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SD Kelly

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by SD Kelly

  1. Since I am currently awaiting for my insurance approval I think I should start buying some protein supplements and shakes. What would you guys recommend? Looking for something high in protein and low in calories and sugar. Preferably sugar free. Any ideas??

  2. I'm hungry, drained, and sleepy. How am I suppose to workout feeling like this while on this pre-op diet?

    1. SD Kelly

      SD Kelly

      Headaches are common. I was drained and sleepy for the first couple of days on my pre-op diet? It will pass

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Wow guy's, So I'm losing my job of a year come October :(

  4. I'm hungry, drained, and sleepy. How am I suppose to workout feeling like this while on this pre-op diet?

    1. SD Kelly

      SD Kelly

      Drained and sleepy!!! are you getting enough fluids?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. 3 month follow up with surgeon today. Down 69 lbs. Of course, his scale will add four to that. His scale is a jerk. LOL!

  6. Yesterday I had my 2 wks post-op appt and it went very well. I've lost 8 lbs since my surgery which was July 28, That is a total of 18 lbs since my initial visit in the end of April 2014. I'm excited and hofpeful that finally this surgery will work for me and I will lose the weight once and for all. Another good news is that I'm off of my diabetes and high blood pressure medications. Going into this surgery my goal was to get rid of my diabetes. I was already on 3 medications for diabetes plus several other medications. In the beginning of April my primary doctor gave me a eye opening due to my diabetes. She said if my diabetes continued as it was progressing that within 10 years I would be on dialysis. And from that point I had to do something. This morning I went walking at the track for 20 minutes. I could have gone longer but I didn't want to over do it for the first time. I have an appt in 1 month and I would like to have my goal at 199lbs. Another reason I did my surgery was for my kids. I have three children none of who are married but still in college and 1 still in middle school. I want to be around for grandchildren and see them live their lifes. And another reason I want to experience living life to the fullest.

  7. "Passed" the psych eval last night!

  8. what's on my mind? ?..hmmm...I wish this pre-op process went a little quicker. ..

    1. SD Kelly

      SD Kelly

      I'm doing well thanks for asking, I'm up and about. Just trying to find a protein drink I can tolerate.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. what's on my mind? ?..hmmm...I wish this pre-op process went a little quicker. ..

    1. SD Kelly

      SD Kelly

      I felt the same way now that it's over my new way of living begins now

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. my surgery is tomorrow morning and of course i'm scared. And i'm starting to get a headache i havn't ate nothing all day and i'm not allowed. If i'm diabetic and bs drops ...what will i do?

    1. SD Kelly

      SD Kelly

      My surgery is also scheduled for tomorrow. I am still on my pre-op liquid diet, but cannot have anything after midnight. I have a lot of emotions going on. call your doctor to see what you are suppose to do incase your BS drops hopefully that won't happen. Good Luck!!!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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