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Everything posted by SlimTarnishedDiva

  1. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Are your "black girlfriends" lesbians or are they the two who aren't Gay?
  2. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    I don't live a fantasy life, trust me. I asked a question, got different answers, opinions, and even a mean pm. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, however when you use justifications like "my black friends don't mind" and "where I live it's a term of endearment" and "Stella Byrd has me to dinner often" as reasons to continue the use..then that's when I take issue. I take issue with the fact that you dismissed the seriousness of James Byrd's murder as a drug deal gone bad, that you are quite ignorant to American History when there are libraries to further your knowledge...I take extreme issue with the fact that you're ok with your way of thinking, and don't want to think outside the box, or even worse your small town mentality. Everyone on this thread has tried to enlighten and educate you, but you ignorantly declined. It's very sad that someone who is allegedly pregnant doesn't want to improve the world they will bring this baby into. This makes me wonder what happen to the "No Child Left Behind Funds" alloted to Texas!!!
  3. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    You can't hang with "them" when you're one of "them," and you live it 24/7!!
  4. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    I'm 31 years old, I have no damn enemies!! See I live in the real world(all my life) , BTW! when I dream I dream in color when I fantasize(she is usually around) Sorry that a 20 year old pregnant "HAG" who is "QUEEN" of the Gay Balls..needs to get her entertainment by lying to others?!?!?!? For this to be a game, you sure told a lot...I suspect majority of it is lies to feed your need for attention!!
  5. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    "I'm not racist, my best friend is black!" I'm not homophobic, because my best friend is gay!" Honey I've seen and heard it all. I would also like to say that anyone can frequent a Gay club at night time and leave their bashing mouth at home, especially if they are the only people who might put up with you!! If you don't know this, I could care less what you think or do..I just can't stand the stupidity and ignorance that is being spewed out of your mouth!! PATHETIC!!!
  6. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    That's like being a little bit PREGNANT!! You either are, or you're not!!! They don't give medicine to people who are bi-polorish. So either you were lying then, or you are lying now... Either way this is way off topic..you've made things very easy to see to some who were blinded..but the blinders are off, now.. Good Luck! I don't think the kids dad is the only habitual liar contributed DNA.
  7. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    You are half correct. Texas State Senate passed a marriage Amendment HJR 6, then made it's way to the voters November 8, 2005..The way the Amendment(referendum) read it basically said "I AM VOTING FOR HJR 6 BECAUSE I BELIEVE MARRIAGE SHOULD ONLY BE BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN." The Governor also felt the need to sign this Amendment, even though Texas law says there was no need to... Yes, I was wrong about what your state officials did...however, I cannot see any GAY MAN OR WOMAN voting for this, because it is set in concrete and can't be overturned unless the Federal Government make Gay Marriage LEGAL!! So not only are you a Racist, and a liar Jodie...you are a tiny bit homophobic.. The way I see it as You doth protest to much! A person who have gay friends, black friends, and friends of any backgrounds, and such would not be as close minded as you are, nor would they deny someone equal and civil rights under the law!!
  8. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    You have no idea what the devil you are talking about. There was no gay marriage referendum's on the voting ballets. If you were/are against gay marriage then plain and simple you voted for Bush.. If gay marriage became legal there would not be riots, and more violence against LBGT community(than there is already)..what a freaking cop out to not allow two people who love each other have the same damn rights. When Inter-racial marriage became legal there wasn't any riots or violence!! If they can let ignorant people procreate than they can allow gay men, and women marry. It doesn't take away from anyone's marriage or love for their spouse. And if you agree with Billo...well that explains it all. My grandmother use to tell me that.. A person will never know how dumb you are, until you open up your mouth and remove all doubt!!
  9. SlimTarnishedDiva


    It only makes sense if you have kids...
  10. SlimTarnishedDiva

    It's up to Santa's discretion... Ho Ho Ho!!

    EEEW!! I would've not only taken my baby girl off of his lap.. He would've felt all of the things in my Coach bag...darn perv!:sick
  11. SlimTarnishedDiva

    It's up to Santa's discretion... Ho Ho Ho!!

    Whimsical Fiesta? Carefree Seasonable Jubilee..
  12. SlimTarnishedDiva

    It's up to Santa's discretion... Ho Ho Ho!!

    Thank you.. I have a wicked sense of humor...
  13. SlimTarnishedDiva


    It's not Ebonics. The character on Grey's Anatomy said it first, and every other women in America who is too afraid to call it by it's rightful name "vagina" stole it. It was cute the first 3 times after it was first used, now it's just ridiculous!!! I have a Vagina darn'it!!
  14. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Calories at Starbucks

    I with you on this one...That's why I go to HOOTERS for the Wings. I get my Iced Latte's from Dunkin Donuts...and I send a friend into get that, or we go through the Drive-thru to resist temptation!!
  15. SlimTarnishedDiva

    It's up to Santa's discretion... Ho Ho Ho!!

    This is very extreme, I mean come on now Santa's everywhere have been saying "HO HO HO" since I was a child and years before that...who is it offending actually. Maybe if Santa delivered toys to the Bunny Ranch, or a "HO Stroll" then maybe I can see someone becoming offended. I am with Wheetsin on this...asking kids to sit on his lap and tell their wants is ok...yeah. Well, Happy Holiday, and HA HA HA and such!! I am going to decorate my tall green spruce(Christmas Tree), with flashy balls(ornaments), and purple string(garland), I will hang a circle(Wreath) thing on my door, and hang little people with wings(angels) around my house.
  16. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    The FBI investigated and ruled out federal hate crime charges. Jasper County Sheriff Billy Rowles concluded, "it was just about drugs and money." Frontpagemag.com and Larry Elder, however, argued that the Tillery case paralleled the James Byrd, Jr. murder four years earlier. They said that Tillery's case did not receive the same national attention because Tillery was white and his assailants were African-American, while on the other hand, Byrd was an African American murdered by white men. The FBI and The Sheriff said no hate crime. Two right wing journalist said it was...HMMM
  17. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    NAH! You're not racist..
  18. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Ken Tillery of Jasper, Texas, was murdered on January 19, 2002. On that night, of his murder, Tillery was outside of a suspected crackhouse, when he was approached by Darrell Gilbert, Blake Little, and Anthony Holmes, and offered a ride in their truck. Tillery accepted, but an argument later developed over the gas money he agreed to pay. Tillery expected to pay only $5, but the men demanded $50. When the truck passed Tillery's home and arrived at a gas station, he jumped out and tried to flee, but was caught and beaten by the three men. Tillery's attackers ran him over, and as a result, his body was dragged under the truck for 20 to 30 feet before it separated from the vehicle. The FBI investigated and ruled out federal hate crime charges. Jasper County Sheriff Billy Rowles concluded, "it was just about drugs and money." Frontpagemag.com and Larry Elder, however, argued that the Tillery case paralleled the James Byrd, Jr. murder four years earlier. They said that Tillery's case did not receive the same national attention because Tillery was white and his assailants were African-American, while on the other hand, Byrd was an African American murdered by white men. Holmes pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and received a 15-year term. Little was convicted of murder and sentenced to 70 years incarceration. Both are still serving their sentences. Gilbert was sentenced to a 20 years in prison; however, on February 14, 2005, Gilbert was murdered in the Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice Stiles Unit by fellow inmate Reagan Caldwell.
  19. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    No, I was referring to the James Byrd Jr. Hate Crime. I should have specified that... ************************************************************ On June 7, 1998, Byrd, 49, accepted a ride from 3 drunk men named Shawn Allen berry, Lawrence Russel Brewer, and John William King. He had already known one of them. Instead of taking him home, however, the three men beat Byrd behind a convenience store, tied him to their pickup truck with a chain tied around his waist, and dragged him about three miles. It is not known whether he was alive during the dragging. Although Lawrence Russell Brewer claimed that Byrd's throat had been slashed before he was dragged, forensic evidence suggests that Byrd had been attempting to keep his head up, and an autopsy suggested that Byrd was alive for much of the dragging and died only after his right arm and head were severed when his body hit a culvert. His body had caught a sewage drain on the side of the road and severely torn his head off of the rest of his body. King, Berry, and Brewer dumped their victim's mutilated remains in the town's segregated black cemetery, and then went to a barbecue. A wrench with Lawrence Brewers name was found within the area along with a lighter that had the KKK symbol on it. The next morning, Byrd's limbs were scattered across a very little used road. The police circled 75 areas found with Byrd's limbs. State law enforcement officials and Jasper’s District Attorney Guy James Gray, along with Assistant Pat Hardy, determined that since King and Brewer were well-known white supremacists, the murder was a hate crime, and decided to bring in the FBI less than 24 hours after the discovery of Byrd’s brutalized remains. One of Byrd's murderers, John King, had a tattoo depicting a black man hanging from a tree, and other tattoos such as Nazi symbols, the words "Aryan Pride," and the patch for the Confederate Knights of America, a gang of white supremacist inmates. In a jail house letter to Brewer which was intercepted by jail officials, King expressed pride in the crime and said he realized he might have to die for committing it. "Regardless of the outcome of this, we have made history. Death before dishonor. Sieg Heil!", King wrote. Brewer and King were sentenced to death. Berry received life in prison. Numerous aspects of the Byrd murder echo lynching traditions, including mutilation or decapitation, and revelry, such as a barbecue or a picnic, during or after. The 77th Texas Legislature passed the James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Act on May 11, 2001. A hate crime, also known as a bias crime, is a criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin. HATE CRIME ACCORDING TO THE FBI
  20. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Again you are wrong, and any paralegal student would know this...it makes it A HATE CRIME!!! Now, let me tell you one final thing. When you have lived life, then get back to me. I have seen and talked to actual rape victims, and I know that everyone takes this serious crime against them differently...enough to know the trauma, and drama they go through; whether they report it or not!!! I have always taken the side of the victim, and always will. I have seen a lot of cases where the girls make up stories just to get attention. I also know enough to know when I am being shoveled bs by alleged sexual crime victims... And on that note I am done responding to you, before I come off much more insensitive and rude than I already did. You have a very blessed life, because no matter if it's all lies, or whether there is a thimble of truth in it--it's not up to me to say.
  21. SlimTarnishedDiva

    my butt hurts

    I am so sorry. I've had this thing since I was in pampers. It's not as nicely shaped as it was 10 years ago, but I still have my shelf, and cuff...I know that it won't go away, at least I hope NOT!! Oh My...water aerobics is already eating away at my "girls.":think
  22. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    :omg::think:rolleyes: I am sorry but I just can't believe that you set down to someone's table for dinner on many occasions, while believing that an alleged drug deal gone bad was justifiable to the person's (food you put in your mouth) loved one they took away. In a horrific way. Keep saying it long enough and you, yourself will believe the STUFF that comes out of your mouth. It's becoming painfully laughable to continue to read your postings on this thread; you contradict yourself every time. The stories get more elaborate with each attempt to either justify them, or make them believable. And if respect is EARNED than I lost mines a long time ago.... Sorry, it's just my honest opinion...:cry:cry
  23. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Puppy Pics

    Here is my bratty brat...:clap2::whoo:
  24. SlimTarnishedDiva

    If money were no object...

    First I would need to BUY SPRINT!!! Get a bigger house... Give college scholarships to inner city kids. Buy a home in Turks and Caicos, Canada, and Massachusetts. Give to charities. Run for President. Buy me a fleet of Honda Element's, a Ford F-150 supercab, and a Yacht. Get plastic surgery for the women in my family. Buy vacant houses fix them up.. Donate money to find a cure for Breast, cervical, ovarian cancers, and Sickle Cell Anemia. Get a Surrogate that will live-in and I can watch her until she gives birth. Donate to food banks a lot more...
  25. SlimTarnishedDiva

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Love Bill Cosby! The true sadness is that until "we" as adults start acting accordingly things won't turn around. When you teach or don't teach your child that they can or can't be much more than a corner boy, a rapper, a ball player, or a video dancer than you are falling short on your parental responsibilities. Until, you instill that getting an education is mandatory, and everything else is secondary..the problem will only get worse. You have mothers who do drugs with their children, mothers who themselves glamorize the rappers, the drug dealers with the big car, the mother who kids see her sitting home collecting a check not wanting MORE for herself or her kids. You have kids who see their mother keep bringing different men home then telling them what she is doing with these men because she is their "friend" as appose to the person who provides them structure and guidance--where's the responsibility, who is there to tell these kids right from wrong, especially when they're 13, their mother is 26...and grandma is 38. BET then becomes their nurturer and junk food from the corner store provides their nourishment. When did it become acceptable to idolize someone who got shot or even worse the shooter. What happen to the darn village? If you can't see pass your situation, then that's all you're going to be... My look at this situation is unfair, and bias I guess, because I had parents, family, and their friends who not only wanted me to succeed, but instilled values, goals, and validation so that was possible. On the other hand I have friends who parents ran wild, and now these kids are succeeding well at life. I got off on a little tangent but the use of the word is wrong in any form. I guess when I was called that word I could've acted out, but it was being taught that you are only what you answer to...that doesn't mean that the use of the word didn't sting a bit...I just knew that myself and those other people wasn't that. See it's that patient, the Richards', the Bill O'reily's, the Don Imes' and the Dog Chapman's of this world who will bring you back to a time when you were ONLY that, nothing mattered--not what you've accomplished, achieved, or succeeded at...because that's all that they see. That a person's black so they are the "n" word.. I'd rather have someone use it, own up to it than for them to excuse it away, my friends use it, the black people use it, it had an a on the end...I am going to rehab...:faint:

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