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Posts posted by PrettyGal27

  1. I find myself doing 2 things that we're told not to do and that's drinking with meals (not all of the time) and possibly eating too fast. It doesn't take me 20-30 minutes 20-30 to finish my meal and I'm becoming a little concerned. Also, lately I've been thirsty while eating or like 5 minutes after eating and I can't help but drink!

    Someone, please help me with this because I'm really not trying to sabotage this!!

  2. I'm almost 6 weeks PO and I am on regular foods. Are any of you just eating what u want just less of it or have you switched to healthy eating? If you're eating what you want, are you achieving good weight loss?

    I'm asking because I typically eat what I want, just less of course, while making healthier choices here and there. As of last week, I've only lost 20lbs (which I lost in the 1st 2 weeks). I know there's a weight stall but, I wanted to know if it was due to my food choices or if it's just how it is.

  3. I went to Barix Clinic on 6/24. Dr. Pop was my surgeon as well. It was an OK experience. I stayed for 3 days because I couldn't keep anything down but by the 3rd day, I was cool. The staff is pretty cool too. I do believe this is one of the best hospitals to go to because graduating to different food stages seems a lot quicker than other facilities I've heard about.

  4. Amazingly, chicken, turkey and beef has agreed with me! I'm a bit reluctant to try pork just yet but I have plenty of time. I was at soft foods by week 2 (I literally only ate oatmeal for the puree' stage because that was just gross). Week 4 is when I'm allowed to eat regular foods (3 days away!!).

    You just have to go into everything slowly because all of our bodies and reactions to food are different. Good luck on your soft food phase!

  5. I had my surgery on June 24th. It was originally scheduled for July 8th but, it got moved up 2 weeks early!! I've lost 20lbs as of July 8th and I feel great. I don't weigh myself so I won't be obsessed with the pounds. Hopefully, I've lost more. I begin regular foods next week so that's exciting. Once I begin working out I want, I know the pounds will just melt off.

    Good luck to everyone!

  6. I watched a video (on YouTube I think) that showed some food in a funnel. They poured a few tablespoons of liquid and the food started to go through the funnel, a bit more Water and the food moved faster a bit more and all of the food left the funnel. That video has stuck with me and really makes me think before drinking at the same time as eating. The sleeve makes us feel full for longer but if you drink and eat you will loose that effect. So it's not about that we are not able to drink and eat at the same time but that we really should not if we want our tool to work.

    Yogurt is also a slider food for me. I really do not get full from it. So I use it as a snack, measure it and record it on MFP

    Just some thoughts to ponder

    I didn't know that that was the reason for not eating and drinking together. However, I only take a couple small sips just to get my throat wet. I don't think that it has altered anything when it comes to me getting full. Thanks for the advice though because I really didn't know that!

  7. Well, my 1st week post op i had a 2 fries and felt guilty. I chewed some pizza just for the taste but didn't swallow it. The point is, we all are going to make mistakes because of the temptation when we see food. Just stay strong and things will be ok. I'm at 20 days Post Op and I'm on soft foods for another week then regular foods, here i come! Lol. Once u get to the pureed stage and can eat grits and oatmeal, you'll feel much better.

    Stay on track from now on and u won't even think about eating other food. You'll be at week 4 and eating regular foods before u know it!

    Good Luck????????

  8. I feel like I can eat more than I should be able to. People have said that they can eat four spoonfuls of yogurt and be full but, I can eat the whole thing and half of another one or 2 of them! Also, I can drink a little while I eat instead of having to wait for 30 minutes. Does anyone else feel like this?

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