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Everything posted by freezepop

  1. Kind of a weird title. I've read all the complications of the 3 surgeries on this app and I am still glad I chose the sleeve. The lapband effect on quality of life(can't eat but can't lose weight) (eroding esophagus)and being tethered to doctors when things goes wrong still terrifies me. The rny malabsorption and vitamin deficiency also still scares the hell out of me. I am very fortunate that i haven't had any complications thus far but I dont have the fear that I think I would have about the future had I chosen lapband or rny. Do any sleevers that have/had complications wish you chose a different surgery??
  2. freezepop

    Best complications

    Wow soo sorry to hear that. I know that feeling of being sick and not getting adequate care. You really feel alone and start to forget how it feels to be "normal" again:(. My illness was years before my surgery and I lost about 80 lbs from 225 in 4months (ofcourse gained it back) but I do understand the feeling of being really ill and it seems like its no way out of it. But some how I made it out and on the other side..and you will too. Did you have any organ dysfunction prior to surgery like diabetes?
  3. freezepop


    The ones i had been getting at sonic weren't carbonated. But I think slurpies are . Its been so long since I've had a slurpie
  4. freezepop


    I am 4mths out and i tolerate watermelon fine its a semi slider so i can eat a decent amount in a day ... i eat maybe a half of a large watermelon in a week. It has satisfied my fruit addiction. I dont dump ..hence me having to read about the sugar 4 slushees later smh . So if you are really sensitive to sugar watermelon might bother you. I love it.
  5. freezepop


    After 2 weeks of lamictal causing a summer flu and weird bloating ..but i was still losing weight idk lamictal wasnt for me.. my pdoc switched me to latuda im also on 150xl wellbutrin..this is my first day on latuda (20 mg for a week then 40mg for another week) i felt a little sleepy and irritated at first but im ok now. Is anyone else on latuda? Has it effected your weightloss? My doc gave me samples..i have medicaid so i wonder if its covered or if ill have a huge copay? Anyway I'd love to hear some sleevers experiences with latuda. Thx
  6. Congrats .!..such a complicated and stressful and long process pre op .. post probably seems unreal to you ..i remember thinking ("well they can't take it back or deny me now..its done !") Make sure to take your Vitamins and drink as much Water as u can ...dont trip off the scale the weight will come off ..how do u feel now?
  7. freezepop

    5 months in and only 33lbs

    What are you snacking on? Low carb snacks are fine.. veggies and dip.beef jerky..berries. sugar free popsicles..greek yogurt..stuff like that. Sometimes ill just fry an egg white as a snack. How many carbs are you eating per day? Do you use ketone strips? They help keep me in check with my diet. Sometimes i get a little lax with fruit and i reign it in when i see the sticks being too light...sweet potatoes are fine and have minimal effect on blood glucose ..so sweet potatoe chips are also a good snack to incorporate..no bread.and absolutely no sugary drinks..no fruit juice..no regular soda..etc...and like everyone else said exercise..and that could be anything that gets u working up a sweat and keep going atleast another 10 -15mins while ur sweating ..if ur not sweating and feeling challenged your not pushing yourself hard enough to count as a real workout.(i c a lot of ladies at the track i go to just doing a casual stroll ..some talking on cell phones lol..if your going to walk to burn calories you have to do it with intention and push your pace..its not supposed to feel easy).keep up the good work your moving in the right direction
  8. Yes thank god for insurance . Geez a poop test? Lol was it just a stool sample or a defacography where they watch u go? They shouldve thrown in a mammogram . Im glad your labs came back good. Atleast your surgeon is being thorough. That's a good thing
  9. freezepop

    Robert Marema - St Augustine, FL

    You look skinny already lol
  10. Damn. Was all that prep because you are high risk? Or is that just thier normal pre op ? I just had labs drawn ,urinalysis,ekg ,and some vaccinations.. preop ...then a swallow test post op ... why are they making you so a colonoscopy? Im glad you're moving along with your process and wish u well with your surgery.
  11. I am almost 5 months out and can eat anything..ive tried candy...cakes ..cookies ...of course not all the time and not in any amount ..just a taste here and there ..i think just trying those things helped me realize that im not missing anything...ive never had any dumping yet.. the only thing that doesnt agree with me is rice ..i havent had red meat or pork in years so im not sure about those. I think a sleeve stomach is more sensitive because it is smaller and the things that are harder to digest for you effect you more now because there is less room for gas and digestive juices.
  12. freezepop

    Not one of the lucky ones

    I had the same symptoms a few days out ...i thought maybe i caught a mild pneumonia or something ..maybe i had the same thing as you .i never went to the doc thought..those first few weeks were rough
  13. freezepop

    Fecal Transplant Scheduled

    I hope everything worked out for you ...ive caught c diff about 3-4 different times in 3 years..im a CNA ..I would OD on Probiotics and it would clear up in a few days..i can c how antibiotics could make it harder to get rid of it and actually encourage growth ..
  14. freezepop

    I have really fallen off the wagon...help!

    Hope you are feeling a little better now wellbutrin is the only med I have stuck with it suppresses my appetite and gives me energy to exercise ..most importantly it eliminates my depression ...maybe it could work for you...all of the other AD i took caused crazy carb cravings and some actually raise your blood sugar and effect the way you process carbs ...most psych meds have weight gain as a side effect ..weight gain from psych meds is what actually made me feel that surgery might be a good option for me....Very sorry about your mom hope things get better for you ..nothing that i hate more than depression
  15. freezepop

    cramps and pain

    I had very painful cramps around 2nd & 3rd week post op ..it seem like one day my stomach would be angry and cramp from anything ..i thought i was starting to have a complication but it went away ..i think it was just part of the healing process
  16. How soon did you have these issues after your surgery?
  17. Thanks but it IS for me , I just worry ... I really want and need it.. I don't understand why some people have leaks Years later?? With the band you are attached to your surgeon/office to have fill adjustments for the rest of your life if you never get the band removed <<that alone was enough for me to choose the sleeve. The band causes scar tissue and ulcers and all types of complications ..if you move you have to find a clinic that will do your fills and insurance only covers a few post op usually so you will have to come out of pocket for a lot of the fills and unfills. What if you're 3 mths post op and still haven't reached restriction? What if you have an over fill where you can't swallow ur spit without gagging but the clinic doesnt open until Monday? The lapband complications scared me more than the vsg. I think leaks have a lot to do with the surgeon. But there is still the risk down the road. Wls is a radical approach to weightloss so there are always risks .
  18. Im not in recovery but im bipolar and definitely smoked weed regular but since starting wellbutrin for depression i have no desire to smoke weed and it suppresses my appetite and helps me want to exercise. Also you cant drink on wellbutrin so I guess that can be a plus . It is also prescribed for smoking cessation under a different name. I was off meds and had been fine with vitamins for about six months before surgery but a week or so after my surgery the depression started creeping back in ..so there will be a hole left right after surgery and wellbutrin helped fill that hole ...and helped me get up ,get out and get healthy... everyone will have some kind of hole to fill after surgery..i would talk to my surgeon to see what kind of resources that were available for you.
  19. I drink with my meals if i feel the need ...just a few sips ..i am 4 mths out now...my np said that as long as im not taking huge gulps then it is ok. But i did not start drinking with my meals until 2mths out.
  20. Exactly what happened with your friend's vsg surgery that she regrets not choosing a diet pill instead of surgery. That's kinda weird? I would try coffee as an appetite suppressant it really works and is relatively safe. And just change your diet and exercise if you aren't going the surgery route. But even with surgery you need to change your diet and exercise to be successful.

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