still mad

    I don't know which Medicaid insurance you have, but surely they have something/someone that will treat you better than what you are getting now. No one deserves this type of treatment. Call your Medicaid insurer and see what else they have. In the meantime, make a fuss...COMPLAIN! I have family members who are Dr.s and I know first hand that no matter what you should be their ONLY priority when they are in that room. For them to do this to a pharmacy is just ridiculous. I am so sorry..I guess it is better in other states. The comment about Universal Health Care wasn't to you.
  10. SlimTarnishedDiva

    So who would you like to meet?

    11-03-2007, 12:17 AM #20 (permalink) sweethazel aunt sweethazel's Avatar Join Date: Oct 2007 Age: 35 Posts: 40 Yummie, I used zenical (the perscription drug alli is based on) for eight months before i was banded and it does cause oily discharge if you overeat fatty foods. Like the band, it slowly teaches you which foods to avoid. I got off of them because I didnt like the effect and only lost a little bit of wieght. I get desperate too because im not losing as much as I thought i would either. Just ignore Wasaisabubblehead, she often posts on threads that have nothing to do with her in any way just out of habit. She has no other life than the one we afford her on here, poor thing.I SO HATE LIARS Let Go!!!
  11. SlimTarnishedDiva

    OMG still mad

    I am sorry that you go through this when you visit your doctor. However, the whole point of a PCP is that you see ONE particular person. I know for a fact that folks with Medicaid in Maryland have their very own Doctor. They see the same person every time they go to the Dr. unless they change it. The system isn't great everywhere, but this isn't the norm. One or two bad situations doesn't make the system flawed. I would like to add that a long wait isn't a GOOD enough reason to not want Universal Health Care for all. Also, you have to use the program you are on, it is up to you to follow through with your Dr. and his office to see if your request were taken care of-mentioning it doesn't mean that he/she will remember( make sure everything is done before you leave the exam room). And a lot of Doctors have heavy accents, not just Medicaid doctors.
  12. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Name one thing people would be surprised to know about you

    I am with you on this one.. there is nothing like seeing a pop up of "Granny Sex!!" I think I just had a little vomit in my throat!!:sick:think
  13. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do we really forgive if we can't forget?

    I think that everyone is different in how they forgive. I know for me I can forgive and forget, bit it takes me a long time to do so. I've learned to just let it go, and forgive the person no matter what, because if you hold onto it-it will eat away at you. Why hold onto whatever pain or misery the person or people caused you when they are off feeling free not giving a damn what they've done to you.
  14. SlimTarnishedDiva

    What are your favorite, but hated Stereotypes...

    I've never heard the one about ALL fat girls have pretty faces, wow I saw some ugly ones at the club Sunday night. BTW, I think Rosie is an attractive woman face and all... However, I've heard the one "You have such a pretty face, if you lost some weight you'd be beautiful... Darn it I am beautiful, however, I might be fat, but you are ugly-I can diet what the hell can you do!!
  15. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You Agree With Brad ??

    I can understand your feelings completely, but it has been different groups of Christians who always seem to BASH folks-using their Christian beliefs. It is Christians who use The Bible to condone their hypocritical behavior. How do I know, I was raised in the Church, I've seen it first hand enough to say MOST(not all) Christians do not follow the basic laws of Christ(you know the words in RED in the Bible) He never said homosexuality was wrong, "He said he without sin cast the first stone." In fact the original Bible was written in Hebrew-there is/was NO words in HEBREW for homosexuality that translated to English. The Bible was used to separate races, to condone slavery by Christians. Also, the Republicans and Radical Christians have high jacked the religion, almost making it more horrifying than it is HYPOCRITICAL. I do believe in God just not the folks who claim to work for HIM. I attend an all inclusive church...do you know alleged GOOD upstanding Christians picketed the church after word got out that he preached a sermon asking Gays and Lesbians not to be afraid, nor deny themselves and COME OUT!! So more often than- not majority of so-called Bible thumping Christians are Hypocrites.
  16. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You Agree With Brad ??

    Elena, I know first hand that A LOT of Christians don't follow the laws of Christ..many do not love thy neighbor.
  17. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Name one thing people would be surprised to know about you

    It was locally for City Comptroller...the Dem was an a-hole!!
  18. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Name one thing people would be surprised to know about you

    1. I broke my hip when I was nine at camp for the weekend with the girl scouts. 2. The current Mayor of my city was my 3rd grade math teacher. 3. The first time I tried pot, I thought I was dying and called 911. 4. I played Eviliene in the play The Wiz for the summer at a Theater group for talented teens. 5. I could draw, act, and sing and I was accepted in Baltimore School of the Arts, but parents wouldn't let me go 5. I listen to Country Music. 6. I have a debilitating disease that made me a recluse until I found the right physician. 7. I am addicted to Texas hold'em poker 8. I voted republican once. 9. I lost my best friend in 2003 on my birthday to a heart attack caused by her Lupus.. 10. From grades 7 through 10 I had 12 surgeries on my right leg which caused me to have school via the telephone. 11. My mom had a brain aneurysm when I was 10 on Christmas Eve, I saved her life. 12. I keep bleach and water in a spray bottle in my purse to wipe stuff down like carts at Walmart...
  19. Do you believe in the practices of Fred Phelps who pickets funerals of men and women who have died in the Iraq war. He also believes that Gay people are responsible for the deaths of the men and women who die in the Iraq Conflict. If you don't know who is... read up before you take the poll. Fred Phelps
  20. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Fred Phelps and Westboro Church

    Please forgive me<wg> I thought that was implied with choice 1... The first one we took as a mistake??..the second one hmmm...
  21. SlimTarnishedDiva

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Heard Speech Newbies isn't house full don't If you are going to insult folks, please make sure the spelling is correct... Y cant i ate onli to bits of food than im full
  22. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Should Pets be more than Property?

    I don't think so.. I think that they are equally great!
  23. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You Agree With Brad ??

    So many who follow Christianity don't follow the laws of Christ, so in my heart it makes the whole religion come off as hypocritical. I believe that you should treat others as you would love to be treated... And don't judge a soul. What others do or believe in is none of my concern.
  24. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Should Pets be more than Property?

    My dog is my son, he is my owner... I have a saying.."The more people I meet, the more I love my dog!" Here is a picture of him...
  25. SlimTarnishedDiva

    who supports right to choose

    I do agree that home schooling can limit a child's social skills, and social development..that's why they have Workshops, and seminars in different regions in the US so home schooled kids and their parents can come together, make friends, and learn different techniques.

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