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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by chellede

  1. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    October 14th Sleevers Tomorrow is our day ! The start of our new and final journey of becoming healthy !! We have so much support here, and I know that each and everyone of us will do great ! Post as soon as you feel comfortable and let us know how it's going. I know my techy self and I am planning to have my laptop and iPad lol. BIG BIG HUGS !!! @@Marielbx @@lovelytrl @@shmeyers @@Angie413 @@fosho1976 @@jab315 @@Kpar909956 @Leslie65 @@cantwait2014 @@KarenF1972
  2. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Hi Everyone ! Sorry for the delay on posting. I've been so damn busy. I'm a graphic designer and used to do dock dogs with my dog. Well the world championship of dock dogs (where the dogs run off the dock and jump into the water) is in a couple of weeks and I'm making trading cards (baseball type cards) for those going to worlds. Yesterday I cooked 5 meals that freeze well for my husband. Make sure he's set for awhile. I know I"ll have to cook for him soon, or he'll have to learn to cook.. but I don't want to worry about it this week or next. Tomorrow is my day. I would be lying if I said I wasn't emotional today. I"m teary eyed yet laughing at stupid stuff lol. I'm trying to stay busy with laundry, cleaning the pantry, buying a juicer, getting my toes done. and a few errands. Plus I have an amazing friend on FB who is teasing me about tomorrow and having fun. If you ever saw the Seinfeld episode about the Junior Mints and Surgery.. he says he has clearance to go watch my surgery tomorrow and bringing in Jr Mints. If you have never watched it, just google and watch. Hilarious ! So I told you guys I went online and requested samples from all the places in my links. I have gotten 4 of them back with some great samples !!! Also, if you go into fitness stores or stores that sell Protein, and ask for samples, they might give you some ! I'm going to write a message to the Oct 14th sleevers. I wasn't sure if I was going to do that, because I like to make everyone feel supportive (obviously from my posts lol). So please don't think I don't appreciate everyone! I'm just nervous and need to talk to the 14thers LOL. HUGS and Good Vibes everyone !!! Amy - thank you for being so supportive and giving us advice ! We appreciate the updates ! Mona - Us as women tend to thing we need to be these perfect beings. Our husbands love us for who we are and all the imperfections. I’m glad he’s there with you for the support. Realize you are beautiful with or without the surgery ! Jstrong - I’m tomorrow as well and you hit the nail on the head with the excitement and extreme nervousness. We will get through this together !! Lindalue - I know I”m late on getting to the topic if your family. This is YOUR life. It’s time to be selfish and do what is right for YOU. You have TONS of support and once they see you happy, they will come around A BIG BIG HUG to you !!! Loverly - I can’t believe it’s tomorrow !!!!!!!!!! Susan - It’s tomorrow !! How you doing?? did you go shopping and get more stuff? Kimberly - Good luck today and let us know how you’re doing ! Tardis - Congrats on the weightloss. Oh isopur ! Just bought some of that. Thanks ! And even thought I don’t have surgery until tomorrow, I can see how you would feel alone. It’s a whole new world ! Mybestlife - have everyone and anyone there !!! More support the better Kathy - This ninja is cool !! I haven’t used it yet, but man, it’s neat ! Nikky - Congrats !!! So proud of you ! 4everchanged - how are you feeling? Congrats on being sleeved ! Kitkat - Congrats on your date ! I’ll add you to the list. Welcome !!! Trisey - my friend who had the sleeve done a year ago said she didn’t have to, but did and she wait it helped her sleep. It helps keeps everything in side nice and snug and not moving around as much. CJ - this is a great tool for us. I feel if we know what our weakness is, to put provisions in place so we don’t fail. Like I know I”m a grazer. I’ll have to set a timer, and stick to that for meals. We got this !!!!!! Twin - How you doing?? Have you done a check in yet ? Jenn - Congrats on getting sleeved, let us know how your’e doing and keep us updated !!
  3. chellede

    Me with My Pre Op Supplies

    From the album: Pre Op

    Getting excited about my surgery ! Here's all the supplies I got
  4. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Hey Everyone. I'll catch up on posts in a little bit ! Today I went and got most of my supplies. Even got a Ninja Blender. I feel I'm set for anything. Next on my list is to get a juicer. That I will do this weekend Here's the pics.
  5. chellede

    Pre Op Supplies

    From the album: Pre Op

    This is all my Pre Op Supplies I bought
  6. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Hey everyone !! If you find any great links to recipes, please let me know !! I have stuff to do (imagine that lol), and I haven't had time to really research like I want to. Amy had the best saying ever..... WE GOT THIS Leslie - My October 14th Sleeve Buddy ! I will absolutely add you to the list. Welcome !!! I personally think that the sleeve is so much better than the band. We will all make sure we make it successful for us ! Where in CT are you from ?…….. OMG I just read your post about your chiroasshole ! Sorry to be rude, but geez, what an idiot. I am SOOOOO PROUD OF YOU for standing up and tell him. Damn it, you are doing this for you. Screw everyone else and their opinions !!! This is YOUR life. Do not cry…. I’ll give you my phone# and you can call me . BIG BIG GIANT HUG !!!! Curleycurvyfit - Welcome ! Can’t wait for you to get that surgery date. Keep us posted on the endoscopy and the psych Nervous ? Delta Dawn - no problem on the list. If you come by something I should add, let me know. Awesome job staying organized with your notebook ! ….. ps… I love the “You must have a great chiropractor because you have a fine backbone” Amy - thanks for telling us about the sponge. I keep hearing that’s the worse part. You doing okay? Susan - eeeeeek… our time is near !! How you doing? Nervous, excited? VSG - You are saving your life, and you’re doing this for you ! It’s normal to feel nervous, but as Amy said it.. “You got this” ! Love the seats at Verizon Center. Mine is either Horseback Riding, Zip Line, or Sky Diving. Jessi (is it okay I call you that) - Awww, I love your first goal ! It’s funny you mention not caring about eating the food. I”ve been thinking about TG too., and your’e right ! It’s not important ! Imagine that ! We are starting to switch our minds and focusing on us and our bodies ! WTG ! I hoe you have the best TG Ever ! btw.. I’m a desert rat. Grew up in Phoenix Meonthelist - Congrats on your sleeve ! Glad you checked in. Glad things are starting to get better ! So the tiredness is as bad as they say it is? What are able to accomplish? Or is it just hanging around the house watching TV and the computer? Also, in my book there’s a recipe for double milk, which is a cup of skim milk and a packet of powder milk, (double protein), cook some broccoli or carrots, blend them with them with the milk, and make a nice cream soup. Strain any pieces out of it. Also Ms Dashes for different flavors Maybe that will help. I’ll look for more recipes ! Thanks again for the update !!! HUGS! Swedy - Welcome. I’ll add you to the list ! Lisa - Thanks for sharing your information and being there !!!! Linda - Congrats on your surgery date !!!!!! I’m the same !! I don’t have to do a pre op diet either. I kind of feel guilty I don’t. Do you feel that way ? Brian - Check the list. I saw a couple ! llmccay1 - Congrats on your surgery date and welcome !! Love your enthusiasm
  7. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    You're sweet Gennie ! That's good ! My bariatric coordinator told me yesterday to try as many different types of Vitamins. Exactly what they said to you. Tastes are funky lol. Even just a change of flavor might do it
  8. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Since I can only have 5 links in my signature, I'm creating this post to post all the links I find. If you have a link you think is helpful, let me know ! I'll add it List of October Surgeries List of Abbreviations List of shakes List of what you need at the hospital Bariatric Dos and Don'ts List of places to get Free Samples
  9. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Okay, I"m all caught up on this board ! So many great stories , so many of us still anxious, and all the awesome people having their surgery at the end of Oct doing the awesome pre op diet. :: round of applause for all of us ::: For me.. I have been busy ! Surgeons appointment, Pre Op appointment. And yesterday I met with my bariatric coordinator at the hospital.. This lady is a such a life line! We went over the first two phases in detail, with recipes, exercises. Also what is going to happen pre op, during op, and post op. She has already called me today to see if I'm out and about doing my shopping list for my surgery. I wish I would have known I was going to get "a lady". Until a few days ago I thought I was on my own. So I was trying to figure everything out myself. QUESTIONS 1) How are your spouses doing with this? Are they supportive? Oblivious? There but not there? 2) To those who have had surgery. I hear how bad the thirst is? Is it really that bad? 3) is there anything you wish you would have brought to the hospital that you didn't? SUGGESTIONS? I talked with my bariatric coordinator and she said to go around to all the different stores and buy single servings of the Protein shakes/powders. Here in texas we have HEB and Kroger. They have their individual brands. Just buy one to see if you like it. I thought that was a good idea ! Also the samples from online places. Does everyone have a list of how to maximize your protein intake with double milk recipes and stuff like that? If not, I can share out of my book To those who are having surgery today ! Good lucky ! Let us know how you're doing ! Those who recently had surgery, Keep on walking !!!!! To those who began pre op diet - YOU GOT THIS ! and of course our pioneers .. thanks for keeping us updated and you're seeing the results you want Have a great day everyone ! lovelytrl - I have been thinking of doing a you tube channel all about the surgery. I’ll let you know if I do Dana - I am sooooooo proud of you for getting up and walking !!!!!! Trisey - hope the gas pains go away! LOL @ mad sit-ups. I like that. Did you get a book or anything about all the bagillion ways to get your Proteins in? There’s a thing called double milk.. which has double the protein. If you need more information, let me know! I’ll see what I can find for you !! Tardis - Congrats on your blood pressure !!!! Gennie - Oh Gennie, have you tried different Vitamins? Peekaboo - Congratulations !!! How did the test go and are you up and walking ? Williams - Congrats on your sleeve !! Let us know how you are doing as soon as possible ! Jessiquoi- relax.. you’re going through sooo much mentally ! I really am starting to believe we lose our mind while we get closer to surgery date. I’m convinced my husband doesn’t love me right now haha.. which I know is not true ! You’ll have a good birthday Friday ! And the surgery date will come. You go it this. Relax Amy - Congrats !!!! Are you up and walking? Spelmanite - Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!! I’m so proud of you !!! Sleeveme - Congrats on being home. Keep walking !!! Brian - I’m adding you to the list !!! fathoms - congrats on sticking with the pre op diet ! That’s awesome !!! Lin - how are you doing? Nikky - how are you doing? VSG - How’s that pre op diet going? cantwait2014 - Welcome ! Same surgery date as me KarenF1972 - You're listed as the 14th ! Now we are surgery buddies !!!! How’s that pre op diet going? abetterbrandi, Layknee, Kimberly_R, Fireweed, cjenkins74, Williams3909, downsizingdebs , cantwait2014 - all of you have been added to the list ! Welcome !!
  10. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    October Sleevers Here's a link to places to get free samples ! Some I just emailed, some I and to fill out the contact form. Can never hurt to try http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/261167-list-of-bariatric-nutritional-companies-offering-free-samples/ I will put this link in my signature !
  11. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Okay you awesome Oct. Sleevers. I kind of skimmed this thread. Been so busy ! Today was an eye doctor appointment, my last appointment with the surgeon before the 14th, went to the facility to do my pre op stuff, and out with friends. Left the house at 2pm and got home at 9.. I have an appointment to go over my bariatric notebook with a bariatric coordinator tomorrow. So in the afternoon I'll catch up with everyone !! WTG on the great weight loss Geenie ... whoever said they were feeling sad about how everything is going to change.. It's common to feel that way ! And most people say you can go back to pretty much normal life, except in smaller quantities so you're not missing out. We are doing this for US .. this is our lives ! We are in control ! This is OUR time to live our lives happy and successful lives! We got this ! will catch up tomorrow Good luck to those tomorrow.. I know LOTS had surgery today... let us know how you're doing. Congrats to the great news on our pioneers who are now going in for first checkups. <3 this board ! XOXOXOXOXOXO to all !!!
  12. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    @@nikkydizzle Congratulations sweetheart !!!! How are you doing with the drinking? Any problems? How's the gas pain? Do you "feel" different? Take it easy and recovery HUGS ! manibeaux - Congrats on your date. How long are you supposed to be in the hospital in Mexico ? Kathy812 - my pleasure. I was getting lose on people's dates and what kind of Protein drinks.. so much stuff going through my head trying to get ready for this. And guess what? We are another day closer !!!
  13. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Try again. I think I didn't have my settings correct.
  14. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Hey Oct Sleevers !! The list is updated. Teal is those who had surgery, and the pink are the ones next in line. I also added the link to the list in my signature as well as some very helpful links. If anyone comes across a more extensive list of shakes along with the nutritional info, please let me know. I'd love to have a good list like that. Thanks again to all the pioneers of our group for keeping us updated and letting us know what you're going through. To those who are on their liquid diets, hang in there ! It's all worth it ! HUGS Everyone ! As for me (AFM) - Check out my message to shymeyers. Have a great day ! Jessiquoi - that’s a good idea. Take that time off and get adjusted. Especially being type 1. I think you have a good advantage of being towards the end of Oct. That way you can see what everyone is going through HA ! We are very similar, we are the “in your face” share everything. But I’m with you. I’m being very very selective too on who I tell. Kimrod - congrats on getting your pre op done testing done ! So excited for you !!! NikkiDizzle - how are you sweetheart? How you feeling? Let us know ! You are a pioneer and we are living through you before our turn :HUGS: Kathy - that’s right! One day at a time. It will be worth it in the end. Hang in there with the liquid !! You got this Akflatt - you too hang in there with the pre op diet. And yeah, it really is weird every doctor has their own thing. My only pre op diet is low fat, and some would say that’s great, but it makes me wonder if my liver will shrink enough.. I think we worry no matter what LOL Meonthelist - Congrats on your surgery!!! Keep us updated on the difficulty swallowing and if it’s getting better. I agree, this site is great for people who have kept things quiet. Also it’s a great learning tool. Monasongbird_38 - Congrats on your surgery date ! Trisey - Where in Houston? I’m in The Woodlands Congrats on your surgery. Awesome your hubby bought you a tempurpedic ! Someone said to try Gas-X strips as well as walking. Keep us updated ! Orrio - Congrats for not having sweets or soda in 4 weeks. Most people say they are scared even all the way up to surgery time. Keep busy ! I’m sure it’s easier said than done. HUGS Happymama - you can still post here, and we will root you on in November Taris - Congrats on your surgery !!! LOL about feeling so good after a burp. Didn’t know that about the driving. And you should be excited about the future. You made the best decision for yourself ! KyaWolf - Congrats on your surgery date ! geeniexfresh - ha, I love the “My pouch loved it” Awesome. A new road of discovery. Thanks for keeping us posted ! Shmeyers - My surgery buddy! I added some links in my signature, so you can click on the abbreviations. Right now I’m in the “I want to be prepared” stage. House cleaning, shopping, ordering shakes, getting recipes ready, list of things for hospital, and everything else. And yeah, even the funeral stuff.. just incase. I hate to think about that, but it’s been on my mind a bit. A lot of it is because I have a very very rare blood clotting disorder. So I do have to be super careful with surgeries. But on the flip side, I’m planning my 40th birthday in June.. I’m all over the map, haha. Amazing how many 14ths there are !!!
  15. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    HA! I see my confusion
  16. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Sending you the best well wishes !!!! Let us know how you're doing ! We will be thinking of you !
  17. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    @ where in Houston? I'm in The Woodlands, and @4EverChang'nSpy is on the opposite side of town 4Ever's surgery date is 10/10 too !!! Mine is 10/14 Wow.. I love having local people together
  18. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    wow Happy Mama ! How scary !!!!! What a relief to know it's not cancer ! As jessiquoi said.. a month is not that far away. In fact, it's good ! It gives you time to get your emotions back in check and ready a different roller coaster And everyone is welcome for the list. It's easier to keep track of everyone and who needs the special attention I hope all those on pre op diets are doing well and hanging in there ! For me.. I went through the phase of "I'm scared", to "I'm excited", to "Why am I doing this" I've been stuck thinking "Oh, I can lose the weight, I go to the gym..." ... realistically I know that's not true. I think it's fear based talking myself out of it. I'm sure it's normal.. especially right after getting the surgery date.
  19. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    @genniexfresh Congrats That's awesome you're walking around a lot. I heard that's good for the gas pain. Wait? you're home? Wow !!! How is it sipping stuff to drink?. Proud of you !
  20. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Pulelehua ! You are not alone ! I've had that thought too today. They won't stop ! Three people this week asked how much weight I've lost. I've just been going to the gym and on a low fat diet. Then I started thinking "Well maybe I can do this on my own..." ... but realistically if we could do it on our own, we would have done it. I'll add you to the list
  21. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    How did your surgery go ? how you feeling? We are thinking of you! You guys are our october pioneers @EndlezzPozzibilities @joyful0402 @Pennyface @trisey @@genniexfresh @@JenW~79 @@Lin1738 @@kmuecke @@tardis76 @@jmsgal @@kccat3594 @@happymama2014
  22. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    Okay you awesome sleevers ! Here's a list of everyone who posted their surgery date and their location. Lots of people on the same days ! If any of the data is a mistake, let me know. We can also tag those we haven't heard from on the 1st or 2nd and see how they are doing. I know a lot of us are nervous, excited, and scared.. and also happy for spelmanite10 for the surgery on the 1st ! We are all in this together ! We have a good group of people here. 10/1 - spelmanite10 10/1 - EndlezzPozzibilities - North Carolina 10/1 - joyful0402 10/1 - Pennyface 10/1 - trisey 10/1 - genniexfresh 10/1 - JenW~79 - Texas 10/1 - Lin1738 10/1 - kmuecke 10/1 - tardis76 - Massachusets 10/1 - Me on the list - Texas 10/2 - jmsgal - Chicago 10/2 - kccat3594 - New York 10/3 - jazzymom17 - Virginia 10/3 - unkowns 10/3 - BigMAlways - Massachusetts 10/4 - nikkydizzle - lives in Africa / surgery in England 10/6 - lisam495 - 10/6 - ljbobcat - Tiawana 10/6 - kelew39 - Louisiana 10/6 - Tee's new life - New York 10/6 - Queenz_Cece 10/6 - orrio82 - New York 10/6 - Sleeveme61 - California 10/6 - It_only_gets_better - California 10/6 - itsjessica - California 10/6 - robga999 10/6 - FilthAngel86 10/7 - AmyinNC - North Carolina 10/7 - Dana875 - North Carolina 10/7 - Biz 10/8 - Peekboo - Virginia 10/8 - leenieceymic1 10/8 - mwill68 - New Jersey 10/8 - larissanicole - New York 10/8 - Sistersuz - Florida 10/8 - Kcameron1 - Australia 10/8 - pbake01 - Ohio 10/8 - Pulelehua - Oklahoma 10/8 - Williams3909 10/9 - marcasla - Washington 10/9 - stephaniegencs 10/9 - Disneymomx2 10/10 - 4EverChang'nSpy - Texas 10/10 - naan 10/10 - mnmlst 10/10 - Kimberly_R - California 10/10 - akflatt1986 - Kentucky 10/12 - kim74951 - Oklahoma 10/13 - Livelaughlove2014 - Tijuana 10/13 - babybearsmum - Texas (from OK) 10/13 - friejenn - Idaho 10/13 - BP'sMamaG - South Carolina 10/13 - Brian T. Poe - South Carolina 10/13 - Layknee - Illinois 10/14 - Marielbx 10/14 - lovelytrl - Louisiana 10/14 - chellede - Texas 10/14 - shmeyers - Indiana 10/14 - Angie413 10/14 - fosho1976 - Ohio 10/14 - jab315 - New York 10/14 - Kpar909956 - Tennessee 10/14 - Leslie65 - Connecticut 10/14 - cantwait2014 - New Jersey 10/14 - KarenF1972 - Michigan 10/15 - shrinkingjill - Pennsylvania 10/15 - catinthehat 10/15 - apeters9284 - Texas 10/15 - groomergirl - Texas 10/15 - Samiuah Octavia Garnes 10/15 - OnePhatWhoDat - Tennesse 10/16 - ToMissKA - Australia 10/16 - athomas125 - South Carolina 10/16 - abetterbrandi - Georgia 10/16 - Swedy 10/17 - Kathy812 - Illinois 10/17 - sportymommy95 10/17 - Delta Dawn - Alabama 10/20 - laynie427 - Colorado 10/20 - Smiling Panda - New Jersey 10/20 - Kya Wolf - North Carolina 10/20 - llmmcay1 10/20 - kitkat2010 - Australia 10/21 - FireWife678 - Iowa 10/21 - krimrod 10/21 - downsizingdebs - Illinois 10/21 - manibeaux - Mexico 10/22 - Vsglady - Maryland 10/22 - Monasongbird_38 - Georgia 10/23 - Jen - a work in progress - Wisconscin 10/23 - lindalue - Minnesota 10/24 - librarianlk - Alaska 10/25 - tiffin-scott 10/27 - kelliebell1973 - Mexico 10/27 - mybestlife - Tennessee 10/28 - pink1028 - New York 10/28 - readyforitnow - North Carolina 10/28 - sschoch 10/28 - cjenkins74 10/29 - Lazy_Lilly 10/29 - Skinnyme45 10/29 - reeny 10/29 - Stephanie Kandace - New York 10/30 - Fireweed Waiting for Date Curleycurveyfit JerzyTomato74 - New Jersey jessiquoi - Maryland paigecoop - Gendy - Iowa hogman - New Jersey CherokeeGirl - Arizona zcortes21 - Delaware veronicalynnnnnnn RedDirtRoads Soontobeskinny2014 downsizingdarby dogloverlosingit - Iowa candicanec - Maryland poginut Changed to November happymama2014 - California
  23. chellede

    Newbie looking for Oct sleevers!

    I am normally not one to post and run.. and I read everyone's posts.. but this is an exception.... I just found out I"m Approved and I'll have surgery on October 14th !!!!!!!! I"m dumbfounded a bit... I can't believe this is really happening. I know most of you are feeling that way too !! I wil read up on posts later today. LETS GO OCTOBER SLEEVERS !!!!!!!!!!
  24. Hi Everyone, I asked my nurse what exactly do I need to do for a pre op diet. She said a low fat diet. Definitely the last week before surgery, but sooner the better. She said it helps with the fatty liver. I googled Fatty Liver and some say low fat, some are low carbs. On a low fat diet do I eat carbs like breads and potatoes? wouldn't that just turn into sugars and affect the liver more? Part of me wants to do some of the pre op diets that this board has done. Like a Protein shake for lunch and dinner and a sensible dinner. Any guidance? Should I just call and ask her what she means by low fat? But I know what "Low fat" is. Thanks !
  25. Did drinking so many shakes pre op make you sick and tired of them after the surgery ?

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